#i dont have headphones w me rn so itll have to wait until i get back home tho
im-smart-i-swear · 9 months
♪ for Buddy
oh you hit the jackpot with this one, buddy has the most songs i associate them with out of all my guys.........
(also some of these also apply to kuron too cause i kinda lump these two together(since technically theyre the same character. technically..)
'The Moon Will Sing' by the crane wives - ........ i dont have to explain anything here, you already know<3333
'Joe' by AJR - okay i feel like i need to explain a little here- this song is about trying to move on from your past and insisting that you dont care about your old friends/colleagues' ' approval anymore except surprise!! you do. a lot. so this is a song i feel like encapsulates buddys relationship with team voltron pretty well! buddy tries very hard to convince themself that they dont care about their old friends (and that they never did in the first place) as a coping mechanism, but deep down they still care.
'Saint Bernard 2' by Lincoln - this is buddy reminiscing about all of their past actions and mistakes years after the fact and making peace with themself about it. they hurt people and suffered and made stupid decisions, and they propably will again- but thats okay. theyre not the black paladin anymore. that time of their life is over. they will always carry a piece of that time with them though, and thats okay
(The last two are more Kuron-coded than anything but i'm putting them here anyway)
'Burn Him Down' by Kitsch Club - this song makes me think about how kuron is seen as disposable to haggar (and his friends) and was something to get rid of once he stopped serving his purpose?? idk if this makes sense but. yeah..
'Zamki na piasku' - Lady Pank - this song is in polish so im gonna explain- the plot is about a famous celebrity who snaps and becomes a terrorist i think??? it has motives of being a cog on the machine and how people percieve fame and i think that suits Kuron/buddy a lot
Thanks for asking bestie<333
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