#thanks for coming to my ted-talk
rocket-220 · 5 months
I just realised that Tadg, poor, poor Tadg, has had two beasts bond with him because they felt like it.
Viola has two beasts she wanted, and sure, Barclay didn't want to bond with Root but it certainly worked out well for him, and it's not like he was going to bond with any kind of beast anyhow.
But Tadg grew up in the Lorekeeper world, and so he would've probably been thinking what kind of beast he wanted (seeing as he was 10/11-ish) when he watched his father get murdered and then have his father's beast bond with him. And he did call Mar-Mar a monster.
And then he got Toadles, whom he also didn't want, and while that is working out fine enough, he still has never had the opportunity to bond with a beast he actually wants- he just got whatever was shoved his way.
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 7 months
I like how in Wreck-it-Ralph nobody understood what Ralph was trying to say
Wreck it Raplh kinda struggled to express himself. What he wanted was to be liked and accepted. But he thought it is inevitable because he is a bad guy in his game.
He knew all along what the problem is. The nicelanders (and not just them) couldn't sepatrate his role in the show, from his actual person and threated him like an actuall vilian.
But Ralp is a simple guy and he had problem with fully formulating the thought. Just like the others he blamed his role, when the problem was the approach.
He ask them. "Why won't you let me be on that cake?" What he meant was "Why are you pushing me away?"
"Why can't I get a medal?" "Why am I never apprecieated for making our game run?"
"Because you are a bad guy! You don't get medals!"
And then he got the challenge. Go get a medal, and we will give you a penthouse. It was a bet. If he won he would win the right to live in a penthouse.
But he undersood it as "If you come back with a medal you will get accepted". Being accepted wasn't a part of the bet he had with Jin but he was completely convinced it would do that. Because he was not the guy that thinks twice. He was rushing forward.
If he came back stright form the "Heroes Duty" without delay, he would come back to still inhabited house. He would likely get that apartament but nothing else. No cake, no kudos.
They would just despise him from up close. Being force to live with him upstairs would proppably just make matters worse because nicelanders would be constantly annoing with his stomping and breaking furniture.
It was by the end of the movie in the prison when Raph found a way to explain to Felix what his problem is. It helped that Felix himself yell it in his face.
"Everybody are treating me like trash?! Its horrible!!"
"Ye, I know this. This is why I ran away and acted out. You guys treat me this way."
And Felix listened. He was not the sharpest hammer in the toolbox either but he finally got the message. Felix never actually seemed to hate Ralph but he did nothing to snand up for him. He seemed to play paceamaker by keeping nicelanders and Ralph away from each other. Once he understood he changed his behaviour.
And when he, the heroic figure talked to nicelanders they changed their ways too.
Felix fixed it.
Ralph didn't need to change. But everybody needed to understand the issue.
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filthyjoetini · 8 months
sometimes writing is hard.
English is not my first language. My first language isn’t even a language but a dialect without grammar and the language we learn in school is adapted to the country I live in. On a daily basis we converse in dialect and I tend to forget the standardised words for some dialect sayings.
Then I just sit there trying to google the standardised saying with my weird dialect saying and then try to translate it.
Today: losing breath because you fell and hit your head ✌️ we have a fucking word for that in my dialect! MAIN LANGUAGE DOESN’T! RUDE!
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orgasming-caterpillar · 7 months
"fuck it we ball" is for stress about the future "it is what it is" is for stress about the past and "this too shall pass" is for stress about the present thank you for coming to my TED talk
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thinkingabout-girls · 2 months
rating these laios hugs out of 10 cause they are quite possibly the funniest things i have ever seen
(please note this is not based on laios’s efforts it’s just rating the overall hug)
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senshi hug: 10/10. that’s a solid hug right there. bit awkward with the height difference but they made it work
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chilchuck hug: 5/10. i’ve been laughing at this for 10 minutes. an effort was made. points have been awarded for an obvious attempt at making chilchuck more comfortable but still is still the awkwardest hug i’ve ever seen. it is painfully obvious that laios once attempted to crouch down to hug chilchuck and received a kick to the nuts and was cursed out for 20 minutes, and has adapted to this so that chilchuck doesn’t kill laios or himself
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marcille hug: 8/10. this is the way i hug my relatives that i don’t see very often at family events but it’s still a solid hug
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shuro hug: 2/10. this is a great hug but points have been deducted because shuro is a bastard man
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falin hug: 1000/10. THAT is a hug and it’s a damn good one. very obvious sibling love right there we love to see it
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kabru hug: ???/10. what the fuck is this. what’s with the christian side hug. why are you gently holding his tit what’s wrong with you
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the-phantom-peach · 11 months
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🗣️ huh?? what do you mean I haven’t posted any Link signing propaganda yet??
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hattersarts · 10 months
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im already at the south downs cottage guys, catch up
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novahedron · 5 months
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Joke that makes sense only to me and one (1) singular friend + live Martin and Tim reaction The vaguely referenced image:
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I feel like the aftg fandom has just swung hard from one mischaracterization of Neil to another.
Yes, Neil is not an innocent little soft-boy like a lot of fans made him out to be pre-TSC, but he isn't some cold, calculated badass either.
He took out a hit on Grayson over Thai food. He doodles fox paws in his notebooks and hates vegetables. He insults FBI agents' parking jobs and he spent a bus ride staring over the back of his seat making heart eyes at his boyfriend. He manipulated the agents while eating takeout in the interrogation room. He canonically internally panics and overthinks the entire time he's attempting to manipulate anyone. He uses people's family trauma to manipulate them. He misses his mom.
Neil Abram Josten is a multifaceted character
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tims-missing-spleen · 3 months
(I like to think that) Lex Luthor gets clowned on by literally everyone, and Bruce is the absolute worst.
Like he'll attend an event and a literal millisecond later, Bruce will roll up and steal all the attention. And when they're inside, him or one of his crazy "children" will "accidentally" spill very red wine all over his expensive ass suit.
And what can Lex even do?
Last time he retaliated and mildly shoved Bruce, the man very dramatically flung himself across the room and fell straight into a table. He hadn't even gotten hurt- not a single bruise or cut- but that drama queen didn't appear in public for an entire month after the incident. The backlash Lex had gotten was so not worth it.
And it doesn't stop there. His kids join in on the "fun" and bully him too.
Tim permanently bans him from all the platforms owned by Wayne enterprisese, which is like borderline illegal, so Lex sues and somehow always loses.
Jason Duke and Steph team up and make it a game to throw things on his head without him realising. And when Luthor catches one of them, he can't even shout at them or whatnot cause hes actually scared shitless. Jason, the absolute tank of a man, just grins at him while placing his hands on the very noticeable gun at his hip. Duke and Steph stand on either side of him, gripping literal knives in their hands.
Damian just outright walks up to him and begins insulting him in a couple of different languages. He always gives Lex a final disgusted look before turning and walking off.
Dick might seem the sweetest, approaching him while smiling in that nice way of his. He's the worst, though, cause he always makes sure to bring a few reporters with him before he innocently starts outing Lex's latest evil scheme in front of the audience. He makes sure to bring solid evidence of the nefarious plans, but right at the end, he goes, "idk I could be wrong," before shrugging and walling off.
Cassandra doesn't do much, but she's definitely the scariest. Whenever Lex has had enough and is about to call a hit on Bruce, she appears out of nowhere, stares straight at him, and just shakes her head while saying, "No. Regret"
Basically, Lex Luthor, public enemy #1, gets (justifiably) bullied by the entirety of the human population (honestly, only the Waynes).
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wow-its-me · 3 months
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reliabledragon · 1 year
To me, the best embodiment of modern capitalism is in the phrase "please hold, we are experiencing higher than usual call volume". I know it's a lie. You know it's a lie. But you still hear that line every time you call, regardless of the day or time, because it shifts the blame. It tries to prompt you to blame the other callers instead of asking, "Hey, why are they deliberately understaffing their call centers and making it so difficult to get help?" It takes a failing caused by a deliberate, profit-focused management choice, and turns it into a problem with the people using the system, rather than one with the system itself. And that pattern, to me, is the epitome of the modern corporate system.
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azfellschild · 7 months
Good and Evil wrestling, with Evil triumphing
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bit different from my latest work but something in me told me i needed to draw this
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yeehawgeek · 29 days
say it with me now:
he is actually pretty smart, you don’t become a demolitions expert without being smart
he is also like 100% the most emotionally intelligent of the entire batch
just because he has a childlike wonder and love of life doesn’t mean he’s dumb
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thegrickus · 1 year
So far one of the biggest differences between reddit and tumblr for me is that there's no pressure to create a "good" post. There's no button to reduce the number of notes a post has (unless you're the source of one of those notes, which I mean hey, you gave me these imaginary internet numbers in the first place, feel free to rescind them for any reason).
There's no bots that will automatically delete my post because I didn't have 10,000 tumbloints, users don't seem to come out of the woodwork to disparage your post if it doesn't meet some invisible standard of content (and if they do you can just block them)
I've had a reddit account for 14 years and I think you can already get a better picture of who I am as a person in my less then 12 hours of tumblr shitblogging.
Anyway, thanks tumblr friends for being so welcoming.
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that feeling when you accidentally hit on the mother of the reincarnated guardian moon princess who you've sworn to protect until the next silver millennium
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