#i don't have any currently active ask games that i can remember and certainly none in that time frame
manebioniclegali · 1 year
Heh. Tall'nt.
I do not know what compelled you to send this in the middle of the night avdjdbsjAVDJDBDJ thanks >:| rood rood rood smh
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gordvendomewhore · 2 years
For the ask game <3
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
heyyy thank you for the ask teehee 🤭🤭 ik i literally reblogged this from your account LMAO so thank you, this was very considerate
i'm going to be answering most of these in regards to bully :)
these responses are gonna be a bit long so strap your boots on cowboys
A - ships i currently like
i am alwayssss thinking about bif/derby (berby 🥺) because they are my BOYS!! however, lately i was talking to my s/o about a post i made about unlikely prep ships (that apparently doesn't fucking exist because i couldn't find it again and had a mental breakdown over it), it reminded me of my love for bryce/vance!!!
when the bully discord was still a thing, me and my friends talked about unlikely ships and how u can basically ship... any two characters together. i don't remember how exactly we landed on bryce/vance, but it made sense to me and really settled into my heart lol. idk how to justify it other than wow! it just works. but if someone wants to know more, pls do feel free to send me an ask
other than that, i've really been into bryce/chad recently... they wrestle at night :)))
C - a ship i will never like
bro don't burn me at the stake for this, but there is one ship i just do not get behind, and anyone who knows me will know it but...
when i first played bully, which was two years ago, it was me revisiting it YEARS after i first discovered it as a young kid, and so i actually knew what shipping was lol. the first ship that came to mind for me was petey/gary, and while that is def popular in its own regard, it really surprised me to see how crazy people were for smopkins.
there's nothing wrong with the ship, i think a lot of art for it is cute (i have a good amount saved), and the fics certainly pack some emotion, but it just didn't click with me, and it never will lmao. and i think some people are too crazy about it, but that goes for ships in every fandom.
other than that, i don't really care for gord/vance. i did at some point, but i'm a jimmy/gord guy myself lol. it's still soooo so cute though.
H - favorite fandom source
well, obviously i like bully a whole lot LMAOO. there's a lot of freedom with the amount of side characters rockstar filled the game with, and they all have a surprising amount of personality put into them. there are endless situations to put all of them in with the small amount we've been given, and often this fandom just doesn't take advantage of it lol
other than bully though, i'm casually into borderlands and i used to have a haikyuu phase, so i check up on those two fandoms occasionally. i also LOVEEEEE the karate kid trilogy and watch the show that's out now (i have my gripes with it but whatever smh). i also like checking up on the rpg ib and one punch man every now and then. oooh and i can't forget detroit: become human.
J - fandom introduced to me through tumblr
uhhh none come to mind if i'm being honest haha. i don't really look at my feed unless i'm bored, so i'm only on tumblr to browse through tags for fandoms i know and post my own content.
i guess i didn't know the homestuck fandom was still active? LMAOOOO
thank you so much for these asks!!! i will make my way through the rest in my inbox <3
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transadvice · 6 years
Any advice on how to deal with really shitty friends? I have like three friends. And one of them is just a goddamn nightmare. She's racist and homophobic. She doesn't care about my feelings at all and blames me for everything she does wrong. She also deadnames me to "annoy me a little bit" and when i called her out for it she went "you should have told me you don't like when i use your REAL name"... I can't ditch her though because I'm bad at making friends in general and even though I know(1/2)
Part 2 of Anon’s question:“exactly who in my school would be more accepting because thay are obviously lgbt as well. But i don't want to go up to them and be like "you're gay wanna be friends" because then it would be like "your only interesting qualities are your sexuality and the fact that you belong to the community". So, do you by any chance know hpw I could ditch that horrible friend (she's a huge part of my life though) and/or make friends with better people?“My answer:A friend who is a goddamn nightmare is no kind of friend at all. She is showing you by her actions that she does not want you as a friend - not as an equal and true friend, anyway. Friendship requires respect, empathy, trustworthiness, and kindness, none of which she is showing you. Maybe she wants you around as someone to dump on, but you don’t need to stick around to take it. 
Because she’s so entwined in your life now, it’s hard for you to imagine what it would be like without her, but it’s definitely going to be an improvement to stop exposing yourself to her meanness. You will feel so calm and free. Do not stick with abusive people because you are “bad at making friends.” Making friends is a skill you can learn. 
Since you are in school, there are probably organized clubs and activities you can join. This is a great way to spend time with people in an environment that is a little more relaxed than class and may allow for more social time, but is still structured. You are working together to accomplish something that everyone there is at least mildly interested in. 
If your school has a specific LGBT club, like a Gay/Straight Alliance, definitely start there. Consider also exploring the arts: drama, choir, art club. It’s a cliche that LGBT kids are drawn to the theater, but it’s one for a reason. (Remember, if you’re shy, there’s more to putting on a play than just acting: you could work on sets, costumes, lights, etc.) Or, join ANY club that you are interested in. There will be kids, LGBT or not, who you have something in common with.
Since it’s near the end of the school year, the clubs may not be taking new members, so let’s talk about other things you can do to make friends. 
The school day itself sometimes presents structures which you can use to mix with new folks. Can you partner with someone new in a group project? Sit with a new person or group at lunch? Or on the bus? A big smile and “Is this seat taken?” can go a long way. 
You can also, yes, just start talking to people. It’s scary, especially at first, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. For the most part, people are going to be pretty receptive, I think. I mean, how would you feel if a shy LGBT kid walked up to you and started making conversation? You’d probably be pretty pleased or at least okay with it. 
The best friend I made in middle school just walked up to me while I was drawing in the schoolyard and said “What are you drawing?” She sat down next to me and took out her sketchbook. “I like to draw, too. Want to see my drawings?” We were basically inseparable from that day forward. I will always be grateful to her for making that leap. She was probably terrified but I was so glad to talk to her because I wanted friends, too. (And yes--we were both queer.) 
I think it’s fine to want to make friends with people you think are probably also LGBT or at least LGBT-friendly. You have an important part of your identity and experience in common. You have a reason to believe they will be more respectful of your identity than your current friends. You don’t have to lead with, “Hey, we’re both queer!” You also don’t need to already know all their most interesting qualities and have an ironclad case for being friends before you even talk to them. That’s what talking to them is for, to get to know them. So, start the way you’d start with anyone else you want to get to know better. Make small talk. 
http://www.doctornerdlove.com/how-to-make-small-talk-for-people-who-hate-small-talk/”>This Dr. Nerdlove article on how to make small talk is mainly aimed at people at parties, but you can use the same principles to make small talk at school. 
1. Observe/comment on something in your surroundings (”Ten laps! Coach must be in a bad mood!” “I love pizza day.”) 
2. Share a little bit about yourself. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, just some little factoid related to the observation/hook you started with. (”I hate running. I like weights, though.” “Pizza is my favorite food.”) This may encourage them to share something back.
3. To continue the conversation, ask open ended questions, listen, and continue to share about yourself. 
4. If you hit a dead end or a lull, you can wrap up the conversation or go back to #1 - make a new observation. 
5. If the small talk is going well, you can use it as an on-ramp to big talk. Ask deeper open-ended questions, and share more personal stuff. Back off if they seem uncomfortable, but you’d be surprised how often people are shockingly ok with pretty deep convos. 
(BTW, you probably know this, but don’t ask people point-blank if they’re queer. It puts them in an awkward spot. If you are comfortable self-disclosing, you can certainly volunteer your own identity. They might or might not respond in kind.)
At any point, you can wind up the conversation and consider it a win. You don’t need to go from “never talked to this person” to “epic conversation” on the first attempt. Since you are in school together and will see each other more often, you can play the long game. Have a few of these shallow “comment on the surroundings” convos, and before you know it you’ll be at least friendLY, on your way to being friends.
Good luck!
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