#i dont know why i keep on making these wilderlore posts so LONG
rocket-220 · 8 months
I just realised that Tadg, poor, poor Tadg, has had two beasts bond with him because they felt like it.
Viola has two beasts she wanted, and sure, Barclay didn't want to bond with Root but it certainly worked out well for him, and it's not like he was going to bond with any kind of beast anyhow.
But Tadg grew up in the Lorekeeper world, and so he would've probably been thinking what kind of beast he wanted (seeing as he was 10/11-ish) when he watched his father get murdered and then have his father's beast bond with him. And he did call Mar-Mar a monster.
And then he got Toadles, whom he also didn't want, and while that is working out fine enough, he still has never had the opportunity to bond with a beast he actually wants- he just got whatever was shoved his way.
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