#i do not have a problem why are you looking at me likethat
six-demon-bag · 4 months
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howardlyontx · 6 years
Surprise: New 2019 Chevy Silverado Revealed – 3T Automotive Weekly News!!
Welcome to the 3t automotive weekly news where we cover muscle carssuper cars, trucks, and everything in between. LOLBoy, you know how we rock it around here!!! We don’t do no nerdy stuff like that. This is 3T Automotive the most… LIT!!! Automotive Youtube channel on YouTube!!!So let’s change this up a little bit!!What’s up guys it’s your boy Tony B with 3t automotive and this is more likeNOPE!!!Oh what that’s not cool?Ah bruh!! Whatever!!It’s better than that other nerdy stuff I had on… Ah guys this is a new series that I want to kick off you know sense it’s winter timeand a lot of the car related stuff is slowing down a little bit even thoughin Florida it’s not too cold but at the same time you know I want to startoff the new little series. Where I can do it inside you know just to give yallcontent daily. . y’all want to see ya boy more rightNOPERIGHT?!! Yall want to see yo boy upload more every week right?So I got to giveyou all more content but hey this is something cool that I want to do I justwanted to you know talk to you guys about new cars that’s coming out. New news that may come out about these new cars… you know maybe concept carsyou know just whatever’s in my my backjust whatever’s on my mind. If your new to the channel aye 3t automotive is the most lit YouTube channel onYouTube and you need to subscribe man this is where it’s at when you want toget your automotive fix and laugh. . this is where its at… ask those people that’salready subscribe 3t automotive is the place to be for automotive related stuffHey also I got a lot of social media places where you canlink up with me. . I got Instagram, Twitter I got Facebook you know so I got a Facebookpage that I ain’t doing nothing, but y’all need to come on and like ya boyon that Facebook page linked up with your boy and build that community manall right guys that’s enough of me flapping my gumsMan let’s get in to thevideo today we’re talking about the 2019 Chevy Silverado. Man. Chevy just dropped this boom on us man… the Chevy Silverado has already been you knowremodeled a couple times here and there recently and they just dropped a bomb on us bruh… you don’t know saying I’m a Chevy guy I like Chevy trucksI have a c10 if you haven’t seen it already I have a c10 build I’m gonnaprobably you know link it up here somewhere so you guys can see it but don’tleave the video yet cuz I’m talking about the 2019 silverado later on y’allgo ahead and hit that card up there I’ll go look at my playlist but today im going to tellyou how I feel about that 2009… 2019 Chevy Silveradoalright first thing firstlet’s check out the looksI mean to be honest guyswhen I first saw it I saw that you know the front the black part on the frontyou know as you can see man and I thought it was pretty ugly man what isthis is it a crossbreed between the Ford f-150 andToyota Tundra but hey as I’ve been looking around looking at other you know maybecolor matched front ends and stuff like that you know it actually looks prettygood to me you know it is surprisingly you know it looks different you knowwhich is good some times but at first man you boy was mad I was like man this isSilverado looks ugly as can be… you know you can see the front end it maylook like you have some gills on it you know stuff like that you know it’s justreal aggressive real bold you know really different but at the same time itsbut it’s recognizably chevy still you know so you got them full-time you don’tknow saying you just got the lines of a Chevy truck and I’m used to seeingexcept for. . you know they changed up a little bityou know the arm the wheel arches they’re not squared off anymorethey’re rounded you know so you can get bigger tires and rims underneaththose hopefully underneath those uh you know those wheel arches and stuff likethat which is good for guys that like to lift it up and all that kind of stuff Imight have me personally that type of guy but you know that’s good for theconsumer to be able to add that option because you know who squared off wheeledarches… man them thangs was so uglywhen I first always come out on the there earlier Silverados and I’m notmention this is the hundredth year of chevy’s pickup man 100 years of Chevypickup man that’s awesome that’s something that you know it’s verymonumental and you know that’s why I believe this truck in so much scrutinybecause this is a monumental truck and you know it really have to be perfectman that’s 100 years 100 years surpass that you’ve been making trucks and youcome out with something bold like this which is it’s something that I believe Iwould have done came out with something that boldedthere’s something new to shock the world all right some new design cues that theyhave for this 2019 that we know of it’s obviously a new design you know from inand out looks like more aerodynamic you know which you can see from the backthat has on the cabin maybe on a cab as a little spoiler on the on thetailgate looks like a little spoiler whatever you call itthey actually have stronger alloy steel in the bed which is good because my c10Oh even though that’s an 86 bruh that’s my main problem was the floor bed youknow it got punctured and it kind of rusted but that’s a good thing it has alighter weight it has a lighter curb weight which is good for you know fueleconomy and maybe performance you know zero to sixty and they also and alsowhat you see right here is the new model of the Trail Boss which is probably youknow something that they are trying to combat the Rebel and the Raptor theFord Raptor and that’s pretty cool you know what I’m saying you have to havethat type of model nowadays you know the way you have to lift the lift and youhave you know the all-terrain tires you know which is you know cool which I loveon the Raptor and at end of this video I’m gonna give you my concise of… if I will buy this truck or you know what truck I would buy a car would buy all ofthis so I give you guys that the end. . and another exterior design Que that theychanged up was the dual exhaust back here which looks pretty cool to me youknow they’re an odd shape but it still looks pretty cool you know somethingthat you know it’s differentiating them from the other trucks also it looks likeI have a bigger step back there on the back bumper you know which it helps onwith the practicality which you know we get old man you try to step up theremaybe you need that extra support so you can get up there or if you wearingboots you know you’ll get your boot up in there you know which is good alsofor the interior they really haven’t released too much or what I can findyou know but you can look at the Silverado now and the Tahoe’s nowthey look pretty good you know refined in the inside I knowthat’s not gonna be a problem you know all cars and trucks now they have tostep up there interior game to even compete nowadays you can’t have you knowan interior that looks rouged you know right get in you know plastically problem youcan have an interior these days that looks rugged and plasticky cuz um youknow that’s just how it is these days you have to have stitched leather yougotta have all these you know bells and whistles in them but you know which Idon’t mind but you know a truck is a truck that truck is made to work withbut you know these light duty trucks you know most people you know they keep themon the road anyway so you know you want all the you know amenities that a carhas which is cool now let’s get into the performance see this is what I like theengine options you know they really haven’t explained too much of thateither but me personally I would like to see the 6. 2 being available intheir you know the notorious 5. 3 maybe other engine like the engine in the ZL1that’d be real cool man. . to comeback you know some of those dodge trucksthat have a half horsepower which that is the durango I mean I know what I’mtalking about but at the same time that would be cool to have that Zl1 enginefrom the Camaro in that in it and that silverado. that would be coolalso Ithink they’re carrying over the ten speed automatic transmission which wouldbe great on gas mileage you know that would be a big selling point and that10-speed has been a lot of engineering going into it so it’s going to probablybe reliable and just performance orientated so you know that’s the peoplegm there for them to put the ten speed in there. . which hopefully they do you know I don’tknow if they don’t do it or not. it is that they will be so you knowthat’s a good thing but uh pretty much guys that’s all I knowyou know this is something that Chevy dropped on us not too long ago in ahelicopter and which was real cool that’s something that most time Dodge doesbut you know Chevy wanted to step up there game for the hundred yearanniversary so that’s pretty cool but now I’m gonna give you my concise is ifI will buy this car I mean by this truck or without buy something elsetruthfully guys you know I’m a Chevy guy but for this trail boss it looks prettycool but man you can’t be that Raptor… man and if that Raptor in 2019 comes outwith that seven liter that they’re supposedly maybe putting in there brohands down I’m gonna get that for right I’m sorry guys even though I’m a Chevyguy that for raptor looks so mean brightest hands down it looks way betterthan the Silverado to me that’s my opinionso right now I think you know from what I know I think I will probably getthe Raptor I’m sorry you know that’s just for right now but you know I’ll give you guys theupdate when we find out more about this truck but hey I appreciate you guyswatching this video now hopefully you guys you know like this new serieshopefully it take off and you know I can do this weekly and just bring updifferent cars and trucks that you guys might wanna see just put it down in thedescription below just let me know what kind of cars you want me to you knowtalk about review in the news but I hope you guys like the video if you do hit thatlike button also don’t forget to subscribe because this is the mostlit automotive YouTube Channel on Youtube – so if you’re not subscribed tome missing out also hit it notification bell I know some of my subscriberssaying like Tony where you’ve been I been uploading like crazy so you don’thave that notification bell hit man you will miss out. also have a Patreonaccount that you know it’s linked for this page and I got a couple builds thatI’m trying to build I got my C10 and I got a project car that I’m tryingto bring to the channel so you guys Rock with you boy and you support your boy goahead and their support me through my patreon you know that’ll be cool thatwould be wassup. all the money will be going to car builds that I have on this channeland I won’t be supporting me in away kind of way I just want to have more litcontent for y’all quicker man so if you want to get down there in thedescription is a Patreon link to my page and just just help ya boy outthat’ll be cool man alright guys I appreciate you watching the video peace
featureBoxVar = ""; from Auto Detailing Services (480)233-1529 Call or Text Now https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/08/06/surprise-new-2019-chevy-silverado-revealed-3t-automotive-weekly-news/ from Auto Dealing Services https://cardetailingphx.tumblr.com/post/176714767211
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Pat Handy /North Eastern Library
Disclaimer--- Um this is actually not a complaint. Im pretty sure me not being able to get into my account was done purposefully maliciously and illegally. No matter how white you are you still have to follow the law someone has mistakenly told you because you hold authority you can use a platform to conspire in criminal behavior. Please dont come after me with a gun. Another thing about white people I didnt care that you existed I didnt want to get into a war of brains with you I want to be another anonymous user  but no you turned criminal got a negative reaction a verbal asswhooping that all  6 year old gets when they show their ass and yet you claim to be mad. Dont comphrend that when you  misbehave an asswhooping follows. Sadly you are more than likely in business attire in fucking stray jacket white skin believing you are somehow entitled to act recklessly and there not be consequences. Its just not true. Im sorry no sir  WAKE THE FUCK UP. Be a fucking business professional. You like a civilized proefessional annonymous world right. Imagine if I coudl track you down. and posion your food. Fuck with your phone youre internet done even know you. You do. You will not pick me out the fucking crowd  and then say I need to watch my fucking MOUTH. Something something ---Yourself. iNAPPROPRIATE. 
SO lets start with Pat Handy.
Pat Handy is a shelter for women. When I first arrived  I wasn’t entirely impressed with their intake process due to the long wait. But Neither hear nor there. Its over and done I got in. A short while later it comes to my attention that Pat Handy has policies that are not productive to homeless women or women period. Productive to human beings. Their behavior is so the last thing everyone was thinking. No matter fact no one was thinking it. Ive threatened a suit numerous of times actually written out a complaint and it will be posted  in this post. Ive actually gotten this line a few times from police as well. But there are probably atleast five policies or regulations that need fixing overnight.  Like not  putting them in place was equal to it was done purposefully. Im in a shelter for a reason. Im down on my luck. Im in a time of need. I find it perplexing that people went out their way to build a shelter but they didnt take the proper steps to have a functioning shelter. Its really not my jobs to be on twiitter and tumblr doing someone else's job to get things done. I don’t have the means the money or the time much like the SHELTER implies. Homeless. How you expect people who need help to one do your job but two get out of this TEMPORARY situation and Maintain where they lay their head without the help of the shelter is Crazy. I will admit I’m one of the luckier ones. I have money. Limited but I have money. Sadly Ive spent money just trying to maintain what I'm use to. What I would do if I were home. And protecting myself from outside things. Surprisingly enough it adds up to alot of money, which takes away from the money I need to leave.  I’ve written numerous of emails to staff and the Managers of the building but they seem unphased by what I consider unsettling situations. At the very least very unaccommodating and uncompromising for sensitive situations. I did for the time being before  recent events walk away from the suit for numerous of reasons. Among them a safety concern. People make you scratch your head when they go out of their way to cause problems. Sadly there are NUMEROUS OF unsettling things wrong with Pat Handy. But the one that has come to my attention as of recent I cant stomach. Over and Over again Pat Handy's staff has shoved their unchangeable uncompromising policy down our throats. The biggest one that has me scratching my head is that all residences have to leave the building at 7 am and return at 4 pm on weekdays and leave at 9 am on weekdays and return at 4 pm on weekends.  Its a policy I have adjusted to out of sheer necessity but there are alot of bad mornings bad days.   But Sunday is still a hard pill to swallow there is absolutely no where to go till 1 pm. Just recently I became sick. I was diagnosed with gastritis due to some bad food (MORE ON THIS LATER) Two staff members saw that I was sick  vomiting and  diaherrea. I then went to the hospital. After returning from the hospital on the 13th I asked  one of the advocates on my floor if I could  go lay down. I also showed her my ER paperwork. Suprisingly I was fought on bedrest and was told that I had to have some long DRAWN  out thing stating HOW LONG  the bedrest was suppose to be and for what reasons. Obviously I'm not feeling well so I didnt plan to be sick I don't  know to ask the doctor for a book on my recovery process and quite frankly its an emergency room I saw the doctor for  10 15 minutes.  Sick. PRESCRIPTION. Why are you going out of your way to fight me on bed rest?  Firstly IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE TO ask for anything in the heat RETURNING from the hospital because im what? sick. That makes no sense.  And to be quite honest its tacky Im actually sick but how tacky is it that a doctor needs to  jump through hopes to convince a shelter something they should already be providing SHELTER. lmao. It really gets no better. The ER paperwork didn't go into detail about bedrest but it was stated that bedrest is suggested. Everything was vague and should have been taken with a grain of salt. No one person is the same. I actually have asked 4 times since my hospital visit for Bedrest. the last one being when Police were called on the 17th. I wont lie about the situation became exacerbated when I realized there were women staying in doors who are not sick while the rest of us sit outside in the heat looking like zoo animals. Unfortunate for the shelter these women are light and white its offensive and disrespectful. It really sends the wrong message.  I am sick and I need to prove to them im sick before I can lay down and rest these women have nothing wrong with them and they are inside. I will post emails between me and the shelter. What's even more offensive the white woman Ive had problems with. It looks alot she was rewarded. I had no idea ANYONE was inside during the hours of 7 and 4. I was aware there are people on bedrest, people who are sick but I was under the impression the POLICY applied to everyone. They way it should be.
These women are still sitting up in the shelter as we speak. Are required to go no where in the heat. The shelter tells on themselves if you are suppose to be there you are not in the mirror putting make up on in your pajamas as a COVER five minutes before departure time. You are sick you are employed you don't need a cover right? Exactly Goodbye. A lie. White. Thinks things magically falls from the sky. W e are talking about Pat Handy so they are aware Im upset about light bright and spoiled milk sitting inside while we squats on fucking bricks and on cement for an hour and half pointless while business professionals walk by  for the morning communute.
Let me put here We are treated like humans when hyporthermia alert comes on but for cold weatehr its I believe 32 and below and for hotweather I think its like 95 and above r something likethat. Watch PH top me. We missed it by a degree and we are outside on cycles. Fucking sad and ridiculous and they touting A FEMALES names
Moving on to Problem Child Number 2
Northeastern Library 7th street NE Washington, DC
Ive been going to that library for the past little while maybe a few weeks maybe a few months. Outside the no phone calls at the computer There were no issues. And even that was business related. I mind my business and im in and and out. Im looking for work. Don't know anyone beyond a familiar face. Around maybe a few days before the 11th of July maybe a week im not sure. Im noticing my computer is having suspicious activity that disrupts my work. obviously its very possible for technical issues to arise but three is too many times and noone else is having issues. I send a complaint via the website computer is messing up too many times and noone else is having problems. I literally have to closeout all programs three times. And I wont lie its not the best day but the library was none the wiser. Minding my business haven't said anything to anyone. I get an email following that incident days later.  The woman who intercepted my message via the library's website tried to imply she didnt know what library I was referring to. This is possible but I personally find it unlikely. It was sent from a Library computer and I typed in Northeastern Library so  I find it hard to believe she doesn't know what library Im referring to. AT that point it would appear like she is playing a game or attempting to cover for whomever. But she could have covered for whomever and just kept her mouth closed. She messy end of discussion. I respond with this message
Start Emails
Please excuse me for the tone of this email but quit frankly I wasn't expecting to have to hold the hand and do your job. I really didn't want to have to respond at all. Ive written two emails. Ive enclosed pictures to show you--whether or not someone incompetently put together a website or it;S DC policy TO hire stupid people and make it MY JOB TO figure our your JOB or YOU KNOW PRECISELY and this is another game I am hesitant to call and put a stop to.  It came from A dc library computer. You have my card number. I really hate to jump to conclusions. But people make it hard these days to come in and do mind their business and leave. I don't have time for this. I'm here for a reason to conduct business my business that has nothing to do with you. I don't have time to write complaints. Ive enclosed pictures. Hopefully someone gets paid to CONNECT DOTS.
-----Original Message----- From: Ward, Deborah A. (DCPL) (DCPL) <[email protected]> To: --- Sent: Mon, Jul 3, 2017 10:00 am Subject: RE: [General Topic] Computer Freezing
Which library were you visiting on Friday, June 30?
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, June 30, 2017 2:52 PM To: Fayemi, Temitayo (DCPL); Ward, Deborah A. (DCPL) Subject: [General Topic] Computer Freezing
----sent a message using the contact form at https://www.dclibrary.org/contact.
So I've been on this computer for about maybe an hour to an hour half and its frozen maybe three times in the last twenty minutes. I did ask someone else if there computer is freezing and there's was not. I'm not sure if its a technical issue but Its off my computer is freezing three times in an hour.
End Emails
Surprising enough this happened the same day as the emails on the eleventh. I did not send the emails until after I returned on the 13th. The emails were going to be sent should another situation arise. One presented itself the same day whether they are responsible I still am not sure. The library is not cooperative which places doubt  on them and due to their behavior following the incident and after I filed the police report I start leaning into asshwooping territory unfortunately.
Following the incident with the library the email pasted above sent to Ms. Ward on the 11th  was the last email I sent before  being sick by food poisoning the same  day. I sometimes go to 7 eleven that next  door But that day I stuck to my usual a croissant  which is packaged. Later that day around the time im doing laundry I go to Walgreens (Nesquick) and 7 eleven   (beefpattie) (one usual beef pattie is sporadic) . I'm doubled over sick by the end of the night. Ive talked to 7 eleven while nothings certain leaning towards Walgreens.  
The library is boldy unapologetic and even if they had nothing to do with still very much up for debate You are A business you are being paid to be a business professional which I have not seen. Not only does the situation demand a response I requested a response. To your fifty cent credit thats how much its worth considering I was poisoned and You are a likely candiate. Im mean. ANd disrespectful AND IM NOT apologetic. Look AT HOW YOU behave. They all need new lives that's how bad those emails were. LMAO it makes me feel better.  Nose in the air. And im still taller then you I dont see anything. You are being paid. These are rules and policy you have to follow. So sorry about it. Sucks for you.
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