#i don't want jin to be easily forgiven
demonsfate · 9 months
"i don't want jin easily forgiven" "jin started all this and now nobody's acknowledging it" "it's stupid for jin to-"
literally don't care. i just wanna look at pictures of him.
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muttonthings · 1 year
Kdramas I have watched
98. The Real Has Come
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*Spoilers throughout*
50 episodes later here I am, I made it!
This was the first time I watched a kdrama with so many episodes. I decided to watch it after seeing a clip on TikTok of the first episode but there was no way I could wait for 2 episodes a week. I was interested in this show because I knew there would be a contract relationship element.
Buckle in, I have lots to say with so many episodes.
I don't know if this is normal with shows of this length but there were many, many characters and they all get alot of screen time. Yes, there is a lead couple but there are many other couples and they get their own plots which don't directly affect the lead's, if that makes sense. I enjoyed that because all the couples had their own dynamic and their own issues to deal with.
There is also alot of focus on non-romantic relationships particularly parental relationships.
There are many storylines going on simultaneously but it never got confusing at any point.
When the show started off I immediately started rooting for the leads and there were a bunch of bad characters I immediately hated. I was eagerly awaiting their downfall but all the "bad guys" get a redemption track in this show so by the end I just wanted a happy ending for everyone.
The show was really slow in the beginning and I felt like it was going in circles but I really loved the lead characters and their relationship and that kept me pushing forward. Eventually all the characters grew on me so even the slow pace didn't deter me from completing it.
What I liked: the lead characters, they were my favourite thing about this show. I loved Halmeoni's character development. One of my favourite scenes was when the entire family came together to find Ha-neul.
My favourite characters were Tae-kyung, Yeon-do, Soo-kyum and Halmeoni.
What I didn't like: as I mentioned there was a lot of back and forth, and a few episodes could have been cut out if they left that out. I didn't like the track with Tae-kyung's mother sulking because she couldn't break the lead couple up. It felt out of character. Especially since everyone else had gotten over it. I also thought Se-jin was forgiven way too easily, she was scheming right from the start and even though it all came to light it was just... forgiven 🤷
I also wish Yeon-do didn't leave Tae-kyung (especially after everything that developed between them) because when she returned what exactly had changed? The baby's paternity didn't change after delivery 🙄
If you don't mind your kdramas feeling more soapie/telenovela-esqe then give this a watch. Also bear in mind it's quite slow-paced. I think the storyline was good but the show could have been around 24 episodes
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I wanted to call him again; I really did. I wanted to get a second chance at asking him. A part of me wondered if I was a little too eager about this new idea in my head. Had I developed feelings for Jimin? Or was it just because I didn't want to hurt Tae?
"I don't know," I hummed to myself. "Now I don't know what I want. Great." And here I was, thinking, that nothing else could go wrong.
"Close your eyes...the one you see is the one you love." My mind said to me. Yes, this could be an effective idea. If not, I was a girl with knee deep in lies and nothing much to do. So...why not?
I closed my eyes. I saw a beautiful meadow: the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and I could feel the warm summer breeze blowing on my skin as I closed my eyes and smelled the pleasant smell around me. Are you really closing your eyes while you're closing your eyes, Y/N? Seriously, how much more dumb can you get?
There's no limit, actually. Speaking from experience.
Right. Opening my eyes. I opened my eyes in the meadow, looking to find any signs of any person coming around me. Who do I love? I asked myself; again looking around for anyone to come to me. No, I was alone. I sighed and had almost given up when I saw Taehyung coming towards me.
Jimin was with him.
Great. That solved my problem really well.
Sighing, I opened up my eyes in frustration. Maybe trying calling Jimin up again? (Why was I too eager?) Or...should I call Tae? It had been a long time since we had a chat. Although I did feel like we had a chat recently...but it had been a dream. A good one though, Tae had said that he loved me...while sitting beside my bed. So romantic. I wished that could happen in real life. But sadly, as much as you want, the dreams just never come true.
My phone rang, and I immediately picked it up, as it was from Kookie. He did want to have a talk...maybe that's why he had called so quick.
"Hey Kookie." I said. "I know we need to talk, but you need to put your head in the rehearsals. I don't wanna be the one who makes you lose your focus on work, you know."
"I..what?" He sounded confused. "No, I'm not rehearsing right now."
"I just got off the phone with Jimin, Kook." I rolled my eyes. "I heard you wanted to talk to me..aaand I also heard Tae, so..."
"Y/N, I don't know what you're talking about but-"
"Are you starting to lie to me now? Kook...I don't appreciate you lying to me..you're the only one I can really talk to here!" I whined.
"Y/N...I'm not lying, and will you please-"
"I will not at all take any more of you losing focus, and especially not because of me. So, getcha head in the game, champ!"
"Y/N, look, enough of this. I just-"
"You gotta getcha, getcha head in the game, we gotta get-a-"
I was shocked with the sudden increase in his volume...something was wrong; he never talked like this.
"What's wrong?" Ding Dong. I heard the bell: who could it be right now? "Y/N, before you open the door...you have to listen to what I have to say." I heard Jungkook saying over the phone as I got up to walk to the door.
"You want my guest to stand outside my door without me answering?" I was entering the hall. "I am sorry sir, you have got the wrong book, because that is just not what is written in the book of good manners that I have."
"Y/N, please. Listen to me carefully, okay?" He sounded in a hurry.
"Okay..I'm listening."
"After rehearsals, we were talking, and-"
"After rehearsals? Whoa, that was a long rehearsal you had." I rolled my eyes sarcastically, stopping for a second, in the middle of the hallway...looking at the clock, which showed that it was well past nine. I realised that I had fallen asleep when I had closed my eyes, and I also finally understood why Jungkook was so confused. Well, that's me...tardy as hell..yay!
"Yes, hyung. I'll be over in a second." He sounded even more in a hurry. "Listen, I don't know what's gotten into you, but I don't have time right now..and he is there too. So just shut your mouth up for a minute and LISTEN to me, or else I'm gonna cut your mouth up or sew it altogether."
"Okay." I was almost at the door.
"We were talking, and...somehow, the truth came into light. He knows it, Y/N."
I stopped at the door, turning the doorknob. "What?"
"I'm sorry", he said again, his voice becoming more frantic. "He knows everything about your crush..and about how you-"
"Jimin." I said, not to the phone, but to the person standing in front of me. Jimin smiled briefly, before his expression became stern again.
"Yes, Jimin hyung, everything....he knows everything." Jungkook yelled over the phone. "Did you hear me, Y/N? Before you open the door, please listen....he knows everything. I'm sorry-"
"We have to talk." He gazed deeply at me. "Can I come in?" I stared at him for a second, not knowing how to react. The phone dropped from my hands.
"-I'm really sorry, Y/N. I had to...he accidentally told everyone about your crush on Jimin hyung thing...and I had to tell him everything for him to understand. And he just...left, saying he had to talk to you. He was furious, Y/N...he had these eyes...like, like....yes, yes, Jin hyung, I'm coming. Listen, Y/N-ah, I've told everyone...and we're coming over, okay? And yeah...actually I couldn't tell Jimin hyung, because..."
"Y/N!!" Jimin was shocked, seeing me dropping the phone on the floor, and bent down to pick it up. "It's okay, it's not broken. Um...you were talking to Jungkook?" He put the phone close to his ear. Jungkook was still saying something, but I couldn't listen after he had said he was sorry. Jimin listened attentively, his brows furrowed.
"Yes, yes, Jungkook. I'm here, you don't need to warn her or whatever you're saying. We can talk this out ourselves." He said, looking at me with serious eyes. I had never seen him like this before, and I couldn't tell how he was going to react after knowing the truth.
"I'm hanging up now." He said to Jungkook, cutting the call, and then turned to me. "And you...since you don't know how to speak, I'll let myself in."
I gulped, tears tugging at the corner of my eyes. He walked past me, into the hall.
"Jimin.." I followed him. He turned back to me. "You don't need to say anything. It's okay." He said before I could continue.
"But...how?" I stepped close, but not too close, still confused...and terrified. Utterly terrified.
"It just is. Trust me." He smiled, stepping close, closer than I had.
"So...you're not angry?"
He laughed. "For what?"
"I lied to you, Jimin. How can you say that? How can you just...let it go and laugh?"
He laughed a little harder. "I wouldn't call it a lie."
"Why?" I was baffled.
He stepped a little closer. "Y/N...so you just hid a few things from me. I wouldn't call it a lie. Especially not when you did it because you were in love."
My lower lip quivered, and a few tears escaped my eyes, feeling hot on my cold face. How could he say that so easily? How could he forgive me that easily? How big was his heart? I felt an intense, unexplainable emotion in my heart. "How are you so..." A sob escaped my mouth. He immediately closed the distance between us, coming close to me. Cupping my face in his hands, he said, "If you had lied to me, I wouldn't ever have forgiven you....I hate lies. But you didn't lie, Y/N," he wiped a few tears from my face with his thumb, "and don't you dare cry in front of me."
His words woke something deep within me, and I started crying more than before, sobbing loudly. I didn't deserve this much kindness...I didn't deserve this much love from anyone. "I don't deserve such a good friend."
"No, you don't." He smiled softly, looking in my eyes. "You don't deserve such a good...friend." I looked silently at him, with a confused look on my face.
"Remember when I said I had found my soulmate?" He pouted, squinting. He looked like a baby. It made me smile a little. "Yeah...?" I asked.
He smiled gently. "It was you."
I gasped, speechless. I could not believe what I was hearing. Did he just say...?
"You...love me?" I whispered. He just nodded.
"Even after all this?" I frowned. I still couldn't believe my ears; even though his words were ringing in my head loud and clear. I couldn't understand..how could someone be so forgiving?
"Especially after all this." He said. "Whatever you did....it worked out in my favour anyway."
So that was why. I guessed it was part of the reason why he could forgive me so easily...because he loved me. And he had hidden it from me all these years...just like I had, from Tae. So he understood me. I felt a surge of emotions running through me, and I detached myself from his hands. "You should go, Jimin...you're too sweet. I really don't deserve you." I said turning back, the tears starting to fall down again.
"Even if I wanted to leave, I can't leave you." I heard his words and turned around, tears pouring down my cheeks more than ever before. "Why, Jimin..why? Who do you think you are? Why are you-"
He cut me off as he pulled me to himself, placing his lips on mine.
The world seemed to stop for a moment. After a second, my eyes closed, as I kissed him back.
It felt right. For some unexplainable reason...it felt so right in the moment. Tears strained my cheeks, still failing to cease, but it was as if I didn't care anymore. I was with someone who cared about me, and I didn't care about anything...for now. It was like the perfect time, the perfect hour, the perfect second. All my fears, my sorrows, my pain...were washed away in his arms, as if they weren't even there to begin with. Even for just a few moments, the universe seemed to be in my favour.
Clap. Clap. Clap.
We jumped at the sound, detaching ourselves from each other, turning towards the door where the sound was coming from.
"Wow." More clapping. "Spectacular show, Y/N. I'm impressed."
"Tae?" I was confused. What was he doing here?
"Taehyung?" Jimin was confused as well. "What is up with your face? Did you run here?" It was then when I noticed his red eyes, sweaty forehead, and unkempt hair: he was looking dishevelled. For some reason, his look sent shivers down my spine.
He ignored Jimin, boring his eyes deeply onto me, coming closer. I gulped. "Tae? What's wrong?"
"You're asking me what's wrong? You. Are. Asking. Me?" He leaned close to my face, and whispered. "Why don't you tell me what's wrong, huh?"
"I don't know what you're talking about Tae...you're confusing me." I gulped, my breath coming to my throat.
"You don't know." He laughed sarcastically. "You don't know? That's your excuse for everything?"
I was totally confused by his words, and given how he looked right now..I really didn't know what was going on with him.
"Tae, trust me, I-"
"Did I hear trust?" He raised his eyebrows. "You don't get to use this word on me, Y/N Y/L/N...YOU DON'T GET TO TALK TO ME ABOUT FUCKING TRUST...SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"
I gasped at his words; the sheer volume of his voice was terrifying. In that moment, I felt like this wasn't my Tae I was looking at.
"Tae-" Slap.
"I SAID SHUT UP!!!" He hit me fully across the face. I staggered back, and Jimin caught me in his arms. I felt my lip with my hand, blood was coming out of it.
"TAE!!" Jimin yelled at him. "What, are you freakin' crazy? You hit her!!"
"You think you're so smart..playing with other people's lives...what do you think you are?" He ignored Jimin, putting his full attention on me. "First you lie to me about having a crush on someone else, and for what? Getting close to me? What kind of a sick mentality do you have? And then that wasn't enough... so here you are, let me guess, Jimin hyung confessed and you didn't deny because you're such a coward that you can't even own up to your actions....where did you think you were even going with this?? How low can you actually get, Y/N? HOW. FUCKING. LOW??"
I stared at him, shocked, frozen at my own spot, at the words he just uttered. Jimin looked at me, and then at Tae.
"Tae...what are you talking about?"
He laughed emotionlessly. "Ask her hyung. Ask her who she loves. And you," he grabbed my hand in a death grip, "let's see you lie in front of both of us now."
"Y/N?" Jimin looked at me, frowning. I looked at him...he was confused, maybe even concerned for me. I looked back at Tae. His eyes were crazy...I had never seen such eyes before. His grip was hurting me, my hand turning red at the spot where he was gripping me tightly.
I then realised who Jungkook was actually talking about.
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Can You Keep A Secret? Pt.9
Part 8//Part 9//Part 10
Guys, I'm scared. Tae...is not in my control right now.
Next update coming up on 27th November at 17:30 GMT. Stay updated, and happy reading!
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Pairing: Reader × Jimin/Taehyung ft. Other Members
Genre: Angst/Drama/Romance
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rosethornewrites · 3 years
Friday & Saturday NR, E, & M reading
The usual
Not Rated:
winter blues (it’s okay if it’s with you), by lwjblues
lan wangji is stressed and he's had a bad day, but wei wuxian’s there to take care of him.
After the conference, by Ilona22 (3rd in a series)
A short view into the situation of the three children Jiang Fengmian once united under his roof.
After two arranged marriages and a war, their paths have divided into different directions.
A Candy kiss that cannot miss…, by Liebing
Well you see the challenge is called the candy kiss challenge so I have to…” Wei Ying trailed off.
“You have to...what?” Lan Zhan pressed.
“Well I taste the lollies and then I...kiss you and you try to guess the flavour.”
Lan Zhan was quiet for a few moments. “So you’re going to kiss me?”
red smudged on pale skin, by lamenting_lemons
Lan Wangji is greeted with a full course meal, on his bed. The full course meal, being Wei Wuxian in lingerie.
Expectations in Matchmaking, by Ilona22 (4th in a series)
After several failed attempts, Jiang Wanyin, sect leader of Yunmeng Jiang, makes another attempt at finding an appropriate match.
The matchmaker is warry of his reputation, but willing to try her best.
Time for Family, by Ilona22 (5th in a series)
After the celebration of the new arrival in the Lan family, several people plan for the time they want to spend with their own.
Unfinished Business, by DrowningByDegrees
Like most things in Lan Wangji’s life, it begins with Wei Ying. They fall in together so easily, like it hasn’t been months before Wei Ying’s smile haunted more than his dreams. Wei Ying is ceaseless movement, chaos wrapped in skin and bone, threaded through with laughter. He’s so all consuming in his presence that Lan Wangji could probably be forgiven for not noticing the problem sooner.
Or: The one where Wei Wuxian picks up a curse forcing the subject to complete any unfinished business they have to ensure it won't keep them from moving on when they die. When it inadvertently gets passed to Lan Wangji, the curse traps him in a time loop, forcing him to recognize what he really wants out of life or spend eternity trying.
reflect me, reflect me not, by invitan
The sun hangs low across the river, golden light cocooning Wei Wuxian, blessing his skin and his blooming smile. From the shadow of the stall, the stallkeeper gazes at this well-fed, well-spoiled, well-loved stranger, and smiles pastily, knuckles curling white.
“Wei-gongzi,” he says.
“Yes, pretty jiejie?”
“I know just the thing you need.”
or, Wei Wuxian flirted with a pretty woman, or so he thought. But the ghost that since haunted him did not know the secret of his body.
An Almost Lan, by shinigami2174
Becoming a widow a couple of weeks shy of his fortieth birthday had never been Yu Ziyuan's plan. It had been so unexpected that she had yet to process that her life and her children's lives had changed for good. Little she knew how their lives would be changed for good.
Madam Yu became a widow, in charge of three young children. Their inheritance is in danger and Jin Guangshan wants to take advantage of the situation. Her best friend presented her with a solution, she needs to get married again with the right candidate. She even found the right candidate for Madam Yu but he doesn't come alone, he is in charge of children too.
Madam Yu marries Lan Qiren and the Lans, the Jiangs and Wei Ying grow up together as siblings.
This is a WangXian story, don't be fooled by the summary ( I suck at them!).
Fated, by Duochanfan
Wei Ying sees his sister take a sword to her back. When he kneels by the side of his siblings, the killing intent that creeps up behind him has him holding his ground when his sister tries to push him out of the way. The fight at Nightless City takes a different turn as Wei Ying lays dying in Lan Zhan's arms.
I Call For You to Come Back, by Tea89
It wasn't possible. And yet here they were. His parents looked at him full of fondness, unknowing of what he did or who he had become.
"A-ying, you are so big now," his mother spoke, tears running freely down her face.
Something Borrowed, by pearliegloom
In order to solve a few of their mounting problems, Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing agree to a marriage of convenience.
...As someone that has been in love with Wei Wuxian for the better half of a decade, this proves to be quite the problem for Lan Wangji.
0 notes
Can You Keep A Secret? Pt.10
Summary: Your close friend Taehyung, shares a secret with you, a big secret: You have had a crush on Jimin for the past 6 years. But what he doesn't know is that you have done something bigger than that, something that could destroy many people's lives in seconds. That's a secret for you to keep. But something even bigger is floating in the air: what you have done could destroy BTS's friendship forever...but that's a secret even you don't know yourself.
Pairing: Reader × Jimin/Taehyung ft. Other Members
Genre: Angst
¡Warning!: Mentions violence as a subject.
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"Did you hear him or not? Answer!!"
I flinched at Tae's words again, as if I was not wincing already from the pain in my hand.
"Tae..." Jimin said, only to be cut off by Tae. "Hyung, you don't understand!! She is playing with you...she didn't love you at all." He gave me a cold look.
"Tae...I'm sorry. I really-"
"Just shut up and answer what is asked of you," He turned to Jimin. "I'll tell you the gist by the way...since smartypants over here is trying to think of another lie to come up with."
"Tae..I didn't mean to hurt you, I-"
"And there it is." He smirked. "So, basically, she just lied about having a crush on you so that she could get closer to me...her real crush, apparently." He looked back at me with narrowed eyes.
"What..?" Jimin whispered slowly.
"But if only that was it." He glared at me, his grip on my hand not faltering for a second. "If only it was as simple as that. But no...here you are, kissing hyung, and I don't know what to make of a girl like you."
Tears fell freely from my eyes; all boundaries had been broken. Yes, here I was. Standing in the middle of the two people I did not want to lose at any cost, and whom I had already lost.
"Y/N...is it true?" Jimin asked slowly...looking down.
"Jimin, I-"
"Yes, or no." He was still looking down, impatience visible on his features.
I stifled a sob as it was about to escape my mouth. "Jimin, please, I-"
"YES, OR NO???" He yelled.
I gasped, absolutely terrified. I had never seen Jimin like this. He was scary when he was angry. I had never seen him angry before.
"....yes." I hung my head down, giving up. Tears kept falling from my eyes; by now I was indifferent to them falling.
Jimin said nothing, he didn't even look at me. "Tae....leave her hand."
Tae was angry enough himself to listen to Jimin, but there was something in Jimin's voice that made him comply. He dropped my hand out of his grasp. Somehow, that hurt more than him actually hurting me.
"Jimin, I..." I started but he held a hand in front of me, stopping me from speaking any further.
I turned to Tae. Unlike Jimin, he was still looking at me, but his gaze was gut-wrenching. "Tae...I really did-"
"Save it, Y/N." He said slowly. "You know what, I could have forgiven you in spite of all of this. Just because you had loved me above everything, and I also had feelings for you. But no..no, no, no, here you go messing things up, playing not only with his heart..but also with mine, who by the way, is supposed to be your crush."
This was the time for me and Jimin to both turn around and look at Tae.
"What did you say?" Jimin flinched.
"Tae..." A whisper escaped my lips.
I couldn't believe he had loved me all this time. All. This. Time. When I could have saved my lies and cheats...and could have been happy with him together, forever...I was busy hurting everyone around me.
"Y/N-ah!!" A frantic Jungkook entered the door, huffing for breath. "Y/N-ah, I..." He gasped at the scene in front of him. "Y/N-ah, are you okay?" He instantly ran to me and wrapped his arms around me. All the other members entered my house at the same moment. But us three were indifferent to this; Jimin and Tae were still glaring at each other, and I was still looking at Tae with a shocked expression on my face.
"What did you say, Tae?" Jimin said again, slowly. Something about his slow tone made me shiver.
"That I love her." He looked at me. "Loved her."
I sobbed, and Jungkook held me tighter. I couldn't take it anymore. It was getting unbearable.
"How long?" I was amazed at how calm and dangerous Jimin could sound at the same time. I looked at him; he still never looked at me.
"All these years." Tae whispered. I gasped. Jungkook held me tighter. "It's okay." He whispered in my ear.
Jimin laughed. "And we were supposed to share everything."
"Yes, hyung. We were." Tae gave him a look.
"At least I kept it well hidden."
"I didn't tell her either. In case you didn't notice, she was surprised by my confession."
"Yeah, but I didn't hit her."
Tae looked at me, anger overshadowing guilt. "I never meant to. But she was hurting you, hyung."
"That's supposed to be my business!" Jimin seethed, stepping towards Tae. "You're not supposed to hit her for that."
"Oh..I'm sorry." Tae laughed sarcastically. "I will not try to look out for you ever again. Is this what you want, hyung?"
"Is that supposed to be a joke, Taehyung?"
"Now, now...Tae, Jimin, calm down." Jin came in between to mediate. "We'll talk this through, okay? Calmly."
"I am as calm as I can be on this topic, okay??" Tae said, obviously trying to suppress his anger. "I told you hyung...I told you...loving her was not a good idea."
The words rang like bullets in my head. I closed my eyes.
"So, you knew?" Jimin looked at Jin with his head cocked to the side. Jin didn't say anything, looking at me who had left Jungkook's arms in spite of his protest, and then everyone else.
"At least I told someone." Tae clenched his teeth.
"I told Yoongi hyung too." Jimin narrowed his eyes.
Everyone looked at Yoongi, who threw his hands up in the air. "Yes, I knew..and yes, I didn't tell anyone.. because I thought it was nobody's business."
"We can see that pretty well here," Hoseok said with his arms crossed. "No one is supposed to keep secrets as big as these...and how long has this been going on? The whole 6 years? And we call ourselves a group?"
I heard Namjoon sigh, and I couldn't feel guiltier.
"If I recall correctly, it all started with a joke." Tae gave Jungkook a stern look. Jungkook hung his head.
"It was all my idea." He said, ever so slowly.
A gasp escaped from everyone's mouths.
"So...you knew everything about it from the start." Jimin said, looking at Jungkook.
"Yeah. I did." He whispered. "It all did start as a joke. I never expected it to get this serious."
"Jungkook!" Jimin grabbed Jungkook's shirt, stepping ahead. "Is my life a joke to you? Are my feelings a JOKE, JUNGKOOK???" He gripped Jungkook's shirt harder, pulling him fiercely.
"Hyung..." Jungkook whispered, tears brimming in his eyes, threatening to fall down.
"Jimin." Jin held Jimin and led him away from Jungkook. "Violence is not the answer here."
"Kookie.." I whispered, looking at him. He stood there like an obedient kid who is standing in front of their parents, having done something wrong for the first time in his life. His head was down the whole time.
"Then what is, hyung?" Tae screamed. "What is the answer? Tell me, because I for one sure don't know what the hell to do with this kind of person here." He looked at me. I winced again under some invisible force.
Jin looked at me softly. "Hear her out."
Both Jimin and Tae scoffed at the same time, but didn't say anything. Jin encouraged me to go on. "Y/N...go on, explain."
I wanted to...it was not like I didn't. But..the thing was, I didn't know what to say anymore. I had lied to and cheated both of them, and I honestly didn't remember getting any reaction that I didn't deserve.
I looked at Jimin. "Jimin, you loving me was the most pleasant thing that could ever happen to me, and I am happy to be the kind of girl who you could easily have loved. I have been one of the luckiest girls of the world, because I got to spend time with you. To become friends with you...to almost start something with you. Because Jimin, the thing is, you truly are special to me."
He didn't move an inch. He still didn't look at me. That hurt.
I looked at Tae. "Tae...I, didn't know you loved me too, otherwise I wouldn't have even lied in the first place. I wanted to be with you, heck, that has been my dream since forever. My heart ached for you, to hear that you loved me was the only thing I have ever wanted. But you never did...you never came close. So I had to do something to get close to you myself...because Tae..you are my everything."
"You used Jungkook's idea for that." Tae said coldly, looking at Jungkook. Jungkook quivered, avoiding his gaze.
"Now go easy on him." Jin looked at Tae. "If you had told her, like I told you-"
"If you were so eager, why didn't you say it yourself?" Yoongi butted in.
"You're one to talk." Hoseok looked at Yoongi. "Because you are pure, right? You have nothing to hide?"
"Hyung..what he did was because of me." Jimin said slowly.
"Hyung, why don't you shut the fuck up?" Tae said.
"Tae, manners." Jin warned him.
He just laughed. "Manners. Like that fucking matters anymore." With one more look at me, he stormed out of my house.
"This much of a thunderstorm going on, without anyone knowing it," Hoseok laughed. "This is BTS people, really beyond the scene. Really good job guys." He stormed out of the room too. Yoongi hesitated for a second, then sighed and left too.
"I bought this for you as a surprise", Jimin came to me, advancing a little box towards me, looking down. "Surprise." Putting the box on the table with a thud and without any look at me, he finally left.
I opened the box. Inside was a pair of large cross-shaped black-and-white earrings.
I broke into tears. It was all...over.
"Y/N-ah, I'm..." I heard Jungkook's broken voice, and looked up. His eyes were full of tears; starting to fall down. He had a look of guilt on his face like I had never ever seen before. "Y/N-ah..." He slowly backed away, finally turning back and running away, sniffing.
Namjoon looked at me. "I should probably go check on him." He said, and sighing, he walked out of the door.
It was only me and Jin now. I looked at him silently as he continued to look at the door. "Do you....believe me?" I asked.
"I..do, but I don't see how that...helps." He looked at me, his expression transfixed at sadness. I had never seen him like this before. His eyes were filled with tears. "But I will protect you, at any cost...if it comes to that. You're a good person at heart, Y/N." He whispered.
"I don't think it is going to." I said, my throat choked up from crying for too long. I was indifferent though. "I doubt we'll be like we were ever again."
He said nothing, returning his gaze back to the door.
"I'm sorry I broke your group." I broke down again. What had I done?
He sighed, and walked out of the door after saying one final sentence.
"I think it was already broken."
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Can You Keep A Secret? Pt.10
Part 9//Part 10//Part 11
Will it ever be like it used to be? Will the good days come again? If yes, then will it be like before, or is there always going to be a gap between her and the boys? If no, will she ever find peace with what she has done?
Next update coming up on 28th November at 17:30 GMT. Stay updated, and happy reading!
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