#i don't use my laptop that much anymore and i don't plan to download the tmblr app
fantasticalleigh · 4 months
i want to keep sharing art online but honestly i'm so fucking tired and done with all social media lately. instagram fucks with your reach so that no one sees your posts and lord help you if you stop posting regularly as in 3-5 times a week. oh and if you don't post reels then fuck you too. tumblr is good for sharing art if you're already a popular artist but people don't really reblog art unless it's either as mentioned before by a prominent artist or a very popular old post. i refuse to use twitter. and glazing or nightshading all my work is kind of tiring even if it is necessary but the process is kind of dumb (i gotta be honest sorry i know how important that group's work is but literally go look at their site and those poor folk are so overrun they're begging people to stop asking for glaze invites. and i tried downloading nightshade onto my laptop but it wouldn't run bc of some hardware specs so don't tell me to try downloading it bc i already did.)
deviant art is fully in bed with AI now and doubled their membership prices bc woweee it gives you access to an AI generator now and you get 500 whole prompts a month! ain't that the bee's knees!?
and everywhere in general is tightening the noose more and more on NSFW artists. within a span of two months i got email after email from certain sites that were suddenly updating their TOS or raising their subscription prices. mercari absolutely took a fat steaming shit on their seller base this year and only reverted some of their bs bc their revenue/stock fucking TANKED. peacock and clip studio and bigcartel and spotify and everyone's mom is raising their prices as if we're all fucking made of money. i had to put my online shop on pause and cancelled my existing plan because i can't afford to be paying so much each month across all these subscriptions. (the shop will still exist i'm just no longer able to keep more than 5 items in inventory and i can't do discount codes anymore.)
i'm not seeking advice or anything just venting. if this sounds bitter, take it at face value bc i am. and i do keep saying this and i'm sorry for sounding so angry and repeating myself but i'm so goddamned tired. it doesn't feel worth it to be an artist anymore.
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How do you juggle real life, drawing, AND writing?
Truly one hour, one day at a time.
One big help was downloading the google docs app on my phone. I like to write on my breaks at work, while waiting in lines, riding in the car (NOT while driving obviously), etc.. Those in-between spaces when you might otherwise be scrolling social media or something instead. Say I'm too tired to get up and get my laptop? Easy, I have my writing tool in my pocket at all times, when I get bored of scrolling or have a fresh idea, I can just get it down. I also like to write right before going to sleep as well. Like after we've laid down, Marshall's already snoring, I'll just hammer out a few lines to help me unwind, until I can't hold my eyes open anymore.
As for drawing, I really have to be inspired for that, or in a bit of writing block. So I typically only draw much on my weekends. Usually for like 3 hour blocks or so, breaks in between. I almost always draw during my husband's podcast recordings, which is 2ish hours on Friday nights. If I don't feel like writing or drawing, I'll typically pick up some needles or a hook and hammer out my feelings that way.
And real life/everything else? That's your recharge period. Last night we went to a friend's place for dinner after work. Typically we get caught up on chores on the one day a week we are both off, and we just chip away at stuff for a few hours in the morning before going about the rest of our activities. The exceptions are things like dishes and cooking, which we split. Living full time with your partner and closest confidant helps. I was far less balanced when it was just me (and so was Marshall, so it helps us both).
I definitely don't have it all figured out. I haven't seen a single movie since October. If a TV series isn't weekly release forget it. I don't really stay up to date on media much. I barely read. But I do get out to see friends, go to concerts, go biking and birding, so all that is good for my physical needs. We just plan all those things generally well in advance, but that's like, what late 20's early 30's looks like anyways. Most of my friends are scattered across different states, some have kids, we all have different work schedules, and so on.
Thanks for the ask!
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dramacity · 5 years
I haven’t been watching anything kdrama related recently until i accidentally started watching moon embracing the sun (basically my mother wanted a new drama to watch, i found mets on netflix, i was in the same room, and i got hooked...)... I loved the part with the younger cast, the older cast not so much, but now I’m invested and I need to see how the big reveal is going to be done and how they are going to wrap things up
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dooingood · 2 years
- the charm we deserve -
I am curious: do you people realise that our lives has gone too much into the comfort that it just takes away all the charm of the daily lives?
For example, what was the last time for you when you didn't download the book from the Internet but when you went specifically to the library, sit down there for couple of hours to read the book and spent not few minutes to find this specific book? Me? I don't remember such time in my life at all. Like, I would I do so - I have the Internet. And here is the problem! Not much charm left! Many stuff became too easy for us. Don't blame me please, I am the kid of the new century, the Internet flows in my blood, I wake and fell asleep with my phone, many gadgets and tech-items make my life easier, and there so many advantages of this. But I think I missing some charm.
Just imagine one of the Jessica's day from XIX century (it's all random, do not look for the coincidences). To read something, Jessica plans the visit to the library. First of all, she wakes up and smiles to the sun (and not checking her phone, like me :/), then her chambermaid gives her some breakfast. Later on, Jessica wears her green dress with the hat and goes to the city centre to visit the library. Once she is there, she becomes a book-hunter and starts looking for the needed paper "prey". And she breathes this specific book smell which is everywhere in the library. And the booking hall is dark, with many tables and lighters on it for so that visitors could comfortably seat and enjoy their preys. "Ohh here you are", - Jessica is so glad: finally she caught what she wanted. Then she stays for couple of hours at the library, and reads, reads, reads until her eyes can't recognize the letters anymore, and pages becomes like a music notebook with many many black stripes. Good job done, hunter! Next time she will come back here on Friday to be able to continue the book from the page 236, on which she stopped. Library becomes her second house so here is good to say that a person will never become a homeless, if she/he likes reading books. Lol. I wish it works - then the problem with homeless people could be solved "easily peasily lemon squeezily".
And now imagine one of my days when I want to read something. I go to the Internet ("go" - it is so loud word), a few clicks - I have my "prey" on the e-book now, I read a bit and I may read it later, or tomorrow, or at nigh: I do not care.
Sure, my day is better, if you are the long-story hater, since I dedicated just a few lines to describe it. But people from the past had so many adventures and charm in their daily lives, even in such thing as planning to read a book for what they needed to go to the library. Some of them even could miss the lunch and prefer the "paper" long food instead: "Today the patron gave him time off, explains Samouk, and he just came to the book collection from work. He will not go to dinner until they close", - Jean-Paul Sartre from "Nausea".
And what about me? I eat some vegan tuna sandwich, periodically replacing the food with some matcha tea, meanwhile reading Jean-Paul Sartre and wondering: damn, I could stay at home the whole day, and I am able to "visit library", "go to the cinema" on my laptop, "travel" by watching some bloggers (well, I know it is funny comparison but be so kind to let me have it), and I don't need to write the big letters on 4 pages to my loved ones -> I have many messengers installed on my phone, so it is super easy to contact my relatives. But. No charm.
I can already read your outrageous minds: "C'mon, girl, so go to the library and eat your "paper" long food or write a long letter on 4 pages to your loved ones, no one stops you, just have some charm in your daily life". Sure, I could do that. And I was for sure doing so in my previous life in XIX century (:D). Now, I am re-born in XXI century, and you know, I just have a nostalgy, I miss that charm, I miss the libraries and long letters, and the cinemas etc.
Lemme have the nostalgy. Maybe, this is the charm I and we all deserve in XXI century. This is the charm of our present time.
Okay, jokes aside. The only charm we deserve and can have is to enjoy our imagination and illusions, like I have in this topic.
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simmertimes · 7 years
i know that nobody is judging me or talking about it, probably not even caring about it, but i feel bad that this year i didn't post very much. i feel bad because simblr is a place that makes me happy and i used to think "i'll learn how to edit better and i'll try to make all the posts i want" and etc. but then this year turned out a hard year for me. since february i've been through something that makes me so so sad. personal problems. family problems. or so many other names i could give it. it is making me crazy. it affected my art and my simblr. i'm taking months to finish my drawings and i don't open my game anymore. also my family took off my internet so i can't download so many things that i wanted to. i try to use some open wi-fis from my neighbourhood but they're all shit. i don't wanna give up of simblr. i will always be here. but i feel so bad when i see my blog like this. i'm posting almost nothing. i wanted to be part of everything that happens here. i was planning to do xmas posts that would be important to my story. but i don't feel like opening my laptop. i don't feel like doing anything. well, i don't even know why am i posting this. i think i just felt like explaning... because simblr is so special for me. i hope 2018 will be a better year. i hope i will make my simblr be my little secret magical place again. well, whatever. thank you if someone read 'til here. i'm sorry for any gramatical error, i'm too lazy to correct this rn. i love you guys so much. sorry for disappearing. i still see everything you guys post tho. i'm proud of all the amazing stories i read everyday on your blogs ♡ keep going. i'll be fine and trying to make posts.
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rossjohnlungan · 5 years
Hello Philippines, hello mga ka bansa. My name is Ross John P. Lungan and I live in Benito Soliven Isabela. And I have different hobbies; Playing basketball, and watching movies. I also love cooking,and playing beat box. It is hard to express yourself hahahahahaha. But I will try my best to do this blog. More information about me. I'm the youngest in my family and I'm the tallest in my siblings and also in family of Lungan. My favorite subjects are Mathematics, Science and PE. Every individual have strengths and weaknesses. One of my strengths is my family. Because my family is very supportive of what I'm doing now, like in my school they always cheering me up when I'm down and when I'm stress they always makes ne laugh and happy to forget all my problems especially in my schoolworks. They always motivate me to strive more in my school. Co'z it is for my own goods and in my future. And one of my weaknesses is also my family because I'm not comfortble if I don't see them. I'm sad or I feel bad if I don't see them. I can say that they are my weakness because, what will happen to me if they're not around. Yesss I can say that I'm indipendent but its different when you always see them. Because my environment here in Tuguegarao is differ from the environment in our house. Cut that DRAMA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!. It's only a commercial but it is also a part of myself. Let's continue my blog. If I'm bored, I have the attitude that its better to sleep than to make a non sense things like GALA GALA HAHAHAHAHAHA. Atleast while you are sleeping it makes you comfortable and you get enough time to rest. Love yourself because HEALTH IS WEALTH. Your body and nutrition is your wealth. And after sleeping I go to the dining room and I will cook PANCIT CANTON for my snack hahahahaha. What a nice hobby sir!!!!hahahahaha. Then after eating I go to Municipal coliseum to have an exercise. Playing basketball is considered Exercising. More information about me. My name is came from a greek word "rosos" which means "handsome" hahahahaha I'm just kidding 😂😂😂. My name is came from my Father naming MARIO T. LUNGAN supported by my Mother naming LENI P. LUNGAN. That's my FATHER'S AND MOTHER'S NAME. I forgot, I'm 17 year of age and I have a girlfriend. But it doesn't mean that I will not focus on my studies. I know my priorities and having a relationship with others doesn't mean you can't finish your school. Its a motivation to strive more and to study well to get high grades for you to pay off all the efforts and sacrifices of our beloved parents and to make them proud and to have a better future. One of my goal is TO MAKE MY PARENT PROUD OF ME. Finish your college is the best gift to our beloved parents. I'm so proud of my mother because eventhough she is widowed she can handle our family and she gave our needs not only our needs but also our wants. My mother is my hero ❤❤❤. And for my conclusion "ALWAYS COME UP WITH A GOOD DECISON" CO'Z OUR DECISIONS ARE VERY IMPORTANT. IF WE MAKE A GOOD DECISION WE WILL NOT REGRET IN THE END. GOD BLESS US ALL 😇😇😇
Answer the following questions:
• Where do I see myself 10 years from now? Is my learning in SPUP vital to where I'm leading to?
- I see my self as a good public servant. Yes
• Was STEM the best choice after all?
- Yes because I know STEM strand will help me to pursue so my dreams in my life.
• What course will you take in college? Why?
- Seriously till now I can't decide of what course I will take in my college but I want to become a good public servant someday.
• What topic would you like to learn more in this subject?
- How to make an website and how to edit different pictures
• I chose cellphone because it has many purposes.
• You can use cellphone in communicating others.
• In your studying, in your assignments if you need to search you may use cellphone.
• You can watch movies and you can downloads all your wants but remember the internet tips.
• You can make an power point. If you don't have laptop, you may use cellphone. Then after making your power point you can transfer it in a flashdrive. To copy it in the laptop for your power point presentation
• Cellphones can also use in editing such as videos, pictures, etc.
• May you use cellphones in taking a picture not only in taking a pictures it can also use in shooting if you don't have DSLR, GO PRO or other technology may use in making a movie.
• But remember, cellphone has disadvantages. Users get addicted especially online games. Students may fail in their subjects, get a low grades because they are addicted in playing online games. Most of us especially students who addicted in their gadgets, when they wake up the first thing they do is to check their social media accounts and texting their girlfriends/boyfriends. We are becoming lazy interms house hold task, reviewing our lessons, making our assignments. And because of too much addiction in using our cellphone or gadgets, we can't avoid using of cellphones.
• Using cellphones or having a cellphones have so many advantages but I will not mention it anymore.
Blogpost 3-5
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In a room, there was a mother and a child. The child name is Jack. Ever since Jack was born he wasn’t go outside the room. He didn’t see real trees, real rivers, real animals and he also didn’t see other people except her Mom and Dad. Yes, he has a Dad. His Dad was the one who always locked that room and he is the one who knows the code of the door that’swhy Jack and his Mother cannot go outside.
As years passed by, Jack wanted see real trees, real rivers and animals but his Mother cannot find a way for Jack to go outside.
Enable for them to escape from the room, Jack’s Mother has a plan. Jack will play sick so that if his Father came home he will found out that Jack is really not and he need to go to the hospital and in that way Jack can call help but that plan failed
The next thing that Jack’s Mother plan is that Jack will play dead. Before Jack’s Father cake home, his Mother trained him what to do. That plan succeed. And his Dad convinced that he is died. The Father carries his son rolled with a floor mat to the room from his car to bring him to the hospital. While driving Jack escaped from the car and there is someone who help him and call a police.
And from that, the police officer also find his Mother. And they live freely outside that room.
Guied questions:
1. What life lessons can be learned from the movie?
The moral lesson I learned from the movie is that, lesson to love the people around you and don’t you ever take away their nights to live free.
2. What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
The most powerful part in the movie is that Jack escape from his Father’s car while driving and he call for help. I found it powerful because eventhough Jack’s life is it in danger, he find a way to call help just for his mother to escape too.
3. Who was your favorite character in the movie?
My favorite character is Jack’s Mother. Because she will do everything just for her son to escape from that room.
4. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
From the current situation, the others find a way ti escape from the hard situation they face right now they’re ready to do everything for their love ones to have a good life free from any harm.
5. If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
If I had chance to ask a character in this movie I will ask Jack’s Father and that would be... Why did he do that to his Family?
Miracles from Heaven
There was a family named Bean family who always praise God together. Family that always do good things. But one day their 2nd daughter, Anna got sick. And that sickness challenge their faith to God especially her Mother, Kristy. They go into different hospitals in Texas but no doctor can tell them the condition of Anna.
Until Kristy was searching online and she saw Boston's children hospital. She started contacting the doctor who are in charge for the new patient.
Several months later, Anna's condition is still the same and because of this, most of their assets are sold. By that, they decided to take home Anna.
One day, while Kristy have a phone call, Abbie, the first child of Kristy ask Anna to play with her.
They so big and old tree in front of their house and they decided to climb on it. While they are sitting in a branch, the tree is suddenly cracked so Abbie told Anna to get away from it. Accidentally, Anna fall inside the tree. After a few hours, the Police came and they got Anna.
And there's a miracles. After falling from above 30 feet the doctor says Anna is alright. No scratch and no fracture. The other day, Kristy observed that Anna's condition is becoming well. So they go to the Boston's children hospital again to make sure if Anna is really in a good condition. And the doctor says " She is".
Because of that, they will praising God together again and they share experiencesto others and serve as an inspiration to others.
1. What life lesson can be learned from the movie?
Guide questions:
Don't lose hope and always have faith to God because nothing is impossible.
2. What partbof the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
The most powerful part of the movie is that Anna got sick. This is the beginning that the characters struggled. And by this, it serves as an inspiration to everyone because it shows there the things that they must do when hard situations come.
3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
My favorite character in the movie is Kristy, the Mother of Anna. Because eventhough the situation challenge her faith to God she always keep praying. Ang she will do everything for the seek of her daughter.
4. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occured in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
Many people experiencing struggles in life and also me. I was young my Grandmother had a stroke. I felt aad in that time because I guess that would be her last time in this world but becuase of faith she survived and until now she is alive.
5. If you had a chance to ask character in this movie a question, what would it be?
If I had a chance to ask a character in this movie that would be Anna Beam and the question that I will going to ask her would be... " When she got seek, is there a time in her life that she wants to GIVE UP"
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There was a child named Anggie. He is not that Handsome and he is not that ugly, it just that he has a survey from his face because when he was born it has a caplication and it causes 27 surgeries for him to survive.
When he became older, he always had a home-schooling and he never experiencedgoing to school himself. At his fifth-grade his parents decided to go him in school.
At the first day of school, he experienced discrimination from the others because of his face. But behind these, Anggie keep studying so that he will excel.
As they passed by, Anggie had a friend named Jack will. They ate very close. In Halloween day, Anggie hear that Jack will is a backfighter. And from that Anggie don't want to trust anybody again. There was no days that Anggie didn't encounter discrimination and bullying.
Here come a child named Summer. She decided to haved friends with Anggie. At first Anggie don't want to because of what happened to Jack but at last he said yes.
But that, Jack realizes his fault so he said sorry to Anggie and ask him if they can be friends again and Anggie said " okay "
Anggie came through many discrimination but he used this as a inspiration to graduate with an award.
1. The moral lesson is that NEVER GIVE UP
2. The most powerful is that when Anggie graduated with an award. Because it shows there that eventhough other people discriminating you never give up. And in the end you will succeed. It doesn't matter what you look like but it matters how you treat other people.
3. My favorite character in the movie is Anggie. Because he didn't let other people to push him down, unless he used them as inspiration to reached his goal
4. My brother, they always bully him because of his body and the way he play in basketball game. Until now they always bully him when we are playing.
5. Anggie. "Did you try to report them in the Principal's office?"
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