#i don't think anyone truly realizes just how nuts this power is
winterlogysblog · 7 months
Disaster is terrifying as Hell
I was bored so I looked through the wiki until I stumbled upon the Wiki for Disaster and as a person who adores the Fairy Clan to bits I know Disaster like the back of my hand but I like looking through it anyway and then... I realized something.
I realized just how lucky everyone is that the Fairies and The Fairy Kings specifically are not that battle driven, they just mind their own business for the most part and if trouble arises within the forest, The Fairy King is there to protect them.
I mean, look back at what Helbram did when he went crazy. Buddy, that's just Helbram, he's just a motivated fairy, he's not even a royal by any means. Imagine King popping off like that, it will be over for everyone.
Disaster, is the power of the Fairy Kings and as Merlin stated it is the power to control life and death itself. It's freaking terrifying, and it's definitely up there in terms of most dangerous and powerful magic in all of NNT/4KOTA and I do believe that the Spirit Spears are a close second to Excalibur when it comes to Weaponry.
King is absolutely nuts because of Chastiefol and Chastiefol is freaking insane because of Disaster and Disaster is a very fitting name because of how terrifying it is.
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I just gotta put the screencap so that its clear. This power is insane. King can do a whole bunch of crazy stuff with it he just chooses not to. Honestly, King can cut someone's arm off, behead them, bisect them if they just had a tiny scratch on them. He can do all kinds of unimaginable things but King is not that type of person so he dosen't but that dosen't erase the fact that he could do it within a blink of an eye.
Lemme add... The Demon King have the Ten Commandments, The Supreme Diety made the Four Graces given to the Four Archangels.
Then we have the Sacred Tree giving Disaster to one singular being per iteration and its not like something to be passed around cause all three Fairy Kings can use it even if they're existing in the same space plus they each receive their own Spirit Spears
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thekrows-nest · 3 months
Oh ayo?
There's a lot I could do with it.
Was the changeling chosen because they would be able to protect themselves and could potentially even be a match for Krow?
Or were they dying and/or considered disposable?
Also neither Gabby nor LT know about the cage. Should Dove's replacement be taken, what if the cage negated the changeling's power or their glamour? (I'm assuming it's metal.)
What if being surrounded by it was killing them? What if the torment of it drove them insane?
The biggest hurdle though would like. Being sure Gabby doesn't tip off something is up. I am sure she'd be in on the switcheroo and she'd have to pretend nothing is wrong or different.
Would Gabby be told? LT might not want to reveal the switch to her in case she tipped her hand and was then put in danger.
Gabby would very likely work it out for herself before too long though, what with her keen perception. And she would have to know Dove a bit to know they were in danger and care about their wellbeing so she would notice something off on a personal level. So LT might tell her just to keep her trust.
I'm sure she'd manage to keep up the pretense for at least a little while. Gabby is a tough nut to crack and even if she felt no duty to the changeling her prickly dislike of Krow could still be interpreted as protectiveness of "Dove".
But how well could she suppress her reticence and unease towards the changeling? Her manner might not change towards Krow but it might change towards "Dove"...
And what if despite the fear and nausea she began to pity the changeling? To know how it felt to be in danger, in a situation you don't control? Even grudgingly come to like the changeling as them?
If she slips up, Krow will be onto her and hoo boy.
LT won't let anything happen to her.
In fact, an ending I considered for the kidnapping story (Double Shot) was going to be LT approaching Krow's house where Gabby and Dove were being kept.
But it does mean her owing him yet another favour... when the power differential is already tipped. The rules are already bent.
And seeing how dangerous this world is he might beg to take her away from it. Take her somewhere she will never age or know pain.
Krowspiracy once again coming to the ask box with some of the coolest shit. /pos I so so love your asks. Anyway.
Gonna do a read more cause this will get long dkjfndf
Those are all very good questions, and you really could go with most anything.
And yeah, the cage would definitely... not be well for a changeling Dove. Or any fae being that is close to it or, god, INSIDE it (cause yes, it IS made of metal).
Yeah I think LT would need to tell Gabby immediately or soon after, both to keep her trust and out of love and respect for her. He's fae, yes, so he has different morals, but Gabby is still the person he values the most, even above himself.
Gabby might be... apprehensive about the whole thing. But she'd trust LT, and she would be a tough nut to crack. Krow wouldn't realize for a time he has been had.
But... Gabby is only human. "Dove" would still represent her dear friend. May still carry some mannerisms, but she'd know it's still not truly THEIR Dove. So some subtle tells might leak through that Krow could eventually pick up on...
And, yes, I could see Gabby eventually seeing the changeling as not like, Dove 2.0 or Fake!Dove. But as... whoever it is they are. This is a situation not really anyone wants to be in...
LOL true. LT would never let anything happen to Gabby. Not like Krow wouldn't TRY something eventually if he believes he could get away with it but... ya know.
Ooooooh. Hadn't considered the idea of Krow kidnapping Dove AND Gabby. Could be possible. Hmm HMMM
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cowboyjen68 · 6 years
Hi Jen, I have a heavy question. Do you/have you ever dealt with intense feelings of self-hatred over being a lesbian? If so, how have you dealt with it? I realized I was gay 10 years ago and I'm still wishing so badly to be straight and trying anything to get myself to love men instead of women. I'm so tired of it. I don't have homophobic beliefs towards others so I don't know why I do towards myself. Sometimes I even consider going to conversion therapy. And it just gets worse over the years.
Honestly, not really self hatred. I didn’t have religion in my young life to any great extent and my parents and family never spoke poorly of gay people. However, and i have said this before, culture seeps in no matter what. And I pushed it off as a “phase” for many years. I knew our society is fine with girls have small crushes on girls when we are young. I knew it was not uncommon so I figured that must be it.  I didn’t really not want to be gay, just didn’t see it as an option. I thought I was just really bad at being “straight”. I can maybe help you with this, because I’ve had friends struggle. Being a lesbian is a powerful thing so it is scary to people, even those that are. Because two women together, in love and being sensual is, by design, excluding men, and that is NOT the acceptable norm in our culture.  People just know that two women loving each other is a whole different dynamic than our society is used to accepting as “normal”. We internalize that power as a flaw.. women are weak, emotional, less.. so two together must be more flawed, more weak, way less than man or man and woman. Of course I don’t know your age or you relationship status.  And keep in mind... You DO NOT have to kiss, have sex with or be intimate with anyone of either sex to know your sexuality, you just have to look within yourself.  But try sitting quietly.  By yourself and think of a woman you are attracted too. A famous person, a Youtuber, or a friend.. you don’t have to be nuts for this woman, just think she is attractive. Close your eyes and list of what you like about them. Think big stuff, small stuff. Really revel in the beauty of this woman.. her neck line, the way she puts her hand on her hip while waiting for coffee..Or maybe a scent or sound.  It is okay to roll that around in your head. Know that as a lesbian, you can notice and appreciate other woman that no one else, straight women or men, could every understand. AND that is truly a gift to be thankful for. Conforming is never easy if it means giving up your power. The power to love another woman. Also, find other, maybe older lesbians who love to love women. Make friends and hear their stories.  On a side note. the first time I made out with a woman who I cared about and was attracted to(even though I knew we were always going to be just friends) THAT very moment.. with my toes still tingling and my stomach alight with excitement... that second, I stopped fighting it. I knew I was a lesbian and I realized that part of me gave me greater pleasures than anything else I am or ever would be. I hope this helps... but I am always here to listen.. if you need to talk...
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