#i don't mind non-peter spidermans that much though because they're not the ones i have beef with lol
I find the DC heroes much more likable than the Marvel ones (whom I kinda dislike). I DON'T KNOW WHY (I like Batman but can't stand Tony Stark, I like Superman but refuse to watch Captain America movies). I am trying to unpack it in this post because it doesn't make sense.
Maybe it's because DC cartoons where what I grew up with? And Marvel popped up more (with the exception of Spiderman and X-men) around my teenage years and people got all pretentious about the MCU?
Also, Superman's costume is less American flag-like than Captain America, so that could definitely play a part in it because one of my main gripes with Captain America is that he's walking American propaganda. I also think Batman as a character is somewhat less politicized than Iron Man because Iron Man's wealth came explicitly from weapons manufacturing, and they show his weapons killed Middle Eastern civilians.
While Batman was just some trust fund wacky dude that refuses to go to therapy and deals with grief in VERY questionable ways and has a fun rogue gallery full of fun, spooky, wacky antagonists he refuses to kill. Like yes, Batman can also be criticized and as with the entire superhero genre there's a lot of copaganda and capitalistic propaganda involved, but he's wackier and the copagandic aspect is far from unique to his story.
I also have this very weird one-sided beef with Peter Parker Spiderman because I constantly broke my brother's Spiderman action figures and I associate Spiderman with punishment and having the worst expected from me. I joke that it sounds like something out of a Silver Age Spiderman Rogue origin story and I am a lab accident away from becoming one.
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I See The Way They Look At Me (Peter Parker x Female Reader) Part One (1)
Title is from 'O.D.D' by Hey Violet (it's a really good song btw)
A/N - Uh, I might make this into a lil series
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Peter Parker was a good kid. He was good in school, not counting the occasions that he skipped. And when he skipped, I skipped. You see, he's Spiderman. Yeah, that dude who can shoot webs. Yeah. It's pretty normal.
Me? Well, I'm an Asgardian. Loki's daughter. Yep. But it gets better! Because my father is half Jotun, guess what! I am too! Which means that technically I'm a princess of Jotunheim. It's a weird one. Luckily enough, the Frost Giants in Jotunheim seem to like me.
My Dad was the god of Mischief, and Lies. My Uncle was the god of Thunder. My grandfather, not biological, was just the king, but he's...not the nicest. I guess I ended up being the god of Animals? And any other mythical beast that isn't humanoid, except anything that bears human-like intelligence, with a few exceptions.
Dragons, for example. They're extremely intelligent. But, lo and behold, I can still chill out (haha) with them.
Which brings me to why I'm on...Earth? Is that what this place is called? Or Midguard, I guess.
Odin wasn't too impressed by the fact that I was a literal animal magnet. Dragons would fly in, and I would have to fly them out, although I did enjoy watching them wreak havoc.
Sometimes I would scare Thor by befriending a Thunder Dragon. Thunder Dragons are big, huge, serpentine beasts. They're long, ridiculously long, and have a massive wingspan. They also have four eyes, two on each side. They're pretty cute. Anyway. Uncle Thor is pretty scared of them, because they're one of the only creatures he can't scare off with his powers. So, when we were both walking around outside the city, I called one over, quickly befriended it, and then proceeded to prank Thor. He wasn't very impressed.
Anyway, because of my tendency to bring dangerous beasts in, Odin sent me down to Midguard so I could stay with the Avengers.
Me and Peter had taken to each other pretty quickly. We got on like a house on fire, one could say, but I don't really deal with fire. That why I stay away from any Helhounds, they're literally furnaces. Mean as well. They've got bark, literally, and bite.
So, once Peter learned of what I could do, he kept asking for demonstrations. I'd take him to somewhere remote, using the Asgardian version of a portal, and then I'd call over any creature he wanted me to. I once summoned a huge spider. We called him Aragog, because Harry Potter.
And while I showed off, Peter would observe me. He'd learnt most of my little quirks. Like how I had a tendency to slip into a baby voice when talking to animals. Especially snakes.
I must've picked that trait up from my Father. I had also inherited his personality, although I'm a little bit easier to approach.
Peter told Tony about my love of snakes, and the next day, when I got back from school, there was a full sized Vivarium, with a baby Durrell's Ground Boa inside. I named him Korealis. He's a few months old now, and where I go, he goes. No joke. He even comes with me to school.
They...know who I am. And because I am technically a god, they can't do anything. I maybe revel in that a bit too much. Korealis wraps himself around my neck, loosely, and stares at people. I mean, he can't blink, he doesn't have eyelids, so, y'know.
Ever since Tony got me Korealis, we've been close. Sure, Loki is my Dad, and I love him despite everything, and I used to see him a lot, but Tony's like a second father. Surprisingly, Dad didn't doesn't mind. He actually liked the fact that me and Tony are so close. I guess he did not care, as long as I was safe.
Hey, I went off topic again!
Peter...there were times when I wondered if he was really as fine as he seemed to be. Nobody his age should be seeing the things he's seen. The Infinity War? That was horrible. I was there. I was on Titan.
I saw him...no.
I wouldn't think about that. I wouldn't think about how I cried. Oh, how I cried. I was already a mess because of Dad, but that was the final straw. After that, I helped Thor with New Asgard. I asked Dragons and Griffons and Pegasi to protect the land, and they agreed, gladly. To any non magical being, they just look like birds. But to another Asgardian, or a Sorcerer, or someone who knew what they were, they looked as they normally did. Majestic beasts, soaring through the sky. Graceful. Ready to attack. Ready to defend.
After New Asgard was stable, I headed off. I trained, honed my skills, until I was just like my Father. I think he'd be proud of me now, y'know. If only he could see me.
I missed him.
Then the remains of the Avengers came calling, and all it took for me to crack was to look at Tony, and I was a sobbing mess again. The memories came flooding back.
But it's over now. Tony was hurt, but he's okay. Pepper wants him to retire, but he's as stubborn as my Father. He won't retire.
When I first came here people were scared. Loki's attack was still fresh in the minds of some, and seeing me, smirking like the world was at my control, only caused memories to resurface. Even Tony was tense. Thor was quick to soothe everyone, though, reassuring them that, although personality wise, I was my Father, I wouldn't try to take over the world.
After I reverse engineered Tony's suit, and made my own, he warmed up to me. I guess he wasn't expecting me to be able to do it. But I did! And now I have my own suit. It's not like Tony's, mine is green and gold, and lighter so that I could move faster, and dodge easier. I replaced the repulsors with Asgardian Tech, and I chose to harness the Frixe Dragon's powers. I fired ice beams from one hand, and from the other, fire. I could freeze someone if I needed, and then unthaw them. Simple.
Peter was pretty impressed by that feat, and he literally took every chance he could to try and befriend me after that. Ugh, he makes me soft, I swear. For a while I was cautious, I didn't want to let my guard down, but I soon let him in, and, well, the rest is history.
Mine and Peter's first kiss was when he came back, after the whole Thanos fiasco. I was too excited, I couldn't contain myself, and after seeing him come back, I couldn't stop myself. I rand forwards, and I kinda just did it. Peter was grinning like a dork when I realised what I'd done, and I'd pulled away, and quickly darted off, taking to the air in my suit. Tony still teased me about that moment. Everyone did. I guess we were a little ray of sunshine in a battle.
It's kinda cute when you put it that way.
Me and Peter started dating two months after the kiss. He'd gathered the courage to ask if I could show him some more magical creatures, and I happily agreed, taking him to Mount Kilimanjaro. We sat halfway up, and I showed him Griffons, a Pygmy Faerie Dragon, and a Arachnellkero. Basically a giant spider, with wings. Once I'd sent them back, he asked for me to show him my favourite. I paused, thinking, and I then called a Basilisk. It was young, and therefore it's gaze was useless. No harm was caused. Peter smiled brightly at me, and in that moment, I couldn't help but smile back.
After I returned the Basilisk, we sat in a peaceful silence. Perfectly calm. At some point we wound up holding hands. At some point I fell asleep. At some point he called Stephen to portal us home.
I think Thor borrowed Tony's phone to take a picture of that moment. I don't blame him.
I wonder what my Father would say now. Would he be proud? Or disappointed, as Odin always was with him? But...Loki swore to me that he wouldn't be like Odin, and he wasn't. And he's dead now, damn it!
I missed him, I thought, as tears ran down my face. I wanted him back.
To Be Continued...
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