#i domt even want to tell people aboit it usually cause if i meet a single theater kid from a bigger school
bleepblopbloop56 · 5 years
Something i see all the fucking time are "theater kids" tiktoks, memes, and tumblr posts.
Now, i am what they call the aorst theater kid in the world. A fake fan if you will. Middleschool didnt have a theater, so freshman year was my first time acting. I have neen in theater class for 3 years, i like musicals (even though i only know a few if the popular ines) and ive had many leads in shows
And i swear to go... The second i see a "tik toks only theater jids will relate to!" I want ti like... Puke dude. And only half do to anxiety!!!
So let me present a list of 7 reasons why my theater department is the worst ever and makes me want to die a violent death any tine i see a "theater kid" meme
Every show ive ever done is ONE: VERRRYYY illegal, not a single thing is legal about it and theater elites are fucking appalled by this
TWO: preformed on the filthy cafateria floor, with fold out chairs for the audience
The lighting is THREE: just the light switch in the cafateria. Just my teacher standing at a light switch. There are ni "tech kids" in my theater class, yeah im sure theyre under represented or whatever but at least you HAVE TECH KIDS
The music is FOUR; a tired kid having a mental breakdown using a VERY old labtop and speakers that you have to change to a sepcific setting for every song (and all songs are different and its usually just whoevers back stage during that scene) theres no orchestra kids, no band kids would step foot near a theater kid, i didnt even know they were a thing theaters had until i saw a post saying "these kids are theater kids too!!!!!" And i hadnt heard of any of them
FIVE: there are no cis guys! Homophobia and tixic masculinity absolutley infests my school, any cis dude would rather be dead than caught anywhere near our class. And trans guys are not recognized by the school.
SIX: our director is shit at directing. Ive never seen an emotion on his face and every preformance hes like "were stepping back, we want to see you guys teachyourself this time" so all hes there for is to sometimes watch us struggle through self directing.
SEVEN; we have NO BUDGET! WHATSOVER! everything we preform is dine with props from home, and coustumes from home, and asking for help getting props or coustumes results in a lecture about how it all comes from his own pockets.
In conclusion; FUCK my theater class, FUCK other theater kids who think theyre better than us becasluse they went to a better school, and FUCK my anxiety for getting so wildly defensive and ANGRY when i see "theater kids" posts i know they arent hurting anything but my anxiety apiles so high that i want to start throwing punches
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