#i don’t even have cowboy boots yet cause the store i am buying them from had to order a the correct size and it’ll be in some time next week
the-sinking-garden · 1 year
that moment when you discover a new way to experience your hyperfixation and are totally normal about it just kidding i’m foaming at the mouth, rabid one might say
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oneofyatosfollowers · 3 years
Happy Yato Day!
Fanfic: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13936397/1/The-Stray-Cowboy
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33158902
It was ironic that a little dusty down in the middle of nowhere would bear the name “Heaven,” especially since it’s been declining since her grandmother’s time. The town was built around a large natural spring that has been shrinking ever so slightly each year while the buildings only grew taller. Hiyori strolled down main street, her heels kicking up loose dirt which dusted the frills of her pink dress. Her father, the only doctor in town, had let her go for the day, giving her a break from replacing her run-away brother at the clinic. So, after visiting her friend, Ami, at the fabric store, and Yama out with the horses, Hiyori made her way to the saloon.
The building was two stories and housed a bar, a small stage, and tables with different games other cowboys could gamble on. Since this town held so much water and resources, it was a common place for vagabonds of all types to stop in and rest. The Inn was right next door, owned by the bar owner’s husband, it’s front often tied with horses. Hiyori’s eyes scanned the beasts for a familiar black mare with a short mane but was disappointed when she saw none. She entered The Lucky Lady, the batwing doors swinging behind her, eyes adjusting as she ignored the cat-calls.
“Hiyori!” The bartender called like they haven’t seen each other in years. The Lucky Lady, a spunky night-time-dancer named Kofuku, waved her friend over with a dirty cloth.
“Good afternoon, Kofuku,” Hiyori gave a short curtsy before taking a seat at the bar, “where’s Daikoku and Yukine?” She asked as her eyes scanned the bar, finally adjusted to the darker space.
“They’re tending to some of the horses behind the Inn. Yuki’s getting good at changing shoes you know,” Kofuku mused as she wiped down the bar, “although they’re not really who you’re looking for are they?” The comment shocked Hiyori out of her scanning. The teasing glimmer in the young woman’s eyes sparking a fire across Hiyori’s cheeks.
“Well! He did say he was coming back today and he’s supposed to be handling my job!” Hiyori sputtered. She crossed her arms with a huff and looked towards the door, waiting for the black silhouette of a certain hitman-turned-messenger-and-bounty-hunter. Unbeknownst to her parents, Hiyori had hired the man to find her missing brother. It felt off to put a secret bounty on her own brother, giving it to an enigma of a man recommended to her by Kofuku and Daikoku, but he’d stopped sending her letters almost a year ago and it had her worried.
“If there’s someone you want found, dead or alive, he’s your man,” The Inn owner had growled, “just don’t get too close.” The gruff man scoffed when his bubbly wife waved off his warning. Of course Hiyori was the strong, intelligent daughter of a doctor, who practiced cattle roping with her brother. She didn’t judge just based on one reputation, Hiyori had to see for herself. Especially with the reputation that particular cowboy had. No, if it weren’t for Yukine then Hiyori would have never hired him.
“Yukine!” Hiyori called when the boy in question walked in from the back. The young teen pulled off a black cutter that was too big for him, and revealed a puff of blonde hair. His hazel eyes popped up and he smiled at the sight of her.
“Hiyori!” He greeted, giving Daikoku the hammer and nails before heading to the bar. Yukine was one of the few people in this town Hiyori didn’t know since birth. Now, she didn’t know the whole story- the boy in question refusing to tell- but she did know the place he came from was not a very kind one. That, for one reason or another, the cowboy she hired to track her brother was the same one that saved Yukine from that place as a toddler. They traveled together since then, Yukine being dropped off at Kofuku’s place so the man could go on more dangerous jobs. Just like now. It was during those times, Hiyori had gotten to know the boy. Even early on, when Yukine would throw tantrums at being left behind or run away from strangers.
“He’s still not here yet?” Yukine sighed as he took a seat next to Hiyori. The boy gave a curtsey scan around the saloon, knowing the man’s figure too well to miss it.
“Sorry Yuki, he said more towards the sun down,” Kofuku reminded them of the last letter the messenger pigeon brought them. The blonde, becoming more and more like a teenager each day, scoffed and crossed his arms.
“Yeah, well, he better get here before Sheriff Bishamon gets back from her trip to the city. Otherwise he’ll just get chased out again.” Yukine soured at the thought, ready to hit the open road again. Hiyori knew a bit about how he felt. She’s felt the need to leave this dusty place, to hop on a horse and ride off into the sunset with nothing but your wit and a couple bullets at your side. But she could never do that to her parents, not like her brother did. Instead she lived through the stories Yukine brought back with him, after the cowboy in black strolled into Heaven like he owned it.
“How long is the sheriff gone for?” Hiyori asked. If the sheriff caught the man sneaking into town there would be a shotoff on sight.
“Oh who knows. I asked Uncle Ebi to keep her there for as long as possible so,” Kofuku shrugged, “I’m sure he’ll buy you two enough time to catch up.” The pink haired woman winked causing the two younger patrons to sputter with disgust.
“Don’t be gross! Hiyori could do so much better than that dusty rattlesnake!” Yukine hissed, insulting the one man he deemed as blood family. Still, the statement jolted something within Hiyori. A boxed up secret that’s been locked up tight since the man in question last rode out of town.
“Hey yeah! Our little Miss Hiyori still has a courtship with that gun dealer from the city,” Daikoku suddenly walked behind the bar, giving his wife a kiss on the head.
“Ukk! You mean Kouto? Hiyori, don’t tell me you’re still seeing that as-donkey,” Yukine quickly muffled his cursing, remembering he wasn’t out on the open road with a not-so-great role model. Daikoku raised a brow at the kid, muttering out a mental note to have a word with the kid’s kidnapper.
“I am not ‘seeing him,’ it is a one-sided courtship at best! One that I do not plan on pursuing,” Hiyori stood suddenly, face red enough to pass as sunburn, “so if you’ll excuse me. I’ll be back after dinner to see if-.” The young woman stopped short, half way from the bar to the door, when she realized the saloon had gone silent. Someone was approaching the planked doors, the sun casting a shadow across a smirk that could steal a golden fiddle from the devil. The room fell into hushed whispers as he pushed open the door and approached Hiyori with careless saunter. The various weapons and coins hidden among his long black coat clinked as his brown boots thudded against the squeaky floor. Since his hat was left in the care of a blonde boy, there was nothing obscuring his sharp gaze from meeting hers. The white ascot around his neck covered his grin to the others in the room, helping keep up with his dark and bloody reputation. If only they knew how sweet he really was.
“Hiyori,” his drawl was rough from breathing in nothing but hot desert dirt but she found his dust-smudged cheeks just as endearing. His blue eyes and smile didn’t waver from her, even as the men closest to him raised their hackles and fixed him with narrowed eyes. The cowboy stopped directly in front of her, much too close for an upper class employer and some hired vagabond. But despite the towns and names he’s buried six feet under, Hiyori met his eyes with a straight back and a confident smile.
“It’s nice to see you again, Yato.”
“A pleasure, Hiyori,” he chuckled. The two shared a moment for less than a second before a barstool behind Hiyori squeaked with movement.
“Finally! About time you got here!” Yukine said. Regardless, the kid was off his stool and across the floor in an instant, arms crossed and hat off, waiting for Yato to ruffle his hair. Which Yato did. Until he pulled the kid into a large hug, encasing the small boy in his leather coat with a happy laugh.
“There he is! My baby Yukine! Have you gotten smaller? Or bigger? Definitely bigger, look at those arms! Turnin into a big strong man now! Gone for a season and look at you! Did you keep my hat nice and safe like always?” Yato gushed.
“Blegh! You smell like horse shit and sweat! You disgusting loser! Get off me!” Yukine hollered, squirming out of Yato’s hold and shoving the man’s hat back in his arms. Yatolet the boy go, satisfied that the bar’s paterons went back to their drinking and card games. Hiyori could understand, having a cute child by his side made Yato look a little less like the hitman he once was. The boy stomped back to the bar, Yato smiling after him.
“Ya heading out?” Yato asked, placing his hat back at home on his head.
“Um nope! No,” Hiyori said. Yato’s smirk quirked back on and he nodded his head to the bar, pouting when Hiyori declined his offered arm.
“Oh Yatty! We missed you!” Kofukue leaned over the bar, her corset popping a string, as she pulled him into a hug.
“Hey Kofuku! Glad to be back,” Yato squeezed her, “thanks for watching the kid again.”
“Yeah, well, the kid’s welcome here anytime. You, on the other hand, got a long tab to pay.” Daikoku grumbled by the taps.
“It’d be easier if you just let me go with you,” Yukine said, haughtily. The kid watched the man that saved him take a heavy seat on the bar, removing his iconic twin shotguns from his shoulders and laying them on the wood. Hiyori took a seat on the other side of Yato, eyeing the long, silver double barrel guns. Her gaze tracing tiny flowers engraved on the metal. She knew without looking that the wooden butt of the guns had the names “Sekki” and “Setsu” carved into them when he was Yukine’s age. Of course, Daikoku’s rule about weapons on the bar went ignored as Yato gave Yukine a side eye from over his pint.
“Death Valley is called ‘the underworld’ for a reason, kiddo. It’s too risky for a youngin.” Yato said.
“I’m not a youngin! I’m fourteen!” Yukine spun on the stool, “and you were even younger when you started out.”
“Not by choice, Yukine.”
“Okay but I’m choosing to.” Yukine’s eyes narrowed even more when Yato just scoffed and took a large swig of cheap beer.
“Come on, Yato! You said it yourself, I’m turnin’ into a man now. I’ve been traveling with you for nearly a decade! I know how to shoot and lasso and care for horses and where to look for gold and know when it’s gonna rain! You taught me all of that and you always say when I’m older you would keep me with you all the time! On all your jobs, so why?” Yukine almost pleaded, frustrated. Hiyori bit her lip and looked from Yukine to Yato.
“Because I thought this one was going to be particularly dangerous. You know I don’t want you seeing that,” Yato finally said, setting his glass down with a clink, “besides, I was just going to poke around and gather information. If there was anything solid I’d come get you.”
“Is that right?” Yukine asked, unconvinced.
“‘Course. It’s not like you missed anything big. I just went around, did the normal askin, followed a couple hollow rumors, then came back. You would have been bored anyway. Why? You think I would lie about it?”
“Do I think you would? Yes. Cause you lie to make me feel better. You do it all the time.” There was a beat that no one commented on. Hiyori couldn’t bring herself to see Yato’s reaction to that attack on a very recent wound.
“Well that clearly isn't the case this time is it?” Yato said, then sighed and softened his tone, “there really was nothing Yukine but I just wanted to be sure. There’s no law in the underworld and I don’t want you anywhere near that place.” The man finally turned and fully faced the boy he claimed as his own. Yukine regarded Yato for a couple moments longer, just as water started to rise over his hazel irises. Suddenly and harshly, Yukine got off his seat.
“If you don’t trust me to have your back and you don’t want me around just say so. Stop coming back already.” Snarled Yukine. He left the saloon and Hiyori knew he would be heading to the Inn where one of the rooms was permanently his and Yato’s. Beside her, Yato chugged the rest of his beer then slammed it back on the counter with a sigh. Daikoku chided him and took it, wiping it clean with disdain.
“Don’t worry, Yatty. He’s at that age. Yuki didn’t mean it, he just missed you and rather go on your adventures than stay here,” Kofuku offered.
“That’s what he doesn’t get. They’re not adventures,” Yato scratched his neck, “I’m out of bullets.” The implication silenced the young women.
“Still, the boy’s right about one thing, he’s growin up. Can’t tell him what to do forever,” Daikoku eventually butted in, placing a new mug of beer in front of Yato.
“Watch me,” Yato pouted. That got a small giggle out of Hiyori which might have quirked the tip of Yato’s lip just a little. Kofuku and Daikoku hummed and shared a look. Eventually, Yato downed the rest of his drink before getting up.
“Hiiro is out back. Needs a bath,” Yato said.
“Pay for your beer.” Daikoku answered.
“Put it on my tab,” Yato knocked on the bar.
“Like hell-”
“Okie dokie, Yatty! See you at dinner!” Kofuku waved. Yato pointed at her with a finger gun, clicking as his thumb mimicked the hammer. He grabbed both gunstraps and lazily swung the weapons over one shoulder. Taking two steps, Yato looked over his shoulder, one blue eye meeting hers from under his hat.
“You comin?” Yato tilted his head. Despite the looks their friends gave her, a large smile grew on Hiyori’s face and she happily hopped off the stool.
“Yeah!” She followed the cowboy in grungy clothes out the bar and into the Inn. Since it was still late afternoon, the place was just about empty. The wooden rooms and wool sheets too hot on a summer day. Hiyori took a deep breath, feeling free from the stares of others in town with nothing to do but spread rumors. Still, she was very aware of the man standing behind her, always a bit too close, and she turned to face him. Hiyori would have to wait until later tonight to hear his tales. Yato was too good at telling stories and always insisted on drawing to go with it. Once Yukine finishes reading and goes to bed, Yato and the rest of the town congregate at The Lucky Lady for drinking, dancing, and music. It was then that Hiyori- and sometimes her teasing friends- would get Yato to herself.
“How are the folks?” Yato broke the silence.
“They’re okay. Since the water’s been going, my father’s been trying to find ways to give strong medicine that uses less water.”
“What a coincidence,” Yato hummed, “every lead I tried to follow on your brother ended up being about the water crisis.”
“You think he’s following the drought?” Hiyori asked, urgently.
“Couldn’t say. He’s never struck me as the heroic type, to go galavanting off and save the world; but it is suspicious. Unfortunately, once I got deep in the drought debacle his name would vanish,” Yato shrugged, “it’s all anyone’s talkin about.” At some point Yato’s shoulders slumped and Hiyori sighed. This was the fifth time Yato came back with dead ends. It wasn’t his fault. Not only was he right- in that her brother was known to ride by the seat of his pants- but the job required him to stay away for long periods of time. Tracking someone like that kept him away from Yukine and other people who missed him. Still, disappointment hung her head.
“I’m so sorry, Hiyori. I promise I’m going to keep looking.” Yato put a hand on her shoulder and Hiyori took it in both of hers.
“What about Yukine?”
“I don’t know. I’m gonna to take him this time around but- I just don’t know where this leads. And you know how he is. You’ve seen him loiter around the school house in the past. I just don’t think it’s good for him to be growin up on the run.” Yato mumbled. He twinded their fingers together and the box inside her jolted again, but settled when he did nothing more.
“Daikoku’s right, you know, every day it becomes more and more his decision.” Hiyori offered him a small smile. He blinked at her before the cocky smile Yato was known for grew across his lips. He brought their hands up and pressed a light kiss to the back of her glove.
“I’ve missed you, darlin’,” he said. The box inside her was getting harder to keep closed, memories of his previous visits flashing across Hiyori’s eyes. Really, she wondered if Daikoku knew she failed to heed his warning. It was no wonder people caught her staring at that horizon and sighing with longing.
“Yato,” Hiyori tried, pulling her hand slightly but not letting go. A look of hurt flashed across Yato’s face- so familiar to her own when she watched him leave and come back with new scars- and Hiyori almost wanted to hit him. But instead his eyes quickly darkened and he squeezed her hand.
“Don’t tell me you’re not a filly anymore? That gun smith with the cheap products gotcha or are your parents makin you drag your rope?”
“None of that!” Hiyori huffed. She took her hand back and turned around, arms crossed.
“Not that it has anything to do with anything! Since I hired you to find my brother while-”
“While you stay here and take his place and care for the family business and not go off with Kouto because that would be leaving ‘em behind,” Yato repeated, “come off it, Hiyori. Your parents are adults and you have your own life. Just admit you want to have your own adventure.”
“And where do you suppose I go? Just to wander around by myself? Or were you planning on taking me and not Yukine?” Hiyori whirled on him, tired of this do-si-do of a conversation.
“It’s too dangerous with me,” Yato said through grit teeth, hat tilted to cover his knitted brows.
“So what then? You’ll drop us off in random towns while you go back and forth?” Hiyori threw out without much of a bite. There was a moment of Yato staring at the floor and Hiyori rolled her eyes. Of course the fool of a man would think that was a good idea. She stepped back in front of him and reached under his hat to pinch his cheek.
“Ow!” Yato flinched away. He rubbed his cheek like some little kid who got a light smack and Hiyori snorted. How did she once fear him? His pout was back but not for long, blue eyes softening at her laughter.
“I just want you to be happy. You only get one life you know,” Yato said, hand dropping from his cheek.
“And I’ll decide what I want to do with it. Just like Yukine.” Hiyori’s reminder quieted the cowboy down.
“I just don’t want to drag him into another one of my mistakes. He deserves better.” Yato said. Hiyori frowned, reminded of Yukine’s earlier comment.
“He doesn’t blame you.” She offered. About ten years ago, when Yato traveled with a group of bandits who’s name struck fear into the hearts of all who heard it, they rode into Yukine’s place of birth. Hiyori had met Yukine, seeing Yato in passing now and again, she came to understand Yukine’s memory of that night was hazy at best. That was until a year ago, Yato first took off to find Hiyori’s brother, and the boy’s memories resurfaced. He confronted Yato, learning the fate of his birth town.
“I know he doesn’t blame me but you saw how he was. How he gets when I pull the trigger. I worry he’ll grow to resent me.” Yato sighed, “you know, I remember that night like it was yesterday. I was young and he was so tiny, the town was burnin down all around us, his loved ones were bloody behind ‘im. Just as I turned Hiiro around to run, he ran after me with his little arms up. I scooped Yukine up without thinkin and took off in the opposite direction of the group.
“I don’t know how but Hiiro and I managed to run for an entire night and I didn’t put him down for one second. It wasn’t until Hiiro finally bucked us off that I realized he hadn’t moved. I- haha- I actually thought he was dead and I had been carryin’ ‘round a corpse. But when I looked down, his head buried in my chest, he peaked up at me with big doe eyes. No tears, no fear. We passed out right there in the dirt. I thought he’d be okay but he didn’t speak at all. I was gonna drop him off at the next town but I just-. He wouldn’t talk- barely looked at me- but was stuck to my side like he was made of molasse or somethin’.” Yato was staring off into the distance, not realizing he was still talking. Hiyori watched and listened quietly, as she often did. Something must have happened in the underworld and she wanted to let him cope. Twelve people was twelve too many for a kind man like him.
“The little bastard grew on me. Starin at me while I babbled, sleepin on my tummy, clutchin my coat and tuggin to sit up front. Honestly, when I stretched, he stretched, I pissed, he pissed, I cleaned my guns, he’d use a stick, when I held onto the reins, he’d grabbed ‘em too,” Yato sighed again, voice wavering, “But he was so nervous around me, jumpy. Always looked at me to make sure he could move even an inch- wouldn’t even eat until I told him to. He deserved better. I figured Kofuku and Daikoku would want him to raise as their own. When I got here and I thought he was comfortable enough, I mounted to get ready to go but he came running out crying. Sobbing even. His arms up at me. That was- that was the first time I heard him speak. He said ‘don’t leave!’ And I just couldn’t. Sure I stayed for a year or so but I couldn’t keep out of work that long. And he used to be okay- happy even- when I’d give ‘im my ascot or hat to keep safe till I came back.” Yato’s eyes were covered but his lip trembled before he bit it, trying to control his breathing.
Yukine’s recent confrontation about that day- the accusations and disappointment Yukine regretted saying- scratched every wound of guilt Yato felt. It was hard to smile for a child that looked up to you while you blamed yourself for his circumstances. It was even harder to keep leaving. They did make up, as they always did, but it had been a painful experience that Yato still hasn’t forgiven himself for; no matter how much Yukine reassured him.
“Yukine remembers everything and still choose you. He looks up to you, Yato, and loves you just as much. Yukine’s not going to suddenly regret everything and leave,” Hiyori put a hand on his chest, “and neither will I.”
“I don’t know about the ‘look up to’ part but uh,” Yato swallowed thickly around a wobbling smile.
“It’s true, I can tell,” Hiyori leaned in to whisper, “you know he calls you his dad when he talks about you.”
“He does not!” Yato gasped.
“We promised not to say anything.”
“Uh-huh,” Yato looked down quickly then back, “and what do you call me when I’m gone.”
“Saddle Bum,” Hiyori stated.
“Yeah,” Yato sighed, “you got me there.” He huffed out a laugh which only got stronger the more they looked at each other.
“We should probably get Yukine,” Hiyori suggested.
“You’re right,” Yato said, “as usual. Bested again by Miss Iki. Just can’t argue with you, the lush oasis saving me from my weary travels.” They made their way up the stairs and down the hall of bedrooms.
“That’s right, you can’t. So stop trying.” Hiyor playfully huffed.
“Yes ma’am,” Yato swooned. Turns out Yukine wasn’t in their room and instead was around the back of the saloon to tend to Hiiro. By the time the two moseyed around the two buildings, Yukine had washed down the horse- the mare really loved water- and was cleaning her hooves. Hiiro was a short, exceedingly loyal, black horse who hated when her mane got too long and had the most fickle personality even with people she liked. Her ears twitched as her rider walked towards them, shifting back and forth, as Yukine leaned against her hindquarters and scrapped at her back hoof.
“You were right, you really do have the hang of that,” Yato whistled. Running his hand along her clean hair. She snapped at Yato but nickered when Hiyori patted her pink nose.
“She doesn't like it when you do it,” Yukine shot after a couple beats.
“Of course she does,” Yato said, skirting around the horse. Hiyori chose to stay by Hiiro’s front, watching Yukine give Yato a quick glare over his shoulder.
“So, when are you leaving?” Yukine growled. Hiyori tried not to suck in air too loudly as Yato’s wide eyes flickered to hers then back.
“N-not for a while. Gotta go over the clues and make a more solid plan,” Yato’s boot kicked the dirt, “I’m gonna need your help with that. Like always,” he tried. Yukine was not impressed, hardly sparing Yato a scoff.
“Why bother? It’s clear you don’t trust me to watch your back.” The blonde muttered. Finally, Yato’s hands fell out of his pockets and his attitude grew into something more serious.
“What gave you that idea?” Yato followed the kid around to the other hoof, brows knitted. This time, Yato was ignored and the cowboy tapped the kid with his boot.
“Yato,” Hiyori warned under her breath.
“Hey,” Yato tapped Yukine’s side again, “would I have given you twin pistols if I didn’t trust you with them behind my back?” The tip of his boot nudged one of the revolvers at Yukine’s hip, silver twins just like Yato’s, named “Blessed” and “Burial.” That got the teen to look up at Yato, frown still in place.
“No,” Yukine mumbled.
“And you know why? Cause you only give-”
“Cause you only give weapons to those who have your back and disarm those who don’t, I know,” Yukine parroted.
“I need to get more phrases,” Yato muttered as he scratched his head.
“But giving weapons is not the same! I want to be with you! I want to do all the same things you do, by your side! I mean I’m supposed to be your-!” Yukine bit his lip and quickly refocused on Hiiro’s hoove. Yato’s eye brows rose to his hat for a moment before a grim expression took root.
“I killed twelve people in the last four months,” Yato stated. There was a beat of silence as the wind pushed a tumbleweed across the ground. Yukine tried to hide the shock- the horror- that shot across his face, but Yato caught every inch of it.
“So what?” Yukine spat weakly, “you act like I’ve never seen someone die.”
“I don’t want you to see anymore.”
“Well that isn’t your choice is it? Or do you not want me to be like you that badly? I was there too, you know.” Yukine finally snapped, whipping around to glare at Yato. There were tears in his eyes, boiling with frustration, but no one commented on it. Yato couldn’t think of anything to say and Hiyori clenched Hiiro’s reins. The mare was getting restless with her rider’s change in attitude.
“I know you were there and I’m sorry,” Yato confessed, “I’m not anyone you should strive to be. You don’t have to be anything for me, you don’t owe me nutin.” He kicked at the ground again and Hiyori wanted to roll her eyes. Honestly, such a fool of a man.
“I know that,” Yukine muttered too, now just as embarrassed, “I’m not trying to owe you. I just think-” the boy’s face rose in temperature and neither man could look at each other or address their feelings. Eventually Yato let out a huge sigh mixed with a groan.
“Well, everyone’s telling me what a man you are now and that I gotta let you make your own decisions. Can’t keep you caged forever or that won’t protect you in the long run,” Yato finally relented.
“So I can come? With you?” Yukine sprang to his feet, “and you’ll stop dropping me off here? I can be with you for every job?” Fists balled Yukine stood on the tips of his matching boots to stare wide eyed at Yato. The man blinked again, something fragile crossing his eyes before he smiled.
“Suppose so. Unless you want to come back, which you can any time,” Yato said.
“Yes!” Yukine suddenly remembered he was supposed to be an adult and straightened out, “and you promise this time? No tricks? No lies? No gimmicks?” He pointed up at Yato who finally snorted out a laugh.
“Nothin of the sort, o partner o’ mine,” Yato held up a hand, “honest.”
“Both hands,” Yukine narrowed his eyes. With a scoff Yato held up both hands like he was at gunpoint.
“I swear it,” Yato vowed, “on my only son.”  Finally the dam broke and Yukine went back to his beaming smile.
“Yes!” Yukine pulled at his own ascot, “I won’t let you down! I promise!” The boy crouched to gather his materials only for Yato to crouch with him.
“I know you won’t, you’re my kid after all,” Yato took off his hat and put it on Yukine’s head, smushing it down with a laugh, “and I’m mighty proud of ya.” The two boys shared a laugh and Hiyori finally turned and gave them their space.
“But chu-know, we gotta get you your own hat. The tips of my ears are all crusty,” Yato gripped.
“Just get a different hat!”
“It’s my hat!”
“Then don’t leave for so long!”
“I don’t understand why you can’t just get your own hat.”
“I had one! Before you made me drop it in the river!”
“Oh I made you, yeah okay, and who made you that hat in the first place?”
“Well you should-” Yukine continued to argue, back with his old spunk. Hopefully they would get to spend some time together before she watched the two of them leave this place behind. That painful tug in her chest was getting harder to ignore.
Until a gunshot sounded across the desert and embedded itself in the dirt. Hiiro reared into the air, letting out a cry of alarm as Yato and Yukine readied their arms. Hiyori immediately ran to the back of the buildings and hid behind a small pile of crates. While shoot outs didn’t happen as often as they did in other towns, they were enough for her to know what to do. A tall figure stepped gracefully off of a blonde, raggedy stallion, high heel boots crusting the dirt beneath. Another couple figures in matching law uniforms dismounted but didn’t ready their weapons. Instead they eyed the standoff with wariness and annoyance. Hiyori sighed and stepped out from her hiding spot but stayed several feet away. Bent at Yato’s side, Yukine stood but kept one gun pointed, sharing a nod to the deputy sheriff across the way, who did the same. Meanwhile, Yato’s smile shifted to a dangerous grin which was replied with a snarl.
“Skank.” Yato greeted Sheriff Bishamon.
“Vermin.” The blonde growled in return. Deputy Kazuma tried to calm her, reminding her that Yato’s previous transgressions have been pardoned and he has yet to cause another. But his pleas went unheard. The two took slow steps forward, guns steadily aimed right between the eyes.
“You got nerve showin’ your face in my town,” Bishamon said.
“Why’s that? Don’t tell me it’s not big enough?” Yato joked. This didn’t go over well, the woman took a shot in front of Yato’s feet. The man yelled some sort of curse as he stumbled back, pushing Yukine behind him despite the kid’s protests. Yato’s gun remained pointed, trained by experience. Though the cowboy was clearly at a disadvantage, the sheriff having two bands of bullets criss-crossing over her chest.
“Come on, I’m just here for some good drinks, a fun time at Kofuku’s,” Yato said, “besides, shouldn’t you be on vacation? Aren’t you back a little early?” The man took another step. Hiyori’s fists tightened as she saw the hand signals Yato was giving Yukine from behind his back.
“That deviersion you had Miss Kofuku do? To have me run to her uncle while you tried to sneak around in my town? Not a chance.” Her eyes hardened but Deputy Kazuma already had a hand on her gun. It wasn’t until Yato’s eyes slid to meet Hiyori’s- the question clear in his expression- that the box from deep within shook and burst open. The confirmation she gave was with the tiniest of nods and their eye contact was over just as fast as it started. In an instant the situation changed; Yukine had mounted Hiiro who rose to her hindlegs with a loud cry and soon Yato was up too, shooting at the law’s horses to scare them. While Bishamon was distracted, Yato took the reins from Yukine and drove Hiiro towards the young lady.
“Wha-? What are you doing? You idiot!” Yukine was already turned around, guns pointed behind them, watching Yato’s back. The kid went ignored, Yato had his eyes trained on Hiyori’s, intense stare eclipsing his grin.
“Come on!” Yato held out his hand. Hiyori moved without another thought, grabbing his hand and letting herself be yanked on the thundering black stead. Her body fell roughly across the blackened cowboy.
“Wait!” Hiyori cried as they dashed around the corner and down the main road, “what about our-? My things?” Her concerns were covered by wisps of her hair and Hiyori had to brush them aside to see Yato throw his head back and laugh.
“Relax! We’re just taking a stroll until the armadillo-woman cools off,” Yato looked down at her and winked, “we haven’t danced at Kofuku’s yet right?”
“Gross! Stop being such a creepy old man! You’re lucky Daikoku even lets you back into that bar!” Yukine yelled at them. Yato’s laughter was contagious and soon it spread to Hiyori, the young woman clinging to the cowboy as he took her on an adventure.
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When You Least Expect It, Part Nine
Jensen x Musician!Reader; Rob Benedict x Reader (Platonic); Jason Manns; Nathan (OMC); Dee (OFC)
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Masterlist - Contains Chapter Links & Wardrobe Collages
A/N: This is a slow burn fic that I have been working on for a while. Its a story I wrote for myself and just wanted to share with everyone. Yes, the “Dee” in the story is who you think, but there is no intended hate on her or their actual marriage. It is a work of fiction, that is all. Part nine is from the Both POV. There is also a playlist to go along with the series. 
Spotify Playlist : Songs in this chapter - “Wow and Flutter” “Stay With Me” “Every Breath You Take”
Beta’d by @closetspngirl who has contributed so much to this fic! Thank you for not only indulging my lunacy but encouraging it with gusto! I don’t know what I would do without you!!!
Chapter Summary: Just as they decide to finally take this whole crush thing to a new place, people from their pasts like to pop in and cause some trouble.
Chapter Warnings: Language, Mild Violence, Floof, PDA
WC: 13K (Yeah, I know... I need to just stfu) **with lyrics. Lyrics NOT written by me in bold, italic. That honor belongs to the wonderful April Smith and The Great Picture Show. Song is on the playlist and I highly suggest checking it out. Its a great tune.
*Banner created by me; pics & gifs found online.
Tags are open if you want on, or wanna hop off.
Jensen woke up that morning with a smile. For the end of May, it was already hot in Austin, and the humidity wasn’t exactly being easy on the people who lived there. It was barely nine and he could already see the heaviness in the air. It didn’t phase him one bit because in the next two hours he would be heading over to the townhouse to spend the day with Y/N, Robbie, and Jason. They had planned a full-on day of just working and brainstorming on the best way to go about arranging the schedule of bands, where each one would be playing and for how long.
It wasn’t an easy task, as many of them were traveling into Austin for one day. Y/N had already taken care of all that and even arranged for a shuttle service to take the acts to and from the venues to hotels, airports, or even the local convenience store—wherever it was they needed to go. They were giving their time and talent for a worthy cause, so if there was something she could do to make their stay more comfortable, she was more than willing to do it.
It was little things like that, that made her a good partner on the event, but it was also those traits that made him look at her with hearts in his eyes and butterflies in his stomach. Her mind had a way of working and problem solving it like he’d never seen before. She wasn’t just thorough with following through, she took steps above and beyond what would be expected and consistently blew his mind.
On today’s agenda, the schedules would be finalized, and he could finally talk to her about the music she would be doing over the course of the weekend. That was what started all this, after all. Watching her play at the Beachcomber, seeing her play on New Year’s Eve, singing at the convention—Jensen knew this festival would not be complete unless Y/N took the stage. If he could convince her to sing with him as well? Even better.  
It didn’t take more than an hour for him to be ready to go. As he showered and dressed for the day, he rehearsed a hundred different ways to approach Y/N about performing. He had brought it up casually in the weeks since they were in Chicago, but she always found a way to change the subject or just blow him off completely. Today, he was determined to get her to agree to getting on one of the stages and sharing her gift with the crowd.
Keys in hand, Jensen was heading for the door when there was a knock at it, quickly followed by the door opening. Jensen was about to go off when he saw Jared come through.
“Hey! You here?” Jared called out, then spotted Jensen standing off to the side.
“Uh, yeah. Right here,” he chuckled. “What are you doing here? Thought you were heading out for a road trip with Gen and the munchkins.”
“We are. Leaving later this afternoon, I just had to talk to you real quick so I told her I had to run a quick errand.”
“So, you’re lying to Gen about coming here? Has she been reading fanfiction again? She worried there’s some, uh, frisky business…” Jensen motioned back and forth between him and Jared but kept a straight face.
Jared rolled his eyes. “No, you jackass. But she was talking with Dee yesterday at the house.”
Jensen was a little taken back by his statement. “Uh. Ok. So?”
“So? Dude, I knew Dee had been calling and shit since New Year’s, but you didn’t tell me she and what’s-his-face broke up. She made it sound like you two were getting close again and she was interested in reconciling. So, what gives?”
Jensen didn’t know what to say to that. He stammered and then started to pace from the entryway into the living room. He tossed the keys he had in his hand onto the coffee table and turned back to Jared.
“She said what now?”
“All I heard was that she and that guy broke up a couple weeks ago and that she’s been talking to you every day. Is she?”
“She texts me a lot. But it’s stupid shit, mostly. Not like we’ve been talking talking. What did she say, exactly?”
“I didn’t hear all of it, and when I walked in Dee clammed up. But, from what I could hear, your name along with the word ‘reconciliation’ was being tossed around.”
Jensen groaned a deep sigh and exhaled. “This is just aces. What the hell is she thinking?”
“So, you’re not, then? You and Dee aren’t—”
“No! No way. I haven’t thought about her like that in a long time. Especially after New Year’s.”
“Because she was there with her new man—ex-new-man,” Jared mumbled to himself, then waved it off. “OR is it because of Y/N?”
“Honestly, both? I guess…” Jensen shrugged.
This was all news to him and news he wasn’t exactly happy to hear. Y/N had her issues with an ex, now it was going to be his turn? It was bad enough that weeks had passed since he asked Y/N out on a proper date, but their schedules just hadn’t allowed for it to happen yet. Now, there was another potential roadblock that he wanted to prevent as quickly possible.
“Whatever you do, you didn’t hear this from me, alright? Gen and I have had enough conversations about you and Dee. No offense, but I just don’t need to go another round.”
“Hey, I get it completely. I’m sorry you had to catch some of the fall out from that.”
“It was bound to happen. Just for the record, Gen doesn’t have a vested interest either way. Not like she’s on Dee’s side waving pom-poms just because they’re friends.”
“Even if she was, she’s rooting for the losing team. I will always care about Dee, but the breakup happened for a reason. Took a while, but I am seeing what the reason is now.”
Jensen smiled, and that flutter of butterflies kicked up in his stomach. “Yeah. Because of Y/N.”
Jared considered it for a minute and nodded. “Despite the miscommunication debacle, you do seem pretty damn happy since you met her.”
“Because I am, man. She just makes me feel good. It's going slow, but, slow is good.
“How slow?” Jared asked, his expression wrought with curiosity.
“Slow. Very, very slow. But… it’s okay. It’s good. Means maybe it will work out.”
“Well, well… look at who’s being Mr. Level-Headed. Didn’t think you had it in you, to be honest.” Jared was trying his best to control his grin as he continued taking shots at his best friend.
“Don’t you have a trip to go on?” Jensen asked, then looked at his watch and back up at Jared with a deadpan gaze.
“Seriously! I mean, you freaked when Dee left. Completely overreacted and created this larger than life project. Didn’t you buy like, twenty pair of cowboy boots—”
“Alright, alright… thanks for the info and painful reminders, you can go now.” Jensen hurriedly tried to usher Jared towards the door. “Come on Paul Revere, you delivered the news. Time to ride off now. I got places to be.”
“Yes, now go.”
“You’re gonna talk to Dee?” Jared asked before he was pushed out of the door completely.
“Yes. I promise. I’m not lookin’ for a fatal attraction situation here, okay? I will speak to her and not bring you into it. Happy?”
“Blissfully. Tell Y/N I said hey. I’ll call you when we’re back.”
“Alright mom,” Jensen smiled and waved as Jared walked towards his car in the driveway, flipping him the middle finger as he went.
Jensen closed the door and went back into the house. He didn’t want Jared to see the mild panic at what he had told him, but there was some anxiety growing. When Dee had first reached out, Jensen was glad to have smoothed things over with her. Being friends again seemed like an achievable goal, and he didn’t even care anymore that she was with someone else. In the time between New Years and seeing Y/N again in Chicago, Jensen became hyper-aware that his fascination with the songstress from Seaside was more than just a fix for his loneliness. She was way more.
By the time they were in Chicago, and Y/N seemed just as happy to see him as he was her, it felt like a given that Dee was just an old friend, and their communication reflected that. Y/N was his focus, aside from the festival. Rekindling whatever he had with Dee was the furthest thing on his mind.
He debated on calling Dee then, but he didn’t want to bring Jared into it, so he thought it best to wait until Dee contacted him first. Then, it would give him time to figure out the best way to broach the subject of her possible intentions without it feeling like an attack. A provoked Dee was not a happy Dee.
Just as he was about to reach for his keys and head out the door, his phone vibrated from within his pocket. Almost afraid to see who it was, he slowly pulled it out and looked at the screen. When it was Y/N’s name and not Dee’s, he smiled with relief and tapped the message icon.
>>Please hurry. Robbie is playing a harmonica while Jason is playing a kazoo and doing a jig. I cannot be the only person to witness this chaos. HURRY!
<<I’m gonna need video evidence. It’s great for blackmail. On my way.
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Jensen was able to get across town and be at Y/N’s complex in less than thirty minutes. As he approached the front door, he felt a twinge of anxiety. It only took a moment to realize that it was related to what he and Jared had talked about that morning, mixed with the understanding that he would have to tell Y/N about it.
He had to, right? Yes, he thought as he was only steps from the door, I don’t wanna fuck this up. Be straight up with her. She’ll understand.
Back when he had been with Dee, he always second-guessed himself. He would mull over a thousand different questions and had even more moments where he doubted what he thought or felt in regard to Dee. Jensen had no doubts now. He knew that Y/N would be understanding of the situation, and he realized that none of those past insecurities were coming up. Having that kind of confidence in not only himself, but in Y/N, made him even more determined to be upfront with her as soon as possible.
He knocked but could hear the music muffled coming from the third floor. Since she had come back from New Jersey, Y/N transformed the third floor of the townhouse not just into her office, but into space where people could jam, pick at guitars, or just sit quietly and enjoy the view of the river. The sound of guitars and yes, even a kazoo, floated down from the open window making Jensen smile. He went to knock again when the door pulled open, and Y/N’s face greeted him.
There was a split second where he just stared at her. She was radiant, and the heat of the day didn’t look to bother her one bit. Her hair was swept up off her neck in a messy bun, and around it lay the charm he had given her for Christmas. Y/N looked like she had just rolled out of bed, still in an old Pink Floyd concert T-shirt that had been modified into a tank top, and black pajama shorts that exposed a good amount of her legs. Y/N wasn’t wearing a drop of makeup. It was the most natural he had ever seen her, and by far, her most beautiful look yet.
“Don’t just stand there, hurry or you’ll miss it!” Y/N said excitedly and pulled Jensen into the apartment. “Come on! If you get upstairs fast enough you may catch Rob on the kazoo! Who knew he could rock out on that thing!”
Y/N had Jensen’s hand in hers and was pulling him towards the stairs. He froze in place and let go of her hand. “Whoa… easy tiger. Can you just wait for one sec.”
She turned to face him and looked slightly hurt that he let go. “You alright?” She studied him for a minute and then loosely crossed her arms under her breasts. “You’re not. What’s up?”
“Yeah, I mean, I need to talk to you about something and, I’m not sure where to start.”
“Oh,” she said and swallowed thickly. Her arms fell to her sides, and she fidgeted with them for a minute before returning them to crossed under her chest, but this time she was more tense and guarded. “What about?”
Jensen saw her body language shift and realized he gave her the wrong impression. Not off to a great start there, champ, he chastised himself.
“Nothing bad, promise,” he chuckled and closed the distance between them. He lightly rubbed the upper parts of her arms and as he softened his gaze on her, helping a little tension release from her body.
“Then, what is it?”
He already regretted bringing it up. “I’m a dick, this could have waited. I just… I’m so afraid of fucking this up--”
“Stop. You can’t do that. Whatever is gonna happen, is gonna happen, Jay. If you have something to tell me, please do. Then give me the benefit of the doubt that I won’t run out on you again, okay?”
“You’re right.” He paused and gave himself a moment to figure out where to start. “Jared came by this morning to talk to me...” he continued, trying to not be nervous about something so trivial. “You know how Gen is still friends with Dee? And how she and I have been talking again?”
“You’ve mentioned it,” she said.
“Right, well, I guess Dee was at their place yesterday, and she was making it seem to Gen that maybe she wanted to come back.”
“Come back? You mean, like, come back to you?”
Jensen nodded and watched nervously as Y/N processed what he was explaining. She was quiet, and that made him anxious. The longer she just contemplated, the more on edge he was getting. It wasn’t a big deal, it really wasn’t. He was just trying to be honest and upfront because he didn’t want her to get any wrong ideas about his interest, or lack thereof, in Dee.
Y/N paced from the entryway and through the kitchen. Leaning back against the counter near the sink, she used her hands to boost herself up and sat on the granite top. “I thought she was with that guy from the party.”
“Apparently she dumped him last week.”
“Oh… How do you feel about that?”
“About Dee’s breakup? Or about her wanting to come back?”
Y/N shrugged. “Both.”
“I mean, we go way back and she’s not a bad person, just misguided sometimes. I do care about her, and I want her to be happy if that’s with him or someone else… that’s up to her.”
“Do you want her back?” she asked bluntly, and for the first time, he saw a bit of worry threading through the lines of her forehead.
His reply was genuine and immediate. “No, Y/N, I don’t.”
Jensen crossed the kitchen and stood in front of where she sat on the counter. He could tell she was trying to play the whole thing very cool, that wall she put up was there, but not guarding her completely. Jensen could see there was a space that he could crawl into and make room for this business between them to grow further, but he would have to be vulnerable with her, first.
He took a step closer, putting himself within that zone of her personal space; the area reserved for only the most intimate of encounters. His tongue ran out nervously over his bottom lip, as he brushed his thumb lovingly against her cheek.
“I haven’t thought about Dee like that in a long time,” he continued in hushed tones. “Whatever she and I had, it's long over. You are the only person on my mind.”
Jensen leaned in and kissed her lips gently. He saw her eyes flutter closed and felt her respond to his touch. A flood of relief washed over him when Y/N’s arms draped over his shoulders and her hands clasped behind his neck, encouraging him to kiss her. It took every ounce of willpower he had, but Jensen finally did pull away from her before he wouldn’t be able to.
Jensen let his forehead rest against hers for a moment before stepping back. “Besides, you still owe me a first date, remember?”
“I remember. Maybe stop leaving town the second I get back…” she teased, challenging him with the rise of one, well-manicured brow.
“I could say the same for you. Can’t seem to coordinate these travel schedules of ours.”
“Well, you just had to go off to Italy last week…”
“Hey, I told you to come. We could’ve had our first date in Rome!”
Y/N rolled her eyes and sighed. Jensen couldn’t even pretend to be exasperated with her anymore when she did that. From that first night they spent out on the beach in Seaside, the simple expression of annoyance she threw at him quickly became the one he found most alluring.
“I told you, I don’t have a passport--”
“We need to fix that.”
“--Also, I had to work.”
“We should fix that too. This guy you work with seems like a jerk. You should tell him you need a night off. Or at least time to get a proper passport photo.”
“You are such an ass,” she giggled but looked at him with such adoration, even Jensen couldn’t deny it was there despite his constant fear that she would quickly lose interest in him.
“Seriously, he works you like a dog, never gives you weekends off to go out on a first date with me--”
“Ohhh my God, shut up!” she groaned, took his face in her hands and pulled his lips back for a blunt smack of a kiss and released him, solely to shut him up. “You done now?”
“Not if you’re gonna keep kissing me,” he winked. “In all seriousness though, when is this gonna happen?”
“I don’t know Jay, I leave in two days to go back to Seattle, then I have to fly out to Jersey because Miguel and Javier have finally agreed to join the festival. BUT they want me to come out and go over everything. Javier doesn’t trust Leo, and frankly, Leo would just fuck it all up. When do you start up again in Vancouver?”
“Next week,” he sighed. “It’s not lookin’ good here, Trix. I know things are chaotic, but I really want this time with you before things pick up even more.”
Y/N smiled bashfully and cast her eyes down away from the intensity of his gaze. “I want that too,” she replied in a near whisper. “How about tomorrow? Last minute, but, at least we’ll be in the same city on the same night.”
Jensen perked up, but before he could answer, they heard someone rushing down the steps in leaps and bounds, their feet eventually landing on the ceramic tile of the kitchen with a thud. Y/N started to laugh as Jensen’s head whipped around and saw Robbie standing there out of breath and trying to maintain his balance so he didn’t fall.
“Whoa, that’s slippery,” he said with chuckle and then saw Jensen standing there. “Hey! Look who’s finally here! You missed a killer kazoo session, brother.”
“I heard.” Jensen moved to hug Rob hello and then went back to his place right next to Y/N.
Rob looked at them and saw all the signs of two people clearly smitten with each other. Y/N was sitting on the counter, and Jensen was leaning back on the edge directly in front of her. She rested her chin on his shoulder and looked completely comfortable doing so.
“Don’t you two look cozy,” he quipped and went to open Y/N’s refrigerator.
“Aw, come on Robbie. We got our snuggle session later, do be hatin’,” Jensen teased.
Rob ignored Jensen and gasped when he looked inside of the fridge. “Jesus, Y/N, it’s like a deserted wasteland in this thing. Doesn’t the man pay you enough to buy groceries?”
“No, he pays me in wit and booze.”
“Bri was right, you two are a match made in Hell,” Rob sighed and closed the refrigerator door.
Y/N sat up straighter on the counter prepared to defend her barren refrigerator. “Rob, when am I supposed to go grocery shopping? Or cook for that matter? If I am in town, I am here for hours at a time. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve used this kitchen.”
“I’ll tell you what,” Jensen said and moved off the counter to turn to face Rob and Y/N. “Let’s get a bit of work done first. Then, I’ll run to the store and get something to cook up for everyone. Sound good?” Jensen offered her a helping hand off the counter, and she took it happily.
“Pizza?” she asked excitedly when her feet were back on the floor.
Jensen sighed. “God, no. Not again. No Salty Sow, either. I’m talking a home-cooked meal. Alright?”
Rob’s face lit up. “You’re gonna cook for us?”
“Yeah, sure. Why not? But, schedules first.”
“Aye Aye, Captain,” Rob said and thought they would both follow him up. When neither Jensen or Y/N made a move to follow, he realized he had interrupted something, again, and turned for the stairs. “You know, I’ll just head up and get the board clear,” he stammered and retreated back up the steps.
“I love that strange little man,” Jensen chuckled and slightly shook his head before turning his attention back to Y/N.
“So, you’re gonna cook, huh?”
“Yes ma’am,” he answered, accentuating the thick Texas drawl he normally toned down.
She eyed him with playful suspicion. “Didn’t know you could or that you even liked to.”
Jensen took a few steps towards her, his gaze fixed on her as he walked her back until she bumped into the refrigerator. He placed a hand on either side of her head against the freezer door, then bent down and ghosted his nose over hers before he left a breath of a kiss on her lips.
“There’s a lot you still don’t know about me, Trix. Come on, let’s go get some work done before this takes a turn and nothing gets done at all.”
Jensen stepped back from her, but Y/N felt frozen in place. He took her hand and peeled her off the fridge, forcing her feet to move and guiding her in direction of the stairs to join Rob and Jason up in the office.
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An hour in and little work has gotten done up on the third floor of the townhouse. Jensen, Rob, Jason, and Y/N spent most of the time discussing music itself, instead of the scheduling of music. Eventually, it broke down to Jensen on the couch with a guitar, smiling like a fool as Robbie harmonized with Jason and the kazoo. Y/N watched from her spot on the floor, holding her belly and laughing as the guys jammed on what started out as a really nice version of Simple Man, into something unrecognizable, but amazingly fun.
When they had finally worn themselves out and put the instruments down, Rob’s stomach was growling loud enough for the entire room to hear it.
“Jay, please go get this man some food. I’m afraid we’re losing him.” Y/N pleaded with him as she stood up from the floor. “Maybe if he knows food is on the way, and you two aren’t here to distract him, I could trick him into work.”
“You’re devious,” Rob added, looking up to Y/N. “But your plan may just work.”
All eyes were on Jensen now, who regrettably got up from the couch. “Fine. Let’s do this. Jason, wanna take a ride with me?”
Jason nodded and got up from the couch and grabbed his keys from the table. “But we’re taking my car.”
“What’s wrong with my truck?” Jensen asked, slightly offended.
“Not the truck, I just want control over the music. Not really in the mood for Rob Zombie on repeat today.”
“Dude, that was one time. Let it go.”
Jason shook his head and went to leave the room, but turned and mouthed “more than one time” while Jensen’s back was still to him. “Meet ya in the car, buddy.”
Jensen waved him off. “Anything special you want me to grab while I’m out?” he asked Y/N and Rob.
“No, just food,” Rob said and went to pick up the guitar.
“Don’t you dare, Robert. You put that down and pick up the notebook and pen. Start making lists, I’ll be right back.”
Rob frowned, mildly scared. “Yikes. Since when did you get so bossy?”
Y/N gave him a challenging look, that made Rob slowly put down the guitar and pick up the notebook. Satisfied that he did what she asked, and turned her attention back to Jensen. She couldn’t help but laugh at his own expression as he appeared mildly shook at what he just saw happen.
“Damn, Trix. You gotta teach me that.”
“Oh don’t worry, I’m happy to boss you around any time,” she winked and then gently pushed him from the room and towards the top of the stairs. When they were out of view from where Rob was hopefully working, Y/N kissed his cheek sweetly. “See you soon.”
Jensen smiled and grabbed her arm lightly before she could turn away. His eyes were wistful and smiling, bringing out the crinkles she loved so much. He stole a kiss, sweet and soft before he released her and grinned smugly.
“I could really get used to this,” he said before turning and heading down the stairs and out the door to meet up with Jason.
Y/N took a moment to compose herself before going back into the office. When she did Rob watched her, a gleeful smile coming to light under his beard. “You guys… you’re pretty damn cute, you know that, right?”
“Shut up,” Y/N mumbled, but couldn’t hide the embarrassment in her smile.
“I mean it. So, what’s the deal, are you guys like… together?”
“Rob…” she whined. “Can we just work, please?”
“Yeah, of course,” he agreed and pulled out the list they had started with earlier that afternoon.
Ten minutes in and they came to their first bump in the road. There was an open spot on Saturday night that no one was able to fill.
“We could call one of the backup bands,” Y/N considered out loud.
“No,” Rob said, shaking his head. “I’ve got a better idea.”
“Which is?”
He leaned over and picked up the guitar, then held it out for her to take.
“You. You sing. You play. I know you have original songs. We’ve already talked about them. I want you up there.”
“No,” she chuckled and took the guitar but laid it down next to her. “None are ready, I don’t have a band anymore. I don’t--”
“Sure you do. We’ll back you up. Come on. Play one of the songs. I wanna hear one.”
“Maybe another time. Right now--”
“Nope. Now it’s my turn to be bossy. We need to fill this spot. It’s a big one on Saturday night on one of the main stages. I love the other bands and singers, but none of them are going to be able to fit that slot like it needs to be. We need a big sound. Original stuff. Too late to get any big, popular touring acts, so let’s give them something new. Besides, I know for a fact that a lot of fans are coming. A lot of which have seen you on stage with us already. So… whatcha say?” Rob motioned towards the guitar with his chin. “Play me something.”
Y/N studied his face for a moment and sighed in relent. “One song. But I promise nothing about the festival.”
“Yesss,” he hissed, excited for what was about to happen.
Y/N picked up the guitar and positioned it on her lap. “It’s not completely finished, but this is Wow and Flutter.”
She began to strum, the tempo was upbeat and had a good rhythm that Rob knew would be easy for the band to pick up.
“I could take a great big bite out of you When I get my cake I like to eat I like to eat it too And can I help myself if I find you simply delicious?
Now I'm like the big, bad wolf at your door My mouth is wide open, ready to explore And I'm not hiding the fact that I'm out for blood Baby, I'm vicious
Don't hate a girl because she knows All the ways to get beneath your clothes Cause you played those games, down to the letter You're just mad cause I play them better”
Rob’s foot was tapping along, and the grin he wore was large and genuine. When the verse went into the chorus, she repeated it twice and then just strummed the rhythm for a few more bars before stopping.
“I told you, it’s not done. I mean the lyrics are but…” she paused and shrugged. “Nothing special.”
“Nothing special?” Rob exclaimed. “Are you fucking serious right now? Y/N, that song… that could be huge. I can hear it finished in my head already and I’m telling you… it works. Please. Please consider this. I am begging you.”
Y/N didn’t know what to say. No one that had heard her original music had ever seemed very impressed by it; other than Mama Mia, of course. But that woman would encourage Y/N to do just about anything so she didn’t exactly trust her judgment.
“I--” Y/N was interrupted from a knock at the front door. “They couldn’t be back that fast, could they? Be right back.”
As she bounded down the two flights of steps, she felt a little relieved to be distracted from the conversation she was having with Rob. Putting it out of her mind, for the time being, she reached the front door and when she pulled it open, she felt like she was hit in the gut with a bag of rocks.
Nathan was standing on the porch, and when he saw her, his mouth unfurled to a wide grin. He looked tired and road worn; his clothes wrinkled and his hair unkempt. Yet, he still smiled wistfully when he saw her.
“Nathan?” His name came out more of a hollow whisper. “What are you doing here?”
“I came out to surprise you. Things at home were getting a little tiresome, so I rented a car and decided to take a road trip.”
“To Austin?”
“Well, not just Austin, but a stop along the way. Hope its a good surprise…”
“Um, yeah,” she said and tried to muster the enthusiasm he was expecting her to have. “Just a surprise. You have impeccable timing. One more day and I wouldn’t be here.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“Work,” she started and then stepped aside. “Sorry, come on in…”
Nate walked into the townhouse and looked around, letting out a little whistle as he did. “Fancy.”
“Not really. Just sort of serves as a home base for everything,” Y/N said, a knot of nerves was starting to tie in her stomach.
“Still pretty nice that you get to live here. Quite an upgrade from the bungalow.”
Y/N shrugged. “I don’t know. I love my bungalow. This is a great place, don’t get me wrong, but I miss having the ocean outside my front door.”
Nathan wandered into the living room and looked out of the rear balcony doors. “Yeah but, you got a river out back. That’s pretty sweet.”
“Yeah…” she trailed off, trying to think of what to say, but was blessedly interrupted by Rob coming down the stairs.
“Was that them because I am seriously hungry--” Rob said and paused when he saw the change in Y/N’s expression and body language. He didn’t say anything, but his brow knitted together, confused, and when she looked past him into the living room, Rob turned and saw the source of why her energy had shifted.
“Um, Rob… this is Nate. He’s a friend from Jersey. He’s on a spontaneous road trip and decided to pop in to say hello.”
“Oh, hey man!” Rob said and walked into the other room, hand extended in a greeting. “I remember you from FaceTime.”
“Yeah, right. How are ya,” Nate replied and shook Robbie’s hand?
“Good, good. That’s a long drive from Jersey! Where’s your ultimate destination?” Rob asked, trying to keep him engaged in conversation. He could feel the tense energy vibing off Y/N and he wanted to step in and help her however he could.
“Not sure really. I only have a couple weeks before I start work, so, thinking of checking out the west coast.”
“What work?” Y/N asked.
“Oh, you remember that old guy Ellsworth? The one with the fluke fishery out of Manasquan?”
Y/N nodded. “Of course, they were my dad’s biggest competition.”
“Yeah, well, his kid Kevin hired me on. Gonna be running flukes for the summer.”
“That’s great,” she said but felt that she didn’t entirely believe him. Kevin had been a friend of theirs growing up, and the last she could remember, Kevin and Nate did not leave things on good terms. Not wanting to rock the boat, she let it go and just tried to think of how to make this surprise visit go smoothly.
“Can I offer you a drink? I don’t have much, unfortunately…”
“I’m good,” he said. “Can I use your bathroom though? Long drive and all.”
“Of course, it's down the little hallway there, behind the stairs.”
Nate smiled at her as he passed by, and went down to the bathroom. Rob turned then and quickly walked over to Y/N.
“You alright? You look pale.”
“Just surprised is all.”
“Not a good one I take it?” Rob asked and Y/N just shrugged, then swallowed hard enough for Robbie to hear. “Who is he, really?”
“My ex. We’ve known each other for years,” she said lowly, then moved back into the kitchen so Nate wouldn’t hear them. “It didn’t end well. At all. He came over while I was back in New Jersey over the winter, wanting to be friends. But--”
“But what?”
“I don’t know Robbie, I think he wanted more. I tried to be firm and make that understood. But I don’t think he is taking that rejection well.”
“What makes you say--” Rob was cut off by the sound of the bathroom door open.
“So,” Rob started as Nate rejoined them in the kitchen. “How long you in town for?”
“Um, well, that depends on this one,” Nate said with a grin, that made Rob noticeably uncomfortable and pointed towards Y/N.
“Nate, I just told you, I leave on a trip soon. I won’t be here.”
“Oh, right,” he said, choking back whatever words wanted to follow. “Well, might as well make the most of the time we have, right? Why don’t you give me the grand tour.”
“Sure. I can do that. Rob, you wanna hang here and let the guys in if their hands are full?”
“You got it,” he grinned and watched as Y/N escorted Nate up the stairs towards the second floor.
When they were gone, Rob took out his phone and brought up Jensen’s name through the messaging app.
<<Hey man, how much longer you guys gonna be? Surprise visitor at the house, Y/N is sorta freaked.
He hit send and then held his breath for a beat waiting for Jensen’s response. It didn’t take more than a minute to get a text back.
 >>What the hell? Who’s there?
<<The ex popped in.
>>Mine or hers?
>>What the fuck. She ok?
<<Yeah, just freaked he showed up unannounced. What’s his deal, anyway?
>>IDK never met the guy. But I’m about too. Be back in ten min.
 Y/N showed Nathan around to the second floor, but skipped her bedroom, then took him up to the office area on the third floor. When he walked into the loft space he stopped and took a good look around. It was a large, open room, with two glass doors that open out onto a balcony.
“Wow, this place… it's huge for one person,” he mumbled and walked through. “Can’t believe you have furniture and instruments up here, and still have that much room to move around.”
“Well the guitar is mine, but the amps and bass, drum kit… they’re all Robbie’s. He brought them up about a month ago and they just sort of became part of the room now.”
“You playing with their band?” he asked in an accusatory tone.
She was taken aback by the tone of his question. “Sometimes, but just for fun. Why?”
Nate shrugged, seemingly annoyed, and walked out to the balcony. Y/N stayed in the room, though she knew he wanted her to follow him out there. A moment or two later, he came back in realizing that she wasn’t going to.
“So what’s the plan, Nate? Why are you here, really?”
“Can’t I just come by to say hello? I mean, we’re friends, right? That’s what you said.”
“Yes, Nathan, we are--”
“They why don’t you call or text me back?”
“Because I’m--”
“Yes, and stop interrupting me. I’m working, Nate. I travel a lot. I am in meetings with school boards, city councils, business owners, bands…”
“Singing on stages with celebrities…”
Y/N froze. “What did you say?”
“I saw you, Y/N. I saw the video. When you were in Chicago and you never called or texted back. I got scared something happened to you. I was sitting at home worrying that you were dead in an alley somewhere. I mean, you were in Chicago! Anything could’ve happened to you! So, since you weren’t answering, I did some digging. Searched hospitals and morgues, but then I saw the video and there you were, perfectly fine.”
“And? What the fuck does that have to do with anything, Nate? It was work! Also, I don’t HAVE check in with you. I call and text when I can. I told you back in January if you couldn’t handle us just being friends, then, you need to stay away.”
“No… I…” he stuttered nervously “I can, Y/N. I know, I have a lot to make up for. It’s just… I miss you. Just even talking to you. And I worry about you traveling so much alone.”
“I’m sorry Nathan, but that’s no excuse to come here to my house and act like a jerk.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Y/N sighed and crossed her arms over her chest tightly. From below, she heard the commotion of voices and knew that Jensen and Jason had come back. Relief washed over her, but also a sting of anxiety over Nathan coming face to face with Jensen and what that would entail.
Nathan heard it too, and Y/N saw his body noticeably tense up. “More company?”
“No, the other guys are back with food,” she said and walked towards the door.
“What other guys?”
“Jensen and Jason. We were all here working today.” Y/N turned to go down the stairs. She didn’t invite him to follow, but he did.  
Down in the kitchen, she found Rob, Jensen, and Jason talking in hushed tones, and she had an idea that it was in regards to Nathan. The moment she arrived in there, they stepped back and resumed normal conversation.
“Hey,” she said and went to the counter where they were unloading the bags. “What did you get?”
Jensen studied her demeanor for a moment before answering. “I got some chicken kabobs to throw on the grill, some salads and Jason insisted on the mango salsa and chips.” He was going to ask about Nathan and if she was alright, but right on the heels of his rundown of lunch, Nathan appeared from the stairwell into the kitchen. Y/N heard him and did her best to keep a pleasant tone as she introduced him.
“Nathan, this is Jensen, and that’s Jason. They are both working on the festival.”
“Nice to meet ya,” Jensen said and held out his hand. Jason simply gave a wave from the other side of the kitchen as he pretended to busy himself with the food.
Nathan hesitated when taking Jensen’s hand to shake, but after a moment, he reached out and did just that. Y/N could see he was getting angry. That side of him hadn’t changed, and all his usual tells were still the same; his hands were fidgeting, the vein in his neck was protruding, his body was very rigid. But somehow, Nathan managed to shake Jensen’s hand and even reply normally to the introduction.
“Same here. Heard a lot about you from Y/N,” Nathan said after letting go of the greeting.
“Yeah, me too… So what brings you to Austin, Nate?” Jensen was getting right down to business. Y/N watched nervously as the conversation between them was pleasant, yet ripe with tension.
“Just road tripping through,” he answered and shifted uncomfortably.
“How long you sticking around for?”
“Well, I don’t know, Jensen. Was hoping a few days but seems like you’re working Y/N too hard, as she’s off for another trip tomorrow.”
Jensen knew that she didn’t have to leave for another two days, but nodded in agreement. “Yeah, well, that’s why she gets paid the big bucks,” he said with a forced smile. Y/N saw that expression and knew there was nothing humorous about it. Jensen was getting annoyed by Nathan already, and she needed to find a way to diffuse the situation.
“Jay, why don’t you go light the grill. Takes a few minutes to get going. Rob and Jason can get back on the schedules while the food’s cooking. Right guys?”
“On it,” Rob said, grabbed the chips and salsa, then motioned with his head for Jason to follow him back upstairs.
“Yeah, okay,” Jensen said after the other two left, and gave Y/N a purposefully sweet smile. He grabbed the ready-to-grill chicken kabobs from the counter, then made his way through the living room and out onto the patio to ready the grill.
“Nice guy,” Nathan mumbled sarcastically. “His hair always look like that?”
“You need to stop. I am not going to do this with you.”
“Do what?”
“Have you stand in my house and be rude to my friends. You forget I know you, Nathan. I know your tone, your body language… I know when you’re lying and I know when you’re being a shit on purpose.”
He was growing annoyed and she didn’t care. She was tired of his brazen ways of trying to get her to pay attention to him.
“I’m not lying. I am on a road trip, wanted to see you. That’s all!”
“Ok, fine. But, you should have called. I can’t just drop everything for you--”
“But you would for him,” Nathan snapped and pointed over his shoulder. “Some pretty rich boy… who can buy you townhouses and fly you all over the world. When the fuck did you get to be so God damn shallow?!”
“You know what, fuck you! You don’t have the first clue who he is. You don’t know me anymore, Nate! I am not the same girl you could push around and--” she stopped herself before she ventured down a road she wasn’t ready too.
“And what?” he asked, baiting her.
“It’s time to go, Nate.” Y/N wouldn’t look at him. Her arms were so tightly crossed against her chest, she was beginning to tense in her shoulders and lose feeling in her hands.
“You’re unbelievable. You leave Jersey for what, six months? And now you’re too good to spend time with me, right? You’ve moved on? What makes you think you deserve any of this, huh? Because some fuck boy is gonna give you whatever you want to suck his dick?”
Nate was growing louder and now, more than ever, she just wanted him to go peacefully.
“Nate, please. Just go,” she said, nearly pleading with him.
“You say I’ve changed?” he ignored her and continued. “YOU have changed! You used to not care about any of this shit. It was you, me and Dave. All we had was each other!”
“Right, then you drank everything away and left! Put me in the goddamned hospital before you did, too!” She was so angry she was shaking now, working hard to focus her frustration at Nathan. So much so she never heard the balcony doors open a moment before, or notice Jensen step through.
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Jensen’s voice cut through the tension and caused Y/N to finally unfurl her arms, letting them fall to her side.
“Jay…” she breathed and looked over at Nate who was grinning in a way that made her stomach churn.
“Did you actually just say that he put you in the hospital?” Jensen’s gaze was stuck on her, his lips pulled into a thin line and his arms rigid at his side. “Y/N?”
Y/N closed her eyes for a moment and sighed deeply before answering. “It was a long time ago… It’s not a big deal. I’m just asking him to leave now.”
“I don’t give a shit if it was yesterday or a lifetime ago. He put his hands on you and put you in the hospital. Yes or no?”
She tried to swallow back the lump of anxiety in her throat. Words wouldn’t come, but she wouldn’t lie to protect Nate anymore, either. Slowly, Y/N nodded.
In a flash, Jensen took a few lunging steps towards Nathan, grabbed his shirt at each shoulder and shoved him hard up and into the wall. His face was contorted into disgust and it was taking all of his will power not to pummel the man right there.
“What the fuck did you do to her?!”
Y/N could hear footsteps from upstairs, the volume of the argument reaching the top floor of the townhouse. Just as Jensen was getting in Nate’s face, Rob and Jason were there, trying to pull Jensen off him.
“Jay! Come on man be smart!” Rob yelled, yanking at Jensen’s shirt as Jason wrapped an arm around his waist, trying to move him back.
Jensen stopped resisting and let go of Nate’s shirt. He stepped back but was still breathing heavily through his nostrils from the rush of adrenaline.
Nate laughed and smoothed out his shirt. “That’s what I thought,” he mumbled and took a step towards the front door. “Don’t worry, Y/N. I’m going. I see you for what you are now. You ain’t worth--”
Nathan was stopped by the motion of Jensen’s fist connecting with his mouth. Taken off guard, Jensen cocked his arm back the second Rob and Jason had let him go. He had no intention of letting Nate get off that easy. Leaving or not, Jensen would have the last word here. No way he was going to let Nate say anything else, especially not about his girl.
Nathan went spiraling backward, and slammed into the front door, then slid to the tile. He grabbed onto his jaw where Jensen punched him and felt the trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth.
“Come on! You’re so fucking tough to him a woman?! Hit me, asshole! I dare you!”
“Jensen! Jay, please… Just… let him go,” Y/N was standing in front of him now, pushing him back towards the living room and out of Nathan’s reach. “Please, look at me.” She could feel how tense his body was and she was amazed she was even able to move him back at all. Y/N touched his cheek and then lay the same hand on his chest; simply trying to get his attention.
From behind her Nathan snorted a laugh and muttered, “Yeah, that didn’t take long.”
“Dude, I think you need to leave. Now,” Rob warned, feeling ready to lay down some swift justice himself. “Seriously. Fun’s over.”
“I swear to God if you come anywhere near her again…” Jensen growled then trailed off, knowing he needed to be careful, but seething to make a definitive promise of bodily harm. He finally looked away from Nate and into Y/N’s gaze. He saw her desperation for this to be over. For her, he released the tension in his body and laid his hand over hers that rested on his chest.
Nate didn’t say anything else. He glared at Y/N incredulously and gathered himself before opening the front door. When he was done eyeing her with an air of disgust, his gaze flicked up to Jensen. Nate spat on the floor and laughed, then went out the front door and slammed it behind him, making Y/N jump.
Jensen put his arms around her and pulled her into him. He held her until she stopped trembling, then walked her to the couch. In that time, Rob wiped up the floor, so Y/N wouldn’t have too. He and Jason thought it best to give their friends a few moments alone, so they quietly went back upstairs after setting all the locks on the front door.
“You alright?” Jensen asked her. She was tucked into the crook of his arm on the couch, and he was grateful she had stopped shaking.
“Me? How’s your hand? You hit him pretty hard.”
“Eh, it’s fine,” he reassured her and flexed it once or twice. “Promise. Just a little sore.” Jensen sat up and turned to face her. “Why didn’t you tell me what he did? And, I’m not trying to judge you, but why would you ever let him back into your life after he did… whatever he did?”
Y/N slowly shook her head. “I don’t know. He never used to be violent. After the drugs and drinking though, he got that way. We were at the Bamboo, and he had come for money and I wouldn’t give him any. He hit me, square in the face. Broke my nose and when I fell back, I hit my head and got a concussion.”
“Hence the hospital stay.”
“Jesus,” Jensen sighed and took her hand in his. “He won’t hurt or scare you again. Ok? I won’t let him. In fact, I think it would be safer if you just come stay at my place. I won’t be there a lot, but, better than you being here alone. I don’t like the idea of that while I’m in Vancouver.”
“No, Jay--”
“No, listen. Please… Y/N…For me, for my peace of mind, come stay. We’ll wrap this up and then go back to my house--”
She was shaking her head emphatically. “No. I won’t do that. I won’t let him chase me away. I had to move away from the bungalow for months after that happened because I was afraid. I won’t leave my home again because of him. I won’t, so please don’t ask me too.”
Jensen was quiet for a minute but agreed to stop asking. “If he should come back around, you don’t hesitate to call 911. And tomorrow, I’m calling an alarm company and getting one installed.”
“Jensen,” she sighed, “That’s not necessary.”
“It is to me. And if you won’t come to my place. I will make sure you’re safe when I can’t be here. Sorry, Trix, those are the rules if you’re gonna date me.” His expression shrugged, and it made her smile. That’s all he ever wanted to do was to make her smile.
“I can handle that,” she said and leaned against him again.
“Do you… are you still--I mean, if you wanna cancel tomorrow,” Jensen started half-heartedly, hoping she would stop him. He wasn’t disappointed.
“Oh no, fuck that. We are going out tomorrow. I refuse to let that assclown ruin anything else. Especially that.”
Jensen breathed a sigh of relief and kissed the top of her head. “Good. That makes me happy.”
“Can I ask you a favor?” Her voice seemed small and timid.
“For the rest of the night, can we not say his name or bring this up again? Everything was so perfect before he came and ruined it.”
“That is something we can do. You know what else, we can do?” he asked and pulled back to look down at her.
“Eat chicken kabobs. Good ones too. Maybe Rob and Jason even saved some of the salsa for us.”
“Now you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment, Jensen,” she teased.
She loved how despite the chaos that just erupted, he could roll with the punches and provide her with the tools she needed to get back on track with feeling good and skirting the void she used to fall into where Nathan was concerned. Jensen was a beacon for her, and she was grateful to have him in her life.
“Call me a hopeless dreamer,” he laughed and stood up from the couch. He offered her a hand and pulled her up to her feet. She turned to go, but he stopped her and made her face him.
He didn’t say a word, just kissed her softly and gave her hand a squeeze. She saw that he winched a little when he did and knew he was downplaying how badly his hand hurt. Y/N walked into the kitchen and went into the freezer. She pulled out a bag of frozen peas and met him near the staircase.
“Gimmie,” she demanded and waited for him to put his hand out. She rested it gently against the bag of peas and adjusted it to cover his knuckles.
“Robbie’s right, you are bossy.”
“It’s a gift,” she shrugged it off.
“It’s cute.”
She shook her head and concentrated on his hand. “I have sports tape somewhere. I’m a klutz, constantly tripping over stuff, so I learned to keep it on hand.”
“Hey, Y/N, it's fine. I’m fine. I promise. Go upstairs and help the guys. I should go flip the chicken. Then we’ll work and after which you and I can just concentrate on tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? What’s tomorrow?” she asked, but couldn’t keep a straight face. “Still cute?”
Jensen nodded. “Ridiculously so.”
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Jensen called first thing the next morning, letting Y/N know the security company would arrive by ten for a consultation, and the installation was scheduled for the day after she left, with Jensen promising to be there to oversee it. They chatted casually about that evening, and he was very mysterious and vague about the plans he had made for them. Only that she should wear whatever she wanted, and be ready by six.
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There was much different energy throughout that day then there was the last time she spent an afternoon getting ready to go out with him. Y/N leisurely searched through her closet and pulled out a white, cotton dress, with a delicate lace overlay that came to mid-thigh. Pairing it with her favorite jewelry and sandals, she grabbed her light blush colored purse just as his knock rapped at the door.
Y/N exhaled a steady breath before she opened the door. She had been out places with Jensen a dozen or more times, but tonight was different. It wasn’t about work or the festival, it wasn’t planning or brainstorming. This was just Trix and Hollywood, going on a date and that put a mild tremor into her nerves.
She opened the door and saw him standing there staring off into the parking lot. There were a few times she was struck by just how gorgeous he was, but that night, Jensen took her breath away. He wasn’t dressed in anything more than a pair of blue-grey pants and a tight-fitting, long sleeve cream color shirt, but there was something about him that left her speechless.
When Jensen turned and was able to take in the full sight of her, his expression fell, along with his jaw.
Y/N had a moment of panic at his reaction. “What? It's too much, right? I’m way overdressed—” she paused when Jensen looked like he may say something but stopped. “Underdressed? I could change.”
Y/N went to turn, already running through other things she could throw on real quick. Before she could get far, Jensen’s hand gently grabbed her wrist to stop her.
“You’re perfect.”
“You’re biased.”
“Maybe,” he shrugged and guided her closer towards him. “But I don’t care. You’re perfect just how you are.”
She looked away bashfully, momentarily unable to handle the way he was looking at her. Y/N didn’t know if she could accurately describe just how intense it felt; just that it made every hair on her arms stand at attention, and every nerve ending spark with live current. Jensen offered his elbow to her just like he did on New Year’s Eve, and once again, she took it happily, closing the front door behind her.
As Jensen escorted her from the front door to his truck, Y/N had a moment where she wondered if he made her feel like he did because he was simply the most genuine and kind man she’d been out with, or if it was because that’s what it felt like when you met your soulmate. He opened the car door for her and once she was in and he closed it, she watched him walk around the front of the truck and thought the night would help her to figure that out.
 “You never did tell me where we were going,” she said as she watched the city roll by from the passenger window. “I mean, this is you we’re talking about, so I don’t know if you’re taking me to McDonald’s or to The Met.” Y/N turned her head from the window to look at him and was met by a deadpan roll of the eyes.
“Seriously? McDonald’s?” he sighed.
“What? I’m not exactly a five-star bistro kinda girl, Jay. I’m ok with Mickey D’s, as long as you let me supersize.” She wiggled her brows and winked at him. Even when she was being purposefully sarcastic, he found her adorable.
“We are definitely not going to either of those places. I was shooting for something more in the middle.”
“A hint, perhaps?”
“Nope. Sorry, Trix. You’re just going to have to be patient. Besides, we’ll be there before you know it.”
“Terribly,” he smirked and directed his eyes back to the road in front of him.
True to his word, they arrived at the secret location shortly after. Jensen directed his truck through the entrance and to the parking lot, finding a space and killing the engine. Y/N realized they were in Republic Square and felt slightly confused until she spotted the sign near the edge of the lot that read “Jazz in the Park, Featuring FOR TONIGHT ONLY, Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox”. The realization hit her as to the evening’s entertainment and she whipped her head around to him.
“Seriously?! You got tickets that last minute?! I’ve always wanted to see Postmodern Jukebox!” she squealed and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze.
In all the months he knew Y/N, Jensen had never seen such a rush of excitement come over her. He thought he had seen all of her expressions, but this was new and he found himself liking it, a lot.
“I did. I heard you talk about them enough, and saw there were a few tickets left so I grabbed ‘em.”
“You’re amazing, Jay, thank you,” she breathed, then leaned over and left a longing kiss on Jensen’s cheek.
His breath caught in his throat like it always did when she was that close. But Jensen was able to maintain his composure. “Come on, let’s go find a good spot.”
Once they were out of the truck, he went into the bed and retrieved the oversized plaid blanket he had there along with a big wicker basket.
“Well, well, maybe you ARE a Boy Scout after all,” Y/N said, surprised at all the effort he had put in for their date that had been planned with such short notice.
“Shall we?” he asked, tucking the blanket between his arm and the basket, and offering her his free hand.
Y/N smiled and took his hand, lacing their fingers together, excited for what the evening had in store. “Yes, please.”
After claiming a spot close to the stage, but not in the middle of the crowd, Jensen spread out the blanket and set the basket on top. He offered a hand to Y/N as she went to sit, then took his place beside her.
The park had been transformed into an intimate setting with the addition of twinkling white lights that were strung through the trees that lined the perimeter of the concert area. The evening air was a perfect temperature, and off in the distance, beyond the dreamy atmosphere of the fairy-like trees, the insects of twilight could be heard performing their own concerto.
“What’s in there?” she asked pointing at the basket, then lifting the lid to inhale the familiar, savory aroma. “What did you bring?!”
“Well,” Jensen said, a sly smirk on his face as he pulled the basket closer and opened it up a little. “Wine, cheese, grapes, some caviar--” he looked to Y/N and saw her eyes narrowed at him.
“I know the smell of a burger, Jay. Don’t give me that wine and cheese crap. What did you get?!” She sat up on her knees and tried to get a look in the basket, but he snapped it shut before she could. “Mean!” she sat back on her heels and pretended to pout.
“Close your eyes,” he instructed. Y/N continued to protrude her lower lip and look at up him with wide, sad eyes. “Come on, don’t ruin my fun. Close ‘em.”
Y/N played along and closed her eyes. A moment later she felt him place something in front of her and when he gave her the ok, she was able to see the lengths he really went to for their first date. Sitting on the blanket in front of her, was a six-pack of her favorite brew from his brewery and two styrofoam containers from The Salty Sow.
Jensen went back into the basket and retrieved utensils and napkins just as the opening band took the stage. The smooth soulful jazz was a nice backdrop to a dinner of their favorite burgers and the light, playful banter that flowed so easily between them. By the time that band had played through their set, Jensen and Y/N had cleared the debris from the food and were ready for PMJ to take the stage next.
There was a good size audience spread out across the meadow, and they all rose to their feet when Postmodern Jukebox began to play. They kicked off the first set with the more uptempo numbers, prompting a lot of the people that were up, to dance and move to the beat. Jensen took Y/N’s hand and tried to pull her close.
“Come dance with me, Trix.”
She laughed and shook her head. “I can’t dance, or did you forget?”
“Did I ever tell you that I have a bucket list?” he asked, ignoring her and refusing to let go of her hand.
“No,” she sighed, “do tell…”
“Well on that list, it very clearly says, ‘dance with Y/N’. Are you really going to deny me a chance to cross something off my bucket list?” he asked with a feigned offense. “Really?”
“The first night I met you, I told you I dance like Elaine from Seinfeld, remember? Why would you subject yourself to that?” she asked with a chuckle.
“Oh, I remember. I also remember jumping into the frigid ocean just to get your attention,” he said, and brought her hand to his chest and held it there. “I remember asking you to come work with me…” his picked up her wrist, and brought it up to his shoulder, and laid her hand behind his neck. “I remember how you rolled your eyes at me constantly…” Y/N rolled her eyes purposefully at him, causing a smug grin to unfurl on his lips. “Yup, just like that.”
Finally, he slipped his arms around snuggly around her waist and began to sway her slowly to the music before he continued. “I remember you finally agreeing to come work with me after I sang Joy to the World, and then spent the night.”
The song ended, and just as Y/N half-heartedly tried to break away from him, PMJ’s cover of “Stay With Me” started to play. Jensen brought her in even closer, leaving barely a breath of space between their bodies.
“Oh no, that was barely a dance… Besides, I didn’t tell you what I remember the most about that first night.”
“What?” she asked, the question nearly silent as it caught in her throat.
“What I remember most, is how beautiful you looked in the moonlight.”
Y/N felt her chest ache at his words, and she instinctively felt the need to play it off like what he said was no big deal. She rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Laying it on a little thick, huh Hollywood?”
“No,” he breathed. “Not gonna let you do that.” His face turned serious as he held her a little tighter. “I mean it, Y/N. I knew that night that somehow, someway, I would get to hold you like this.”
“Jensen…” she breathed, unsure of what should come next.
Words were failing her. There was no snappy comeback, no witty retort she could throw at him that would shift the mood of the moment. What surprised her more was that she didn’t really want it to. Y/N wanted to be real with him. The simple act of allowing herself to dance with him was her being pretty open already, but she knew she had to go further. She wanted to put the walls down and be as vulnerable as he was; she craved it. Past experiences and regrettable choices were the only things holding her back, and it was while she danced with Jensen that she came to understand that they didn’t matter anymore. Jensen knew her, understood where she came from and how she’d been hurt because he had been too. He saw that in her and still wanted to be there, holding her while they danced under a canopy of stars.
Y/N sighed softly, and when her eyes were able to meet his she found the confidence to say what she needed to. “You were the first person I told that story to… the one about my dad. No one knew about that; not even my brother.”
The little smile Jensen had been wearing fell and was replaced by something softer. “Really?”
“Mhm, I just never wanted to share that. That was my thing with him. But that night, I don’t know, it just felt right. I wanted to tell you about it. I knew you were someone special when you jumped in the water and sang the song with barely any hesitation. I knew then that he would have liked you.”
“You think so?” Jensen smiled proudly hearing that from her. “I didn’t hesitate because I knew you’d be worth it. Whatever it took, would have been worth it for you to say yes,” he said, his voice low and raspy.
“After everything, you still think that?”
Jensen nodded, “Absolutely. What makes you think otherwise? Because of yesterday?”
Y/N shrugged. “Maybe. And, New Year’s… I know we promised to move on but, Jay… I still feel terrible, and--.”
“Don’t. I’m glad it happened the way it did. My head wasn’t ready for it all yet. Neither was yours. But having that time between then and now, I know for sure that whatever this is, isn’t just a passing thing. But I get still being cautious. So, if that means moving slowly towards something, I am happy to take the scenic route.”
“You really mean that?” she asked.
Before he responded, Jensen took a moment, letting his eyes gaze over her face, taking note of every freckle, the little dimples that only appeared when she smiled a certain way and how her eyes softened when she did. It was rare for him to see her like this; free of the facade she put up to keep people at arm’s reach. This was Y/N, real, raw and stunningly beautiful in her vulnerability.
“Yeah, I really mean that. I’m in, Trix. I’m all in. Just promise you won’t shut me out; not about what you feel, not about your past, not about what you want for your future. And I promise you to do the same.”
“Wow… dinner, music, dancing and heartfelt promises… what’s next?”
“Aaand there she is,” he teased, the smiling growing on his lips was still there when he leaned in to kiss her.
Y/N kissed him back as they danced close, eventually resting her head his chest, and his cheek to the top of her head as the song came to a close.
The band took a short intermission, so Jensen and Y/N sat back down and he opened them each another beer. As they got comfortable stretching out on the blanket, she began to look around the park. He watched her closely, something he had become quite fond of doing, and could tell that her mind was plotting and planning for when this park was under their control later that year.
“Stop it,” he chuckled and drank from the bottle.
“Stop what?”
“Planning. Plotting. Whatever you’re doing. No work tonight.”
“I’m not!” she objected and took a sip of her own beer, then shrugged subtly and sighed. “Ok, maybe I was, a little. But, I can’t help myself. I’m excited. Seeing this place set up like this, I can really envision our stage up there when the time comes.”
“It is pretty exciting. Honestly, I can’t believe how close it's getting. I couldn’t have done it without you, you know.”
“I know,” she sighed, waiting a beat, then winked at him playfully.
“Since it came up… there is one thing we haven’t talked about.”
“What’s that?”
“Well… since I met you, I’ve seen you do burlesque, play piano and sing with Bri, jam with Robbie… but you have yet to sing with me even once.”
“We can sing together anytime, Jay,” she chuckled.
“No, I mean at the festival.”
“You wanna sing with me at Brewfest?” she breathed. “Really?”
“You bet your ass I do, I think we should do a few songs together. Besides that, I think you should get up there with a band and do your own stuff. I know you have songs ready and I also know that Louden Swain would be more than happy to learn them and back you up on stage.”
“I--I don’t know, Jay. I’m doing a number with The Corsettes at one of the theater locations downtown, and I would be thrilled to share a stage with you. I don’t know about my stuff though. It’s not…” she trailed off and shrugged. “It’s just not good enough.”
“That’s bullshit.”
“How would you know? You haven’t even heard it yet,” she laughed and waved him off.
“Because Robbie heard it. I trust Rob and he said its beyond good. Will you at least think about it?”
The stage came to life again as the band returned from the brief intermission. Just as the music picked up again, she turned to Jensen and nodded. “I promise to think about it.”
Jensen leaned over and left a soft kiss on her cheek. “That’s my girl,” he whispered before pulling away and leaning back on his hands; his long legs stretched out before him, giving his attention over to the stage.
Several songs later, Y/N found herself leaning back on her hands as well, her shoulder leaning against Jensen’s, just lazily enjoying the show. The music was heavenly and the air of the evening was deliciously warm with the slightest bit of a breeze. The opening notes of “Every Breath You Take” began, and it made her sit up a little straighter. The original being a favorite, this particular cover was quite beautiful. As the songstress’ voice filled the park, Y/N couldn’t help but look over at Jensen, who wasn’t watching the stage at all; his eyes were firmly fixed on her.
Jensen sat up. He gingerly took her legs and swung them his way so they were draped over his lap, and slid her across the blanket so she was as close as she could be. She giggled and locked in with his gaze. He left his hand to rest on her knee and leaned in to kiss her again. It was soft and gentle, and when she kissed him back, his hand began to move slightly up her thigh, brushing past the hem of her dress. Her hand was on his cheek, sliding to his jaw than to his collarbone and coming to on the back of his neck.
She tried to remember they were in a public place, but the feel of his lips against hers was too good right then to let go of. With this particular song as the backdrop, she felt herself getting lost in him. Jensen’s lips moved from her mouth but didn’t go far. He left a trail of delicate, lingering kisses along her jaw until he reached her neck. He kissed her there, softly yet wanting. The path of his lips stopped when he reached the collar of her dress, and that’s when he lifted his head and met her gaze.
Jensen caressed her cheek with his hand and smiled wistfully. “So, better than Rome would have been?”
“Way better,” she whispered and leaned into his touch, finding his lips again and continued kissing him sweetly.
It didn’t get heated, or greedy; it was tempered and loving. Just the two of them lost in each other and in the song. When it ended, they let the other go. Jensen put his arm around her and held her as close as he could until PMJ closed the show a short time later.
The drive back to the townhouse was quiet but in a comfortable, contented kind of way. The next day she would be off to Seattle, then to New Jersey. Jensen would be back in Vancouver by the time she returned, so it was their last bit of time together for who knew how long.
He parked the truck and went around to open her door for her.
“I gotta say, Hollywood, you are quite the gentleman. Your mama did a damn good job.”
“I’ll be sure to tell her you said that,” he said, and squeezed her hand.
They strolled up to the front door, neither wanting the night to end, but knowing that it had too. If she was lucky, she could get in four solid hours of sleep before leaving for the airport.
“I feel sixteen again,” Jensen chuckled, feeling a little nervous. “Afraid your dad is gonna start flashing the porch light at us. So, when are we in the same city again?”
Y/N sighed, and Jensen thought she seemed as suddenly anxious as he was. “I’m not sure. I hope soon.”
“Before San Diego would be good. Think we could work that out?”
“I will do some planning on the plane. We’ll make it work.”
“Well, since things are going to get hectic, do me a favor and clear the first weekend in August.”
“August? Why August?”
“Gen is throwing Jared a belated birthday, Luau style.”
“Oh, well now, that seems fun. Are you asking me to be your date?” she asked and raised her brow in question and flashed the impish smile he couldn’t get enough of.
“What do you think?”
“I think I need to find a grass skirt.”
“Oh God, please, yes. Do that.” Jensen bit his lower lip at the thought of it and she smacked him gently. “I guess this is goodnight, huh?”
Y/N’s smile faded and she reluctantly nodded. “Unless you wanna cancel the festival and run off somewhere...” she tried to tease, but there was the underlying disappointment and knowledge that of course, they couldn’t.
“Don’t tempt me, Trix.”
“Alright. Another time, then?”
“Absolutely,” he said, almost breathless at the thought.
They embraced under the light on the porch and held each other for a long minute. Jensen kissed her, and despite the warm night air, ripples of goosebumps cascaded down her arms. He could feel himself craving more of her. Jensen was the first to break away; he had too.
“I should go,” he sighed. “If I don’t…” Jensen just shook his head and ran his tongue out and over his bottom lip.
“I know… I should go, too. Get some sleep. Thank you for tonight. It was perfect.”
“It was pretty perfect, wasn’t it?” He took a step off the porch and started to slowly head for the driveway. He paused and turned around, continuing to walk back towards his truck. “Let me know when you land tomorrow, okay? And how that schedule pans out…”
Y/N nodded, and pulled the door key from her purse and called out to him, “Night, Hollywood.”
She knew she should go in, but she didn’t want to until she saw him in the truck. Knowing he wouldn’t leave until he saw her actually go inside, Y/N unlocked the door and did just that. She closed it behind her, set the deadbolt, then closed her eyes and leaned her back against it.
“Oh, girl... “ she whispered to the empty room. “You are so, incredibly fucked.”
 Thirty minutes later, Y/N had retreated up to her room and changed into her pajamas. She’d gone through her nighttime rituals and slipped under the covers with a contented sigh. She grabbed her phone from the nightstand to check her alarm, and before she could navigate to the clock, the phone started to ring. The same mysterious number came up that had been calling on and off since Chicago. She pressed answer and brought it to her ear.
“Look, if you’re gonna keep calling, at least try to scam me or sell me something!” she groaned and waited another second. Ready to hang up, she stopped when she finally heard another voice.
“Stay the fuck away from Jensen. Alright? You’re outta your league here, lady. I saw you two tonight… the way you act around him, disgusting. No one should have had to see that! So why don’t you leave him the fuck alone and go back to that cesspool you came from!”
The other end went silent and the call ended. She immediately went to the call history and hit redial, refusing to let Dee--and she knew it was Dee--get in the last word. The call wouldn’t connect anytime she tried to dial, it would just beep three times fast, then end the call.
“Sorry, Dee,” Y/N muttered with a breath of anger, as she went back to the call log and blocked the number. “You’re too late, he’s already moved on.” She tossed the cell back to the bedside table and fumed before the image of Jensen floated back in her mind. 
Her beacon of light. She replayed his words “...I’m all in...” and laid back down in the bed. 
“Dee... Nathan... neither one of them are going to ruin this for us,” she whispered as she tried to close her eyes and drift off to sleep. “I won’t let them.”
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