#i think its cool and fun to explore body types
I think its a bit silly (/pos), you headcanon and draw Masato/Aoki as rather skinny, I headcanon and draw him as a bit heavier set, but we can all agree that he is NOT muscular. I think more people should have body headcanons for Yakuza folks that aren't just "ripped"
two sides of the same coin, that coin being This Man Hasn't An Ounce Of Muscle In His Body
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luminiscented · 1 year
Ninjago x Fem! Master of nature! reader
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Summary: you are the elemental master of nature <3, you are not related to Bolobo and he does not exist for the sake of this
Type: headcanons
Warnings: pure cloud made fluff <3333
Note: istfg everytime i write something i lose the time im mostly using 🫡 THIS SHIT DOESN'T HAPPEN IN GERMAN OR BULGARIAN WHAT IS GOING ON W ME!?!?!!!!!11
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♡ Ever since he came to live with the ninja on the bounty you were immediate best friends <33 You are just so freeing and fun to be around!!
♡ He had a silly little crush on you as a kid,, he is plain head over heels as a grown up now though,,,,,,,,
♡ While the others just pushed him to train more and more until he was mentally exhausted, you would take him on little meditation forest picnics to clear his head and have fun after you're done with the (serious) meditations
♡Lloyd is amazed by your ability to always show him a part of a familiar place that is absolutely new and virgin to him,,
♡he loves how you find the beauty in every little being,, seeing you so in touch with your element gives him more motivation to explore his own and improve everyday
♡ you two would be rolling around in the grass and catching frogs and he would be the happiest he has been in weeks <3
♡ you are this boy's heaven and he thinks you are literally amazing,,
♡ you dislike forcefully growing your plants out so you play the guitar and sing to them to help them grow,,, he really likes singing along with you <3
♡Lloyd is a sucker for greek mythology and he loves pointing the similarities between you and the gods that rule over the wildlife. You adore listening to him ramble about it and its so interesting to you,,,,,,,
♡ Lloyd takes notice of how you're just as wild as the forest - gentle, beautiful, but still mystic and untamed,, he is in love
♡ He caught you catching a fish for an injured mama bear with your bare teeth. Just like that. UH-
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♡ At first when you and the ninja begin to train under Wu together, Kai is so jealous of you,, you make the mastering of an element look so easy, while he was struggling so much,, of course he wouldn't let you notice, pfft yeah and give you an ego boost-
♡He is actually scared of embarrassing himself in front of you, since you look really nice and he wants you to think he is cool,,,,,,,,,,,
♡ Kai is about to lose his lunch when he sees someone cutting one of your limbs off during a battle,, he almost faints from worry while you just shrug it off and start growing a new one while the others take care of the villain and the half conscious Kai.
♡ When he comes to his senses, you're almost done shaping your new fingers into their original shape and he is blown away
♡ HOW THE HELL@@@????@
♡He is so impressed!! Kai actually realizes your body works just like a plant and is very curious on what else you can do, but doesn't want to annoy you so he keeps his questions to himself and sensei Wu
♡ Kai is proudly showing you off at dinner time that night!! He tells everyone how you were so brave and amazing and how your power is incredible!!!!!!!! He is also impressed with your pain tolerance
♡ At one point he notices your weakness to the cold and he is gladly there to warm you up he is dying on the inside he is so flustered
♡ Kai only buys you chocolates and never flowers, because he thinks you would be mad that he gives you your dead babies??????? Once he switched the chocolates with poppies in a pot (with a ribbon on!!) and it was adorable,,
♡ he is scared of bugs and when he makes you mad you put beetles in his hair
♡ you love sleeping in his room since it is so warm and toasty,, you bring your water bottle along every time and he finds it adorable, because you act just like a plant <33
♡He loves it when you change your hands into different objects/weapons,, you started chasing a screaming jay with your gigant axe hand and he kept hyping you up,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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♡ you're weird, he's weird - soulmates1!!!
♡ Zane is absolutely in love with your connection with nature and wants to see the world through your eyes,,
♡ sometimes he gets a little insecure about how you can love him - a nindroid, knowing what you see, feel, your deep connection with life, but you are quick to comfort him that he is a living being that deserves just as much love as anything else that breathes the same air and walks the same earth as you all <33
♡ Zane spends a lot of time trying to understand how using your elemental power can come so easy to you and not the rest of them, but when he starts to join you in your free time more frequently he starts to understand - you just have fun with it. You let every new ability come to you naturally and you practice it little by little until you perfect it. You completely understand your power and do not pressure it. While Wu, purposely or not, guides you all to use your powers to fight, you use yours to create, to give, to help, to observe and to drown yourself in every sensation that no one else really can - your unique ability to understand every living being,,
♡ The titanium ninja is able to see the beauty that comes with your mastery and you both start learning from each other.
♡ You are in love,,
♡ Zane is quick to notice how your habits resemble ones of a plant and takes great care that you feel okay with the urban life of himself and his brothers <3 the most gentle boy ever,, reminds you of a daisy,,,,,
♡ The ice ninja is surprised to find out that you can survive on water and sunlight for long periods of time. Of course you never refuse to enjoy Zane's five star meals, but when food is scarce, you prefer your 5 liters of water and two hour long sunbaths,,
♡ HE IS VERY CAREFUL THAT YOU DON'T GET COLD,, Zane knows the cold is extremely harmful to you and you're more sensitive to it than his brothers so he gets really worried sometimes and tells you to get a coat in the 30 degrees Celsius summer weather,,,
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♡ Morro sees you as so powerful,,, and very stunning <33
♡ When he first gets redeemed, he is struggling to make contact with the ninja and the butterflies in his stomach whenever he sees you approaching are not helping!!!1!
♡ At first you are very shy around him, because you find him very cool,, one day you come to him and quietly ask if he could use his wind to bring some rain clouds, because of the hot and dry weather and that is your first conversation,,,,,,, you are so shy,, he is in love
♡ You thank him for his help and invite him to spend some time with you outside
♡ You make these meetings very regular and you enjoy each other's company so much <3
♡ Morro is very surprised to find out that you are aware/can hear what is happening around every compound plant - flowers, trees, etc.
♡ This ablity of yours is mostly very fun to use,, you regularly get a listen to some drama, heartfelt conversations, people complaining about their day and many others. You sometimes can't help it, but burst out laughing on the dinner table, because of a funny conversation that you could hear,,,,,,
♡ Morro loves hearing about them, but mostly loves listening to your laughter <333 He loves it when you are laying close to each other and you tell him about the people that share their love - a man writing a poem for his wife, a boy confessing his love to his crush, an old lonely lady wondering if she'll meet her dead lover in the afterlife,,,, it makes you both very emotional and you love sharing those with him because you both find them beautiful,,,,, it also helps you two to keep your relationship healthy and always know what is actually important <3
♡ Most of the time you are able to tone down almost completely all the noise, but some times it gets unbearable and overstimulating to the point you're breaking down,,, </3
♡ Morro is always there for you, holding you in his arms and keeping you away from any noises you could avoid. There is not much he is able to do to help and it breaks his heart </3 he gets so worried,, he goes to sensei Wu for advice.
♡ When it goes away you would be SPOILED,,,, mans is not letting you out of his sight for atleast the end of the day,,, <33333 HE LOVES YOU AND CARES ABOUT YOU SM !!!
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♡ Water and plants?? Girlfriends.
♡ Nya absolutely adores you,,,,, she is just so in love,,,
♡ You help her understand her element more and she helps you with it so much,,,,,,
♡ You help her study different species and different cures for poison and she is always able to find a new spot for you two to explore
♡ She is absolutely in love when you put red flowers in her hair,, ITS HER FAVORITE COLOR!!!
♡ In her early training she wasn't really able to control much - only moving and creating water and she was so sad every time there was a flood somewhere, seeing your sad face,,, when you notice her looking at the ground guilty you pepper your girlfriend with kisses and reassure her that she has absolutely no fault <33
♡ She is very curious when you experiment with your powers!!!!!
♡ You could clearly see that Nya was needing an extra pair of hands when working on her Samurai X armor and she was very surprised to see 3 faceless girls made from lianas and vines coming up to her
♡ you appeared behind the 3 semi-sentient beings and told her that the 4 of you would help her out so it doesn't take as much time <33
♡ Nya is amazed, but she is mostly surprised that these 'plant copies' of you are able to understand and process information to a certain level,,, HOW!?!?
♡ You end up finishing the work on her armor in an hour and from then on she spends the entire day asking you questions about them!!!!!!! She is very interested in this!!!
♡ You explain to Nya the entire process which took around 4 months to perfect - starting from a little flower, then a tall fig, morphing and changing the forms to make your 'copies' look more soft and human,,, when you quietly mention you wanted to impress her she is RED!! YOU TAUGHT YOURSELF ALL OF THIS FOR HER???? dying on the inside,, system overload,,,,,,,,,,, <333333
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♡ Everyone is jealous of how well you two work together as a team, especially when you fight!!
♡Your elements combine with great harmony so do your personalities <33
♡Cole adores your little forest dates and especially when you two talk about bugs and beetles <33 HE LOVES BEETLES!!!!1!11
♡ Since Cole is kind of the muscle of the team he ends up with little bruises and cuts littered all over his body after every battle and is delightfully surprised to find out that you can not only regenerate super fast, but you can also heal others with your herbs within minutes!!
♡ The way to Cole's heart is through his stomach so its definitely a win-win!! He is absolutely shocked the first time the bruises disappear within minutes and when he figures out you can heal with your food he is absolutely stunned,,, he is very curious and asks about your recipes and if you could help him be as good as you,,,,,,,
♡ You would all be coming home and the first thing to do is stuff your boyfriend's mouth with your lavender biscuits,,,,
♡ Zane may be in charge of the cooking, but you're in charge of the desserts <33
♡ Cole was in tears one time when you made him his mom's broth when he was sad,,,,,,
♡ When you're feeling overwhelmed he tries to recreate your treats with your healing herbs to cheer you up,,,, they are very ugly and lumpy, but they are tasty and made with a lot of love, so you two cuddle and eat sweets all night until you feel better <33
♡ He finds your love for wild animals very adorable,,,, a bear tried to attack the boys, but you just went up and hugged it as if it wasn't just trying to kill you all,,,,,,, YOU STARTED DANCING A WATZ WITH IT AFTERWARDS HOW ARE YOU SO PURE??!1!
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♡ its a weird combination - nature and lightning, but you two make it sound so natural!! <3
♡ Jay is the ray of sunshine to your flower <33 His parents absolutely adore you and you love them a lot too!
♡ He is very impressed by all of your abilities! He is very vocal for his amazement and praises you all the time <33
♡ As a person who got sick every other week as a kid he is very jealous by your immunity to all bacterial, fungal and almost all virus infections. YOU NEVER HAD A SINGLE DAY OFF FROM SCHOOL AS A KID WHAT,,,,,
♡ He is a sucker for fruits and he loves it when you grow him fresh blueberries on the spot,,,,
♡ He sees you eating flowers out of the blue outside and when you tell him they are actually edible he is hesitant, but tries one for you,,, now he can't stop,, HE IS OBSESSED,,
♡ Your powers are somewhat connected to your feelings so it is not rare for you to accidentally grow something when someone gets a reaction out of you,,, JAY LOVES THAT,,,,,,, it shows how you are an actual person with feelings and he finds it so precious,,
♡ When he gets you all flustered, flowers start popping on top of your head,, he really succeeded if you got some blue ones among the others,,,,
♡ Sometimes cactuses pop out of nowhere when you get annoyed or angry
♡ All flowers in the room bloom when you're feeling happy and new ones come to life when you laugh <333
♡ Your power is so beautiful,,, he is ready for marriage,,
♡ Jay is very scared of your semi-sentient carnivorous plants,,, they don't like him very much </3
♡ You can literally make a whole army of those, but you just teach them how to dance<33 you are so pure,,,,
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b4b3tte · 8 months
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꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — here are some bonding experiences that you and Ken have had, that include fitness!
Pairing — Ryan!Gosling!Ken x Gender!NeutralReader
Contains of — just pure fluff and moments of fitness and awe!
Babettes note — hopefully you enjoy this!! Sorry this took so long, I decided to take your request and turn it into head canons and make it fitness based if that’s okay!
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Ken like to think he has background as a certified personal trainer so he will occasionally help design customized workout programs for his partner. This is a way to add guidance and support to your workout and add a bit fun into your guys relationship
For working out and going out to the gym, he would want to wear matching gear for sure, he thinks it’s a cute way to look good at the gym but also lets people know that someone as impressive as you is with someone like him, not that he doesn’t mind his physique but he fully believes yours is more toned, healthier and better than his but your reassurance would make any negative thoughts go away
Considering your buff I’d guess you’d be passionate about nutrition. Well so is Ken! You guys would experiment with balanced meal plans, incorporating superfoods and a variety of cuisines to keep your diet exciting and healthy and set monthly fitness challenges for each other, ranging from mastering a new yoga pose to running a certain distance These challenges can bring a sense of adventure to both of your guys routine.
Whenever he sees you on equipment or lifting anything remotely Heavy he is like jaw dropped and impressed by the slightest, he would be like “ oh wow that’s cool! “ in general but knowing that it’s you and someone he deeply loves and someone he is dating he is off the charts impressed and wants you to do it again and again like its something he can watch you do for hours and as if its some type of entertainment
Definitely have organized your workout playlists by tempo, matching songs to different types of exercises for maximum motivation. High-energy tracks to help each other up for intense sets, while soothing melodies accompany yoga and stretching.
Some exercises you guys do are considered dates to him sometimes your short vacations like that often revolve around adventure and physical activity he will view as spending time together and on a date you guys have explored hiking trails in national parks, surfed in tropical destinations, and even tried bungee jumping.
During those moments he really takes in your physical appearance, he really is fond of your beauty and the best state of your body and how healthy it is and shows your dedication towards fitness and On tough mornings you’d guys would stay in bed until 11:30 just to talk about whatever is on your guys mind and just use this as a reset and motivational moment
He wants you to be happy and your body to be healthy as possible so he believes staying hydrated is essential which is but he takes it to the extreme sometimes ,he would challenge you daily to met a water intake amount. And will always make sure your taking water breaks within workouts and in general
Since he is new to the real life word which includes social media I feel like he would be in awe with Pinterest, and how there are pictures for everything so he has definitely created a visualization board with quotes, images, and mementos that motivate him and you to strive for your goals. This is something I think he does unintentionally but I think he would like to start each day with affirmations that boost your confidence and set positive intentions for the day.
Ken is definitely active participants in body positivity workshops and seminars, advocating for acceptance and self-love and especially helping you to keep knowing or making you know that your body is the best and despite what condition it is in, it will always be the best one in his eyes
On the social media topic again he would love experimenting with fitness technology, using apps and wearables to track progress and optimize his workouts and seeing the different ways that technology could help improve muscle, I feel like at night when you guys are bored you’d guys research workshops and seminars on fitness, health, and nutrition, and be constantly seeking to expand your guys knowledge and expertise.
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These detailed headcanons illustrate a dynamic,fun, fitness and passionate, and active lifestyle shared by Ken and you! Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading besitos 💋
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appeypie · 11 months
So for like a WEEK I've been trying to come up with a way to enclose my rabid feelings in an ask, but I think I'll just lay it out with no context to wrap it in.
For some reason, your recent side-by-side Ghirahim and Mettaton body type comparison drove me FERAL, specifically how you established that MTT's ass/legs were "more fat than muscle" because yes! Fellow thicc Mettaton truther!! Too often I see him portrayed with skinny little toothpick legs, like 50% of the time, and a lot of those who do portray him with the thigh circumference he deserves give him visible muscle definition, like the legs of a bodybuilder.
I've always imagined him with, yes, quite strong legs, but with that muscle blanketed under a generous amount of subcutaceous fat for an overall smooth, rounded, "soft" appearance. Seeing an artist who shares my taste in fictional video game men (villainous egotistical twinks my beloved) interpret one of my faves in a way I wholeheartedly vibe with is just!! I want to bounce off the walls like a startled bobcat!!!
(btw all of these feelings are non-horny dw, ace speaking. Pure fictional-ass-headcanon-vibeage. I am abnormal about these men but like in the sense of wanting to go on a cute coffee date with them or perhaps marry them)
ANON i love this ask. beautifully put
i personally see MTT as a trans guy who used to take T but no longer does (so his voice is a little deeper than your average Estrogen Producer but he has that fat distribution pattern) plus post top surgery
of course he is a robot so he has the robot equivalent of this. whatever. android top surgery scars forever
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i think its fun to explore different transition timelines rather than just the "expected" one of "you take T forever and then get a bunch of surgery and try really hard to 'pass'". and mettaton is perfect for this imo
i will be completely honest and say that i am ace but still very much gayhorny about my favorite fictional men, though it definitely comes from a place of "i think trans men are so fucking cool and i love us" first. plus theyre hot? best of both worlds
besides that, drawing/thinking about differing body types is just fun. i love overthinking shit and unique features can add so much to characters!!
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icanbeyourjedi-writes · 11 months
It Was Just A Dream Chapter One
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Summary: Think of the worst day of your life, and times that by ten. Finding Frankie hanging on to life by a thread was not something Alex Miller ever thought would happen.  When he goes to rehab she thinks things will be better, that was until her step-brother Benny who just happened to also be Frankie’s roommate got called back to action. And now Frankie is her responsibility.  And she has no idea what the hell to do.  Words: 6311  Rating: 18+ SMUT, Adult ThemesWarnings/Triggers:  Addiction, Falling for Your Brothers Friend, Language, Reader is somewhat described--longer hair, but no race/eye color/body type--   A/N: I don’t know much about addiction, just the things that I googled. This is completely an AU. I had the beginning of this story pop in my head randomly and thought it sounded fun to explore. Sure we all love Frankie was that sweet puppy dog…but what if he had his own inner demons he had to battle with.  The ‘coke charge’ was mentioned in TF and I kinda wanted to explore that side of him. 
Just A Dream Masterlist
**This is written as first person, and its my first time writing in first person, so please be gentle with me. I also include Frankie's POV which will be Bold and Italics
**Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. **
It was an early June morning.  The rain outside gently tapping against the windowpane.  The window still cracked open from the night before letting in a cool breeze that fills the space.  The coarse hair under his chin tickled my bare shoulder.  Small goosebumps rise on my arm as he lifts his head and places a kiss on the exposed skin.  A sigh of content makes him smile.  His skilled, calloused fingers trail up and down the curves of my body.  His lips find my shoulder again as his hand wraps around me, his large hand finding a home on my bare stomach.  Those long fingers of his inching lower and lower, giving me every chance to tell him to stop.  Instead I wiggle back, closer to him pressing my body against his.
His thick member pressed against me, just begging to let him in.  Grinding against him, letting him know that I want it too.  His hand wraps around the meat of my thigh, lifting it up and angling himself to get closer, the tip just teasing my entrance now. At what feels like a snail's pace he begins to push himself inside. Filling me with exactly what I wanted, and him being embraced by the warmth he so desperately craved.  I could get use to this wake up call, and he seems to enjoy it too.
“Mmmhmm” I sigh.  Eyes still closed, caught in that hazy state.  Somewhere between dreamland and reality.  I moan again as he pushes further, my hand that was gripping the bed sheet moves behind me searching for him.  Cupping his cheek, he turns and places a kiss to my palm before my fingers slide further back finding those luscious chestnut brown locks.  I’ve always been jealous of his hair, how soft it was, those curls that formed perfectly at the nape of his neck, you’d have to kill me before I’d ever actually admit to that though.
He takes his time, slowly pulling out before snapping his hips to fill me again.  His tights slapping against the back of mine with every thrust.  Unlike last night, there is no rush.  No hurry, no fear of getting caught.  Slow, and lazy letting us both enjoy this time.  His deep throaty grunts against my skin, and breathy moans of his name fill the space in between thrusts.  Fingers tangled into his hair, he thrusts harder and deeper, hitting that spot just right, working me closer and closer to the edge.  Pulling his hair only makes him work harder to fill my every need and desire.  I pull his hair, bringing his lips to mine.  Moving my body just enough that he starts to hit that spot, that spot only he has found. He swallows my moan, my walls tighten around him gripping him like a vice.  Feeling very ridge of his thick cock.  One…Two…Three more strong, deep thrusts have him spilling into me, painting my walls with everything he has to give.  My fingers still tangled into his hair, holding him close, terrified if I let him go he’ll float away.
He continues to slowly rock his hips, riding out the high he’s just given me.  Our lips move as one, the kisses slow, tender.  Bodies tangled together, he has taken my breath away literally and figuratively.  I have to pull away at some point, turning my head away from him to try and catch my breath.  His lips brush over the shell of my ear, his deep baritone voice asking if I was ok, and nod a yes to him before turning to find his eyes and I know that this is what heaven is.  He kisses my cheek, kissing every inch of skin he can working his way down to my jaw, my neck, my shoulder.  My skin burns with every kiss, every nerve being brought to life.  Feeling his teeth graze against my skin before he bites down.  His teeth are digging in and there is a loud banging on the bedroom door, my eyes fly open.
Sitting up, I see Frankie leaning against the doorframe of the now open door, “Rise and shine…” he smiles, my face is in complete shock and he must have noticed, “shit Lex, are you ok?”
I don’t answer him right away, he calls my name again.  Shaking my head, trying to figure out how just moments again that man who was balls deep, worshiping my naked body is now fully clothed leaning against my doorframe. “Hmm? Oh yeah, yeah.  I’m great.  Just a uh just a dream” I finally respond. 
I just settled down on the back patio, a good book in hand and a rush cup of coffee, which some might say was more creamer than coffee. But I don’t care, it had been a long week in the office, and I was ready to sit and relax on a Saturday morning. The familiar ringtone of ‘I’m bringing sexy back’ started to play, a ringtone that he picked just to annoy the shit outta me.  Before I was even able to say hello after pushing the green button, his panicked voice came through the speaker.
“Alex, I think I lost Fish…” I hear him running around his house
“How in the hell do you lose a fully grown man Benjamin?” I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose.  I was tired, and I didn’t wanna deal with this shit today
“Gee, I don’t know Alexandra…”he says my name sarcastically “...maybe, it could be because I was distracted by this banging redhead I brought him from the bar last night”
“Ew, eww, ewww…gross Ben” I stop him before he can continue “I don’t need to hear or know any of this information.  Step-sister or not, I don’t need or want to know the details of your sex life.  That is a line we do not cross”
My name is Alexandra, or Alex Miller.  I joined the Miller clan when I was about 8 years old, same age as Benny, Benjamin Miller.  And a few years younger than Will, our older brother.  My mom was a widow and met Mr. Miller on an on-line dating site before on-line dating was cool.  Sure, we Miller kids became close over the years, but you are never that close to share that kind of information, real siblings or step siblings.
“When was the last time you saw him?” I ask 
“This morning, when the sun was rising. I was brining Stephanie some coffee” he sounded so proud of himself for remembering the girls name, “I walked by his room and he was still laying in bed, it’s been about an hour since I last saw him” he sighs “can you please help me find him”
“You last an hour?” I try to joke with him
“Not the time for your little jabs Miller. Help me find him” 
“Of course, call if you find him first” I end the call and slide the phone into my leggings pocket, dumping the coffee into the sink and throwing the rest of the coffee in the sink.  Grabbing a hoodie and the car keys I jog to my car.  It was time to find Fish.
Before I back out of the driveway I remember a text from him earlier in the morning, I didn’t think much of it.  He had been sending a lot of random one word texts to me lately
Fishie 🐟: Lexi, I’m sorry
He was the only person in the world that was allowed to call me that
I knew where he was, it’s the same place I would go when the world and life became too much and I wanted to escape. I showed him this park the first time we met.  It was after Benny’s first deployment, and they brought home Frankie with them.  There weren't many places to escape to in this small town, everyone knew where you were all the time and it at times can be a lot.  This park was a place I could go that was just far enough from downtown that I was able to escape and take a minute to breathe.  
There wasn’t many cars when I pulled into the lot, many of the cars were parked near the trailhead, none of them were the car I was in search of.  I glance towards the back, near the picnic tables and the lake, spotting his truck and I move my car and park in front of his.
Killing the engine I take a deep breath.  Thoughts of why I didn't text him back run through my head, but what was going to say? Sorry for what and then never get a response. He had nothing to be sorry for. I open my door and walk towards the drivers side window of his old beat up Chevy.  Peeking in, I don’t see him. Empty beer bottles, and a few pill bottles tossed on the floorboard and my heart starts to race.  I step to the bed of the truck, nothing.  I move back to the front of his truck, place the back of my hand to the hood, it’s cool to the touch and I realize he’s been here for a while. 
“Shit, Fish…where the fuck are you?” I say into the emptiness around me, I am trying to not panic after what I saw in the truck.  But it’s useless as not only panic, but fear sinks in
I turn and start to walk towards the tables and the waters edge.  The closer I get I notice a body, about his size, he’s slumped over one of the tables and my feet run towards it.  Seeing a black hat, I started to yell his name.  The limp body becomes more into focus the closer I get, that stupid Standard Oil hat he always wears coming into view, the tan jacket he would let me wear some nights.  Yelling his name, trying to get his attention to no prevail I run faster.  His back was leaning against the table, his body slouched.  Head down and arms at his sides, palms face up.  Getting closer I see his eyes closed, and his face flushed, he looks ghostly.  I touch his forehead to find him clammy and barely breathing. I grab his wrist in search of a pulse.
“Fuck, Frankie…Frankie, wake up” I rub his chest, pushing harder the louder I yell his name trying to get him to wake up, nothing is working and I reach into my pocket, grabbing my phone.
“9 1 1 what is your emergency?” a calm voice answers
Francisco Morales, or Frankie to most.  Catfish or Fish to those who knew him best.  Or Fishie to me, is a highly trained and skilled pilot in the special forces branch of the Army.  He is an expert pilot with medals to prove it, that was up till a few months ago  He suffered an injury in a routine training exercise that went bad.  A shoulder injury that just wouldn’t heal.  A doctor had given him pain meds to help, and after a surgery he was given stronger meds.  Those pain meds slowly lead to other drugs, which lead him to cocaine. When he got caught his entire life started to fall apart.  Tom, his Captain, had tried to get him another chance, but by the third time he was out.  Tom did everything he could, and finally was able to convince to be medically discharged, because of his injury, so he could still receive his benefits.  Saying the addiction was their fault, which he did have a point.  Benny offered him his spare room to help him get his life back together.  But over the course of the year, taking care of Frankie became more than he signed up for.  He was more of a parent then a friend and Benny didn’t know what else to do.
“No...no…I don’t know what he took.  He’s barely breathing and his pulse is very weak” I say between sobs, trying to keep it together just enough for help to arrive. I was in way over my head “just please, please send help!”
“I have police and fire on their way ma’am.  They are moving as fast as they can.  How long has he been unresponsive?” the voice on the other end was annoyingly calm,  I knew she had to be, but it was pissing me off
“I DON’T KNOW!” I scream into the phone, “Just please hurry.  Fish…hey Fishie, I’m gonna need you to wake up now, please. WAKE UP” tears begin to fall, I rest my forehead against his.  A silent prayer being said, to whoever would listen, the police sirens growing louder and louder through the valley of the mountains.  I look up seeing the red and blue lights flash off the rocks moving towards us, “they are here, someone is here” my voice cracks
A young woman officer is soon by our side.  I reluctantly slid away from Frankie, letting the officer start to work.  Watching as the officer pulls something from her pocket, popping the top off on her leg, she shoves the nozzle into Frankies nose.  Everything was becoming a blur, it felt like time was standing still, I felt frozen in time while the world around me was pushed to fast forward.  Fire and paramedics had shown up at some point, and they moved him to a stretcher.  Frankie’s eyes were open and he was fighting to get out of the bed.  The paramedics having to restrain him against the bed, getting him to stop thrashing around.  I feel his eyes lock onto mine and they push him away, and I know he can see the tears I feel falling.  Will wrapped his arms around me letting me fall into him, my face buried into his chest.
Benny was being interviewed by an officer, they were trying to piece together what he took and what led to this moment.  I hung onto Will, while the same questions were being asked to me.  A search of the truck while Frankie was in the back of the ambulance being taken care of.
Over the years Frankie had become like family.  Anytime the boys were home for an extended period of time, Frankie would tag along.  The Miller home became his home.  Frankie and I had become close, I was someone he could trust, a safe place for all his secrets.  Things about life, he could never talk to the guys about.  He hated talking, he hated how people would feel sorry for him, except for me.  My feelings towards Frankie never changed. If he wanted advice, I was there, if he just wanted to vent I was there. 
I had developed a crush on him, and if you met him you’d understand.  His soft brown eyes, his boyish smile, with a stupid little dimple.  He had a calm and steady demeanor about him. The way he would look at me when he talked, or when I would go on about some stupid celebrity gossip he didn’t care about.  He looked at me like I held the answers to all the questions, and it made me feel special.  But he was off limits, he’s my brother's best friend and teammate, he was family.  I know Benny and Will, despite being step-brothers, are the most protective people in the world and would kill any man that broke my heart.  I’ve kept this little crush a secret, or at least I thought I did, I always felt like Will knew. 
Frankie’s vitals were normal, the police didn’t find a reason to arrest him so he was released. He refused to go to the hospital. Frankie walks to his truck, the three of us standing watching and waiting for him. He digs his hands into his pockets looking for his keys which you have in your hand.  
“I’m not going to the hospital” he says matter of factly, “where the fuck are my keys” he growls looking directly at Benny who throws his hands up in defense 
“Don’t look at me”
“He doesn’t have them” I say, gripping the key so tight it’s starting to leave an inaction “Frankie”
“Don’t” he looks at me and I can see the betrayal in his eyes “spare me the I should be better and give me my fucking keys Lexi. I want to go home” 
“You were knocking on death's door when I found you Francisco” I never called him that, he’s always been Fishie or Fish. He knew he had let me down anytime that name was used. “You were barely breathing, I couldn’t find a pulse. What did you want me to do? You don’t want to go to the hospital, that’s fine. That’s your choice, but there is no way in hell I am letting you get behind the wheel and possibly kill someone, or yourself because you weren’t paying attention” I grip the keys tighter. I am surprised at how strong my voice is despite my heart breaking inside. 
His jaw ticks, his tell that he’s angry. His hand flex’s in a fish, he’s frustrated, tired, angry and ashamed. “Fuck. And how exactly do I get home? Walk?” He knows he isn’t getting the key, unlike the guys I don’t back down from him
“I’m taking your truck” Will finally speaks up, he had known Frankie the longest. They went through basic together. Other than me, Will is the only one he seems to listen to. Years spent alongside each other, and Santiago Garcia, they have been through some shit. The kind of shit that bonds you in ways normal people wouldn’t understand. “You can ride with me, or Alex” 
“What about Ben?” He asks 
“I have shit to fix,” Benny sighs
The three of us knew the answer. There was no way he would be getting in the car with me. The look of disappointment was enough for him to stay away, he didn’t want to hear my lecture to him. Riding with Will would give him what he needed, look out the window, air in his face and being able to blare the music so loud it would drown out his thoughts. Riding with me, it would be anything but that. 
“Fuck, fine…let’s go Will” he walks past us, bumping my shoulder as he does, he avoids eye contact with me and it breaks my heart even more. “Will, no talking” he yells as he waits for Will at the door 
Will wraps his arms around me, I give him pleading eyes and he seems to know what I’m asking without me saying a word “I’ll try” he whispers before walking to the truck and starting it. 
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The cool breeze on his face was just what he needed. The final notes to ‘smoke on the water’ begin to fade on the truck's speakers. Will’s hand reaches to turn the volume down. Frankie opens his eyes and turns his head to face Will whose eyes remain focused on the road ahead. Will was determined to get him to talk, he was just waiting for the right moment. 
“Jesus Christ, just say it already. I know you want to” Frankie sighs, his own voice yelling inside his head
“Say what?” Will replies, his voice calm 
“Please…” Frankie scoffs, “that I’m a loser, a huge fucking disappointment. How I am letting people down. That I should be better. You know all the things Lex would be telling me right now” Frankie closes his eyes. ‘Maybe I should have just gone to the hospital’ he thinks to himself 
Will’s focus remained on the road, he sighs and takes a deep breath. This isn’t the first time they’ve had this conversation. Will had this talk with him the first time he was caught with pain meds that weren’t his. 
“She’s right, you should be” 
“I have nothing left Will. All I have ever known, all I have ever been good at is being a pilot. I know how to fly and I know how to kill. I’m useless here, maybe I shouldn’t even”
“Fuck that Fish, you better not finish that thought” Will pulls to the side of the road slamming on the breaks and turns to face him, “you are not useless, you have so much to live for”
Frankie rolls his eyes, “like what? My girl left me before I even landed. She heard the words ‘drug problem’ and she ran. I’m basically homeless, I live with Benny.  I’m jobless, I’m useless.  Face it Will, I am useless and nobody needs me”
“Monica was a bitch” Will says, Frankie shakes his head in disagreement 
“She was smart. She got out when she could, she didn’t let me drag her down” Frankie looks down, his voice grows quiet “something my Mom should have done with my Dad” 
There is a long pause, the silence is deafening. His heart pounding in his chest. Will stays silent 
“He died on my birthday ya know. I was 12, maybe 13. When she came to tell me, it wasn’t like she was sad or anything. It was relief?” He says it as a question because even after all these years, he still doesn’t understand the feeling his mother had. “She said something about us not having to worry anymore. Shit…” he rubs his face “I’m just like him” 
Will stays silent, he didn’t know this story. Frankie had always stayed quiet about his life as a kid. Saying joining the Army was his way out of a shit situation. Will knew he had to help his friend, his brother. But he’s tried, this time Frankie was going to have to be the one that asked for it. Will looks at Frankie, Frankie’s hands shaking “Fish…”
“I need help”
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I haven’t heard from him for a few days, it wasn’t out of the normal. But I expected to hear something from him, maybe a ‘thank you for saving my life’ would have been nice. He was mad, I was mad, and it turned the rocky road even rockier. Will mentioned they talked but not much more than that. It was a Friday night, and I just poured myself a glass of rose, getting ready to Netflix and chill alone. There’s a gentle knock on the door and I sigh, I’m in sweats and an oversized shirt, I don’t want to answer the door. 
When I do, I see Frankie standing there, hands in his pocket, like a nervous high school kid knocking on the door of his crush. He’s rocking back and forth not looking at her just yet. 
“Hey” he says shyly, his eyes traveling up from my bare feet to my eyes 
“Hi” I cross my arms 
We stand there in awkward silence, I notice Benny sitting in the car, and I look back to Frankie chewing on the inside of his cheek, “Fish, what are you doing here?” I finally ask
“I’m gonna get the help I need” he finally looks at me again. He stares into my eyes, “I’m sorry you found me like that. I didn’t mean to hurt you” 
“Frankie…” I swallow hard, uncrossing my arms and taking a step towards him. Wrapping my arms around his waist 
“I’ll see you soon” he says hugging me tentatively and I can feel his heart racing 
“I’m happy for you” I pull away, his hands hold my waist, his eyes watery as he looks at me “you’ll be ok, I’ll see you soon” I try to smile
I’m happy for him, he’s going to get the help he needs, I just hope this time it works. He nods, quickly adjusting his cap. Then he leans in and kisses my cheek, he turns and runs back to Benny, his face must have been a mirror image of mine. Shock is probably an understatement. 
“Shut up Ben” I hear him say closing the car door
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White walls.
White floors. 
White bed sheets. 
Everything in this place is white, and Frankie hates it all. It’s sterile, the only pop of color is the small garden outside his window, and that nurse Nicole who has been getting to know him.  In more ways than one. Frankie hated it, he wanted out, he wanted a hit of something…other than Nicole…she was great, sure. But he needed something stronger, something to take the edge off. 
He wondered if this was what hell was like. Listening to people's sob stories of what ended them up here in this white prison. An older gentleman with dark gray hair, and sober blue eyes was going on and on about what brought him here. Frankie wasn’t listening just like he wasn’t listening the first dozen times he heard this story. He was focused on the rain drops hitting the window outside. 
“…I should have done this a long time ago.  I pushed away everyone who cared about me, and wanted to help me.  I didn’t think I needed help, we are all soldiers, we don’t ask for help.  I just hope that when this is done and I get out of here they can find it in their hearts to forgive me” the man says, finishing his speech and the small group claps for him
It had been a little over three weeks here, meaning Frankie only had a week left.  He had spent every class sitting in the back on the hard uncomfortable chairs listening to people share their stores of what brought them here.  He wished he was anywhere else, he would have even being back on the battlefield was better compared to this.  This was a nightmare. He was counting down the minutes, the seconds until the little bell would chime letting him know it was time for lunch.  He was trying to remain low, stay out of the way and do as little as possible just to get this done and over with.
“Mr. Morales…” the instructor speaks. Karen was her name? Maybe, he didn’t know. He didn’t care.  She was nice, going along with Frankie hiding in the background, but if he was going to graduate and be able to leave this place, she was going to need him to open up.
His eyes widen, heart races “hmm…what?” everyone still seated in their seats “Would you care to share with us today?” she smiles at him
“Well, uhh….” all eyes are suddenly on him, “I would but, you know it’s time for lunch”.  The little bell chimes again, and Frankie claps his hands together. “Saved by the bell” and there are a few awkward chuckles around him.  People slowly standing and moving their chairs to the side.  Frankie stands and folds up his chair, his name being called just as he reaches the door.
Karen standing in front of him, “can we chat for a minute?” she asks with a look that no wasn’t going to be taken as an answer
“I would, but see it’s taco night, and if you don’t get there early you get stuck with all the broken shells” 
A little ironic, broken shells for the broken man.
“Frankie…” she sighs
“I…uh…I, you’re not gonna take no will you?” he asks and she nods in agreement, “Shit, fine.  He walks towards her desk, grabbing a chair along the way.  It was times like this he wishes they would have let him keep his hat.  His safety net, he wanted to put it on and pull it down where you couldn’t see his eyes. 
“Why are you here?” she asks
“I had heard this place and some great food,” he laughs, and she doesn’t even crack a smile, “tough crowd.  Ok, My friends said I needed to get help”
“What do you think? Do you think you need help?”
“I don’t know” he leans back and crosses his arms
“Then why are you here?” she asks again, “if you don’t know why you are here, if you are here just for your friends, and you don’t want to be here…why stay? No one is forcing you to be here” 
That’s a lie, there's guards at the front door.
“It’s not like I can just walk out the front door.  I already tried that.  I don’t know, I might need help, but this addiction isn’t my fault.  It’s also not my fault that the one person…the only…that someone who cares about me, that I care about found me” he wipes his eyes, not wanting to let the tears actually fall “I didn’t ask her to come find me”
Lie.  He sent that text to her, knowing she could come find him.  She always did.
“And why didn’t you share that, that’s why we are here.  We are here to help you.” 
“Everyone has been saying that, maybe I don’t want help.  Look, I don’t mean to be an asshole.  But what does sharing stories do? Like George, and the, I pushed people away bullshit. His story is nothing like mine.  I don’t care about these people, and they sure in hell don’t give a fuck about me” 
“Because, everyone here is a lot more like you than you think.  For example, Steve you should talk to him” 
“Steve?” Frankie asked
“Yes, the gentleman at the end…the one you just called George. His name is Steve” 
The next few days were spent getting to know Steve.  Frankie hated sharing anything personal but the two of them did have something in common. Steve happened to be a fighter pilot for the Air Force, getting hooked on painkillers after he had retired. Karen was right, this guy was actually pretty ok. They exchanged information, Steve letting him know that he had a friend who could help with the addiction.  
It was finally day 30, the day he was counting down too since he got to this place. He had just finished packing up his shit when there was a gentle hand on his back. Nicole, she wanted to make sure she was able to give him the proper send off. 
He pushes her so she’s bent over his bed. Lifting her white dress, and sliding her panties to the side. Unzipping his own jeans, he pushes into her in one swift motion. A hand covering her mouth as she moans out his name. He wasn’t going to miss this place, he wasn’t even sure if he was going to miss this. Yeah, she was good and always ready for him. But she wasn’t the girl he wished she was. 
His back towards the door, and he continues to rock into Nicole when there’s a knock on his door. He turns to see it slowly being pushed open and his friend, Santiago Garcia standing there. Santiago leaning against the frame, arms crossed and a smirk on his face. 
“Some things never change, do they Cat?” Santiago sighs 
Frankie hadn’t seen Santi, or Pope since he was kicked out of the Army.  Pope wanting to spend time with his girl and the possibility of starting a family. Frankie pulls out of Nicole practically shoving her face first onto the mattress. He quickly tucks himself back into his jeans, smiling at Pope. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” Frankie asks. He’s happy and slightly confused
“I’m here to bust your ass outta here” he chuckles, “but that doesn’t seem to be the only thing ready to bust” 
“Shut up Cabrón” Frankie watches as Nicole adjusts herself and moves out of the room. He knows he should have felt guilty but honestly he really didn’t care. “Where’s Ben?”
“Had some shit to take care of. Will and I came to get you, he’s up front taking care of some paperwork. I don’t know he told me to come get you” he shrugs 
“You know you always sucked at lying right” Frankie bends over to pick up the duffle bag and walks out of the bedroom heading to the front door where Will was waiting 
“Hey…hey wait, what about that little chick?” Pope calls after him 
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“You want me to what?” I ask in disbelief, watching as Benny makes himself at home on my sofa
Frankie was coming home today, and I had planned a small party for him. Just a little something, some pizza and being around his friends. This was all planned before Benny told me he would be leaving a few days after Frankie got out. 
“He needs to stay with someone for a while, they don’t want him to be alone in case of a relapse” Benny says leaning his head back, “please…I can’t not go, I don’t have a job that allows me to say ‘no’ to them” 
“I…I, why me?” I stutter out the words
“He trusts you” Benny manages to say just as the door opens and Will walks in 
“Hey” he says awkwardly, somehow knowing that Benny just asked you 
It was the most awkward pizza dinner of my life. No one really saying anything. Frankie staring at his slice of pizza picking off the toppings. I had picked up a mushroom and pepperoni one just for him. I knew it was his favorite and watching him sit uncomfortable breaks my heart
“So who was that cute little blonde you had in bed, Fish?” Pope asked, leave it to him to make it even more uncomfortable 
Frankie gave him a look, the term ‘if looks could kill’ was 100% true and Santiago is lucky he wasn’t six-feet under right now. 
“She was a nurse, at least that’s what they call them there. More like a maid if anything” Frankie groans pushing his plate away “I gotta pee” 
I watch as he gets up and walk down the hall towards the bathroom. Santiago going on about how he walked in on him and the so-called nurse. “She was fucking hot too” I roll my eyes, and look back to Benny. 
“I really don’t need to hear this” 
Trying to tune out what they are saying, I too start to pick at the crust of my half eaten pizza. I really don’t need to know about his sexcapades anymore then I need to hear about Bennys. The only difference, I am jealous of this girl I don’t even know. The conversation slowly turns to what they are going to do with Frankie. How do deal with him, the addiction that they are sure wasn’t solved in the 30 days that he was there. 
“Has anyone even asked him what he wanted?” I finally ask, listening to them talking like he isn’t even there. 
“It doesn’t matter, the doctors said he needs to be with someone, at least for a while” Benny sighs 
Frankie comes back, setting a coin on the table.  “If you want to talk about me like I’m not even here. You might want to make sure I can’t hear you. Or better yet, I can make it easier on you all and not fucking be here” 
“Frankie…wait” I grab the coin from the table and stand up, “what the fuck is wrong with you guys?” I turn and chase after him 
He doesn’t have a car, his home for the last few years is too far to walk. He has no money and can’t afford a cab. He opens the front door and stops leaning against the small fence on the front porch. His hands grip the top post, his head down, he wants to disappear but has no place to go. 
“Hey…” I say softly, closing the door behind me and moving closer to him “you forgot this”
I hold the silver coin towards him. A large ‘30 days’ written on it. He looks at me, his eyes flicking from the coin to my eyes and I feel frozen. He lifts his hand grabbing the coin from me and throwing it into the yard, “this doesn’t fucking mean anything” his voice cracks “why did you have to find me? Y’all would have been better off” he looks away. Staring out in front of him 
“Ok…” I sigh, confused and hurt by what he said. I didn’t mean to say that. It just kinda can out. I didn’t know what else to say. His eyes turn to me, angry and watery. I swallow hard, and try to think of the next word. “Do you want to stay here?” 
What the fuck kinda question is that? He literally just told me I shouldn’t have found him. He just spent 30 days in a rehab facility. He seemed so happy when he told me he was going to get help and now. This isn’t the Frankie that left saying he wanted help. 
“Not really…nothing against you. But I don’t understand why I can’t just stay at home. Well, Benny’s home” he turns his body and leans against the fence. Crossing his arms. “I am tired of people telling me what to do. I had a whole month of it, tell us your feelings Frankie, here’s what we’re eating Frankie…” 
“Because Morales, the docs at the rehab facility want you to stay with someone incase of a relapse. You can stay here or head back to rehab. I’m sure Nicole would be happy to welcome you back” Benny had joined us, sitting on the swinging bench
“If you want to stay here…I’d like you to stay. But I understand if you don’t” I tell him, giving Benny an evil glare. “I promise to give you your space. And you can have Nicole stop by if you want” 
“Oh my god, enough with Nicole. She was a good time that’s fucking it. It’s not like I’m gonna marry her.  I’m not doing this because you're telling me too” Frankie groans in defeat
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ANN: A huge shout out to @musings-of-a-rose for helping me with this and giving me confidence to post this in first person. I am still terrified of it. @theewokingdead and @heythere-mel for listening to my random ass ideas at all hours. I love each and every one of you.
Looking for more of my fics check out my masterlist. And check out other writers at @littlemisspascal and their library for all Pedro Characters
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ICanBeYourJedi Complete Masterlist
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assigning some gravity falls characters hollow knight charm builds (for this we’re assuming they have access to all charms and that they’re doing casual playthroughs)
mabel - grubsong, weaversong, glowing womb, shape of unn, unbreakable heart, grimmchild (friend build, unbreakable heart adds health, is fun wordplay, and uh. rip leg eater. she just wanted to help him find love :[ friend of grubs, friend of weaverlings, friend of giant slug deity, don’t tell her about the grimm troupe lore, she knows, shhh. friend of grimmchild)
dipper - sharp shadow, hiveblood, soul catcher, stalwart shell, steady body (charms that he thinks are cool, plus he thinks they’re good probably maybe. sharp shadow lets you damage enemies when dashing through them, and it increases the length of your dash, which is good right? that’s good? he thinks it’s good. hiveblood regenerates the most recent health you lost. takes a bit, but still. good for white palace! …ignore that he doesn’t have any white fragments. soul catcher for soul, everybody loves soul charms. stalwart shell is really good because…it just is, trust him. steady body gets rid of knockback! sometimes he accidentally walks into the enemy because he forgets he has it on, but still!)
ford - voidheart, lifeblood heart, shaman stone, dream wielder, mark of pride, spell twister (more distanced attacks, more spell-based, had to give him at least one lifeblood charm because. come on. voidheart because he seems like the type to spend a lot of time exploring, plus its required to kill the radiance. i don’t think he would like the white lady. i think he would like the resting grounds, and especially the spirit’s glade. he likes seer’s little area and her design. he likes talking to her. he likes seer in general. he relates to the vessels. vvvvoidheart)
stan - quickslash, mark of pride, fury of the fallen, unbreakable strength (FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. he’d be the type to damage tank. he sees the description for fury of the fallen and goes ‘oh fuck yeah’ and equips it half for the smidge of story and half for the actual effect. he likes the red overlay, he thinks it looks neat. quickslash means he can hit more quickly, mark of pride means he reach enemies to hit them more quickly, unbreakable strength means he can fuck them up even better. ford lets him know how to get all the pale ore so he can fully upgrade his nail. mabel makes him get the happy couple achievement afterwards. he’s certainly not complaining)
soos - carefree melody, grubberfly’s elegy, spore shroom, thorns of agony, dashmaster, sprintmaster (‘useless charms? nah, dude, they helped me beat pantheon five’. soos is a force to be reckoned with. carefree melody because melody, and sprintmaster and dashmaster reminded him of ford and stan and he thought that was neat enough to keep them on)
pacifica - weaversong, quick focus, unbreakable heart, gathering swarm, dream wielder, longnail (mabel gives her a few tips, hence unbreakable heart and longnail, but mostly her charms are based off aesthetics. she likes the way quick focus and dream wielder look, and she likes the way gathering swarm looks in use. weaversong was originally added because of mabel, but she ended up keeping it because it’s useful. yep, that’s it. definitely not because the little weaveringlings follow her around everywhere to the point of teleporting to the knight middair, and their slashes don’t do much but they’re trying their best, and they settle down to rest when the knight benches, and they were left behind by the rest of the weavers and- no, definitely not any of that)
bill cipher - wayward compass, dreamshield, balder shell, kingsoul (if you know, you know)
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vacantfields · 4 months
Hihi again!! Two in one day sksnhsksls :3 (probably more, you're very welcome)
Adding to my dream I had, I then took u guys home and we lived together and had a lot of fun. I also made you all hairclips *gives :3*
1. Does Moon like the idea of being a security bot? Of he still is one! I know before he was made specifically for that!
2. Does Sun like adults this time around! Since from what I've seen he can get sassy jdlsdksks XD
3. Eclipse! Clipsy! The best boy I've ever seen! :D Do you like sleepovers? I wanted to invite You, Sun and Moon! :D We'll eat popcorn and watch movies and make paper pals and also watch analog horror :3 (i like horror a lot if you all don't mind)
4. Do you happen to know any other animatronics? Like the Glamrocks! What's your opinion on the Glamrocks? I think Freddy's cool and Chica! Monty is kind of a jerk but Roxy is cool!
5. Moon, moon, moon-moon!!! :D Can you still use the cord? Do you still have the hook on your back? Can u teach me how to do those fancy moves if you still do them? :3
6. Sunny boy! Sunray! :D Do you ever think of what it'd be like if you and Moon still shared a body? But instead of your original forms, the ones you have now! Of course, it's not painful or anything, hugs hugs :(
6. Do you guys have a house outside of the pizzaplex? Like just an apartment or anything? :O i was thinking about it and i feel like you'd all have a HUGE house with your different sections :]
7. I really like those FNAF analog/VHS tape horror videos. Also Mandela Catalog! Would you feel comfortable watching those with me :D (it's horror, so idk if u'd like that :P)
THAT'S ALL!! I'll be back either later or tomorrow >:D evil laugh hehehehejnsoksns :3
Sun: Oh goodness me! this is very long-
Moon: [chuckles]
Sun: [sends Moon a glare before turning back to the questions] I think... Oh this is so much, friend! hm. [he taps his lip a little in thought] Okay! Number 1! [Looks at Moon]
Moon: [sighs] I still patrol. Just not as often. Do i like it? Well when the human security guards are there its very fun to scare the fluff [groans at the censor] out of them. [glances at Sun] Your turn
Sun: [smiles] Number 2!: I am very kind and sweet to the humans who work around us! i am even friends with some of them! Though yes they do annoy me when they are lazy with their tasks! i can do them quick and easy! But no no no no! they do not ask me! [he huffs then looks to Eclipse] Ready for number 3, Clip?
Eclipse: [nods then tilts his head] best... boy? sleep over? i am not currently allowed to leave the Daycare or have guests. I cannot watch violent movies in case it triggers the virus.
Sun: ... [clears his throat] number 4!: We do know the glamrocks! I do not have any favorites but the only one who really talks with them is Moonie!
Moon: Theyre all annoying. [he sounds fond then looks at number 5] Hm. Well we all have our wires still. the cords. I am the one who uses it the most but i would rather not test my luck with bringing someone with me up there sorry, friend.
Sun: number 6!: oh... I do not wish to talk about that type of thing i am very sorry friend. Number 7! We still live in the pizzaplex! we have a room thats been modified so its more homey now! [he smiles] we can however leave to explore the city if we wished! we just gotta tell people where and when we are going and for how long! [he giggles] and number 8! [he frowns] why would you ever watch something so scary, friend! you shouldnt be watching those things! [he tsks and wiggles his finger at you, disapproving]
Moon: why watch scary things when we have the scariest thing right here [taps Eclipse who frowns. He looks sad, eyes distant]
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frankenfawn · 8 months
waiiiit i sent an ask about the g3 game i meant 5 not 4 whoops so 5 14 and 2 my bad!!
omg its all good!! thank u sm for the ask :)!!!!
mh g3 ask game
2. Which G3 character (new or rebooted) is your favorite?
omg number one is definitely frankie! them being canonically nonbinary and sapphic is SO important to me as a nonbinary lesbian! they are also just silly and fun !!!<-- i also just relate to them a lot in general. i also really love cleo in this gen i think shes so funny, also twyla is super cute and canonically autistic which is fucking awesome!
5. Is there a line or idea for a line that you'd like to see in a G3 release?
ough this is a hard one!! i'd actually love to see more interactive stuff, like the ghoul's alive dolls or playsets like lagoona's hydration station or astranova's floating doll!!! OR THE CREATE A MONSTER DOLLS!!!!!! especially since this gen is doing more with the doll's body types, having a doll you could customize would be so so cool. even if it was a preexisting character doll that had like color changing hair or you could color on them or something!!
14. You have been given the chance to design the G3 version of one G1-introduced character. Who do you choose?
another hard one!! i would love to see cupid come back honestly!! sorry i just took like an hour to draw this:
Tumblr media
i think g3 would be good to explore the fact that she was adopted by cupid and was born a bone elemental, and explore how her powers of love with the bow work!! she'd obviously still have her radio show, maybe it would be like a podcast/ she'd focus in music or something!! and it could be interesting if while shes invested in everyones love life, she could be aromantic or just not interested in something like that for herself!!
this design is kind of all over the place (mostly the clothes!!!) but i tried to mix eah and monster high. i do like the idea that her wings are both bone AND feathered and that u can see her bones through her skin:) and she would def come with a radio and bow and arrow. she'd probably have a box of valentines chocolate too ! i dont know!! but yeah heres a rushed take ^^''
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mama-scarebear · 1 day
I like this method of communication I suppose but I do think I will stop overpopulating your blog with massive text posts after this haha.
That is interesting. I'd love to hear if there were any specific ways your being punk and witch inspired one another. Were you a chaote by chance?
Yes, her portrayal of gender nonconformity is super awesome. I hope you end up with an amazing tattoo. Will you be giving her some sort of design or giving her creative freedom?
I grew up on a small island, so I totally get that re: rural living. I hope the local community you mentioned in your other message are cool and that if you do want to be recruited that it's fulfilling for you.
I looove some of those bands, Whoredrobe, Pat The Bunny (a solid fave from the list so far - i'm not a good person). I don't know the rest of these, so I'll be checking them out. I love being exposed to new music :D.
That style of festival sounds way more fun. The body aches can be worth it :D I recently did something similar to that but it was a food truck festival kind of thing. It was fun. It was still quite busy but also much smaller.
I love hearing about you so I guess it works out. Also yeah I got that kind of vibe from it. I love a girl with a good dose of whimsy. A part of mine comes from my love of claymation and stop animation.
Hey now this is my blog and I've not asked you to stop yet. Don't you be so presumptuous as to assume I dislike these back and forths of ours.
I was nothing so formal. I contended myself with just exploring and practicing broadly, mixing everything pêle-mêle. My old witch tendencies and my punk tendencies were born from the same place though. Namely rebelling against my literally Christo fascist upbringing. Nowadays I think I fall more along the lines of Christian folk magic more than anything else.
Ill be giving her a vague idea and then creative freedom. All I want is a strong woman of some kind. Maybe a barbell? Who knows.
The head hunting has been successful. I start working for that organization in August. It'll be interesting if nothing else. The local queer community is rather spread out and solitary so there's not much of a community there. My main focus and goals are to put in place groundwork for future queer folks to find and build upon.
Pat the Bunny is a personal fsvourite and has been for a long time. I recommend Your Heart Is A Muscle The Size Of Your Fist. It's a sad but moving song.
It was a lot of fun but made me need a cane for a few weeks afterwards. Its on me for getting in the pit with a recently healed fracture though. Smaller events are my type of thing. I like small town shows and festivals or at least underground ones.
My love of strange art comes mainly from my love of puppetry as an art form. Especially in TV and film. It's a dying art but when done well or intriguingly is very evocative. I'm also just not somebody who likes following the mainstream at all. Counter culture runs deep in my bones.
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potatopossums · 1 year
partnered aro here.
i have been having some thoughts about what it's like to be in a relationship, even if it's difficult to label what type of relationship it is (romantic, queerplatonic, alterous, etc.). I've also been having some thoughts about my queer identity in regards to how my aromanticism affects my lesbianism and vice versa, and their relationship to gender. it's probably worth a larger post, but if anyone is curious or has comments to add about their experiences, please feel free to ask/comment/reblog/direct message.
incompletely, things I've learned so far whilst in a partnership:
Sex is cool to think about but not so much fun in practice..... irl, it can be absolutely fabulous; it can also be alright; it can also be a little boring and uncomfortable. the best part is, i don't have to do it if i don't feel like it. that's pretty cool. who cares if my medication is lowering my libido (and who cares if my meds aren't the problem, and I'm just a sex-favorable/neutral ace).
Sex usually consists of me pleasuring my partner and jerking myself off afterward, and I'm okay with that...... it's not always one-sided giving (and if you honestly think that giving to your partner is one-sided by default, as if you're suffering through the giving and waiting painfully for your turn, you really need to reevaluate how you're doing sex, because I'm sitting there enjoying watching my partner, exploring her body, listening to her breathing, reacting to her movements, and all of that is very enjoyable for me while I'm giving. orgasm is not the end all be all of sex). plus, i don't tend to receive orgasms because i have vaginismus, which doesn't allow others to penetrate me. i can penetrate myself and achieve orgasm when I'm controlling everything, but it is uncomfortable and painful still for others to control penetration, which is required for my orgasm. that said, i also receive external, non-penetrative touch and stimulation (such as receiving head: wowie 😵‍💫🥵). for where i am, I'm comfortable with things, and that's great.
Sex with myself is so good..... my brain has always been really good at thinking up fun scenarios that excite and turn me on. i know exactly what images push me to orgasm. i like orgasming. thanks to my medications, the orgasms aren't as strong, but i know what time of day to masturbate so that i actually can orgasm. i don't always masturbate nowadays, but when I do, it's a really lovely self care moment, and i wish masturbation was talked about that way more often. it's not for everyone, but I've definitely heard masturbation referred to as anything from "something lonely, loser singles do" to "not nearly as good as being with someone" and i honestly beg to differ on both of those. masturbating is not an indicator of loneliness or inadequacy, and it's not some second-rate pleasure in comparison to sex with a partner. masturbation is its own action, its own thing, and it has no moral or status implications. i love doing it, and i always have, and i love doing it alone.
I get the most out of sex when it's framed as a sensual experience, rather than a sexual one..... like ok, I'm not the best at figuring out the difference between sexual versus sensual, but I'm mostly interested in what feels good. if the only thing that separates them is genital touch or sexual arousal, then fine. but sometimes non-sexual touch arouses me sexually! so, in my mind, what is the point of separating them, i ask! if sex feels good, then it was a good sensual experience. if you're not paying attention to how things feel regarding your five (5) senses during sex, I'm not sure what else you're paying attention to? i mean, no shade to paying attention to other things that don't fit in the senses category, and no shame to people who categorize these experiences differently. those experiences and perspectives are valuable and wonderful! for me, it's just all sensual, even if it's sexual too. sexual gratification, for me, is in a sensual category (and also a mental one, but usually my mental additions to sexual experiences are visual in nature, such as picturing a scene/location or a fictional character).
this is all i have for now, but if i think of more things, I'll reblog and add more to this list.
as always, i welcome discussion on these topics, as it is so important for our community to share and connect over similar and differing experiences! celebrating these things about ourselves is essential to our pride, and we deserve to be ourselves fully and openly.
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standing-restart · 2 years
i seem to talk about punishments alot but NOBODY can convince me that george mf russell is not the king of them.
the man had patience. he would be willing to hold off his orgasm for hours if he had to to make sure you were being punished properly. he's so put together that seeing you a crying, sloppy mess wouldn't faze him, he would just keep going.
i think the main way he'd punish you would be edging, and then overstimulation. he could spend forever lying between your thighs, just tracing shapes over your pussy, watching you squirm, not even properly fingering you just playing with you. because that's what you are to him in these moments, nothing more than a fucktoy.
he would tie you up for sure. he'd want you spread out, both arms and legs, so he had access to all of you whenever he wanted. i feel like he might like handcuffs over rope or silk, but honestly i don't know. gagging... i'm not sure. a part of me thinks that he would like to tell you to be quiet, but another part of me thinks he would adore gagging you, stuffing your dripping panties in your mouth and making fun of you for it.
degrading. degrading, degrading, degrading. obsessed with it. but it's the perfect mix of degradation and praise, things like 'pretty little whore' and 'look absolutely gorgeous all spread out for me'.
like i said earlier, he's got both the stamina and the patience to keep this going. after edging you for AGES, he'll then use his fingers and tongue to make you cum as many times as he feels you can manage. i've always said that george has a high emotional intelligence, and i think he's so in tune with your body he knows how much you can take.
but after everything's done, he'll fuck you so tenderly and slowly with his cock and bring you to one last orgasm. and i fully believe he's one of the best drivers when it comes to aftercare on the grid (but that's a topic for another day...)
sorry for another long prompt but hope you like :))
✨ (sparkles if my laptop doesn't show it)
My dear ✨ , you really never miss, do you?! How do you keep coming up with these delicious prompts?!
I really feel like George has the capability to be the absolute hardest dom of them all. He’s mastered the art of patience and self-control a long while ago (come on, he’s trained into perfection to keep his cool at all times.) He would absolutely take his time exploring you. Imagine sitting between his legs, your back pressed against his chest, him just endlessly toying with your tits, fascinated by the soft sounds you make when he pulls your nipples.
He’s the type of guy who gets you nipple clamps, but the ones with a chain between them so he can tug on it. I genuinely think he loves the sounds you make, all of them, from little moans to gagging to maybe even hearing you scream his name when you’re overstimulated. If he wants you to be quiet, its by putting his hand over your mouth or kissing you so roughly you can moan into the kiss. Basically, any sound you’re allowed to make (or aren’t allowed to make, for that matter) is controlled by him.
George feels like a little control freak to me. And while I think you’re right on the cuffs, I also simply know that he has a thing for using his belt to tie you up. His belt, or his tie, because, once again, he’s a bit obsessive and seeing you in his control because of his items? Yeah. Yeah he’s really into that.
You’re so right about the panties. He keeps them on you while he traces your pussy, rubbing your clit through the fabric, until they’re soaked. ‘Look at you, making such a mess of yourself. It’s okay, you can’t help it, can you, you whore?’ as he pushes the fabric between your lips. He absolutely fucks your throat and then degrades you for making a mess, smearing your spit across your mouth (cleaning it up with your panties? Cleaning it up with your panties!) 
His dirty talk is unmatched, and truly something else. He talks you through all of your orgasms, telling you that this is what you’re good for, taking what he gives you like a good slut.
Have you considered ... toys. Because I have.
He’ll fuck you with a vibrator while casually licking your clit after your first orgasm. Overwhelming you even more. I just know that he has the most endearing pleased look on his face when he draws a second, or even a third, from you. Yes, he’ll bring you close with the toys, but he always topples you over the edge with his mouth or his fingers. Making you cum is something he gets to do, and only him.
When he’s finally, finally, fucking you - it’s truly the softest. He holds you close, kissing everywhere he can reach until you’re just overwhelmed with how gentle it is. If you’ve cried, he’ll kiss the tears away. It’s always in missionary after sessions like this, because he knows how exhausted you are. ‘You did so well for me, sweetheart. I know you can do one more for me, can’t you? One more, there you go, you’re so good, so good love.’ as he helps you cum one more time before following you over the edge.
(unrelated, but he would totally clean you up with his tongue afterwards. Alternating between licks and kisses, but that, too, is a thought for another day.)
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dearestaeneas · 2 years
hi! i wrote this before i kind of officially came out? i identify as genderqueer/gnc and i use she/he pronouns! gender is a journey! wheeeeee! (and please keep in mind, this is just my personal experience! i also cannot say for sure if i still feel this way all the time! we’re always growing and changing! who knows, babey! there is no right or wrong way to be queer and/or find yourself!)
The cramps in your abdominal ring red behind your eyes. Your legs ache, your mind is foggy. You’ve done this since you were barely a teenager, menstruation is nothing new. You’ve never wanted children, and as you learn more about the world and its options you daydream of lies you could tell doctors so they would sterilize you.
Your ideal body type is a Barbie doll. Always has been. Feminine in appearance (BREASTS), but completely androgynous from a biological standpoint. You assumed this was normal.
You’re not trans, per se. You’ve never felt like you’re in the wrong body, simply that your correct body was built the wrong way. You’re not trans because you don’t see anything wrong with your gender, your problem is your sex.
But what does that mean? We’re in a culture that doesn’t understand the language. You’re using that misunderstanding of language to invalidate yourself. So, rather than relying on a culture that doesn’t understand and won’t learn, you talk to people. The general consensus is “cis people don’t think like that.” Huh.
Okay. Okay. That’s cool! We can work with that. Trans still doesn’t feel right, though. Does nonbinary? Agender? Ah, the new challenge.
You don’t think so, after all, rather than not fitting into the binary, you’re playing both sides of the team. You’ve tried they/them pronouns, she/they, she/he/they…and the “they” always makes you bristle. Why? Why does it not feel right?
Most of your friends are some combination of she/they, he/they, they/he, and so on. Maybe you felt peer pressure. Not to be not cis, but to fit with a certain flavor of pronoun. After all, you’d never seen someone use she/he. You thought, maybe the “they” had to be there. Maybe it would also be a buffer- after all, you’re a WOMAN. You can’t tell people you want to be referred to with masculine pronouns. No, no, the palatability of your existence is much nicer with gender neutral ones.
But you hate them. You order your list as she/he/they, because you think it tells people your preference in order. You expect to be called “she” almost exclusively. That’s fine, you like those ones. But people seem to skip over the “he.” “They” becomes the favorite for those trying to respect your wishes to explore. Resentment bubbles.
Fuck it, get rid of it. It isn’t working. Seeing “she/he” in your social media bios gives you an unfamiliar tingling, right in the pit of your stomach. It’s nice.
Is this what my friends feel like? Is this what “they” means to them? I thought I was missing out on the beautiful feeling of gender neutrality, and in a way, I was.
You do some searching. Bigender. Huh!
Redditors are sharing their experiences of attraction from a bigender lens. It’s familiar. You were never fully comfortable with the label of “bisexual,” and you wondered why. You’ve always said “queer.” That word has a power in itself, the beauty of reclamation. You like that. You’re not sure if this new and fun term is right, but it feels like a good start, if nothing else.
You’ve realized that all of a sudden talking about your identity has become infinitely more fun. You...want to do it. It’s become a game, rather than this hulking and unknowable entity. Huh.
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yjwhatif · 2 years
Do you think Ed would have any other powers other than teleportation. The superhero he is based off of (El dorado) also had teleportation, super strength (not likely for Ed but still good to mention), Telepathy and could conjure illusions. Do you think Ed would pick up some of these powers or even have a power we haven’t seen yet since he’s basically a living zeta tube.
I LOVE this question because I LOVE considering how Ed could actually be more powerful than he’s depicted on screen! I’m still holding out for the day Ed turns out to be the most powerful one of them all… you never know, it could happen!!
That being said, in terms of the powers his original comic counterpart had - the super strength, illusions, telepathy - I doubt we’d ever see him wield them in the future… unless something weird happened. Grandon are very logical when it comes to what characters are able to do and why - especially with the runaway’s - they made sure it made sense why they all had the powers they had… so while it would be cool to see Ed conjure some freaky illusions or go toe to toe with the heavyweights - I don’t think canon Ed ever will. Same with the telepathy - though, I do remember discussing with others in previous asks about Ed possibly being able to sense people, especially those he has a strong emotional connection with, in order to teleport to them when out of his sights — that could be considered a very specific form of telepathy which I would love to see established in the show.
Outside of that, the power I always like to think of him having or developing is energy absorption - ie, when exposed to a particular type of energy his body is able to absorb it and eventually mimic its properties… like with the zeta radiation which influenced his current teleportation abilities. Beyond that could he travel the same sort of lengths/destinations of a boom tube if exposed to enough of that energy or even through time if exposed to Chronotron radiation — that one in particular I would really LOVE to see explored… Ed gets hit by a dose of chronotron radiation when a mysterious machine turns up out of nowhere and drags Bart back into the time stream, but where - or should I say - when has he been taken to, it’s up to Ed to find that answer with a surprising gift the machine left behind… I just think it would be really fun and totally fitting for the dude with the time traveller boyfriend!
I don’t know why I’m so fascinated by Ed’s powers, I just am - I would love to see more exploration of what he’s actually capable of - like, exactly how far is he able to travel? zeta beams can technically transport to interplanetary distances - does that mean Ed could be too? Does the zeta shield also keep Ed from teleporting beyond it - if he tried? Is he able to travel between dimensions so long as he has some sort of connection/anchor into it? How many people can he teleport with at once? What happens if he pushes beyond his known/perceived limits? I have so many questions… which will probably never get answered with the way things are going at the minute but I guess we’ll see what happens and enjoy contemplating…
And that’s what I’ve got for now - thanks for the message Anon - I always appreciate getting to ramble about my fave!
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enrapture · 1 year
I know ur bi & since ur single whats ur type in men specifically?
I'll make a list! but go in depth. sorry this is a lil long.
-I struggle w/ certain things like adhd, anxiety and trauma so they gotta understand that and accept that and if they still like me afterwards then there ya go lol
-I like depth, fuck the small talk. be different. for ex: lets talk paranormal stories.
-if you’re too distant I’m uninterested lmao
-someone who takes care of themselves. (eats their veggies/a decent amount right, their vitamins, drinks water, works out kinda is just generally in shape. etc)
-men that don't make fun of my likes/hobbies/special interests but try to understand them whether they dislike them or not maybe do research/ get into them bc they know i like them and like seeing me happy.or at least make the effort to hear me boast about them idk fuck. just general understanding would be fuckin cool.
-effort effort effort that shit is fucking sexy as shit to me.
-don't waste my time and i won't waste yours. Be direct with that you want.
-compliment meeeee, I like someone protective. If we can be weirdos together then that’s a match.
-when their words MATCH their actions.
-I'm expecting / used to people treating me like shit. surprise me and be a GOOD PERSON to me in my life lmfao.
-good at communication and know how to healthy communicate their thoughts and feelings, wants and needs no matter how difficult
-men who don't fucking lie. worst thing you could ever do to me is lie, make fun of my interests, talk shit about me, be toxic and manipulate me and use me among gaslight me etc etc. 100pts. I'm very selective with who I let into my life, I have trust issues due to trusting the wrong people and got burned for it many times. scarcity is value. Don't make me regret my decision. men who don't hurt my feelings!!!
-men who like me for more than just my body. who like my personality and shit so much more. 1000pts
-i don't like clingy but i also like the healthy amount of quality time spent together so. I don't need to talk 24/7 i guess but we do gotta see one another a few times or make lil dates or something in order for it to work. it can't be constant to nothing at all. healthy balance???
-I avoid fuckboys like the plague but i can't help but fall (emos, musicians, skaters, skinny, fit, nerds, the funny weirdos LOL. that sorta vibe. etc)
-men who are genuine. gentle. yet aggressive (when its the right time to be) who care about me, support me (call me out on my shit if its not healthy or if im just misinformed and will KINDLY inform me and help me understand/enlighten my way of thinking. Intelligence is soooo incredibly attractive to me, if you can teach me something in some form Its 50pts in my book.
-men who send me stuff like "this reminded me of you, I know youd like this" etc who get my sense of humor and make me laugh. Who try to cheer me up if I'm sad. Men who are open minded, loving, sweet, mean well. caring mmmm
-men who realize mistakes happen and that growing is a process, healing isnt linear as I would with them. Growing out of unhealthy habits and changing for the better:) there is always room for growth.
-if you tease me / are playful / bully me kinda I'll probably end up crushing on you. I like me that are smooth talkers.
-connection is cool, men who have similar hobbies or interests (I like anime, cinephile, video games, reading, art, concerts, exploring, hiking, camping, writing sometimes, music, content creating sometimes, social media stuffs, baking once in a while, photography...) etc. you dont have to have the same exact interests I would prefer you to have your own set to show me that would be cool. but I do like having interests to bond over specifically though lol.
-i guess for an example of men (their body types / personalities) I like are: timothee chalamet, awsten knight, ryan gosling. (abs, arms, hands, eyes, mouths) hnnnnnng everything so sexy FUCK.
-I like men who arent egotistical dickheads. confidence is nice, but if you think you're the shit and are entirely full of yourself youre absolutely disgusting.
-men who are respectful, hold the door, arent afraid to call / video chat. upfront and straight forward, who don't play mind games. direct. sometimes buy me gifts or surprise me with them (I've never had anyone do that. my last relationship they only cared about trips.) nothing wrong with that I liked the trips we went on but i like feeling appreciated idk physical shit is nice too. call me shallow. I like gift giving/ receiving. I do like going on trips but we hardly went on any lol. living is expensive.
-idc how you dress, what you do with your body. don't tell me what i should be doing with mine.
-be my best friend first I don't like rushing. get to know me as i will you slowly over time. lets take our time and feel it out. Who knows it may not be what we want later on. some people like jumping into something immediate. I have to write it out lmfao. that i do not want that or am looking for that. idc if we have "history" or not.
-everyone has things deemed as red flags, struggles, issues, immaturities etc. Lets not be assholes and judgmental pussies. but lets understand and try to grow past them and become healthier better versions of ourselves after all our inner child would want that. change is necessary don't stick to negative habits. be fluid.
phew, I think thats all I can think of at the top of my head atm.
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Actual Skel Anatomy Brainrot
So my posts about magical membranes, vertebrae, teeth and traits was the end of it... right?
Haha LSD you dumb fuck, this is your new hyperfixation for the week.
Kind of long, I did this for fun and I'm not really up-to-date on what everyone's collective hivemind of an opinion is on Skel headcanons, so if I repeat something someone's already said, just be cool that you're hearing the same viewpoint twice:
A Skel's body is naturally more resistant to most anti-depressants and pills, which aids them in being one of the least likely monster types to die from illness, but makes them more vulnerable if they do happen to catch a cold. If the virus can get past the immunity system, your Skel is in for a hell of a ride.
It takes longer for a Skel to get drunk or high, when they do it effects their magic. Randomly melting into half-assed attacks (for example; Error would have the problem of constantly pouring sting out his eyes. Someone like Papyrus would unintentionally bluify someone/thing around himself.) which are always harmless.
Magic on medication or stimulant loses its strength and deals less than half the damage it's supposed to, although prescription meds aren't as stat draining as what was listed above.
Becomes harder to control in some cases, if your Skel has a more violent nature their magic might react extremely to aspirin or melatonin. That's the body trying to get rid of the unfamiliar chemicals, and goes about it the same way the personality type of the host does.
Skel's breathe to absorb oxygen, like everyone does, the oxygen is used to put more power for attacks and energy reserves. They can run faster, react quicker, and talk louder. They don't suffer from any side effects without air, and could happily exist in a vacuum. They also use breathing for their vocal cords.
Fun fact: a Skel's bite force is 235PSI, the same as a pitbull's, and can lock their jaws to the same ability when biting into something. Its a leftover trait from a much more primal age, like with humans still having wisdom teeth. (but yk, pitbull-esc strength is way cooler.) So Skels don't have many reasons to bite or maul.
Their teeth keep growing throughout their lives, sometimes if unchecked can result in overgrowth that makes it hard to eat or communicate, similar to 'overgrown beaks' in birds. Normally their teeth are worn down by the common habit of chewing or losing them. Skel's have three sets of teeth, their infant pair, adulters, and backup set.
Other Skel bone facts: there are different types of vertebrae, named after the expands it runs down. But intercross commonly.
Cervical-Thoracic, Thoracic-Lumbar, Cervical-Lumbar, to name a few variations
The two types of vertebrae builds are straight-edge and curved, curved is more likely for Cervical and Thoracic, while straight-edge is typically found further down the spine.
Tailbones! A Skel's tail doesn't get much longer than 6-8 inches, and tucks between the legs most of the time to act as extra membrane protection. It doesn't have the same flexibility of a dog or cat's, so they can't express emotion through it, nor does a tail have enough strength to act as a limb.
When the membrane is broken it'll bleed a thick red liquid, no matter the magic color. Happens frequently, sometimes the bones meant to protect the membrane end up piercing it on accident.
The membrane relies on the soul to repair itself if it gets damaged, if you don't have a soul, you're more likely to severe internal bleeding and gag reflex. Vomiting liquid magic also happens if one tries to absorb magic that isn't theirs, the body treats it like a virus.
Ngl it feels really good to find a cool creature to jump on and explore. Ik some of my bullshit would look strange in canon, but really, I just wanted to have fun and reimagine these characters and their body types. uhhhh ight I think that's it
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tlbodine · 2 years
Vampire Double Feature
Our newest film challenge puts us at the mercy of a random number generator -- which is a fun way to find stuff I might not otherwise know about and try watching things that may be outside our comfort zone. And because randomness is fun. (Yes I stole this idea from a podcast and no I'm not sorry)
Anyway, I previously posted a list of vampire movies we shortlisted for our first roll, "pure-horror vampires." Below are the two we settled on.
Afflicted (2013) is the directorial debut of Canadian filmmakers Derek Lee and Clif Prowse, who also play the main characters. It's a found-footage style low-budget film following a pair of dudes on a Eurotrip that goes horribly awry when one of them comes down with a slight case of vampirism.
Sensing a path to viral fame, they initially document and upload his transformation, but things soon take a dark turn. What follows is a lot of body horror (achieved often with some neat practical effects and camera tricks, which I appreciate)
This is a perfectly solid film and deserves a lot more attention than it got. It's doing something clever with vampirism, the characters are reasonably genre savvy, and while the plot doesn't really tread any new ground or uncover any brilliant wisdom, it's a perfectly fine showcase for some cool effects. I have certainly seen significantly worse found footage movies.
We joked (but it's totally true) that this movie and What We Do in the Shadows should be essential viewing for newbie Vampire: The Masquerade players -- the "what you think the game will be like" vs "what the game is actually like" experiences.
My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell It To (2020) was written and directed by Jonathan Cuartas. It's about two siblings struggling to care for the, uh, special needs of their younger brother. Needs that involve, among other things, not exposing him to sunlight and routinely killing people so he can drink their blood.
Let me just get this part out of the way: this is not a "true horror" type movie. For that part of the dice roll, it fails. I did really like it, though. It's the sort of film I enjoy a lot -- a tiny cast, minimal settings, microbudget indie film with a primary focus on character interaction, dialogue-driven storytelling, rich atmosphere and compelling, messy themes that get explored without a clear resolution.
I think most of those type of movies fall under the "mumblecore" genre. Around here we just call them Tiana Movies, and I fucking love them.
Anyway. So the central conflict of this film is that vampirism is a chronic, debilitating disease, and however tragic and sweet their baby brother is, being his full-time caretakers has begun to take a tremendous toll on the older siblings. Caring for him is an unreasonable ask -- they have to find new victims all the time, run a perpetual risk of being caught or injured in the process, and their lifestyle forces them into social isolation and poverty. It's not fair that they have to do this. But if they don't, who will? There is no security net in place to protect baby vampires.
The movie lingers on the painful realities of this "unmovable object, unstoppable force" conundrum, winding its way toward an inevitable tragic conclusion. But in painting the situation as hopeless, I think the film actually shines a light on all the many ways their situation could have been better -- which is, I think, the function of a really good tragedy.
I'm curious to hear people's reads on this movie through a lens of ableism, because on the one hand it is bleak in its resolutions...but on the other hand, I think the question it asks is a valid one. It's a movie that leaves you with a lot to think about, if you let yourself engage with the material.
I think it would make an excellent double feature with Lamb, for reasons that are difficult to articulate but which feel very accurate. If anybody has seen this movie, please come talk to me about it.
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