#i don't like this watercolour sort of style it takes too long and i'm not too good at it lmao
orionscelt · 2 years
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They're having a nice conversation about the best spots in the garden.
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cipheraldraws · 3 years
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Ho-ly shit. Okay. This piece has a bit of a story so buckle in for a longer caption under the readmore. ID is going ahead of it.
Please reblog if you like. Don't repost my art.
[ID: a watercolour painting of Micah. Micah has short, fluffy white hair, brown skin, freckles, and one brown and one gold eye. They are sitting on a log, leaning forward with their hands out to the side, arms bent, as if they were telling a scary story. They are grinning, mouth open, as if speaking, and are wearing a tight black crop top with the shoulders cut out, and brown pants with the calves wrapped in white fabric, holding that part tight to their leg while the upper leg is loose. Behind them is a forest scene, in purples and blues. There are fireflies flying in the background as well, and the lighting is warm on Micah and the log. End ID.]
I started this piece in September of 2020 after one of my longest art slumps ever. I missed drawing Micah a ton and I wanted to do something for them that wasnt redrawing the same bust piece over and over again to document my progress. So I started something that wound up taking a full 14 months to develop into its final stage.
It stayed as a sketch for a very long time. I tried doing my usual lines, and I hated it. I tried doing a lineless painting style, and I hated it. It took until July 2021 for me to find a brush that I liked enough to line this with. Not only that, but it took me that entire time to get comfortable with the idea of doing a detailed background and lighting like I wanted to do.
After lining it I did the base colours for Micah and the log they were on... but I was still too scared to do the background. It was a lot, and I didn't feel confident enough to be able to do the depth I wanted. So for 5 months I worked my ass off on practicing my lighting and backgrounds.
A couple weeks ago, I finally did it. I spent four hours on just the background, and another hour on the lighting/shading. 14 months, and I'd finally finished it.
Honestly I cried. I sobbed like a baby when I realized this was complete. This is exactly the sort of thing I'd always wanted to be able to draw, and now I had done it. I wish I could show this to 15 year old me, new in the art industry and sighing wishing they could draw like the artists they looked up to.
So, yeah. I'm so proud of this piece, and I'm thrilled to be able to share it with all of you.
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hatsoffiguess · 5 years
Writeblr(?) Introduction
Hello! My name's Mikhael, I'm 20, generally summarise myself as an artist, and I've got a heap of story based peojects in different formats that I'm working on. Most of them aren't directly text-based, so I hope other writeblrs don't mind me shuffling in with my webcomic plans and what not...
About me
My favourite colour is orange and I see self-serve desert places as a personal challenge to eat enough chocolate for the next month. I really like science, both the factual side and the cool aesthetic and sci fi potential side. I'm in love with Solarpunk, which is a broad genre/movement? About looking after everyone in society, looking after the planet, and having a pro-active, optimistic approach to the future. Also the visuals are really pretty. So while almost none of my works are planned to be outright centered around Solarpunk, there'll definitely be a massive influence in the themes, designs, and world building in my projects.
I'm queer and disabled, and I have a lot of struggles with mental illness, dissociation, physical pain, I'm autistic and I've got ADHD. My disabilities have long time made it incredibly hard to work on my projects, to communicate with people, to remember things, or to see something through. So, my goals have been to work with these problems to be able to do what I want, even if I have these things making it difficult. That said, there's a big chance I'll drop off the face of the earth at some points, take forever to respond, or be a bit all over the place.
What I do
The projects I have ideas for or partly planned, or slightly started, include comics, videogames, 2D animation, a couple of novels and some short stories, and even some musical-style pieces that are basically short animated films with music and lyrics to tell a bit of a story. There might be stuff I'm forgetting. So, not everything I work on it necessarily going to come under the writeblr umbrella, but a lot of it is going to overlap.
I'll do digital art a lot, mainly painting style, but I also do drawings and pixel art sometimes! I'm building up a portfolio of a wide but organised range of styles and such, it's been a lot of fun learning new things in the process. I also do traditional art, mostly drawings and ink works. I do some painting too, mainly watercolour and some acrylic. I make small clay sculptures, too! And I'm sort of getting into small scale metal work. I can do some 2D animation, but only frame by frame stuff because I don't have software that lets me generate inbetween frames. I can play piano to a point, and I've got one song composition to my name. I'm kind of learning 3D modelling/animation and also how to make games with Unity. It's going... slow. I write fanfiction, in theory. I have this one Pokemon fanfic that's been without updates for a few years, but I'm just not in a place to work on it right now, so that's on hold. I've mainly got a bunch of little snippets and dot points for different fics apart from that.
Some of my projects
My main creative baby lately is COLOURS, which is on hiatus but getting more developed in the background. It's a webcomic about a world that's in greyscale, where the apocalypse, having been slowly encroaching as of late, is beginning to accelerate.
My main fanfic is called Like No Other, it's a pokemon fanfic. It's basically a rewrite where I focus on the plot as if it were part of one big arc with an end game instead of an ongoing, may never end series.
A novel I'm planning is called Walk With Me to Our Goodbyes; where a young man struggles with pressure, stress, loneliness, and slowly learns to make connections, use healthy coping mechanisms, and finds enjoyment in life again.
Those are my main three right now. I have a bunch more, a bunch a bunch. Tens. But they're not at the top of the priority list so I'll leave them alone for now.
Some of my OC's
Gemma Faringway- the main protagonist of COLOURS.
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Puppet - I'm only in the early stages of planning for the story she's in, but I love her so much I do a lot of art with her
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Pyke - they're the first original character I made! They're a super silly and goofy person that likes to annoy people a bit. They're pretty straight forward in general, but they also can be really deep- they have a lot of questions about who they are- not just their identity, but their history, origins, and future. They'll be part of a story I'm still planning, but like Puppet I enjoy finding ways to work with them in the meantime.
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Well, that's all I can think to add to this. I'll probably post some of my short writing pieces on here tomorrow, maybe make a page for my WIPs. In the meantime, thanks for checking this out! I'm super interested in connecting with some other creatives, and I'll be def checking out the people that reblog this!
Ah, the person that's inspired me to kinda join in on the writeblr community is @pens-swords-stuff , thank you for enriching the community so much!
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atariklaus · 3 years
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Mom!Bruno X Doppio
Set before part 5 events
Doppio was on his way to one of his underdog's house to discuss profits and a capo's duties now that they have been promoted. He was nervous, never seeing anyone other than the capi given his secretiveness and frankly no need to talk to the lower ranks. Now, he had to meet a new person and memorize them for 'the boss'.
He was trained onto the piece of paper in his hands that he written the address down for, checking the numbers on every door before finding the match. "OK, Bruno Bucciarati, Bruno Bucciarati, Bruno Bucciarati..." he mumbled to himself over and over, preparing to speak to the man.
Doppio leaned over and rang the doorbell, not even a minute later hearing the click of the lock. When the door opened Doppio's breath hitched.
In front of him stood a tall man, Doppio coming up to his lips in height, who sported a crisply trimmed bob and a white two piece suit with black, thumbtack-shaped dots running down over it like a waterfall. The suit's jacket was opened in the middle, only held closed by a choker piece around his neck and the lower buttons near his abdomen. Instead of wearing a regular collared shirt, he had a sort of black lace bra or bodysuit, Doppio couldn't tell from the limited view, hugging to the capo's muscles, significantly stronger than Doppio, but nowhere near as intimating as the other capo he had to visit often, Risotto. With that relief, Doppio sighed. "Bruno Bucciarati, correct?"
"Yes indeed, and you must be the boss' messager?" Bruno asked. Doppio's head felt like it was swimming at the sound of Bruno's voice, he didn't expect a man such as him, who gave off a warm, soft vibe, to have such a stern and baritone voice.
Doppio lost any choreographed confidence and began struggling to form a sentence, "Uh... Yeah- Yes, um... Sir. I'm Doppio. Now, if you don't mind, w-we should handle things inside."
If Bruno noticed his newfound awkward behaviour, he didn't show signs as he stepped out of the way to let Doppio through, "Of course, you came just in time, coffee just finished brewing."
Doppio sighed to the smell of coffee flowing the dark and warm house, already attaching to it's comfort and not wanting to go. "Oh grazie mille, I could use some right now."
Bruno just gave a closed-mouth chuckle and made his way into the kitchen, "How do you like your coffee?"
"Uhh... A little sweet and bitter," Doppio answered, surveying the living room. It was a very compact room, a three-seated marroon couch with two matching chairs in front of it, and long mahogany coffee table in the middle separating the two. Two candles were lit on the table, filling the room with the scent of vanilla and cinnamon. Not knowing where exactly to sit, and worried about coming off too rude, Doppio stood there until Bruno had came back.
Bruno made his way to the end of the couch and sat down Doppio's cup, using his new free hand to pat at the seat next to him. "Come now, sit. Your cup is right there."
Doppio sat on the other end of the couch, picking up the coffee mug to amire its design. It looked very... antique, being eggshell white with watercolour paint styled frogs perched on a log. "Oh cute!" he complimented, carefully turning the cup around to see a double of the image on the other side.
"Oh you like it? My kids say they think it's lame, except for the fact I see these cups being used more than the plain ones," Bruno giggled, taking a sip.
Doppio looked up, "Kids?" he asked, taking note of the kitten with the yarn ball on Bruno's.
As Bruno swallowed, he covered his mouth modestly, "Oh scusa, not my actual kids, my squadra, but they're like my children to me," Bruno explained.
"Oh, I see," Doppio thought, thinking about his own parental situation. Doppio grew up with sort of a father figure, but never had a mother figure, one that Bruno oddly reminded him of with his calming aura to him. He felt himself fill in scenarios that he missed out on with images of Bruno and his squadra, which slowly morphed into just being Bruno and Doppio.
Suddenly, he heard the sound of his phone ringing throughout his ears, filling his head. The fumbled through his tote bag to pull out his phone and look at the blank screen. "Oh my, sorry I have to take this, one moment," he commented, sitting down his cup and heading outside. He was met with the harsh bright Italian sun and the smell of the asphalt heating up, already missing the relaxing and soothing indoors.
"Yes boss? I'm at the new capo's, Bruno Bucciarati." he answered.
"Yes, I'm aware. I'm wondering why you're so off task. This is supposed to me a 'get in and get out' type of situation," the boss answered dully.
Doppio sighed, "Yes boss, io so, I'm just... getting a read on him, you know?"
Doppio was met with a heavy air silence before an answer, "Fine, but don't take all afternoon," and with that, Diavolo hung up.
Doppio, more quickly than intended, rushed back inside and allowed his eyes to adjust, sitting back down with Bruno. "Scusi again, it was the boss. Nothing major, luckily, just making sure we were here."
"Ah, I see," Bruno replied, staring back at the mug, "So, I take it that you like animals."
Doppio's eyes lit up, "Yes, of course! Who doesn't?" he said, smiling.
"Cute! I have a cat here, she may or may not come out of her room later. I wanted to make sure you're not allergic or anything," he added.
Doppio immediately began scanning the rest of the house from where he sat without realising, hoping to catch a glimpse. "Oh, not at all. I love them! Though, I was never allowed to have one given the priest was allergic."
Now it was Bruno's turn to question Doppio's words, "The... priest?"
Doppio turned back around to Bruno, rubbing his thumb against a cup. "Oh yeah, I never got to know my parents, a priest adopted me and I grew up with him instead," he explained, his thoughts before Diavolo's call resurfacing. He tried to suppress the... strange fantasy, he could think about it later, now isn't the best time.
Bruno held out a hand, gingerly, to Doppio. He had a somber look in his eyes, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."
Doppio stared at the open hand, it's tempting gesture drawing him in. "I shouldn't be doing this..." he thought, taking the hand into his. Those thoughts quickly left once Bruno gently petted the back of Doppio's hand with his thumb, making his skin feeling prickly and his heart to swell. He tried to take his hand back, knowing how inappropriate the situation was, but couldn't bring himself to move. The more he fought, the more heavy his hand became.
Doppio tried to save face, "Y-Yeah, it's no big deal," he looked around the room for a second before back down his cup, taking a sip. He tried to be the most casual, but couldn't help focusing on the sensation more than another person in this situation would've. His mind flooded with more affectionate scenarios, he tried swatting them away.
Bruno's demeanor began to shift. "What's wrong?" he asked, coming off more suspicious than conserned.
"Oh shit-" Doppio thought, he felt his hand become more clammy. He drew it back quickly before Bruno thought he was gross. "N-Nothing, just a touchy subject. So, about the-" he stopped mid-sentence when he saw Bruno lick the thumb from the hand he was just holding.
Bruno's eyes cut back to Doppio with the sharpness of a blade, "Doppio, I know you're lying."
Doppio let out an accidental squeak when Bruno leaned in close to his face, his eyes shooting daggers into him. "W-Wha... Lied about what?"
In a full 180 for Doppio, Bruno wrapped his arms around him and held him close to his chest. The butterflies Doppio was feeling were now losing it inside his stomach.
Bruno began petting his hair, smoothing the lose strands of the braid. "Something is wrong. I don't know what it is or why you decided to hide it from me, but I want you to know everything's gonna be OK," he spoke in what Doppio now realized wasn't an interrogating voice, just his attempt at coming off supportive and caring.
"O-Oh, OK. Geez, you scared me for a moment... Heh heh," Doppio tried laughing it off, still getting used to his new predicament.
Bruno gave one last squeeze before letting go of Doppio. He straightened out his coat and bangs before placing his hands into his lap. "Sorry if I came off... strong, I just hate seeing people stressed, you know?"
Doppio could only nod, mind too focused on missing the hug already. "No, no, it's no problem. In fact..." he couldn't believe he was about to do this, "I was wondering, can we... do that again?" he asked sheepishly. His boss was gonna kill him for it, but he'll deal with that later.
Bruno gave a soft smile before leaning back on the couch and patting at his chest, as if calling his cat. Doppio blushed as he crawled over and joined him, letting the curve of his body line up with Bruno's.
They lied there for a while, talking to each other about how things were going and discussing business as well.
Doppio was sure to himself that he'll come back more often, once he had the free time.
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