#i don't know why my paint.net exports change the eyes' appearance in the game and i have no answers for you
antirepurp · 5 months
eyes fixed, yippee for consistency
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the fix was also the stupidest thing known to man: i simply re-exported the base game textures with the same settings i used for the red eye. i have 0 idea what paint.net did to the textures but i guess it somehow slightly affects the way they're shown in-game
also there is a little bit of Fuckery going on with the gradient and the transition in it is not fully smooth after all, probably because the area where they are in the image is mildly small
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i added saturation to make the lines more obvious but yeah they are there unfortunately, i think it's also visible on the legs as well. i don't really know if there's a good fix for that, it might have something to do with the way dds images are compressed and the way frontiers handles them and that might make gradients way too tricky to implement. hella unsure if i wanna try to bruteforce them anyway or give up and have him be solely monocolor
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