#i dont even care if its just working out concepts but itd be a waste when theres so much potential
hanayotta · 7 months
i think there should be mdzs rap battles in the style of the 'this is war' series by falconshield (also the anime rap battles that have been a thing these past years) it would be sooo cool like there could be playful ones, set during the lectures at gusu; just wwx&lwj going at each other, maybe even lwj not having lots of lines (according to his personality during youth), sibling dynamics between wwx&jc&yanli, the yunmeng twin heroes bitching @ jzx for being a prick to yanli... just light stuff between teenagers, like character introductions and then rap battles for the various dynamics in the different arcs - jiang, jin, nie and gusu vs. wen - wwx/yiling patriarch vs. all clans - the entire yi city arc by xy, sl, xxc and aq!!! maybe even with some kind of outside narration framing the story from the past? - the juniors and so on and THEN - the guanyin temple scene!!! just. interpreted as a rap battle with all the big shot characters involved and aaaall of its original messiness
sadly i can neither write verses nor compose music nor edit well but pls i would offer 🤲 all the ideas and support i have
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rosenmarille · 7 years
rosenmarille’s embroidery tutorial
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hey anon you made my entire week and i love you
Let me preface this by saying that I’m in no way an expert and I’ve literally only been doing this for less than a month, so most of what I do is making it up as I go along. hopefully you find my tips helpful though!! <3
I wasnt sure which part you wanted to know about so i made a rundown of everything from start to end
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1) List of things you’ll need:
Embroidery frame (I just went to the nearest crafts store and got them in two sizes. Theyre quite cheap and sometimes also come in plastic or different shapes)
Fabric (the less stretchy the better, though if youre planning to decorate clothing I think it really depends on how determined you are. what ive got here is some leftover polyester fabric from cosplay and other sewing projects. you can even sew different pieces together if one isnt big enough for the frame but in that case you need to iron the sewed piece flat or else it will be very difficult to keep straight and neat)
Embroidery yarn (see pic) (theres two types, and ive only used pearl yarn (top) so far but the other one allows for more precision since you can pick how many strands of yarn you need)
Needle (see pic) (properly pointy, not like the crappy one above. I mainly use that for crochet things because it actually bends and that’s NOT what you want here)
Scissors and a pencil
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2) Sketch: Pick an image of what you want to do. I’ve found that at first, practicing with basic shapes and colours is a lot easier to get used to the whole thing, it helps give you a feel of how the yarn ends up looking stitched to the fabric. So far I almost only did screenshots, and I didn’t have to draw something up myself. In mobs case, I based it off a doodle I did in class and added a little colour to it 
3) Pick fabric and yarn: That’s mainly up to you, depends on what youre going for, but as a fair warning, very light fabric colours will show the stitches and leftover yarn from behind, so you need to tuck them behind the main body of your embroidery later on
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4) Apply to fabric: 2 ways, both pretty much self explanatory, only heres where the stretchiness of the fabric comes into play. As you can see ive developed a fool proof technique, ive had tape stuck to the top of my laptop for weeks now, im not about to waste it? (use more than one tape, this is an old pic i took because the concept was hilarious in the moment) Pro tip: don’t draw your sketch on paper advertising dnd game sets because youre gonna have a hard time seeing the pattern through everything and youll curse yourself for doing that instead of paying attention in class  Pro tip 2: dark fabrics demand a white colour pencil, you literally wont be able to see anything else
5) Stitches: heres a LINK to the page I use to find all the different stitches I could possibly use. Practice makes perfect, i spent about two hours trying each of these out on an irrelevant piece of fabric to see how theyd work and how difficult they are, and still use that bit as ref to consider how a stitch would look on my current piece. Of these, ive only used about three in my finished broids, since theyre mostly for decorative things I think. Don’t let that stop you though, get creative and use the things im too lazy to incorporate!! (ill be using these terms for the rest of the tutorial, so if you dont know a word its probably in there)
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6) Outlines/shading: Start by outlining your sketch with a few backstitches to get a feel for where everything needs to be. If theres shading then itd be useful to do those lines in the other colour already, or youre going to have to fix all that later and itll be a huge pain and make you want to stop altogether. It happens
Im not sure if that’s how its supposed to work but I fill in the shades first, it gives me a good sense of what direction the main colour stitches need to go to make it look dynamic.
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7) Fill in mains: This is where all those handy dandy stitches from that library probably wont help you too much if you want to do something relatively simple. Ive only used normal satin stitches to fill in colour so far, though what the link doesn’t mention is that it wastes a shitton of yarn. Yarn is expensive, so what you can do is come up for point 3 not back next to 1 but instead next to 2. Warning: that does warp the way the yarn lies though, so use that one accordingly (for example: I do Not use it when doing small delicate places, or things that need to be detailed in general)
Mob was fairly simple as far as that went since i didnt add a lot of pattern, but ritsu is a little more complicated. Like i said earlier, adding shade before the main colour helps because now i know where the folds in his clothes are and how the fabric would bend to accommodate it.
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8) Add details (like faces!):
Again, here I cant tell you exactly how you need to stitch to get everything looking good, just try to follow the way a face has its dynamics. Is it a long face, make lots of long vertical stitches, is it a round one, try to stick to the edges (but don’t spiral)
Facial features are a little more difficult because its hard to make a round nub or dots for pupils on something very small but its better to try 5 times and get it right the 6th instead of leaving the 1st try (i took ritsus entire face apart at least 3 times and t b q h i still think it doesnt look good but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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9) Background: Get real fancy on that shit, heres where you can try out those cool rose shaped stitches from up there in the link, go wild lol
10) Lastly: PATIENCE
I cant stress this enough, this WILL take a loooot of time, the first ritsu I did took me a literal week, while the second one took me roughly four hours in total (and that was a rather simple design). 
Accept the fact that it wont look as good as you imagined it. That may sound harsh but for me that’s been my main issue, imagining how a string would lie exactly and then looking on in disgust when that doesn’t work out. You’re not drawing, the medium doesn’t exactly translate, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing! Try to figure out what methods work best for embroidery exclusively. 
Don’t be afraid to undo, be careful about it though. I use those big scissors and it’s a bad idea, don’t do that. Unpicking from the back to save the yarn also works but it gets difficult (and at some point impossible) once the strands start getting woven together on their own
And there you have it, a finished piece of embroidery!! 
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You can now either hang it up in its frame and cut away the excess fabric at the sides or tie it around a piece of cardboard like so. it’s a little hard to get right at first but practice amiright
I hope i could be of help!! if you have any more questions feel free to come to my ask anytime!! ^^ <33 
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irregodless · 8 years
so like. id post a real review of the bye bye man but none of you care. nor should you.
the bye bye man was just plain bad. it wasnt hilariously bad. it wasnt even cringe-ily bad. it was just plain bad.
if youre morbidly MORBIDLY curious i recommend you go see it ONLY on a nice saturday night when theres more likely to be more people watching it. those are the ONLY circumstances you should see the bye bye man under. because with any luck youll have an audience like ours where nobody took it seriously and you could all laugh about how bad it is together.
it’s not worth renting and its def not worth buying. not even for a small viewing with your friends. fifteen bucks is also a steep price to pay for a communal bonding experience, so allow me to recommend: not watching it at all. or tbh paying for a better movie and sneaking in to see it
its only any good with an audience that makes fun of it. and even then it was only good for about fifteen minutes.
in case youre morbidly curious but also dont want to LITERALLY waste your money; a review underneath:
first and foremost the bye bye man himself looks like lord palpatine and voldemort had a kid
mixed with that beauty and the beast ripoff with the guy and the tattoos
MIXED with ruvik from the evil within
now what IS it?
its a worse version of freddy krueger. nightmare on elm street had charm to it, yknow? it was kind of a comedy. it made fun of horror. freddy was an enjoyable character. there was also a story behind it, even if it took a few sequels to get to
spoilers oncoming, obviously
the bye bye man, seemingly, is an escapee from the teenagers prison part of fosters home for imaginary friends because the first and only time he was every mentioned coming up was when a kid blamed killing his entire family on “the bye bye man.”
the reason its a ripoff of freddy krueger, by the way, is because the bye bye man only exists as long as anybody knows his name. as long as someone remembers he exists he DOES exist. which makes it an obnoxious and probably lame metaphor about how we “give our thoughts power”
the film also neglects to tell what would happen if you said “bye-bye, man” to someone. we dont know if that would summon him
but basically what happens is someone learns his name and because LOL ITS SO RIDICULOUS LOL (the movie acknowledges this but acts poorly on it by not even making it interesting or a big deal) people spread it and tell others. but theres no reason hes named the bye bye man. theres no big fuck at the end where some deep hidden meaning (or even obvious meaning in that he makes you go bye bye) where it ALL MAKES SENSE AND GIVES U CHILLS
if they wanted it to be better, to prove how ridiculous it was we could “give power” to this idea and spread it because its silly they LITERALLY just should have gone with “peepee poopoo man” like honestly
once you know the name you start hallucinating and all you can think about is the bye bye man and you end up coming into danger the longer it is until something bad happens.
only one character dies because of this. she sees a car crash and a dying family and runs to save them (which is the same way the family of the person she was driving with died, which means it would have made more sense for HIM to see that and get worked up over it. not to mention she was canonically sensitive to spirits so just by being in close proximity to him itd make sense shed see their death scene which means we dont even know that the bye bye man caused that to happen. and shes the only case of the bye bye man “killing” anyone. just knowing his name torments people with intrusive thoughts and nightmares which could be explained by................................ mold or mental illness.)
so bc you know his name you get nightmares and nono thoughts and the only way to kill him is to kill everyone who knows about him so they cant spread his name. but somehow he always sticks around. BECAUSE SOME ASSHOLE WHO KNEW NOBODY COULD KNEW HIS NAME. CARVED THE BYE BYE MANS FUCKING NAME INTO A DRESSER FOR EVERYONE TO FUCKING FIND. IF HE KNEW NOBODY COULD KNOW HIS NAME. WHY DID HE PUT IT THERE? OR DID THE BYE BYE MAN PUT IT THERE? BUT CAN THE BYE BYE MAN STILL EXIST IF NOBODY KNOWS? CAN HE MANIPULATE THE PHYSICAL PLANE? if the bye bye mans name exists on paper but nobody knows it, by platos/socrates forms does he still exist in some capacity?
let me make a list of all the things the bye bye man HIMSELF has been shown to do DIRECTLY (there is no proof he even causes the nightmares)
fed his demon dog dead people
randomly appeared in the house
scratched up the bricks on the fence outside the house
poked the guy in the forehead (im not even joking. he doesnt do shit at the end. he just boops the guy on the head to the tune of the doorbell ringing and then the guy kills himself because its “too much” apparently)
the bye bye man did nothing wrong
so yeah the movie doesnt even prove that the bye bye man is doing anything actively malicious. maybe the bye bye man WANTS people to forget about him maybe he doesnt want people getting into his business
-no backstory -harmless antagonist -boring jumpscares -unlikable characters (he has ONE intrusive thought his gf is cheating on him with his bff and “SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG HERE!!!!” and immediately starts grilling them, assuming they ARE having an affair) which brings me to: -barely anything happens and they start freaking out because somethings wrong (she zoned out and doodled in her notebook and he had a nightmare, and suddenly theyre super defensive about it) -a twist at the end that doesnt even ultimately matter -FUCKING OPENING FOR A SEQUEL LIKE PLEASE FUCK OFF -stupid name with a DECENT concept that was executed horribly because they didnt know wtf they were doing. the concept, btw, was only DECENT. and even if it had been a dumb metaphor about the power we give to ideas, maybe that should have been focused more heavily on than being a throwaway line ONCE during the beginning of the movie -annoying seance scene with nonbelievers and SUPER DUPER REAL PSYCHIC, WE SWEAR
it was just bad dont watch it
EDIT: also they did nothing with the fact that “ooh, you the audience thought it was silly but u all kno his name and told ppl and everyone is @ risk.... now U ALL NEED TO DIE!!!! MUAHAHALOLHAHA”
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