#i dont know quoting all billys and mullet guys mentioned in this
idjitlili · 2 years
Billy Joels ass.
Billy Hargrove x reader.
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Pairings: Billy Hargrove x reader, slight Robin Buckley x reader.
Summary: The over consumption of alcohol normally was regretful the next day, but what if it wasn't? Straddling had never been so hot.
Word count: 2051
Warnings: Drinking, making out, straddling, language and sex references.
A/n: Recently that scene with Dean Winchester riding the bull will not leave my mind. Also,  Billy lives au because yes he deserves to. Short, I came up with this half asleep and wrote it in 10 hours, unedited.GIFS MADE BY ME FROM A VIDEO.
Eddie Munson now friends with Steve Harrington,  even though the slight jealously Steve holds against Eddie due to his relationship with Dustin. Steve had dragged Eddie to a bar, a country bar, think all wooden , bull machine, along with you and Robin. With the argument 'you are 21 and your hanging out with like 15 year olds, kinda looks pedo ish if you don't hang out with people your age.' Steve was not the best at wording speeches.
Steve having  to stay sober to drive all three of you home ( home being his house because that was just easier).  Sat in a booth, it was not long for, well you and Robin, to get considerably drunk.  The round wooden table in the centre marked in rings from glasses , scratched with carvings. Robin and Eddie next to you and Steve in front of Robin.
With the alcohol flowing through your veins both you and Robin had became incredibly flirty and touchy.   Steve and Eddie talking amongst themselves. Then that one song started to play, that one song that just really picks you up and makes either really horny or excited or both.
Robin had turned to you quickly, with her lips twirled up into a grin, her hair flipping around her face as she did. Her eyes meeting yours.
" I love this song."
"Me too.." The two of you locked eyes for what felt like a life time before Robin had whusoered really loud. " Should we kiss?"  That definitely peaked the attention of your two friends, and another individual that none of you had seen yet. Not far away sat Billy Hargrove sat at a small table by himself.
Moments later you were sat straddling Robin, with your hands in her dirty blonde hair, ber hands roaming your body before settling on your ass.  Your lips colliding with her roughly, starting out with quick pecks. Her lips were soft, you could date the vanilla lipbalm mixed with the beer she had not long before.
Steve and Eddie had turned to look at each other briefly in shock, before turning back to you both. Steves eyes had travelled around the crowded roadhouse to see if anyone had noticed. Thats when his eyes had met Billys pale blue eyes, pupils dilated at the scene in front of him. Steve was far from impressed that Billy was getting of at the sight of two of his bestfriends making out. His hand clenching around the glass of coke.
Sharply she had gripped your ass harder, causing you let out a quite loud moan.  Billy chuckle could be heard from your table jot that you and Robin took notice, too wrapped up with Robins tongue down your throat.  Hearing Billy just angered Steve further. Yes it was nice of him to sacrifuce his life to save El. One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness. Though, Billy was trying to be better, he had proof that, he had , especially to Max.
"Girls, girls. Y/n! Robin!" Still nothing, Steves voice was like harshed shout , his tone panaic. Leaning over the table he had pressed his hand on your shoulder causing you to pull away from Robin.  You stared at him with confusion.  Smacking his lips together once before speaking.
" Billy Hargrove is watching you." You had thought to say oh let him look I don't care but you didn't. Eddie had noticed only when Steve had said that Billy's eyes were trained on you.
Turning your head scanning the room your eyes had caught onto Billys gaze. Smirk painted on his face, he sent you a little wave. Wearing his tight blue jeans, and a dark blue button up shirt only 3/4 of it buttoned. His tanned chest exposed, not as much as he used to, the injuries he suffered were very serious and all on his torso. It was unlike Billy to button up that many buttons.
Climbing over Robin you stood from the booth your feet touching the hardwood floors as you headed towards Billy. Your friends watching you. "What is she doing?" Though, Robin unbothered was just dancing in her seat, like that scene in perfect with Jamie lee Curtis znd John Travolta. Not before you ran back unsteadly to ruffle up Steves hair messing it up, then walking over to Billy.
"My hair!" Steves hands imediately going to fix his hair not before he pulled out a pocket mirror, still going on about how long it takes him to get it just right.
"Hey, Billy Ray cyrus." Billy only shook his head in disapproval, still a small hint of smile on his face.
"Heya, sweetcheeks. Didn't know you had a girlfriend." You just stared at him for a moment.
" Girlfriend? I d-don't have a girlfriend." Your words slightly slurred, Billy gestured behind with a nod causing you to look back to see Robin laughing loudly at Steve who was srill fixing his hair.
"Oohh, we were just having fun, are you not having fun, Billyyyy?" Before he could answer you had latched on his hand making him get up dragging him to the big bull. Turning to Billy look at Billy who just smirked down at you.
"You want to ride it?" The hidden mean between his words was obvious to a person who was sober. The way his hand rested on mid of your spine.
"No, I want youuu to ride it." He tilted his head , his lips up in subtle agreement. Think of Dean Winchesters agreement nod like that , if you were from 2022 and watched supernatural you might have known.
"Alright." Before you could even blink Billy was up ontop of that robotic bull with his charming smile, his checks bunched up as he showed his teeth in his smile. Winking at you turning his head to Steve who was was watching with great interest , he was so looking forward to seeing Billy being flung off that bull.
"This for you, babe." Flirtatiously blowing Steve a kiss the machine started up. Steve only scoffed in return doing that frowny face he makes with his eyebrows raised.
With one hand on the bar, the next five minutes Billy graciousfully rode that bull. You had sobered up really quick His hips almost moving in slow motion, his tight jeans presenting everything, his ass thursting up as the bull moved roughly. The smirk still pastered on his face, he made it look easy, though in some points he'd go back to pouting. His arm waving in the air with each blow, shooting you a toothy grin as he sent you a thumps up.
To say the least Steve was very disappointed. Though, he could help but admit to himself that he understood why so many people in highschool and now still gushed over his ass. Should he get tight jeans?
Particularly, you hadn't liked Billy Hargrove at all before starcourt. But performing an act like that showed that he wasn't heartless like most would say. Weeks after that Max had became happier, when she was dropped off at one of the kids hangout location there was no speeding off, no slamming doors and no yelling. Max would tell the party frequently that he she would have to go because Billy was getting her or that Billy was taking her for a milkshake. Something deeper than his heroic act had occurred between them that you nor any of the party knew allowed their relationship to blossom.
Billy had even came into the video store when you had been there visiting Steve and Robin or deciding on a video to pick movies out. Asking what films the kids liked or what Max would like. Even asking for your opinion.
That's when it started, your feelings for Billy. Yes, he was always hot, if someone says he isn't, they are lying. Didn't help the fact well, his Billy Joel worthy ass, okay Billy Joel has a nice ass okay? No really, Billy is very pretty the freckles dotted across his face, his long dark eyelashs, his thick eyebrows and River phoenix button nose. Plus, deep down he was sweet guy even if he didn't show it.
The small talk began at the video store at first, then it was everytime he dropped Max off, asking for you. Or accidentally bumping into you saying something along the lines of " I didn't know you'd be here." Even though the person he had asked like Robin or Dustin or anyone had reported bzck that he had asked. Then, he'd drop by your house, ask if 6ou need a ride, need a ride home, he even asked for your number. He had taken an interest in you and you didn't know why.
You'd recommend each other cassettes , hell not that he'd ever admit it but he made you a mixtape. 'Orgasm catalysts. - Billy x' That one kiss you questioned, it was purposeful and clear and the title? Wow.
Anyways you had fallen for Billy, and you had kept it secret from everyone. Billy knew he so knew you were oblivious to that, he hadn't made a move thinking he wasn't good enough. He did love you, he never thought he would love someone other than his mother , or Max. He just wanted to prove that he wasn't a douchebag.
After the five minutes were up, the bull stopped, swing his leg over and jumping down from the bull Billy made his way back to you. Shooting one fist in the air like John Bender in breakfast club receiving cheers. He was proud with himseof, using more swing in his walk,a sly smile.
"Billy Idol, that was bodacious."
"Oh, was it?" In that short time he had gotten right in your personal space almost pressing his body against you. His hot breath on your neck the other on chin pressing a quick peck to your cheek. You didn't answer him jusf stared at him his eyes penatrating yours.
"I know what you think, everyone one could see, you do love to stare don't you? Filthy girl."
Pupils dilated again , eyes full of lust as yoyr chests felt hot, not only that but the chill that ran down your spine opening the dam. Wet.
"Oh, like you're so innocent like you weren't doing the same when I was with Robin."
"Touchè." You wanted to scream at him to kiss you but you didn't.
"Can I kiss you, Y/n. Properly?" His hand now cupping your cheek, he brushed the hair that had fallen into your face with his other hand gently. Only nodding at Billy, your knees weak, gulping once more. That is all he needed before he pressed his lips against your, his rough skin on his thumb rubbing gently against your face. Lips moving slowly, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist, his warmth radiating off him like a fire, pulling away slow
"Y/n?!" Steve as usual unimpressed, lacing your fingers between Billy you back to the table.
" Wow, you get all the action, L/n." Eddie at the borh both his arms resting on the back of the seating sunglasses on , smorking only, totally unbothered.
" No more 'drunk' kissing, babe." Robins voice less slurred, even using air quotation marks, it was fun to pretend to be super drunk just to kiss. Moving over Robin allowed you and Billy to sit at the booth. Hands still interlaced as Steve leaned over using his ' intimidating' face, giving Billy the stink eye.
"Now 'babe', I have some questions about 'this' , you answer." Mocking his ealier words, and gestured a circle with his point finger around the both of you, steve proceeded with his protective nature.
" If you don't, someone will bite your dick off, understood?"
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