#i didnt have money when in an abusive relationship in the UK bc my ex was actively stealing from me
menalez · 4 months
you have no right to throw shade at redberryterf for having the money to travel when you yourself have cosplayed as poor for several years when in fact you lived in the states, the uk, and now germany and get to study in these countries as well. your parents likely paid for your studies as well and paid your mental health care. so shut up about wealth privilege
wait u think studying in a public university in germany makes me rich?? hahahaahahah 😭😭😭
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menalez · 3 years
Why tf are TRAs saying you got kicked out of the uk for domestic violence against your ex girlfriend?
this is going to be a long story but im gonna try to summarise it. basically, i was in a relationship and she was abusive towards me from literally the first week, it might’ve been the first day but my sense of time isn’t very good. i was v much in love and we we’re gonna get married and everything (i didn’t share that part online tho), but throughout the relationship she was very verbally & emotionally abusive, sometimes physically abusive, and also financially abusive. she Literally stole my wallet and lied to me about it & when i filed a police report & the cops described her she manipulated me into not looking into it further and said she’ll find the real culprit. while with her, my money was going missing and i was stolen from SEVERAL TIMES. so i was left in a foreign country (the UK) with no support and was desperate for money to be able to eat or get basic necessities on multiple occasions. i NEVER had that issue in my previous 3 years in the UK, but the year we were dating, i went thru it almost every month! part of it was on me bc i was supporting her w my allowance too, but she was also. literally stealing. anyways, eventually she finally got enough money for her nose job, she manipulated me into paying for it making me think that she needed money to pay off an urgent debt she had and that if i didn’t help, her car and other things would be taken to pay it off. then 2 days after, she suddenly was No Longer In Love With Me (a week before she said she’d kill herself if i left her), and 2 days after that she went to turkey to get a nose job. i got mad at her and my residence permit was expiring around that time too, which is part of why i was so angry: she could’ve gotten that nose job whenever but decided to get it when my permit was expiring in only a few days. anyways, i was processing our entire relationship and i looked into some things and then i realised she had been lying to me & manipulating me, and realised just how abusive she was. i looked into it and turned out, her debt was real but she didn’t pay it off at all and it wasn’t urgent whatsoever. so she used her real debt to create a false urgent situation where she needed my help, and used the money to get a nose job. i talked about my realisation of her abuse on my blog which she was obsessively checking (she doesn’t have tumblr) & she started sending me anon hate, bc she was mad i said i realised she was abusive and that she stole from me and lied to me (which she even admitted to in the msgs). i responded to some of it & bc we had each other blocked elsewhere, she was using anon hate to communicate to me & was trying to turn it around on me, despite the fact that ive never hit her, nor put her down, nor lied to her, etc which were all things she did to me. she even lashed out on me in the messages bc my other ex told my mom that m (the abusive ex) had randomly choked me out on multiple occasions. she said i was trying to look bad and seek attention, even tho i didnt tell my mom about that and even tho i would defend her to my friends when they expressed concern when i told them about that. she justified her abuse by saying i didn’t complain when we were in a relationship (i shouldnt have to complain that her randomly suffocating me until i throw up or until im about to blackout is bad, nor should i have to complain that her hitting or biting me randomly isnt ok, but w/e typical abuser tactics). to try to silence me, she even made a blog where she would post my full name and would threaten me and shit. i think i could find some of it if anyone is curious but she said some vile shit and was lashing out, which she would do to me a lot during our relationship as a way to keep me in line. anyways, tygress saw some of that shit ig and he decided to be a disgusting piece of shit and invent his weird story that i 1. was deported from the UK (lowkey racist and completely baseless, i left a few months after graduating bc my permit was expiring and it’s hard to get a work visa) 2. was an online scammer (also baseless, i asked for money bc i was being constantly stolen from by my ex & needed food. what i asked for was paid back) and 3. abused my ex (so he saw me talk about my ex abusing me and flipped it around to a claim where *im* the one who abused her, which is disgusting)..... and that’s why there’s 1 tra & his false identity on tumblr claiming i got kicked out of the UK for domestically abusing my ex.
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