#its not covid for the record. or at least im pretty sure its not
1.3 came out on mobile on August 27, 2019 and i got to spend all day playing it bc i had somehow come down with some illness on that day and had to stay home from school. And now on almost the exact 3 year anniversary of its release I have come down with the exact same symptoms i did 3 years ago so happy early anniversary to mobile Terraria's release as well as that time i woke up one day and was almost too dizzy to walk for some reason and got to play mobile 1.3 on release day all day
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 33 - Fujikawa Kyuji's retirement, & a mystery safe, & an appeal for mystery location suggestions.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru starting this episode of The Freedom of Expresion. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome. Um, I've brought a copy of Tokyo Sports with me..
T: Thank you!
K: Its this page...Fujikawa Kyuji's retirement.
J: Even I understand this.
T: Yeah..How do you feel as a Tigers fan when you see this, Kaoru?
K: Well...Im wearing him on my t-shirt..
J: Yeah, thats cool.
T: Its really cool.
K: Well, I quite like him....out of all the Hanshin players.
J: If you were to explain it to a baseball novice like me, what is special about him as a pitcher?
K: His fastball, yeah his fastball.
J: He doesn't throw curveballs, right?
K: Yeh. His fastball burns through the air...well, at least it seems like it. I've never stood against it so i don't really know, but...*1
And then, even if they know a fastball is coming, they can't hit it.
J: Even when those professional batters know a fastball is coming...
K: He's gotten better and better since 2005 when they won the league.
J: What is his max throwing speed?
K: Hmm, what is his max?
T: Isn't it around 150km?...But it's not just his speed..
K: There are people who throw faster, but no-one can hit his throws.
J: Ah, rather than speed, he has the power to stop the batters.
K: Mm, even if they hit it, it never goes very far.
T: They say its like the ball grows out.*2
J: Ah, like the ball grows out from his hands?
K: He's retiring, but the season hasn't ended yet. He's in the second team at the time of this recording, but there's still a chance he might rise up and throw for the first team. I really wanna see him throw in this season. He only needs 5 more saves to get into the Golden Players Club.
J: Oh yeah right?! Wouldn't you like him to get in, right? Can he not play for another year? Is that no good?
K: No, he can't.
T: He's already worn out.
K: He's apparently been intending to retire since last year. But he did surpisingly well last year. Well, it sounds a bit wierd to say it like that, but...(haha)...he managed.
J: I see, I see.
K: But this year, it seems like his body is starting to grumble at him.
J: Ah, he feels its time to step back. How old is he again?
T: I think he's 40 this year. He's in the Matsuzaka generation. He was born in 1980.
K: In the All Star series, players like Kiyohara or Cabrera...was it Cabrera? They say 'Straight out'*3
J: Oh, before they throw?
K: Yeh, like when they are going for a fastball
J: Incedible.
K: And then they get three strikes. Its like they want a manga-style showdown. It does sometimes seem like manga, right?
J: Yeh, like 'Star of the Giants'.
K: Yeh, yeh.
J: Or 'Apache Yakyuugun'.
K: And they really do get three strikes.
J: So cool....Well, one way to look at it is, he is still a star of the baseball world.
T: Well, yeh. Every player has to retire at some point.
K: Yeh, its sad, but..
J: What will he do? Will he become a commentator? Or a coach?
K: I think he'll become a coach. He's still active at this moment though.
J: So what about Hanshin winning?
K: They will win!
J: Oh, good. Haha.
K: But the Giants are strong...they never lose.
J: Lets take it step by step.
K: I hope they do.
J: This is all we ever say, haha, hoping they do well.
K: Hmm, well, yeah. Ok, Joe, could you tell us today's topic.
J: Yes, ok well I'd like to introduce some kinda mysterious news this time 'Unsolved mystery of metal safe placed right in the middle of field.' A large safe has been discovered in the middle of a farming area in New York state, USA. By whom, when, and why the safe was put there is a complete mystery. However, the land owner  has said, 'Its best just to leave this mystery as a mystery'. A note stuck on the side of the safe bared the message, 'If you can open this safe, you can have the contents of it'. Despite the land owner saying it shoud be left as a mystery, large crowds gathered attempting to open the safe due to the note. But eventually, they were ordered to leave by the police.
K: I like this.
J: Do you?
K: Yeh, I do. I love stuff that makes no sense.
J: What is this all about? I wonder whats in the safe? What part of this story are you most interested in, Kaoru?
K: Well, I wonder what type of safe it is, first of all.
J: Yeah, it just says its big. Maybe like the size of a fridge?
K: And its in the middle of a farmer's field?
J: Yeh, someone must have carried it there.
T: Yeh, first of all someone has done that.
K: And the land owner is saying just to leave it there?
J: Yeh. I kinda got the feeling it would get in the way of the crops though.
T: Right.
K: So, the farmer didn't put it there?
J: Yeah.
T: Well, thats not written here.
Kamk: No, I bet he did.
K: Haha
J: The landowner?
Kami: Who else could have done it? Yes, he did.
K: Hahaha.
J: Is that the mystery solved then?
Kami: The mystery is him saying its fine to just leave it there. Thats stupid. He's orchestrated this himself.
J: Kami, what do you think is in the safe?
Kami: There must be some money in it at least.
J: Ahh.
Kami: Just a bit of money...
T: Do you think he's hiding his Playboy collection in there from his wife or something?
Kami: He wanted to make it into the news.
K: Ahh, well thats possible. Anyhow, its interesting.
J: Yeah.
K: This type of thing is really good.
J: Mm, its not hurting anyone, its not benfiting anyone..
K: Yeh, when the crowds gather the police will move in, right?
J: I also think this kind of thing is really interesting.
Kami: Don't you have a garden at your family home, Joe?
J: I do, but its not big enough to fit a large safe in it. A ??? *4 would fit though.
K: Would you be ok if a crowd gathered?
J: No no, that would be no good.
T: Haha
J: Its not that type of garden. It would be tough if they all turned up..everyone would be like, 'Whats going on??!' Its right on the edge of Hachouji, quite rural. Your neigbours are right there. Its different from the middle of Tokyo. The neighbours would be shocked.
Kami: I wanna do something like this on this show.
J: Yeah. A kind of unexpected happening.
K: Like what? A set-up?
J: Yeh, yeh. Not like a mean joke, but.. just something to see how the world reacts to it.
K: Ahh, I see.
T: Well, thats already happened once with us, with the sound mysteriously cutting out.
Kami: Tokyo Sports could write an article about it.
K: But even if we devised something, we wouldn't be able to say anything about it, right?
J: Yeh, we wouldn't be able to.
K: So we could only set it up..
J: But if everyone was talking about it, it would make the news.
K: And then we could make it a topic here  someday...
J: Someday...ten years later or something?
K: Noo, you wanna do that? Haha.
J: I wanna do something mystery related though.
K: Kami could set something up?
J: Oh, thats a good idea.
T: Yeah.
K: It would be fun if we tried to solve it.
J: Yeah, it would. Do you normally like reading detective novels?
K: Yeah, I do. I don't read tonnes of them though.
J: Aren't they doing that type of thing in trains and stuff recently...JR did it..
T: Oh, they did.
K: Like a detective game?
J: Yeah its like a game.
K: Our drummer is really into that kinda thing.
J: Oh, yeh yeh yeh. Shinya did say that he liked it. But I think this type of thing is pretty exciting.
K: Should we go and try that type of thing out?
J: Should we reserve it?
T: Yeah.
J: I wonder if any are on at the moment.
Kami: Lets do it!
T: Ah, but in this kind of situation (i.e. covid )...
K: Right, they might not be doing them at the moment.
T: I think I saw something going on in Shimokitazawa or somewhere before though. Like a mystery solving challenge.
Kami: Lets go to a mystery/supernaturl spot.
J: Now we've arrived at mystery spots.
T: Eventually.
J: Should we go?
T: This is our (Tokyo Sports') speciality.
K: Right? Well, I've been waiting for this too.
J: Eh? Is that ok for you?
K: Yeah, its ok.
J: Its quite scary for me.
K: Really?
J: Yeah, I get really scared.
Kami: So when I say a mystery spot I mean  something like going up a slope the wrong way or something *5, not something scary.
J: Oh, that type of thing? Kami, I want to ask you this...are ghosts real?
Kami: .......... Yes.
J: But they are different from you, right?
Kami: Yeh. I mean, to be honest, I don't really know.
J, K: Hahaha
J: Well, you might get into trouble if you were explicit about it.
T: One of our reporters apparently had a UFO experience near Chosho city, in Chiba.
J: Would that be ok though? UFOs?
K: Would it?
T: They apparently appear quite often in Choshi.
K: Really?
Kami: Aren't UFOs a bit scary?
J: They are too scary!
K: They are not scary.
J: Have you ever seen a UFO, Kami?
Kami: Um..
K: Ah! I got it! Lets appeal for ideas...Of any mysteries people know about.
T: And we can solve them.
K: Mm, and then we can go to the place.
J: Lets do it.
K: Ok, everyone, if you know any mysterious, not scary..well, a little bit scary is ok...
J: Just a little bit. No real haunted places.
K: Yeah, not like that, but any places with a bit of mystery, that make you wonder.
J, T: Yeah, thats good.
K: We can go to that type of place and try to solve the mystery.
J: Yep!
K: So please send us your ideas! I want us to go somewhere.
J: Me too.
T: Yeah, me too.
J: Its not exactly the TFoE detective club, but..
T: Ah, that sounds cool.
J: We'd be off to solve the mystery.
K: Like with one of those big cameras?
J: ???
K: ???*6
J: Yes, like that, like that. Oh, im looking forward to it.
K: Ok, well, lets end here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
T: Thank you.
*1, 2, 3 I know nothing about baseball, so im doing my best to interpret this.
*4 Couldn't catch.
*5 Not sure im understanding this correctly.
*6 Too fast, couldn't catch. 
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dizzeeflower · 3 years
astra zeneca covid vaccine side effects - 1st dose
cw/ detailed discussion of medical symptoms, mention of vomit, covid mention
i got my first dose of the vaccine at 10am on saturday 3rd april. it was the oxford astra zeneca vaccine. for the record im 22 years old with asthma
here's an hour by hour diary of the side effects i personally experienced. these side effects are all considered typical of this specific vaccine
side effects hour by hour
the shot: didnt hurt a bit! the flu jab hurts more
in the first 2 hours after the shot i was pretty peppy abt getting rhe shot and made a batch of cookies when i got home but realised i didnt want to eat any, i put it down to not being hungry
3 hours after the shot i had a bagel and felt very nauseous after but didnt throw up
4 hours after the shot and i started feeling random aches in my hips and upper back and suddenly didnt have any energy so i crawled into bed
5 hours after the shot i got a headache. nothing too intense, the kind of headache u get if u didnt sleep enough last night. i also started getting chills despite no temperature drop, put on more layers and crawled under three blankets
6 hours after the shot my entire body started aching. the pain was about a 6/10 altogether so somewhat manageable. also my knuckles started really aching and i thought that was weird
7 hours after the shot i had drunk a litre of water so far which i rlly never do and still needed more. this is when a feverish feeling kicked in, but no actual fever. the body aches were the same pain level but i suddenly had so much less energy that i couldnt get up from bed anymore. trust me i tried
8 hours after the shot the pain was at a solid 7.5/10. i couldnt pick up my switch lite, i couldnt flip mysef over in bed, i couldnt turn my head without wincing
9 hours after the shot the pain was consistent, but my friend made me laugh on voicecall and it hurt so much that i whimpered in pain and started crying. at this point i had an actual fever. unfortunately i dont have a thermometre, but my chest and back and face were burning up. no sweating though, and i had an ice lolly to try to cool down.
10 hours after the shot i threw up said ice lolly and it absolutely killed my body... 8/10 for pain after that. also got some ringing and pressure in my ears but im not sure if that was from the strain of throwing up
11-13 hours after my shot are blurry. The pain got a lot worse at maybe a 9/10. i physically could not stop from crying and wincing and yelling in pain. i wasnt even moving, the pain was just throbbing and stabbing. mostly in my lower back, the back of my head behind my ears, and my hips. i think i got a little bit delirious. i took paracetamol at this point
14-15 hours after my shot i fell asleep for an hour and woke up drenched in sweat. despite the fever, the pain was briefly at a 4/10 which was pleasant. i stayed awake for a while talking to my friend then fell asleep again but not for too long, maybe two hours
18 hours after my shot i woke up again, this time absolutely freezing and shivering so much my teeth were chattering. pain was a 6/10. the site of the injection was swollen and very painful. when i accidentally leaned on my phone with it it felt like i was being jabbed with a needle
19-20 hours after my shot the pain got progressively worse very quickly. it went from a 6 to a 9 again. i panicked a little bit as i didnt have anyone around to help me. (if you are getting the shot make sure you have someone on call just in case u get to this point.) i took more painkillers
21 hours after my shot the pain was at a 7/10 an hour after the painkillers. not pleasant at all, but at least i stopped yelling and crying. my fever was gone but i still felt feverish and was sweating a lot. my head was still throbbing especially behind my ears. by this point id had 2.5 litres of water since my shot - please remember to drink plenty it does help
- that's where im at now, i will reblog with updates -
side note: my mum (49 yrs old, heathy but has smoked for decades) got the same shot at the same time as me literally in the same room. her side effects were later onset than mine (starting around the six hour mark) but they quickly caught up to mine to the point where we were both throwing up at the same time.
the intensity of both our side effects were exactly the same. she was also sobbing and whimpering with the pain at the same time i was (which was honestly rlly hard to hear)
the takeaway
GET THE FUCKING VACCINE this has in no way deterred me from the vaccine or made me regret it, if anything its made me so thankful ive got it because if this is what just the vaccine is doing to me, i honestly cant imagine how excruciating having the actual virus would have been
this is temporary and thats comforting. like it SUCKS im in so much pain, ive not been in this much pain since i had a two week long flu years ago. but this is firstly nowhere near as awful as getting severe covid would be. and secondly its only going to last for a couple days max and its so worth it to know that in a few weeks i'll be helping to stop the spread of this virus just for a few days of fever and bodyaches
please dont let the possibility of a bad experience with side effects deter you from the vaccine. im a complete baby and am terrified of pain and this is pretty scary but nowhere near as scary as my realisation when i was hearing my mum crying from the pain of the vaccine, that i dont know how severe it would have been had she caught the actual virus. i can feel this pain and hear hers and KNOW that it will be over and will make us healthier in the long run. if she was crying from the pain of the live virus, i dont think i would be able to handle it
get vaccinated
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elmmni · 4 years
alright so 2020 has been snorting crack cocaine since january we all agree on this correct?
so we all know the chaos its all kinds of wack BUT i thought id make a list, just so we can ✨observe✨ the sheer magnitude of the chaos and the way its EXPONENTIALLY gotten worse
-we started off with wwiii, this was about three days into january no one really knew what was happening, plenty of memes, great start
-the australian bush fires, yep that was this year remember those?
-prince harry and megan markle just...... left the royal family they quit asdhj ok
-covid was announced as ✨A Thing✨
-kobe bryant died rip in peace
-trump was impeached and then they couldnt actually get rid of him
-the stock market began to crash fun fun
-quarantine (:
-george floyd was killed and the black lives matter protests began
-as did some riots
-but ill be level with you if given the opportunity to burn down a target, so long as you got everyone out, wouldnt you take it?
-also people were protesting the quarantine too but no one cared about that did they mhmm 
-all countries matter on the 4th of july that was the funniest birthday present ever thank you twitter
-kanye west running for president??? i dont really remember when this happened but i know it happened
-the kim jong un death rumors????
-like this mf faked his own death to weed out the traitors in his circle what kinda sci-fi/fantasy antagonist bullshit is that im sorry wh at
-killer wasps yeah remember them who knows what theyre up to now im worried about it
-brendon urie got canceled and i still dunno how to feel about him 
-lots of famous people got arrested but idc because idk who they are
-chadwick boseman died, rip in peace
-the california fires began, yeah these were fun the sky looked pretty neat im ngl glad i live in south cali cause i had to evacuate last year and i dont really wanna do that again yah know?
-oh and those fires began because a couple of ✨cishets✨ decided to use fireworks for a gender reveal party my god
-trump got covid and fulfilled john mulaney’s prophecy of the horse being in the hospital
-tik tok was banned because some teenagers were bullying trump and yes ik that happened before he got covid im just too lazy to rearrange the list
-oh also rick astely made a tik tok a little while ago and idk how to feel about it
-ruth bader ginsburg died, rip in peace
-the presidential debate was a complete fucking disaster oh my GOD
-the fly on mike pence
-eddie van halen died, rip in peace
^my dad was really sad about that one
-why are so many good people dying jfc 2020 chill out a little bit do you fucking mind
-im 90% certain they came out with trumps tax records and he’s been committing tax fraud for the last 30 years which is a mood but bruh
and now for shit thats happened This Week
-girl in red said lesbian was her least favourite word uhhh ok bitch
-the election has been a ✨Nightmare✨
-TEXAS was a swing state and we’re all watching georgia turn blue thats how bad it is
-twitter verified and then unverified jschlatt and we’re all pretty sure its because they thought he was running for president
-nevada???? is incapable???? of counting???? like are they giving the ballots to toddlers theyre teaching to count whats going on
-a guy whos been dead for like a month was elected into congress
-destiel is canon and everyone whos ever used tumblr is dying
-putin annouces his retirement 20 minutes after destiel is made canon so thats wonderful
-unus annus ends next week and im sad about it
-and there is Going to be a supreme court ruling about this whole election thing because trump is Going to lose and he is Going to throw a hissy fit and im not here for it
oh my FUCKING god that list is even longer than i thought tf
Tumblr media
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genocider-syo · 5 years
so, im back
to like, my 20 followers, im sorry for the mini hiatus, i just had to take a little break for a week and let my alters take the wheel for a little ( i did front for a little a few nights ago, but i only ended up getting into a cosplay for like an hour or so before i decided i needed more time, so yeah haha, not much). so, kudos to them, especially wyatt (who i dont think any of you have met before, but he's one of our main protectors) and syo.
however, im not just making this post to let you all know how im doing, especially with all this covid-19 stuff going on (which i hope you all are staying safe during). ive been fronting for a few hours now, since about 2:20 pm (its around 10:30pm at the time of writing this), and i came across some news that was, distressing, to say the least.
im, of course, talking about trisha paytas.
apparently, about a week ago, she made an announcement that guess what! she has DID.
now right off the bat, hearing that she had announced that raised red flags everywhere. listen, im not normally one to dismiss such a serious announcement like that, and especially with something as serious as DID, but,, im not sure if you all are aware, but trisha paytas has pretty nasty track record when it comes to lying for clout (she staged a wedding, she has made claims that shes a transgender male, etc.). i had immediately began to feel terrible for accusing her of lying, since this, of course, is an topic thats very close to me, so i decided to give her the benefit of the doubt,,
,,, then i watched her videos. oh boy.
if movies like 'split' and 'glass' trigger/upset you due to the violent misinterpritation and demonising of DID, and you havent seen the videos yet, i advise you not to watch them. they are both extremely triggering for systems to watch, and honestly, theyre just,, disgusting.
in one, she pretends to switch on camera, and its made extremely obvious that shes not really switching at all. she makes it look like someone with no prior knowledge's very bad, over-the-top idea of what switching looks like. she also says she can switch whenever she wants, which is,, not how it works.
in another video, she accuses a very popular DID youtuber of both bullying her, as well as accusing them of faking, which is definitely not the case, as said youtuber has even gone so far in the past to prove their professional diagnosis (im not saying you need a diagnosis to be a valid system, im just saying its,, sorta hard to fake with a professional diagnosis, is all). in that same video, she does indeed refer to herself as a system, even going so far as to use collective pronouns (us, we, etc.), despite claiming in an older video (the one where she 'switches' on camera) that she doesnt like to use those sort of pronouns.
its just very clear that trisha paytas is doing all this for clout, and its extremely damaging to this community that already struggles with demonising portrayals and harmful misrepresentation. this entire situation has been extremely triggering for this system, and as such, we are all gonna take a few more days break (except on fb, which i use to talk to my boyfriend). the only other alter that has a tumblr account though is syo, and if any of you are following her blog, i dont really think you'd notice any of us gone anyway, lmao.
we'll be back in a few more days, we just. need a bit more time.
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fluffyprettykitty · 3 years
please 9 new squares??? idk how you do it but keep up the good work <3 you're a force to be reckoned with! but yeah 28 drabbles??? idk how you survived this and how creative they all are?? i envy your work ethic!
of course of course!! the moodboard queen can't just not publish a superb fic without a moodboard!! i completely understand!
yeah my uni is luckily obliged to record every class because of covid, so i'm just catching up on my free days :)
yeah here too!! the last few days had been wonderful, but today was a bit more dreary! however, i'm just looking forward to seeing the sun again lol, i'm over this grey weather
i really, really, really want to go see the batman!! it probably won't be soon, because my only friend who likes going to the movies is super busy herself, but i'm hoping to see it 🥲 i've been going alone a lot but i'm kinda over that tbh haha! but yeah, i'll drag her to the theater if its necessary! will you be watching soon? just seeing the promos on tiktok im swooning over both rpatz and zoe!
basically is like if I don't finish it all I will scream. Ksksksks, is the capricorn ethic what can I say. Dude, honestly some especially like the were creatures or vampire au were like so challenging and then there were things like mutual pining is like yes! I'm glad I tried so many different things though, prop won't do it ever again, ahahahha.
Eehehehe, they must all be pretty!
Oh I see, at least you can watch them all! yes grey weather is really annoying, like I don't mind while is raining, but cloudy days? no need to exist. While we were in italy it was gloomy all the time and we were like ah that's why the europeans are like that hehehe.
Ikr! The reviews so far have been so thrilling and the riddler is my favourite villian ever, like he is so smart and so creepy. I'm so excited, I hope that you will both make time! Don't tell her that is three hours long though heheheh. It will be playing for sure for the whole month! And I get that completely! Thankfully my bro is obsessed with batman too, now we need to find when it will be less packed etc.
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the-kipsabian · 3 years
random ask game: 4, 5, 9, 12, 18, 21, 26, 28, 30, 33, 34, 37, 50, 56 ~
4. Have you ever slapped anybody? i do wanna say yes? like. not cause i was intentionally mad or anything, but you know. i do have an older brother LOL
5. Did you learn a skill or get a new hobby during lockdown? im trying to think back cause technically we were only on actual lockdown for like three months early last year so mmmm. i dont think there was anything i really learned or anything new? tho i do wanna say that i got better at cooking. and i really hooked myself to wrestling a lot harder than before if those two count for anything lol
9. What’s the 1st scar you remember getting? i dont. remember getting it, but its also pretty much the only one i do have so like. i was a tiny shit child, fell over in the living room and hit my head against the coffee table. i was maybe like. three or four at the time i still have a mark on my forehead
12. Do you have a bad habit? i bite my nails a lot. also i consume way too much caffeine if that counts for anything lol
18. Ever cheated on a test? listen i might have been an absolute shit kid during all my years in school but i never did this at least
21. When’s the last time you cried? about two nights ago. i got overly emotional about christmas things and thinking about stuff and my brain went on overdrive and gave me an anxiety attack. good times
26. Have you ever won a contest? oh this is a hard one. i can think. two at least? tho one technically wasnt a contest, but its a thing i love talking about lol. when i was like maybe five or six i participated (tho i actually think it was my mom who did it for me?) in some contest in a barbie magazine that was like "heres a easy quiz question, send in reply for a chance to win this barbie doll!" and i actually got that damn thing lol. its still one of my faves to this day, it was like. a rollerskate barbie? really freaking cool yo
28. What was the last thing you Googled? was double checking local reply times for covid test results. wanted to know if i can get a reply by the end of tomorrow lol
30. Last song you listened to? itttt appears to be bubblegum bitch by marina
33. Favourite fast food place? im a simple shit child, i love burger king lol
34. What was your most scatterbrained moment? oh god im sure i have a lot. tho the one i always think back to was the one time i went to get blood tests and the nurse asked for my birthday to confirm she had the right records pulled up and i struggled for a good half a minute to confirm what the fuck my birthday actually was. like i stared at her blankly for a moment before asking "you mean my birthday" followed by "well it aint today" before i finally pulled the right numbers together. fun yall
37. How would you describe your sense of humour? fucking dumb and high key sad and passive-aggressive. im just an asshole tbh
50. Is there one food you can’t live without? i was gonna say something else but lbr its chocolate
56. What’s your favourite scent for body wash? coconut!! either that or vanilla, but holy shit coconut is so goooood goddamn
random asks ~
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musicallisto · 3 years
Oh wow! I cannot imagine a universe where physics is my favourite subject 😅 but I definitely know how you feel about the endless tunnel that is university! Fingers crossed you get some time to have a break over this festive period! 🤞
Also an exam on a Saturday? That feels morally illegal 😖 but i’m glad its a subject you enjoy! I feel like those are much easier to revise for so I’m sure you’ll smash it!
Oooh! I would say send me a picture of your tree when its complete if you like but im not really sure how the logistics of that will work with the whole 25 days of anonymity! I’m sure it will be really pretty though! I got to decorate a tree at work last night and it was so much fun!
A carousel! That sounds actually magical! We’ve got a Ferris Wheel in our main square but they weren’t able to put the ice rink up under the tree because of covid regulations :(
No way! They ATL were my #2 this year as well! I only used Spotify for the first 3 months of this year though so my wrapped is a little off 😂
I’m exactly the same! I swear these past few years people have been listening to all their comfort bands from when they were 14 and I can’t tell if its pandemic blues or because we’re all turning 20 soon 😖
Favourite song is literally impossible but I listen to the Nothing Personal the most I think, quickly followed by Don’t Panic - how about you?
I’ve never seen them live! But a girl I went to school with did so she recorded part of weightless for me which was so sweet! I hope I can see them one day! How about you? Have you seen them live or are you hoping to?
Sending all my love in the very long message! ❤️❄️
* ˚ ✦ sorry for how long I took to answer this ask, I've been very busy! it's always nice to see you in my ask box though and I hope you're doing great xx
an exam on Saturday feels morally illegal and extremely reprehensible but it is what it is unfortunately, and I can def tell you they're starting to take their toll. all I want is to crawl in bed with a hot chocolate and a good movie... which makes me think: do you have any movie recs? specifically comforting movies, like romcoms or musicals or just nostalgic movies? I think I'm going to need a little bit of fuel for the rest of the month and I've run out of ideas. and you have great taste in music, so I'm assuming it's the case as well for movies!
I have seen them live, back in 2017! one of the most magical moments in my entire life, I've rarely felt as happy and free as I did that night. man, I miss concerts so bad 😢 my favorite album is undoubtedly Don't Panic, and I listen to Future Hearts and Nothing Personal quite a lot as well. I'd say my favorite song by them is The Reckless & The Brave, which they didn't play when I saw them unfortunately... but at least they replaced it with Take Cover and I felt privileged to hear such an underrated song live. also, Weightless live was definitely an amazing moment, but so was Therapy! and Kids in the dark! all of their songs are incredible tbh and I hope you are able to see them live someday!
and about the Christmas installations - an ice skating ring sounds so cool! I've never gone iceskating, but I suspect I would be absolute garbage at it. A friend of mine tried teaching me how to rollerblade when I was a kid and I couldn't for the life of me stand upright, so if iceskating is anything like it I don't think it's my true calling lol. but I'd love to try it!
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queenlayla · 3 years
Nothing here is really in order.  My brain is so scattered right now.  Id like to write down what has happened the past few days before writing about her progress.  The 3 days I spent with Layla in the hospital were awful.  I would go home for a few hours to sleep, shower and play with Willow for a bit.  I don't think I slept anymore than 4 hours each night.  My heart was constantly racing and I would wake up in a panic thinking I had to get over to Layla right away.  The vet staff was nice enough to set up a pad for me in the corner with a blanket.  It was freezing in there!  At one point one of the vet’s ( I think the surgery vet if that’s even a thing ) came over and gave me a bean bag chair to sit on.  Complete game changer!  I could sleep in that chair if I had to.  I was definitely in the way sometimes as there was another cat above Layla named Chloe that was also in an ICU room.  But the staff made it work and were always very nice to me.  During these few days I could not tell you what day it was or which vet told me what information or anyone’s name really.  But I can tell you it was very chaotic there.  When I first arrived at the hospital, shortly after Layla had been revived through CPR and other drugs, there was a dog on the table next to us with a prolapsed vagina.  Excuse me if Ive gotten that term incorrect.  The dog’s vagina was literally on the table and they were stuffing it back inside of her.  Joe was with me at the time and my parent’s quickly followed in after us.   My Dad yelled at the vet on duty and said “did you kill her?”.  The veterinarian obviously answered no and said she had no idea why that happened to Layla because everything seemed normal.  I could throw up just thinking about it.  Layla was on the table on her side covered in urine.  She looked like she was run over by a truck but without the blood.  And the stupid masks that you have to wear to top the whole situation off!!!!! FUCK YOU COVID.  I just wanted to kiss her little face. So instead I rubbed her ears and around her eyes since I know she really likes that.  Layla is such a picky girl and mama knows don't touch the belly don't touch my feet and we’re all good.  After while they transferred her to the iCU room where I sat next to her.  Let me say it was a mess in there.  There were caps, garbage, some syringes and just random crap all over the floor.  It was so busy that night.  Im pretty sure Chloe, the cat above Layla, went into cardiac arrest also during her stay with them.  Im not sure if she received the same gas that Layla did as I could not see the far over in the room.  There was also another dog that I believe they were trying to intubate when all the sudden I hear “uh oh whats that looks like a foreign body flip him over get the tube out” and then you hear a splat on the floor of some kind of chunky liquid that came out after they intubated.  Again, couldn't see what it was but that dog also went into cardiac arrest and I believe passed away.  Im a little confused on this part because the woman at the front desk told me they were able to save all 3 animals that went into cardiac arrest but I did not see this little guy go back to his cage at all.   They of course could have another cage in a room elsewhere in the building.  Yes, they do the best they can and no one intentionally hurts the animals there.  HOWEVER, at least 10 hours after Layla was switched over to her ICU room her previous cage was still labeled as Layla Hunt.  There was another cat in there at the time and everyone continued to call the cat in there Layla Hunt.  Well I knew Layla was sitting right next to me but why didn’t the staff know that?  Isn't this an EMERGENCY CLINIC?!   So if that cat started to have a seizure or some kind of emergency situation they would initially think it was Layla Hunt and maybe treat her differently than they would if they actually knew who the cat was!  They did figure it out eventually but come on guys isn't there a better way?  I understand understaffing happens and they did have to call in 4 additional staff the night that Layla went into cardiac arrest. But if you're the only emergency clinic that is open in the area on a holiday weekend don't you think you would be a little more staffed? The more I sat there the more I thought something bad happened to Layla.  They were probably so overwhelmed and just wanted to get Layla out of there.  So they probably gassed her, like the other cat I saw in a box being gassed, and forgot about her for a little too long.  They also should have checked with me if I had any previous vet records from her.  They would have seen in her 2018 records that she had a slight heart murmur and they should have approached her treatment differently.  Im going to quote a good friend of mine who is an amazing vet tech; “Gassing down animals is an old school type practice. It’s not the safest especially in older animals because they’re more sensitive to gas. Injectable sedation is preferred and much safer. Like anesthesia for her wasn’t even needed if they have injectable drugs that could sedate her. A majority of injectable drugs can be reversed as well in case any adverse reaction occurs. You can’t really take away isoflurane from the system if you’ve given too much either. And if she received too much isoflurane gas it definitely could’ve fucked with her brain function. It’s like being in a gas chamber and suffocating until you’re unconscious/sedated versus being given a drug that will let you slowly drift to a sedative state with oxygenation monitoring”. HOW DISGUSTING!  LAZY STUPID BASTARDS. Oh and did I mention how I didn't have to pay for any of the treatment other than what I initially brought her in for? They knew they were in the wrong.  They were tired of handling her because she was so aggressive so they did the quick thing instead of the right thing.  I don't even know if she's going to pull through at this point.  Its not even about the blindness yet its about her struggling to eat and go to the bathroom first which I don't even know how to handle!  How am I going to go to work on Monday? Thank you for your kindness VEG but you need to rethink the way you practice emergency care for cats because you really missed the mark on this one.  
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hello it is once again time for my end of the year wrap up. this should be... interesting
finally finally got to have a happy apartment experience!!!!! tried out tea drops which are dope. there was a fair amount of stress revolving around APO induction and the musical rehearsal, but we made it!!! partied hardy (the infamous tess in the washing machine incident) kelli was watching always sunny more often than not. i wore some arguably bad clothing but ya know. gays. we tried to take off my closet door (it did NOT work). the beginning of the goose saga! there was a sleet storm so kelli and i made some popcorn and watched mike birbiglia’s new special. darci, kelli and i went out to eat and then ended up in babcock playing air hockey before watching videos with kai who was on duty. PEP BAND???? some good memories formed there. dogs in the library! got bullied by my library boss to put gas in my car and i sent her a video of proof that i did it “daddy long legs” “stop. what?” “the musical” (i do love timothy) i actually practiced my instrument lol wild. WE (becky, celeste, timothy and i) WATCHED SPIRIT and got wildly drunk -- the origin of “[redacted] [redacted] who???” which is my favorite joke.
MORE PEP BAND im actually really glad i spent my last few college months dicking around with the band. one man drumline!!! kai made some good tiktoks in our apartment! miss hanging with them it was really fun. oh i hung out with sam and celeste watching movies “he was a boy, she was a dolphin, can i make it anymore [strangled dolphin noises]” OUR MICROWAVE HANDLE BROKE OFF while kelli was gone man that entire apartment was falling apart (hey dumbass grab from top) -- a list of things that were broken in our apartment: fridge light, front entry light, showerhead, phone. the birth of the beans insta!!!! got hit on when i was at taco bell with timothy by being accused of being trans (taco bell guy was not far off to be fair). oh the improv posters as compared to the posters i built for an organization fair. went out and got daRUNK at what appears to be wandas. really struggled with my period. cut hair with kelli n darci. MOZZ STICKS. “you still a lil bitch???” oh we did kpy pal-entines!!! where we ate good food and watched the princess bride!!! i received the plush goose. there was a possible bombing at the bank next door to where we rehearsed for band. aw i went on a tommy’s date with becky that was cute. they tried to STEAL the QUESO. disagreed with a curb and still have those scars. worked a horrible gig at the theatre. closing shifts at the library baby! middle school tours EW more library dogs! fish hooks song oh my god. drunk mash nights!!! i rewatched HAVEN and had lots of feelings. actually got drunk alone a lot which was Bad. however michael malloys birthday! watched choir concert at work lol. stats final whilst drunk!!!! becky got a piercing
here things go downhill rapidly. hit up the trains at least once. oh late library nights with timothy!!!! the best nights i miss hanging with him while at work. struggled with my car. went on a college sponsored adventure to a back alley farm. SCURVY FEARS. opening shifts that were lonely. oh celeste played plague and named it covid and won lol yikes. the infamous apartment cone. we stayed up long enough to see the sunrise on literally the last day in college I would ever have. that was good. I FOUND OUT KELLI HAD GLASSES im still pissed. came home indefinitely. went to st patty’s day at brookes with karrigan and that was SO much fun (this was before things seemed real) the best part of that was the irish pub owner who happened to have a son that went to my college. got my mom onto tik tok. took a gay lit class. can’t believe i took daily fckn walks around the pasture who was i. hosted virtual meetings for apo and played around with the closed captioning. that was fun. shaved my moms head lmaooo. worked on my capstone which im like super proud of? i wish i could have directed it but say law vee. 
BAGPIPE CORPS INTERNATIONAL. virtual band wreaked havoc on my animals mental health. my grandmother would always bug me while i was working which i understand now was misplaced love but it was so irritating at the time. we had library meetings once a week or so that was vital to mental health. hosted a really fun “panel” about queer identity for my queer lit class that was able to educate a lot of people. having a capstone class with am*lia was a nightmare. watched a cirque du soleil show for free and lost my mind. wrote a comedic monologue that i suffered through. suffered through papers and projects. worked on a project with celeste and kelli and we had SUCH a good time. i hosted several jackbox nights for both apo and kpy. that was SUCH an exhausting experience. also uno and drawful with the uno group (kelli would win 100% of the time). ranted about group projects lol i struggled. OH THE MOVE OUT DEBACLE i really went off the deep end. kelli’s virtual birthday!!!!
we had so many good jackbox nights. academic showcase and honors convocation happened wherein i was name bronco award winner and that really wrecked me too lol. we had a sunday crew hang out for library workers. clarinet game night too! i tried so hard to build community during covid and im not altogether sure i accomplished it but ya know whatever. watsky broke the record! made my “aced it” grad cap which was so FUNNY and still is tbh. becky taught me how to do makeup. took grad pictures at an abandoned farmhouse lol OH MY GOSH BEAUX ARTS AND APO SKIT i was so proud of that night and annette said it was the best one we’d ever had. wish i had done more but we did it boys. also got VERY drunk for it lol completely redid my room. bc it was NASTY. the way i write papers is so SO funny to me. had our last capstones class and then dressed in grad outfits for our last lit meeting . graduated and got all my stuff from college finally. went shopping with timothy, had el puerto with becky (i think?). oh the infamous miller moths UGH shit is nasty. THE FORMING OF BANJO SHRIMPS occurred on may 24 2020 and that was the absolute best thing to come out of this year. started working at my dads agency which was the absolute worst thing to come out of this year. attended my first protest in cos which was good and healthy. started protesting regularly after that. my most poignant memory was laying down in front of city hall and chanting “i cant breathe” for 8 minutes. 
it snowed???? i was angry. part of my job was reading my dad’s email and there was some WACKO shit in there. went to brookes for pride as a surprise which was cute n fun. had a horrible interaction with a client. the appearance of the bigfoot statue!!!! we had a vanilla beans hang out. there was a WILD storm that literally made my hide out in the office. 
went on a bonkers rant about america bc fuck this place. helped mom out with homework. we had several clients get divorces which was messy. went to a Bad party where i was angry the whole time. went to the top of pikes peak with my grandma and saw many much bigfoot things. we got a GOOSE he hated us so much. oh there was a night where darci and kai came over and we hijacked kelli’s spotify and communicated that way it was SO funny. took a video of the dichotomy of man bc of my long ass leg hair and short ass head hair. shaved my head to the BONE and tried dragon fruit. GOT NIKO ON JULY 24 my sweet sweet boy lil bat looking motherfucker. got denied for life insurance for mental health reasons. 
went back to hc for a birthday “party” and to see the band. did a lot in that weekend (stayed with timothy’s family, helped becky move, met kelli’s look-alike, saw timothy and karlie’s new house!!! had lunch with kellis family which is closest to “meet my parents” i think i’ll ever get lmao). got my prof headshots and hate every single one of them but more for self esteem reasons lol. neighbors got goats and my mom lost her marbles. got trapped in traffic on the way back from hc. niko had crackhead energy. oooooooh documented gender crisis. ma got more chickens. went to a birthday party for a high school friend and was just... so out of my element. its weird. took off my grandma’s bathroom door bc she had knee surgery. started a full time job as my grandmother’s caretaker (love working for the family business lol).
went to breckenridge with a friend!!!!!! spicy times lol. cleaned the cupboard. had a birf. turned 22. cas finished her drugs!!!! and felt much better. we did a charcuterie board for my birthday which was very fun. Got a mixer set!!! went to hc for homecoming and graduated!!!!! surprised celeste and hannah with a celebration party for them (it was a lot of fun). came up with my BEST joke (summa cum laude). got called tf out for my gender crisis via tarot. got the goose game!!!! played the goose game!!!!
applied to chicago center!!!! will now be working there for a year!!!! this was the first documentation of banjo shrimp nights. surprised my dad for boss day by working with the team to fill his office with balloons. house sat for dad’s friends. started taking showers in the dark. went to celestes and made PASTA wow got very drunk and while she slept i just explored a strangers house. voted!!!!! wow. finally (finally) started to accept that i was maybe agender. had a snow day but i couldn’t work so that was fun. had halloween with banjo shrimps where i dressed up as david rose. that was SUCH a good night. participated in ace week!!! then, dressed as radar for actual halloween and had monumental. worked a volunteer haunted house and like... actually did pretty good?? felt like a real adult!!!!
so many things happened in november. i finished miraculous ladybug on netflix. had another bad interaction with a client bc the customer is always wrong. shaved my head. PRESENTATION NIGHT to distract from the election lmao what a good time. had so many emotions about the election. then biden won and we lost our damn minds -- video called with celeste and becky to celebrate (with the reminder that we know that this doesn’t solve everything but it was such a huge sigh of relief). started watching the last kids on earth. made more PASTA and soup! got my GHOSTY TATTOO. kahoot night with the banjo shrimps lol. watched the supernatural finale with kelli (what good memories) rewatched 3below good shit. got the chicago job so i quit being an insurance person!!!! brooke came for thanksgiving!!!
i dont wanna talk about it but i finally started watching unus annus (theres an archive its not the same but it provided me wild amounts of serotonin). “call that invisible split dye”. crimmus. had a video call with people from high school i rarely if ever see. this entire month has been a fuckin blur my guys but i’m so excited for what’s next. in two days i will be in an apartment in chicago. i will be reunited with my best friend in a little under two weeks. i cannot emphasize enough how excited i am for this next chapter. so yeah. that was my year. im sure there was more memories but that’s what the sideblog is for lol
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