#i dont know how to write high stakes! or fights!! im just blundering about hoping i dont give someone three arms bc i added a punch somewher
scribble-blog · 4 years
Soulmate AU part 8!!!
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“I need you to call your father, Wayne,” Ivy hissed, hand over the slowly growing red spot on her side. “And tell him that Scarecrow and his thugs have decided to trash up my gardens.” She spat the words furiously for someone who was starting to look paler than the Joker’s clown makeup. “Get your date out of here while you can.”
From the crashing sound behind Ivy, that wasn’t possible.
“Miss,” Marinette moved forward. “Let Damian call for help. You need medical attention.”
Ivy just laughed at that, wincing. “Yeah.”
Damian’s hands had been on his phone since Ivy showed up, dialing Alfred’s number and letting the call roll, knowing that he would hear everything and send whoever could help. He should be getting away from them, trying to change so Robin could come help-
Marinette’s eyes just narrowed. “You’re bleeding out.” With much more force than Damian thought she could exert with her tiny frame, she pulled Ivy forward, down to the bench, and then started tearing away the edges of the shirt that was soaked with red. “Damian. Call for help.”
He made a show of pulling the phone out, pretended to dial, and then held it up. Alfred spoke up.
“Master Bruce is already on his way. Masters Jason and Tim as well.”
“Alfred,” he said, playacting it out. “Something is going on at the gardens. Pam’s been shot and said that it’s Scarecrow.”
“ETA seven minutes, Master Damian. Apologies that this disrupted your date.”
Said ‘date’ was ripping the hem of her own dress into strips, while helping Ivy maintain pressure on the wound, then winding the bandages around her with a precision that spoke to past experience.
“Thank you, Alfred. We’ll sit tight, and try to stay out of sight.”
He didn’t end the call. It was far better to have the line open in case anything else went down.
“That’s as much as I can do,” Marinette said, face set in determination. “Is there anyway we can get you out and to some actual medical personnel?”
Ivy made a face. “You’ve done plenty, kid. I’ll probably be just fine.”
“You’ve been shot!” Marinette’s voice went high with outrage.
“Looky here,” a voice from the door called out.
Damian faced the idiot. Hulking figure, gun-toting. Typical.
“We got a Wayne, a girl, and Ivy, holed up in the back,” he spoke into an earpiece. “The three of you are coming with me.”
“Monsieur,” Marinette spoke up coldly. “This woman is shot, still bleeding. I will not allow you to move her.”
With a feeling like ice water down his back, he realized he couldn’t actually leave. This girl wouldn’t last face to face with a goon, let alone Scarecrow. Damian stood beside her. “Marinette, these men are dangerous. Don’t antagonize them.”
“Listen to the boy, sweetheart,” the man growled, getting up close in her face. “Now, you and Wayne are gonna help her up, and bring her to the front. If she passes out or dies, I guess you drag the body. Understood?”
Damian can feel it right before she decides to do something, and he tries to move before it happens to preempt whatever retaliation for her snark is incoming.
And then without words, she drives one hand up into his face, her knee into his crotch, and uses his doubling over to sweep his legs out from under him. With one swift movement, she pulls his head forward and then bashes it back to the floor. The man’s eyes roll up in his head.
Damian is left, if he is being honest, a little breathless. He’d completely forgotten that Drake had said she’d been able to take him down. Between her small stature and innocent appearance, she seemed so...
“Damian,” Marinette says levelly. “Check the hallway. We need to move to a different room.”
Well. He supposed he won’t ever make the mistake of calling her harmless.
He does as she asks, without question. He’s caught halfway between disbelief and high elation. Marinette had seemed sweet and funny and smart in their quiet awkward conversation, but this was- he let himself be pleasantly surprised by just how relieved he was that his soulmate knew how to protect herself.
And watching her take down a guy easily two times her size was, to be frank, very attractive.
“Clear for now,” he told her lowly. She was helping up Ivy. “Let’s take the left, it’s a slightly longer route to the front so we should have a bit more time to hide.”
Before, he would’ve been surprised by her taking most of Ivy’s weight as she helped her walk. Now, it made sense, even if her height made the image unusual.
“Where’s the biggest tree in this place?”
His head whipped towards her. “Too close to the front. We won’t make it.”
“Side exits?”
“Can’t risk them. Probably has men outside.”
“Dark room for night blooming plants?”
Ivy, pale with a thin sheen of sweat, looked up. “Three rooms down on the right. Smart gal you picked up, Wayne.”
He could only nod, starting to lead them. Ivy’s labored breath was too loud, but there wasn’t much they could do.
“Stop,” Marinette breathed, and Damian did so without hesitation. He pushed himself against the wall as Marinette did her best to do the same, Ivy leaning against the wall and her shoulder.
He heard the footsteps a moment after. Three sets. Marinette tensed and he waited.
She met his eyes, and he nodded at her, reassuring the best he can. She straightened though, so it mustn’t have been too bad.
The footsteps were too close. He took a centering breath, and leapt the moment he saw movement.
The first man went down easily, the second fumbling with his gun long enough for Damian to disarm him and send him flying, joining his friend in a heap against the wall. The third man was raising his gun even as Damian spun back to him, but before he could do anything Marinette was there, one hand chopping against his exposed throat, the other wrenching the gun away.
The man couldn’t recover enough to retaliate before Damian crossed the divide and delivered a blow that knocked him unconscious.
“Thanks,” Marinette breathed out, just a bit to close to him. His eyes met hers again and that electric current returned, sharp and steady between them even with no contact.
Ivy coughed.
Damian turned away instantly. Marinette slipped right back into steadying Ivy, and they continued to the correct room without any further interruptions.
The room wasn’t in total darkness- there were flowers, grasses, and mosses that exuded faint bioluminescence, but the soft glow did little to actually illuminate the room. If anything, it cast the shadows darker, leaving every shadow absolute.
It was brilliant.
Marinette was already feeling along, finding somewhere dark and soft for Ivy to recline. Damian skulked after them, one eye on the door and the other on his phone. The call was still open, Alfred waiting on the other end. Ivy was quiet enough now that he didn’t dare break the silence to speak to him.
He received an ETA text of two minutes. He could only hope that they wouldn’t check this room.
They would though.
And Damian would be ready when they did.
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