#i dont get a chance to really show off masato's body because i do. TRY to draw it a particular way
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
I think its a bit silly (/pos), you headcanon and draw Masato/Aoki as rather skinny, I headcanon and draw him as a bit heavier set, but we can all agree that he is NOT muscular. I think more people should have body headcanons for Yakuza folks that aren't just "ripped"
two sides of the same coin, that coin being This Man Hasn't An Ounce Of Muscle In His Body
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Sorry for asking again because your writing is good but what would the boys, (all 3 or 2 or even 1! Your choice!) Reactions be if their crush that they had a crush on for 1234567810 years confesses that they like them? How would they be?
Hey love! Theres NO LIMIT to how many requests you can send, so send as many as you want! I feel like HEAVENS doesn't get a lot of love so i wrote for all of them :3
STARISH + QUARTET NIGHT + HEAVENS reacting to their crush liking them back 
Doesn't even let you finish the sentence before he embraces you. All he heard was "...and I like you, like, as more than a friend." And was overcome with joy. "Awee! I was so worried (Y/N)-chan! I thought you didnt like me like that. I'm so glad you feel the same!!" 
Was planning to tell you over a cute little date. Had everything planned out and the dinner went so perfect. He was so nervous underneath his little façade and took your hand in his to kind of ground himself but then you blurted out that you like him and he was kind of shook? He was the one who was supposed to say it? What? Just blinks at you for a second and then softly smiles "I was just about to say that but i suppose you beat me to it. I like you too, (Y/N), I hope we can expand our relationship." 
You were probably listening to one of his stories of Agnapolis when you just commented how cute he was by accident and silence fell over you two. He'd try to laugh it off at first until he realizes the opportunity but then you apologized and said that you always thought he was attractive and that you like him way more than a friend and hes overcome with such joy! 10/10 jumps into your arms and tells you that he's felt the same way. "I love you, too, my princess!" Plz dont comment on how he went straight to the big words. He truly does love you. 
Doesnt talk about his feelings and tried to avoid them for soooo long but then you just had to go ahead and step in front of him like that. On one hand, a huge pressure is lifted off of his chest that you feel the same way, on the other hand he wanted to confess in the most romantic way possible? "Lady… *chuckles* I was supposed to tell you that. Either way, I feel the same way." 
Honestly it's so obvious that he likes you because he's just a blushing stuttering mess all the time around you. He always thought he messed up his chances by being so awkward so when you tell him you like him too he almost breaks down crying because omg you like him too!!! Grabs your shoulders and almost yells, "I like you too (Y/N)! A-and i have for a while… youre so pretty and kind and you never judge… and funny and you stick around and I want you to be with me forever and…." Please just love this boy ;-; 
You guys were so close and it was almost painful every time you'd do the simplest things together. You could be walking down the hall and your hands accidentally brushed or watch King of Fighting and you just happen to lay your head on his shoulder. God he has been falling for you so bad and he just couldn't bring himself to say so, but when you had the guts and told him that you like him too, he almost had a heart attack. "(Y/N)... This whole time I wanted to tell you that… I cant believe you feel the same" softly embraces you and doesnt let go for a while; hes so happy. 
Boy he likes to think he can hide his crush pretty well and apparently so except that everyone knows except you two. He is so nervous all the time, so scared of messing up and or you finding him boring and not impressive enough. But every time you sit together and talk about life and every time you're willingly close to him he feels like he does have a chance and then he actually does? Almost spits out his tea when you tell him and you might take it as a negative response so he quickly apologizes and explains that he likes you too "... Y-you have been on o-on my mind and i-in my heart  for s-so long and… I can't keep this inside me a-any longer… I like you too, p-please be m-mine..?" So nervous. Almost passes out. Never thought this would happen. 
Somewhere in his mind he had no doubt about the fact that you like him too, but still he couldn't shake off the feeling of what would happen if you did not see him as that. He's getting old, and he knows, and any relationship that may come his way, he wants that one to be the last because he doesn't have time for games anymore… so when you tell him that you believe he's the one and that you want to be with him for as long as possible he's so shook. "(N/N)-chan… I'm so happy you feel the same way!! I've liked you for so long… be mine?!" Goes in to hug you and somehow almost kisses you which may or may not have been intentional. 
Doesnt wanna talk about it. Only Reiji knows about his crush and ONLY because Reiji is nosy AF. Thinks he could have a shot but thinks you deserve better. So terrified of rejection no cap. Was gonna take his feelings to the grave, but then you spilled your own feelings out to him one evening over movies and take out and he almost choked on his pasta. You? Like him? Too??? Literally grabs your shoulders "eh??!! You like me??!! I have literally been trying to tell you that for AGES and here you go so easily saying that? Tch… just be mine already, babe." Grumpy emotional. Just lay your head on his chest and watch his blush spread across his cheek plz. It's adorable. 
He had everything to offer you and more and yet he could just not bring himself to tell you how he feels. His pride wouldnt let him. Let someone have emotional control over him? No thank you he will just bury his feelings and hope they go away but oh here you two go again to another pastries shop and somehow you got him to laugh and here we go again with these butterflies. Is so annoyed with himself that he almost didnt catch you confess to him but of course he heard the three words that really matter "...I like you.." He's silent after that for a few moments, mainly because his heart is beating so fast and his brain is replaying the words, and he's trying to maintain a cool persona. Finally settles on a small chuckle and a smile "I like you too… fool…" fool? Mentally slaps himself but you seem to be taking it well since you're laughing. 
Ai has such a hard time understanding what's going on inside him and when he does finally understand, he tries to keep it to himself. But every time he sees you and you interact with him, his heart flutters a bit and he soon realized that he cant keep these feelings in forever. He wanted to take you out to one of your favorite restaurants for lunch and then tell you but halfway through the main course, you just kind of told him yourself and it was said so calmly, like you've said it before and he almost wondered if you two were already together? "You like me, too?" Gets such a cute little smile, "I like you, (Y/N), I have for a while.." :')
Lolololololol has so much confidence. Of course you'd like him back, hahaha….unless??? Cant manage to tell you in fear of his pride being hurt, but he makes sure to try and show you in small ways? Like buying you lunch, getting you VIP tickets to the concerts, spending time with you, etc… And then one day he's doing exactly that, buying you lunch, because he's memorized your favorite everything, but you tagged along because you wanted to be around him and you just were telling him how appreciative you were of him and everything he does and next thing he knows you're confessing to him and he almost drops the take out box. Shook 103. Almost doesnt know how to answer but his smugness comes back sooner or later "my my my angel… I guess I have to confess that I like you too." Plays it off cool but inside his heart grew by like 65 sizes. 
He's so quiet and honestly love was the last thing on his mind and then you came along and messed it all up. Suddenly he was talking and all of HEAVENS was shook and realized way sooner than Kira ever could. At some point the feelings started overflowing and he cant deny them anymore and you just happen to sit so close and then you take his hand oh? Those were the words he was dying to hear. "... I like you too…" theres a small blush on his face and you find it so cute. 
Haha feelings are stupid. Denies it. No one is gonna get him to confess. Nada. Niente. But the more he hangs out with you the harder it is to deny. He even tried insulting you and you know what didnt work? That! That didn't work! So one day he just stomps up to you and goes , "Listen here,you little---" "i like you, nagi-san!!" Did you just interrupt him? No, wait did you just confess to him???!!" Taken aback. Nagi doesnt work for a second. "Y-you.. Do? Well good thing you feel the same because I was just about to tell you that." Plays it off cool, died on the inside. 
Precious little thing doesnt know what to do with himself and these feelings. Is so nervous around you but tries to not overstep any lines. LOVES to hang out with you and play stupid board games with you, so one night when youre over and you guys are playing UNO, he is almost ready to tell you, but then you said it and his soul left his body for a minute. So overcome with happiness he almost cries, "oh (Y/N)... I like you too… I'm so happy you feel the same!" 
Cute. Of course he was gonna fall for someone eventually but this was just SO unexpected. You came into his life and rocked his world in such an unexpected way… suddenly flirting with you doesnt become easy and he is trying so hard to not mess up and ugh here he is trying to explain his feelings to you and wait did you just kiss him and then tell him you feel so deeply for him? Aidjsjqjjasjqoqooosn. SO taken aback. Actually blushes a little? Is this real? Immediately pulls you in and tells you the same, "oh angel! I feel the same way and… can I get another try at that kiss?" 
Denies his feelings by taking laps and going rock climbing, basically anything to get his mind off of you and focused on something else. Cant tell you, too scared of rejection. So when you asked to join him on one of his runs he almost freaks out because now he HAS to talk to you or it'll be awkward. Halfway through the run you take a water break and you knew that now was the time. "Yamato, I have a crush on you." He was ready for the next 2 and a half kilometers when his knees almost gave out at hearing you say that. Swears on God his heart stopped beating for a second, "good, because otherwise this would be really awkward" and kisses you? He has no clue how he got that confidence and his face is turning all shades of red right after but at least now you know, right? 
His whole life he tried to prove to everyone that he was worth it. And then you came along and you saw that he was worth it and you never expected anything of him, and it is such a nice feeling to just be accepted by someone… he couldnt help but fall for you. Shion wanted to be yours so badly, wanted for you to be his so badly, so when those words left your perfect lips, so many stones fell off his shoulders. He visibly relaxed beside you and gently took your hand in his, "i like you too… Thank you, (Y/N)..." 
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Heyy💕💓! Can I ask for a headcanon for all the boys with a s/o that is an exotic pole dancer? Just imagine 😂
Hey love 💖 i wish i could move my body like an exotic pole dancer
STARISH + QUARTET NIGHT + HEAVENS with a s/o who's an exotic pole dancer
So amazed. How do you move your body like that? How are you holding onto the pole? Surprisingly, will ACTUALLY say that you're ~attractive~ (NOT cute!!!) Moving like that but instead of taking it to sexy time, he actually asks you to teach him. He has no control over his body though.
Sits back and enjoys the show. Cocky smirk and following eyes are his game okay. Doesnt even HIDE the fact that he's getting hard in his pants because honestly watching your body move like that just makes him want to move with you, just not around a pole.
Ah he can pole dance too okay don't try him lol so now he wants to make a competition out of it; who looks hotter on that pole? While his ~moves~ are more traditional, they're still VERY attractive and suggestive. Who's gonna break first? Most likely him because he has no self control when his princess looks this good.
Is this Heaven? Is it his birthday? W O W. Ugh he knew you could move your body but when you do it in front of him with a full ass whole body view instead of just seeing you twist beneath him and he enjoys EVERY moment of it. Watches for a while but he starts to get hungry for more and approaches you with long, careful strides.
Please dont do this to him omg nosebleed !!! Hes shook. He's aroused. He's amazed. So many thoughts, so many images, so much to see. Gets super embarrassed and blushes the whole time but oh LORD please continue. Dont mind him, he'll get himself together later
Oh god he IS the luckiest man in the world. For him? Can you give him a whole ass private show? He'll make it worth your while, he promises. Becomes SUPER confident and comments on your body during every twist
No please dont let him see that. He will cry and cleanse his sins underneath his waterfall. It's not that he doesnt think youre HOT he just thinks that he shouldnt see that because its so SINFUL okay. Cant deny it turns him on but unless you want him to pass out of shock, hes good.
Oh he will tease you EVERY time he sees you on that pole. Touches you. Drags you away. This is a sure way to get him to remove you from the pole and get you somewhere else. Does not care that you do this, it's just a SUPER bonus for him.
He has mixed feelings because on one hand hes horny af and just yells DAMN BABE everytime he sees your body twist, but on the other hand he hates that other people get to see this too. Will try to convince you to maybe ~ just do it for him?
Would be TOTALLY into it if he knew it was JUST for him. But it's not. So therefore he will start an argument. Why would you do that? No one else needs to see you act that hot and confident except for HIM.
Doesnt care tbh like its your life. Its your body. If you want to dance on a pole like go off? Comments on how to do certain poses safer and reminds you to take it easy on your body at times.
As long as you let him see your shows before anyone else does, hes Gucci ~ except that he will WRECK you right after your little show, making sure you're too sore to continue. Like that shit is his BIGGEST turn on okay do NOT dance on a pole unless you want this man to DESTROY you
Hes not... Super against it? Like of course he would prefer it if you're more... Sophisticated but much like Ai, its your body and choice so as long as you love what you do, he continues to support you.
It... Makes him uncomfortable. First of all he has NO control over his hormones and he will almost immediately pop a boner at seeing something like that but it doesn't... Make him feel good if that makes sense? It's just really awkward to him.
It also makes him uncomfortable but he just laughs it off with a blush on his cheeks. Tells you that he hopes you have fun and to please keep safe and take care of your body.
Oh HELL yes thats so HOT OKAY like NOTHING will beat this. You know how awesome the sex with him is gonna be from now on? HELLA hot mkay? This spices things up to a whole other level baby. Asks to see your moves ALL the time and watches you dance ANY chance he gets
Much like Yamato, he also thinks it's super hot and much like Tokiya, he loves to just sit back and watch your shows. Might play around and throw money at you as if you were a stripper. It's just a joke though, so please don't hate him.
Oh he loves that idea okay it's actually such a turn on. Just. He wont say that out loud. Supports you and tells you to be safe on the pole and not bend too far.
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Oh my, I need yandere alphabet for Ren😏
I gotchu 😏 @kumanekoworld I saw your request too so here it is.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
His way of showing affection, at first, doesnt change. He would still shower his darling in gifts and compliments, making time and taking them places; it almost seems normal. But at some point, it's like a flip switches, and he becomes more clingy. Always has to be around you, going out becomes less and less and when you do leave the house, he always has an arm clinging to you. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He doesnt even realize how messy it gets until it's done. These overwhelming feelings of expressiveness and obsessives get the better of him and seeing another person threaten you or worse, try to take you from him, makes all rationality leave his brain. At first, he'd try to hide it from his darling, but he becomes sloppy and its not long before they realize it's blood on his shirt, and not paint. 
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He would act like nothing happened. As long as he behaves normally, things will go smoothly, right? Pretending that they've always been together and that life was a jolly holiday. At some point, especially if his darling is testing his patience, he might lash out at them and mock their cries and attempts to plead with him. 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Oh yes. Love is an intimate thing, even when it's this obsessive. He not only forces them to stay with him, he also forces them to touch him, both sexually and not, because that's what 'real' lovers do. 
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
The main reason he would even cross over this line is because he needs love. All his life hes been neglected and played; finding his darling was the best thing that has happened and he sure as hell is going to give his all. He becomes open, and vulnerable, always honest with what he wants from his darling and where they stand with him. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He'd become annoyed and not understand. He gives you everything and more and you're FIGHTING him? It's almost like he turns into beast mode and he will fight back. It gets ugly with yelling and he will put force into it if you start to get physical. He feels so betrayed and hurt that he not only locks you away, but he leaves himself to cool off. After all, theres no way you actually hate him. It must've been something smaller than that. He'll figure it out. 
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Kind of. At first, he thinks its cute how strong willed and determined his darling is to escape him, but he does become annoyed. Why wont you love him? Why don't you appreciate him? He will hunt you down each time, he has connections to make someone else get you for him. There's no escaping him. He is Mr. Worldwide. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The worst thing he's ever done to his darling was lock them up for a week straight in his designated dark room, only giving them water and not letting them sleep. The malnutrition and lack of sleep quickly got them, and though they lost a few pounds during that week, Ren was pleased with his efforts. A weak darling is a darling that cant leave him. They relied on him for everything for a while after that and that's what it's all about; him being the the provider, the protector, the one you need to rely on. 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He really wants to keep it as normal as possible. He wants to get married and go on adventures with you. No kids though, he cant have you sharing your attention and taking most of it away from him. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
At first, he's his natural self. Understanding, carefree, but something irks him inside and he quickly becomes annoyed. He doesnt lash out, at least not in front of his darling; he'll find the man/woman in private to have a 'chat" and publicly ruins them. 
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Again, he tries to keep it normal. Light kisses and soft touches. Loving words and tight hugs. A typical relationship on the outside. A fairy tale for anyone else. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He's very blunt. He likes it, he gets it. He charms them with words and sweet promises; soft affections and making himself seem like the best possible joice. Prince charming, in a way. 
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Oh yes. To everyone else, including his friends, hes this light hearted, goofy guy. Perfectly easy on the eyes and the heart. But behind closed doors, something that only his darling gets to see, hes a beast. Wild and stalking his prey; fiercely protective over whats his. 
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He's not a stranger to actually physically harming his darling and they have had cuts and bruises on them. But he doesnt like to ruin their perfect skin so he usually locks them up, sometimes for days on end, and goes back to weakening his darling physically. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He's actually not known to take many rights away. His darling is free to do what they want as long as he knows what they're doing and where they are. It only becomes a problem when they go somewhere outside of, lets say, the city; he needs to be there in that case. Always by their side..he cant have you running of now can he? 
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
As much as he wants to think he's patient, hes really not. He gets temperamental and annoyed really easily and doesnt like it when his darling fights back. 
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If it was an escape scenario, he'd do everything in his power to get them back, and he WILL be successful. However, if they die, I dont think he'd move on from that. Giving his all into someone and 'molding' the perfect darling took a toll on him and he would genuinely be soul crushed. 
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No. He absolutely has no guilty feeling whatsoever mainly because he doesnt see a problem with his actions. This is all for love.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Childhood trauma and the feeling of loneliness. Not having a mother, his father's hatred, and the constant quarrels with both his brothers and childhood friends like Masato and Ranmaru, formed a whole in his heart that he was never able to fill, no matter how many women he toyed with. His darling is the first person to make him feel full again and theres no way he'll let you go now. 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He hates it. He tries to keep the peace and make them as happy as possible with gifts and himself. Why are you crying? What brought these feelings of sadness? Why are you yelling at him? He becomes mad but also concerned; obviously someone mustve hurt you. It just never occurs to him that he's that someone. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He probably gives his darling more freedom than some other yanderes. Again, he wants things to seem as normal as possible to anyone else. 
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
He does tend to get vulnerable with his darling and let's his guard down, especially on the anniversary of his mother's death. You could easily slip something in his drink or food and have a chance to escape; however, you have to remember that he has ears and eyes everywhere due to his connections so your escape might be short lived. 
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
As much as he hates to admit it, he HAS beaten his darling. He always feels bad afterwards and tends to their bruises and cuts, but its really your fault for trying to leave. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Body worship is a big thing of his. They are perfect to him, gorgeous, stunning, beautiful. I wouldn't say he has a whole shrine or anything, but his phone is full of pictures and he has paintings of them, both NSFW and not, on his walls. Before they ended up with him, he even went as far as to install cameras in their house and on them. 
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Honestly, not very long. He keeps up with it only for a short time before his true colors start to show. Of course, only his darling would know that, which is mainly why no one else would be able to help them out of this situation. 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Oh yes. He manipulates them both mentally and physically to rely and depend only on him. He's good at it too and it takes less time for him to win his darling over than some other guys. 
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