#i do really like the idea of hanma being the other time leaper
tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
can i ask why did people genuinely think hanma was the time leaper? i’ve rewatched the anime twice and read the manga and not once have i suspected hanma to be the time leaper.
Ok it's been a while so I might be misremembering some bits now but it got super popular after it was revealed Kisaki wasn't a time leaper. The idea was someone is the second time leaper but it's not Kisaki, so naturally people considered it to be Hanma. And there were a few reasons too (there was also a separate theory about him not being a time leaper but being like a God or some other un human being who knew about the situation. There's a bit of overlap between those two theories.) Also you're gonna find that a lot of these "clues" are really small and don't really mean anything, especially now that we know what happened. But at the time, we were all really reading into everything to try and figure out where the story was going. And everything stacked together seemed to make a lot of sense.
Firstly, Kisaki seemed to know about time leapers existence, which we all kinda assumed meant someone had told him aka a time leaper. With Hanma being the most obvious choice since they were shown to be close and working together a lot.
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There was also Hanma's inside cover, which had on top of train tracks, train tracks which were heavily associated with time leaping and Takemichi in the past.
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It was also thought that Hanma's boredom could be a hint, like he was bored all the time because he already knew what was going to happen because he'd lived it before. Things got more exciting for him when he met Kisaki, a new face.
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And of course there's the story cliff hanger, where most people assumed something important was going to be said/ revealed. Something important like time leaping maybe.
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In the final fight he also said this, which I think he was talking about how they made it this far in the fight but at the time it was pointed out that all of them had died in different timelines before. So if he knew then he was probably talking about them surviving death literally.
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And of course there was maybe the biggest hint of them all, his name. We already know how Wakui likes to put little hints when choosing their names sometimes so this made a lot of us think the second time leaper could be Hanma.
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There was also a few bits to do with dates, I'm not sure if I've remembered them all but these are the ones I do remember, Hanma met kisaki and Takemichi first leaped in July 2005. Then in June 2008 we have both Hanma's main chapter where it jumps forward to him visiting Kisaki and Takemichi doing his 10 year time leap.
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Aside from that it was just that he was generally quite a mysterious and suspicious guy. Not telling Kisaki why he's following him, always being around in the arcs, the way he acted etc. And with there not really being any other obvious hints at the time, it made sense he was the one the fandom thought of most as being the second leaper.
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yuichi-ro · 3 years
ik ur running the dark content event atm (good job; its amazing!) but the latest chapter leaks fucked my disgusting lil mikey simp brain up and i cope with it by writing (hanma) fluff. sorry not sorry XD
also how did u know i was literally thinking about Noritoshi and Getou when writing my ask for the special, get out of my head i swear there is nothing interesting in there
hanma wakes up one day; but its not his room, nor the warehouse he sometimes sleeps in. its a real bed, not just a smelly old mattress on the floor. when he looks at his hands, they are wrinkly, when he stretches, his joints hurt and crack in ways he had never known and when he looks in the mirror he can see grey hairs peeking through.
hanma is thoroughly confused. he recognises himself, its still him but he definitely isn’t 16 anymore. did he get hit so hard on the head that he cannot remember anything anymore? was he in a coma for 30 years, what is happening?
he looks around a bit; it’s definitely a bedroom. ordinary and quaint but more than he has ever known. everything looks new and shiny.
is this supposed to be his future or something? he must have hooked up with someone and stayed over at their place, how else is he supposed to explain it? still a bit dazed, he leaves the bedroom and heads downstairs, cursing a little at his aching joints; if this is what it means to be an adult he’d rather die young, he tiredly muses.
when he enters the kitchen, he freezes. there is a nice smell of eggs and pancakes wafting through the house and the cause of it is a young lanky boy with hair unmistakably his. his figure makes him look older than he actually is, he is maybe 12, maybe 13 but probably not much older.
“morning dad”
ah so it was a hook up. just a hook up a couple of years in the past.
his son, he now assumes, smiles at him; a smile he recognises all too well a smile that can only belong to-
and there you are, a basket of fresh laundry in your hand as you tease him for sleeping in for far too long.
you are older too, obviously, but god you are still the hottest thing hanma has ever laid his eyes upon. whatever this dream future shit is, he is sure he doesn’t want to ever wake up again.
that you would settle for someone like him? impossible, illogical, stupid even.
but also something he has never wanted more in his life.
the mundaneness should bore him, it really should but somehow it doesn’t. the domesticity is strangely alluring, god he must have really mellowed out- he will truly mellow out?
it still makes no sense to him, whatever it is, but he would be a fool to not enjoy it. and he does enjoy it; spends all of the day with his family- something he never thought he had, truly enjoying his time with you and the mini-him.
when he wakes up the next day, it is some couch again that he crashed on, the smell of fresh breakfast replaced with the smell of old cigarettes and cheap deodorant.
maybe it was just a fever dream but- just based on the slim, tiny chance that it truly was a glimpse into the future, hanma will do anything to make that his reality.
maybe he should just start with actually asking you out.
here hope u enjoy my soft word vomit; tl;dr shows cant fuck with my mental health during my exam phase thx and goodbye
the way I'm watching all Mikey simps self combust. My wife included. Is killing me 😂 Naota said to kill Mikey!! But no no one listen to the Aries it's not like we know what we're talking about!!! Smh the shit Aires gotta put up with in shows. I'll take the "Naota has been right since day one" to my god damn grave 😂 me sitting here with my albeit odd but almost well behaved Hanma husband in comparison to the fucked up gremlin that Mikey crawled out of the womb being
yer brain is nice. I like it in here. I'm never leaving >:D
Oh my god I don't know if you ever saw my short little post about timeskipper!Hanma. Where the person that sent him too and from (like Naoto) the future and present was the reader that he was dearly in love with. But you word vomit reminded me so much of that!! My brains a bit scrambled I woke up early and have been doing yardwork all day but-
timeskipper!Hanma still being in love with you after everything's gone down. Being with Kisaki was a little "safer" bc at least it was fun and he didn't get violently jerked to a bleak future if he touched him. Unlike with you. Every time he touches you its this god awful dreadful future that he doesn't want to think about. But doesn't want to do anything in the moment to make better. That's tomorrows problem. Never the problem he wants to deal with today. But after Kisaki's death. Being a fugitive. Living like shit and not in an exciting way. He's certain this is why his future was so bleak. He really dug his hole with this one. But lets face it he's too lazy to fix it now. All he can really do is maybe see you one more time before succumbing to the fate he's already seen. And that's when it happens. When the leap drives him back to the future. Waiting to be thrust into the shit scene he always knew when this happened. It's why he stopped coming around you. Stopped chancing having to see his shitty future of his. What he comes to through isn't the same though. He's certain he's leapt but this...this isn't what he use to see. The kid. You. The warm house. None of this is familiar. Not what he use to know was his fate. This seems like a cruel joke. Until the older version of you kisses him on the cheek and tells him to get ready for breakfast. Before he can even say anything. Hanma is ripped back to the past. Standing. Not alone this time. No. He's standing in front of you. With you looking at him in the most peculiar way but he has no idea why. Desperate to take the easy route and go back to that future. Hanma grabs your wrist. This would surprise you if this wasn't Hanma we were talking about. When he expects to be yanked from his conscious. The sinking feeling in his stomach happens. Desperate he even laces your fingers together. Trying and realizing you hand isn't doing anything. He's still here. He's still standing right in front of you.
"What are you doing?" "I should be asking you that Shuji, what are you doing?" "I uh- I was-" "You had asked me out." And Shuji freezes. Not even recalling that he had said that. Before it didn't matter what happened when he was 'gone' to say. But not he realizes he has no idea if you answered him or not. "And...you said....?" "I said yes Shuji. I'll always say yes."
It's then Hanma realizes why he can't go back. He has to make that future he saw a reality. He has to do it himself if he wants to wake up one day to the smell of pancakes, your kisses and his son.
asdfghjkl sorry I went off ignore me I don't love Hanma I swear
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Since this panel, I’ve had this thought about the identity of the second time leaper in Tokyo Revengers.
- My first thought is that as of 258, Sanzu isn’t confirmed as the other time leaper, just that he knows that a time leaper exists aside from Takemichi.
- I feel that if he was the other leaper, we would’ve seen it fleshed out more at this point, so I honestly feel like he isn’t the time leaper.
- Next let’s take a step back. Kisaki also mentioned Hanagaki being a time leaper, as if it wasn’t something foreign to him. More of a revelation that Takemichi is ALSO a leaper.
- So if Kisaki and Sanzu aren’t leapers themselves, but they both acknowledge that Takemichi is ALSO a leaper, then I think it’s a safe bet that the other leaper (assuming there is only one) has to be someone they both are connected to.
There are a couple directions I could take this, but I want to highlight the two I believe:
Option 1: Hanma is the leaper. I don’t think it is a revolutionary idea, but given the information it could make sense. Hanma was connected to Kisaki, and also in the Kanto Manji Gang with Sanzu. If Hanma’s objective is to manipulate Mikey to achieve a goal, then it might make sense to have Sanzu in on it their goals align. Same as letting Kisaki in. As an aside, IF this is true, I also wonder if one only leaper can be active at a time. So what if Hanma can’t jump back if Takemichi is also active? That’s just a theory, but the Hanma we’ve seen in the future acts way different from Hanma in the past. And what if while Takemichi was in the future, Hanma had leaped back and tried to alter the past. Just a speculation.
Option 2: Shinichiro was the leaper. Sanzu had a direct connection to Mikey and his siblings. Kisaki was enamored with Mikey. They both have connections to Mikey, and I don’t think it would be a stretch that Shinichiro could’ve left some sort of letter or even mentioned it to Mikey who let it slip that Shinichiro had this ability too. The series is almost always drawing the connection to Shinichiro and Takemichi, I think this one be another step. That being said, I wonder if, in the event that Shinichiro WAS a leaper, if there was anything he was trying to do. If this is a thread, we really don’t have any information as to what he could’ve been doing while leaping. But I feel like the connection is stronger than the Hanma theory.
Naturally, those are just my thoughts.
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
The Case of the Other Time-Leaper
Below is the first chapter of this Tokyo Revengers fanfiction. Please bare with me as I haven't written in this style for a long time <3
Please do give some constructive feedback on what you all think. And whether it should be continued here.
Shibuya, Tokyo. 5.07.2005
"Kisaki wishes to meet with you."
The voice of Shuji Hanma filled the cold night air, his golden eyes narrowed at the one he was talking to. He really didn't want to be an errand boy for Kisaki, especially when the jobs were not as fun and thrilling as the others. Yet here he was, standing at the entrance of an alley, glaring at a shorter male who simply stared blankly back.
Genji had arrived in 2005 a few hour ago so he really wasn't expecting someone to request his presence already. While it was a little strange, the grey-haired boy was bored and in desperate need of some entertainment. After all, beating up random people he found was getting old quickly.
"Sure, just give me a moment, yeah?" He pushed himself from the wall he was leaning against before heading over towards the recent unconscious boy that had provided some brief entertainment. Rummaging through his pockets, he pulled out a wallet and pocketed it into his own jacket. "I'm good to go!" Genji smiled, his eyes focused solely on the tall boy. Hanma didn't know what it was about those eyes but they sent shivers down his spine, almost resembling instinctual fear. Something about the grey-haired boy had him on high alert for the first time. But he led the boy to where Kisaki was waiting regardless.
"So you're Tetta Kisaki?" Throwing his cigarette to the ground, Genji crushed the butt under the toe of his boot. For some reason, he was expecting someone more...intimidating? Not some scrawny blond with glasses. But hey, who was he to judge? He had come across a load of people in his travels, most of them surprising him.
Kisaki watched the newcomer in both caution and interest. He had heard about a boy that suddenly turned up and was beating down gang members left and right. All reports seemed to make out that Genji was something of a monster but the person stood in front of him seemed like nothing more than a regular 16 year old.
"I'm Genji! At least, that's what everyone calls me... I am surprised you heard of me considering I only arrived here a few hours ago!" Genji didn't wait for an answer to his earlier question. It was pretty obvious that he must be Tetta Kisaki considering the lanky male had brought him here.
"Here? As in Shibuya?" Hanma butted in.
"No, no, no. Here as in 2005! I can't remember where I was beforehand though! I do think it may have been 18th Century France though!" None of what was coming out of Genji's mouth made any sense to the other two boys. What did he mean he came here from 18th Century France? He was dressed in modern clothing after all. Surely if he had come back from then, he would be dressed in old timey clothing? Hanma put it down to the boy being delusional. After all, what sane person would believe anything coming out of the stranger's mouth?
"What are you talking about?" Kisaki asked, his interest piqued by what the boy was saying. Logically, none of what he had said was possible, but there was a part of the blond that believed him. That this Genji person had travelled through time and ended up here. And he would be damned if he didn't find out if it was possible.
"Leaped through time. I ended up here as I had no real destination in mind. Just had to get out before they pulled out the good ol' guillotine," Genji laughed, recalling the only memory he had from the last experience. "Didn't want to lose my head more than I already have, after all." The laughter started to creep Hanma and Kisaki out. It was a laugh of a person unhinged. Hanma knew he was crazy but damn, this boy was making him look normal.
"So you can travel through time...willingly?" Kisaki tried to confirm this information and smirked when the grey-haired boy simply nodded, now finding his attention on his lighter. "Then, are you willing to use that ability for me? I can make it worth your time," the blond simply came right out and asked the request. If he had a time-leaper, he could make sure his plans would work. Having Genji around was looking like a huge advantage. Hanma glanced over at Kisaki as if he was insane. Did he seriously believe what the boy had said? Sometimes, Hanma had to wonder if he was the normal one in this situation. Without proof, there was no way he would believe anything Genji had to say. Maybe he would get the shorter male to prove it later.
"What's in it for me? They do say that a favour is meant to be repaid with...something or other. Or was it that nothing in this life comes in threes? That didn't sound right..." Genji had lost himself in trying to recall a popular saying, his spare hand harshly ruffling the short grey strands. The information he was searching for must be in there somewhere. After all, that's what minds are for, collecting stuff to recall later, right? But it seemed as if his was failing him. "But never mind that! As long as I get to have some fun, I don't mind doing anything. However, want someone killed and that will cost you some candy!" Genji grinned, his eyes sparkling like a child in a toyshop. That is what he reminded Kisaki of anyway. A small child that had been told they could have whatever they wanted for simply having a mouthful of veggies.
From that moment, it seemed as though an agreement had been set. Kisaki could use Genji as a tool to further his plans, as long as he provided some entertainment for the older teen.
Somewhere in Shibuya, Tokyo. 6.07.2005
Takemichi comes back to the past, a clear mission in mind.
Meet with either Manjiro Sano or Tetta Kisaki and prevent the two from meeting.
Now that the blond thought about it, it seemed easier said than done. After all, he doesn't recall ever coming across either of them in his original past and he had no idea what they looked like. The only information he had was that they were the Top Two of Tokyo Manji Gang in the future. And the only people he knew that had any information about Toman were Kiyomasa and his small gang.
What the young teen didn't expect was to be thrown straight into a brawl as soon as he gets to said past. One punch to the face and he was out-cold on the ground, shouts and jeers being the last thing he hears before losing consciousness.
When he had finally regained consciousness, he wasn't expecting Kiyomasa and his gang to still be where the Fight Club takes place. Maybe he could use this situation to his advantage. After all, it would make his mission a lot easier if he could meet up with either Kisaki or Sano as soon as possible. Quicker he was in making sure they never meet, the sooner he gets to go back and Hinata would be safe. That was his thought pattern anyway.
Kiyomasa obviously didn't take the mention of his boss' name falling so casually from Takemichi's lips very well. In no time, Takemichi was beaten up a lot worse than he has ever been, blood staining his skin.
What was he thinking? He couldn't save Hinata. Not when he couldn't even stand up and protect himself. All he wanted was to head back to the comfort of his future. At least there he wasn't being beaten by Kiyomasa with a baseball bat.
Genji had decided he would wander around Shibuya, having heard about there being Fight Clubs taking place there. However, he must have been late since when he got to the location, all he saw was a beaten and bloody blond. He was about to walk off again in search of some other type of entertainment until he caught sight of the blue eyes. Those eyes didn't fit a 14 year old boy and it clicked almost immediately for the taller boy.
"Hey! You're a time-leaper, aren't ya?"
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girl-by-the-lake · 2 years
Ngl 260 had me back on my Mikey phase, not that I ever left it its just that I can’t give up on our boy 🥹 I have a soft heart for broken things that why I love him and Sanzu.. as for Rinrin I mean honestly, when I was a kid thats how I imagined my future husband 🤣 Wakui stole my childhood idea (not that I mind lmao) and people in fandom who write fanfics will make me single forever because of how good they are 😫💗💗
Also..your predictions, I wanna know them for the end: who is 2nd time leaper/who will be dead/arrested (?) and will Takemichi survive? I love theories so much 😌👌🏻
Alsox2 , you can come into my dm’s whenever ya wanna(if I don’t answer im probably sleeping or Im outside….) 💗
Bruh like… all my friends are Mikey stans. (Dont tell them but im vaguely indifferent to also suspicious that he’ll kill all my faves, but shhh). Maybe thats a good sign for me. If you like Mikey and Ouran (do you like Ouran High School Host Club?) then we can be besties. 😂
Not the soft heart for broken things oh noooo “because if theyre broken and can be loved, maybe I can be loved too”😭😂 Sanzu high key terrifies me. I want to give him ice cream so he can chill.
Lol let me just pack my bags and set up shop in my new DM Home. Dude, take your time! I’m a bit busy this summer, so I also take a little bit whether due to physically not being near my phone or no reception. 😅
//I started writing this last Thursday, and now it’s Tuesday. 😭 Camp keeps me very busy. I thank you for your understanding and patience.
I don’t even understand how people can be so creative and amazing with their fanfics. Like there are some fanfics I think about years later that just stick with me and I remember them like fond memories. So major props to everyone who can write them, even slightly well. 💕
Oh no, lol, my predictions are nothing too interesting. 😅 I want to bet Hanma is the 2nd time leaper because that theory is just FUN, I want some more info on him and Kisaki, I LOVE that Taiju came back - high key thought that was an insane possibility yet here he is, now I just need Kazutora to pop up, uuuh I dont think… Takemitchy AND Mikey will survive. I think one or the other maybe. I want them both, well, I want everyone to live, but I’ve been hurt by manga/anime too many times for that to be true. 😭 I also have a bad feeling that Hinata might die. To really leave everyone with a sense of “what was the point”. I’m worried for Chifuyu dying and either Hakkai or Mitsuya. Wakui likes to kill off “half” of a pairing, and I think there are still a lot of pairings left that he could kill half of off.
I really need to end this already too long reply, so I’m asking you all of these theory questions back, and I’m also hitting you up again in the dms.
Chat soon!!! :) <3
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