#i do hope this answer was worth the wait ghjkjh
josecariohca · 2 months
hello, I hope you're well. I live for hetalia and was rec'd to ask about your pirate au! I would love to hear about it if you'd like to tell :)
my first day on tumblr in what feels like a week and i come back to a question that makes me want to ramble like a madman for DAYS. you are so sweet for sending this to me (and im sorry if this ends up being an essay you were not asking for). fun fact: i have had to rewrite my answer to this ask no less than 3 times bc every time i started talking, id go on a tangent about pirates that was in no way relevant to your ask. apologies for taking so long, but yes! here we go! im putting it under a read more bc i cannot for the life of me shut the fuck up.
i do have a pirate au!! maybe one day it will eventually end up seeing the light of day, but as of right now it is sitting in my google docs next to a 95-page doc of all the sources and fun facts and tidbits that i find interesting about pirates. pirates are kinda my thing, idk if thats obvious or not. insert marge simpson i just think theyre neat meme here.
essentially, its pirate!antonio and venetian-not-quite-nobleman!lovino. im still playing around with that venetian part, but idk ill probably keep it, since it makes sense with lovino's family and all that. the entire premise of the story (and what sparked the idea in the first place, apart from me just thinking antonio would look sexy in a pirate captain fit) is that one scene in the strips where romano is reading a history book about how spain spent a ton of money on him when he himself was in rags. we all know spain canonically showered romano in wealth and money, even when he himself was wearing tatters. that idea sat with me for YEARS before i decided to do my own spin on it, culminating in the characters of pirate captain antonio with a grudge against the world and too much to prove seeing bastard lovino who lives in a family of nobles and cannot have any of it, even if he is loved and adored by his family, and who just doesn't????? understand him????? doesnt get why he chose to stay with that family for so long????? without leaving that world behind and being free and cutting himself loose????? he doesnt get the familial attachments and the sense of responsibility lovino has to his family, even if he cannot and will not inherit the title that comes with the vargas name.
antonio ends up raiding their merchant ship they were sailing on and kidnapping him for money or something idk im still playing around with that part, and lovino is just this absolute mystery to him, but ofc this is antonio who is bullheaded in his stubbornness, which i find to be enchanting and cute, and thus we slowly get into the love story of two people who were fucked over tremendously by their societies and their worlds and who just wanted and tbh deserved more, something different, a freedom they would never be able to have in their average life.
smash-cut to however long later and the entire basis of the story is lovino 'i am surrounded by status and wealth and prestige and will have none of it to my name' vargas being adored and cherished by antonio 'love me and i will give you the world, love me and i will give you everything' fernández carriedo. bc!! i!!! think!!! thats!!! neat!!!!
anyway yeah thats kinda where the idea for it came from. i have a few spamano stories written, but i am shamefully lacking any historical hetalia, which is terrible considering history is my entire degree, but im getting there. i hope this in some way answered your ask!!! youre welcome to also hit up my asks or dms if you ever wanna just chat hetalia or anything else, since i too live for this wretched fandom, and have since i was like. idk 12. thank you so much for sending this! i love having an excuse to word vomit about my hyperfixations, and this story has been bouncing in my brain for a frankly disgusting amount of time, and i have only recently decided to put it to paper and make something out of it!
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