#i don't want any of my coworkers to know or anyone in the dean's office or even my roommates
unknown-limes · 5 months
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acefeather2002 · 2 years
7 & 12 for the voice ask meme? Hope you're having a good day!
These were some good ones to answer!
7) Favorite book series and/or just singular book and why?
My favorite book would have to be a graphic novel called Rapunzel's Revenge by Dean Hale and Shannon Hale. It's essentially a Wild West adaptation of the story of Rapunzel, except instead of being a frail and helpless blonde damsel in distress, she's a hardcore, redheaded cowgirl and uses her hair as lasso ropes to save herself. It's a great story. I highly recommend it!
12) Talk about a crazy memory you have?
(I had to do some thinking for this one but realized I have one from just a couple of weeks ago😂)
So here's what's going on: I recently started working at a Wendy's about five minutes away from where I live. Well, one of the ares that I work on is called "Back Cash." This is where when the car pulls around from the speaker, they pull up to the first window to make the payment before reaching the second window to pick up their food. The first window is what I'm referring to mainly.
Anyway, the problem is that when working on back cash, you're also in charge of doing the dishes that come to the sink that's right across a small hallway from that area, but when you step away from the computer to do the dishes, the customer sees no one at the window, so they automatically assume to move on to the next one. This, of course, is very frustrating to the person working that area. Well, that day, I was working back cash, and that same scenario played out.
Well, the person at the second window came back to me with the customer's card so they could make the payment. However, when I came back up the second window to return the card, the customer just drove off. So, I did what any sane and honest person would do and booked it out of the building and across the parking lot. I almost made it to the street, but they were too far ahead. My manager called me back inside and said that they'd just call back for it later. It was kept in the office after that. To this day I still don't know if they ever came back for it...😅 After that, people kept laughing but also complimenting me on trying to catch up. There was even another customer at the back cash window that was being taken care of by one of my coworkers, and even he was all like, "We saw you going. Too bad you couldn't catch up. Good form though!"
The cherry on top is the fact that the hiring manager found out about it a few hours later. I was still on back cash when she came in. She walked in and greeted everyone in her usual welcoming tone until this one dude (let's call him Ian), came up with a huge smile on his face and excitedly told her what happened through his laughter. She looked at me with humored shock on her face and I embarrassedly confessed that I didn't make it with my face basically being this emoji: 😅. Of course she cracked up at that. Admittedly, though, the whole thing was kinda hilarious.
It's because of that moment did a couple of people start teasing me about being a track star. (Which is kinda funny considering that I considered doing track but never went for it.) Anyway, it was a funny moment.
Thanks for asking, sweet petal! These were fun to answer!
If anyone else wants to ask questions, here’s the list! Knock yourselves out!
Along with this one, in a recent post I said I was gonna start clearing my ask box and reblogging my work, so let me know what you want me to pull back up! Love you guys! See you soon!
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