#i dont even care but yall wont shut up about it and therefor i have been forced to care
fuck-spock · 2 years
the solution to prev tags is not screenshots. copy and paste like we have done for eons you babies.
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taciteaneremite · 7 years
-- taciteanEremite [TE] began messaging estrapadingTrueblue [ET] at 21:37 --
TE: Hey, Joel.
ET: What. Oh.
ET: Sup dude.
ET: Just got back.
TE: That's alright... Uh...
TE: I just have somethin' I need to tell you.
ET: Okay. Everything good?
ET: Havent seen from yall in a few weeks.
TE: Yeah... We're ok.
TE: We're just out on another job.
TE: I'm... uh...
TE: Not really sure how to tell you this, though. I thought I knew but I think I was bein' naive.
TE: So, I'll just say I went and done somethin' pretty spontaneous.
TE: ... A big somethin'.
TE: Me and Little got married.
TE: No big weddin' or nothin'... It was just the two of us.
ET: Spontaneous is one way to put it lol.
ET: Seems like something you would want to make a big deal out of.
ET: Or...
ET: ...
ET: Unless youre being serious for some reason.
TE: You know I wouldn't joke about that sorta thing...
ET: I dunno maybe you would?
TE: Well, I'm not...
ET: Why are you telling me now? Wheres like.
ET: Literally everybody else?
TE: It only just happened... So I'm only just tellin' people now.
TE: I wanted you to be one of the first people to know.
TE: ... But I know I shoulda said something before instead of after the fact.
ET: Its your choice dude. Your life.
ET: Therefore. Its cool.
TE: Is it?
ET: Its gotta be I reckon.
TE: So, it's not.
ET: You tell dads yet.
TE: No... Not yet.
ET: You ought to.
TE: I know... Reckon I'll message them next if I can get ahold of them.
ET: Shouldnt be hard. Theyre always around.
ET: Just a matter of doing it.
TE: ... Yeah.
TE: Joel, if you're upset with me, can you just tell me?
ET: Dunno dude. Thats a p important thing to relay.
ET: Ill have to think on it.
TE: Please don't be like that...
TE: We weren't tryin' to exclude anybody.
ET: But you did and it sucks.
ET: Sorry.
ET: This is stupid.
TE: No... I'm sorry.
ET: Its done C. Youre married now.
ET: Why tf you gonna be sorry enough to go back on that.
ET: Cant and you wont.
ET: Nobodys gonna ask you to jesus christ. Especially not me.
TE: I'm not apologizin' for that.
TE: I'm apologizin' for not considerin' how other people might wanna be included in that.
TE: I still would've wanted to do it the way we did... But I should've let people know.
ET: What else is gonna be done dude.
ET: Now. We just live with it.
TE: Yeah, except you're gonna keep bein' pissed cuz you'd rather be angry than admit you're hurt.
TE: You don't have to "just live with" that, you know.
TE: And I'm
TE: I watch you do this all the time and I'm just so terrified you're gonna push me away completely cuz I made a mistake and you don't wanna talk about it.
ET: Honestly whats the point. Actin like this shit wasnt a long time coming.
ET: You know I wouldnta done it to you right? But what the fresh hell am I talkin about.
ET: Maybe it was just a matter of waiting for the right foothold to come out and straight up say it. You dont got room for any of my bullshit. And I dont blame you.
ET: So Ill just do you a favor and give you your space man. Lord knows you need it.
TE: I don't understand.
ET: Nothing else has got to be going through your goddamn mind Colt.
ET: You want your discretion? And you got it. Im not about to bug about it.
ET: You dont get to give me shit when I ask for mine.
TE: It's not about discretion... Yeah, we wanted privacy but it ain't a matter of keepin' anybody out.
TE: I know it's important to people and I appreciate that. I do care about that... And I'm sorry my decision makes you feel like I don't want you to be a part of my life or somethin'...
TE: But I do want you in my life. Of course I do. I'm tellin' you right now.
TE: And if I act ways that seem otherwise it's not intentional and I just wanna make up for it.
ET: Well tough luck bro. I aint here to give you that answer.
ET: But Im sure everyone else or like. Literally anybody else who isnt me might.
ET: Cuz I as far as Im concerned I might as well be anybody else.
TE: Joel... Please don't say that...
ET: I reiterate. This is really stupid and I dont know what you hoped to accomplish.
TE: ... You know what? You keep actin' like I'm the one who shut you out but you won't even try to listen to me.
TE: I'm trying to fix this.
TE: I guess it is stupid to think you'd wanna fix it too.
TE: I'm not tired of your "bullshit," Joel. There's never gonna be a time where I won't come running if you need me. There's nothing you can do that will make me stop loving you.
TE: But I'm just a person too. And I mess up. I don't think it's fair you get to assume you did something to make me wanna push you out of my business, while completely closing yourself off to any attempt at me trying to validate your feelings.
TE: So you can keep acting like I irreparably fucked up and that I don't get to care about how you're feeling, but it won't change the fact you're just running away from it.
TE: It doesn't help either of us.
TE: So I dunno what you're trying to accomplish either.
ET: Guess were done here then.
TE: I guess so.
ET: Lemme know if anything else comes up. Ill be around.
TE: Fine.
-- estrapadingTrueblue [ET] stopped messaging taciteanEremite [TE] at 00:45 --
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