#i don't even care about drarry though like i don't dislike it but like its not something i care about tumblr
elisedonut · 1 year
love how i rbed 1(one) piece of Draco fanart and now Tumblr's like
'oh thank god something i can work with"
and just keeps giving me Drarry "based on your likes" posts
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bixgirl1 · 6 years
I think I saw you say somewhere that have a squick of self harming in fan fictions and that's what you don't like right? Do you have other ones and what do you like ?
Hi nonnie!  Yep, a squick is something that, when reading, a person tends to avoid. It can be an outright trigger or simply something that makes the reader crinkle their nose and shake their head before closing out. It’s a fairly universal term in fandom that helps to explain why you won’t/can’t/don’t like reading something, and the beauty of it is that, once the word is used, no further explanation is (or should be) required — because sometimes there is no further explanation, you know? Sometimes you just… don’t like something. 
As for my personal squicks/likes/and dislikes, that requires a longer answer, so I’m going to put it under a cut.
The short answer is yes and no. Self-harm can be a squick of mine — but it very much depends on how it’s handled, and its context. It’s something I’ll usually avoid reading if I see it in the tags and am not familiar enough with the author to feel safe reading it, which is something I take into account. If I see a story posted by an author that I’ve liked but have never read anything from them approaching that tag, I’ll probably wait to see if they’ll post a fic with similar but more gentle tags/content to see if their style/thought processes on the subject line up with my own. Other writers, whose work I’ve consumed to the point where I feel comfortable enough with their headspace, I’ll dive right in.
That being said, honestly, these days I have very few hardline squicks —  scat-play and/or vomit-play are two, and suicide and self-harm edge very close as well (with the caveat from above). When I was less familiar with fandom, more untried, I had — or thought I had — a lot. lol. That can happen, I think; it can be really terrifying to edge out of your comfort zone. But then you read absolutely every long, plotty drarry a writer offers, every short, hot bit of smut, and there are these other ones lingering with tags like incest or dub/non-con or major character death or infidelity, and think “hmmm.” All of those are still listed in my ‘know the author first’ file, but I’ve learned I can love some stories with those tags. But that’s me. Not everyone will want to venture out of their comfort zones, and that’s fine. Great, even! Fanfic allows us a lot of wonderful things, and one of those can be escapism. So never let anyone make you feel bad about sticking to the things you like; this is all just relevant to my personal fic tastes.
And regarding those, in answer to your other question — I know I’ve got a list somewhere, lj or dw maybe, with a pretty full list of my likes and dislikes and squicks, but I haven’t updated it in a long time, so:
(I’m applying these to Harry/Draco, but I’ll read a bunch of other pairings too. Harry/Teddy, Draco/Albus, some Jeddy and Scorbus, Harry/Sirius, a bit of Wolfstar, James Sirius/Albus Severus, Romione, and Pansmione are probably my faves)
Squicks and/or squick-ish content (ie, stuff my friends would never put in a gift fic for me. lol) I’ll only read if I know the writer very well and trust them (asterisks next to the ones I’m more rigid about):
-Self-harm (especially cutting)**
-Vomit/scat play***
-Major character death
-Unhappily ambiguous endings
-Character bashing*** (to be fair, if a writer does this, I don’t usually like a lot of their stuff)
-Endings (happy or unhappy) where my preferred couple doesn’t end up together**
That’s it. And I make exceptions.
General fic dislikes that I’ll “psh” if I’ve read a couple of the writers things and like them, but that still have the ability to turn me off of a story real quick:
-Massive deviations from canon characterization. (Meaning: Draco is incredibly flamboyant and there’s no explanation or hints as to why/how he’d become so; Harry hates Ron; Ron is stupid; Hermione is a perky prop, etc. I’m perfectly fine reading most things if I understand why they’re that way.)
-Also, when mental health issues are addressed (I tend to write about them a lot), I dislike grandstanding about them as much as I dislike them being glossed over, if that makes any sense. If I want to read detailed explanations about mental illness, I’ve got about two dozen textbooks I can refer to; alternately, if trauma is brought up in the fic, there needs to be (for me), some exploration of it.
-Permanent disability fics
-Muggle AU’s
-Mpreg — very rarely (usually just because I’m not often in the mood for it)
-Schmoopy fluff. (I don’t mind the sweet, but I don’t want to get cavities)
Now, for the fun ones!
Fic likes:
-Tropes. I’m a trope whore, I admit it. I love so many of them they should probably get a subcatagory of my favorites. lol.
-Forced Proximity
-Eighth Year
-Auror Partners
-Controlled!Draco (magically, for both; I like ‘em skilled as hell)
-Master of Death lore
-Aristocratic Draco (or bad boy Draco, or fucked up Draco…I like Draco a lot, okay?)
-Banter and snark
-Friends to lovers
-Lovers to friends to more
-Dub-con where they both enjoy it
-Sex Pollen
-Veela/Creature Fic
-Smart Harry (let’s give the boy some credit, can we???)
-Harry, Ron, and Hermione staying close
-Rescuing/being protective (I don’t care who rescues and who does the rescuing, though I tend to think of Harry as the rescuer more often than not. But I like when there’s an exchange.)
-Life debts
-Accidental (or, hell, intentional) bonding
-Angst with a happy ending
-Harry’s and Draco’s hair/eyes being described as they are in the books
-The first time they call each other by their first names being significant
-Fics that focus as much (or more) on characterization and relationship development as they do on outside plot
And a bunch more of these too.
Sex and sexual kinks:
-Draco. God yes. Put him in robes or a sharp suit or torn jeans and mmmmmmsfdhdfhlgjhuihghlhd. I like Draco being noticed. (*whispers* Objectified, even, especially if Harry doesn’t realize he’s doing it.)
-Vice versa Harry.
-Sexual power plays
-One of them being experienced, the other not so experienced.
-Both of them being hella experienced
-Topping from the bottom (and also the top).
-Bottoming from the top (and also the bottom lol)
-Dirty talk
-Trust games (blindfolds, tying someone up)
-Post-sex fingering
-Flaccid cocks getting played with; proprietary touches.
-First times
-Dom/sub dynamics (with clear boundaries and safewords)
-Gentle sex
-Extended foreplay
-Semi-public sex
-Magical sex objects
-Cleaning spells (thank fuck for the magical world, amiright?)
-Messy blowjobs
-Kissing. Lots of kissing.
-Angry sex that turns into more
-Frantic sex
-Partially-clothed sex
-I might have a bit of a foot kink? lol
-Coming untouched
Aaannnd most other sexual kinks you don’t see listed under my squicks or dislikes.
So there you go. A non-comprehensive guide to what I like and look for in a fic. Like I said, I’m not too picky about my dislikes these days (if I was, I wouldn’t be reading puppy play or consensual non-con or double penetration, and there are fics with those contents that have blown me the fuck away), but it’s really a personal thing. Kink tomato, and Fic Tomato (which idk if the latter is a thing, but I hope everyone gets what I mean. lol).
Thanks so much for the ask, nonnie!  It was a bit of a treat to stop and really consider how my fic likes and dislikes have changed over the last couple of years. Highly recommend you making your own list — and never letting anyone make you feel bad about it! ;D
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