#i don't have like any of the usual symptoms didnt even have a fever
buggbuzz 13 days
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so i got diagnosed with lyme disease a few days ago!! thankfully, we caught it early enough and i'm on a 45-day treatment plan (im lucky i even got diagnosed & perscribed) that the infection is responding very well to (THANK GOD) 馃挒馃挒
CHECK FOR TICKS!!!!!! ESPECIALLY if you're in the northeast. lyme disease is really painful and dangerous, and its super common up here!! my whole life we've been good about tick checking but the ONE time we didnt check (we were so exhausted from kayaking and weathering a freak thunderstorm in a tent馃槶) was the time i got it.
- there's more to lyme than a bullseye rash. the rash doesnt always appear, and even if it does it might be in a spot where you won't see it. always check really hairy areas, like your armpits or scalp!!
- lyme ticks usually need about 36 hours to infect you, but dont trust that, get checked out anyways. take the tick's body in with you to the doctor's if you can.
- symptoms can begin anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks post-bite. pay attention to any unexplainable soreness in any joints, especially if there's no way you could've hurt yourself and no bruising!! affected wrists and ankles will feel EXACTLY like serious sprains, i swear on everything. dead giveaways are when multiple different joints are affected, or when you have redness on some of your knuckles.
- NO fever does NOT mean you don't have lyme!! fever and other symptoms beyond joint problems are caused by coinfections, which are common. coinfection symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, emotional instability, paranoia/panic attacks, etc.
- lyme is extremely painful and rapidly gets worse. the longer you wait, the slower and more painful recovery will be. untreated lyme disease can lead to long-term physical disabilities and sickliness, among other problems, for years or even decades. be very proactive about getting antibiotics!!!
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moon-lords-lower-body 2 years
1.3 came out on mobile on August 27, 2019 and i got to spend all day playing it bc i had somehow come down with some illness on that day and had to stay home from school. And now on almost the exact 3 year anniversary of its release I have come down with the exact same symptoms i did 3 years ago so happy early anniversary to mobile Terraria's release as well as that time i woke up one day and was almost too dizzy to walk for some reason and got to play mobile 1.3 on release day all day
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In 2013 the Oreaona Virus was passed out by the U.S. Government on an "accident" from Sandia Labs in Albuquerque. It was in a horseshoe shape.
Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana and Georgia were all hit lightly.
Alaska got hit.
It was odd i mentioned it to my cousin from Oklahoma and she said they didnt get it, it's a flu that stinks really bad. It comes out of the pores of people that have it. You can be in 5 feet of someone who has it and smell they have it.
She was all "no!" I was all you would remember if you got it. Which led me to believe the rumors were true. It was a military war virus. Every thing was fine. I went to my best friend's house to celebrate hwr husband's birthday and then I went home throwing up wanting to die. Her mom had it, too. Her mom was a high school Secretary. I was a substitute teacher. My friend was a social worker. A week later she had a not so bad version without throwing up.
Its one of the most vicious viruses. Fever body aches vomiting. Its really one of the worst.
So if you haven't had the Oreana (Or-e-ona) than the Corona can hit you pretty hard.
Its similar, but no vomiting for me.
But the Oreana causes immunity to a lot of other manufactured flus. Its like chicken pox you get it bad once then symptoms up to 3 times but hardly any sickness compared to the first time. The first time i could see killing people, shit by suicide alone except the virus causes too much exhaustion to be able to.
So the Corona im heard can cause death but not have the vicious symptoms of the Oreana, also created by man.
My kids changed the Corona because it was almost exactly like the Oreana except the Corona was a step up and caused death to anyone even good. So they changed it to kill only evil but anyone can get sick.
I had extreme gas because i had the Oreana but not everyone will get that. The Oreana just never dies apparently.
I know If i eat food i don't usually i can get the Oreana smell but i figure some one who prepared it didn't wash their hands or coughed on it or something.
Because evil will get the shits from it still but the rest of us just get the smell that evil is lurking in the world.
Denise most often would smell like it. Because she's evil. And she got the shits.
Only because i live here does it quit activating since i am pure.
So for the Oreana you have to be around pure good that the house agrees must be protected. Or it will continue to reactivate to give you the shits you give other people.
Corona does not work that way i am told but it also does not stink. Unless you've had the Oreana, good or bad doesn't matter, you'll stink because the Corona will activate the stink method of the virus.
Otherwise youll smell flowers if you have the Corona and didn't have the Oreana.
Lucky. Because my ass began to smell like sulfur which is beyond the Oreana. Like i had the devil himself in my ass coughing.
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