#i dont like podcasts where its mostly just people hanging out i cant pay attention to them sorry. im boring
alivehouse · 4 months
can anyone rec me some good like educational type podcasts. trying to not lose my mind on my long drive to work 🙏
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introisms · 5 years
*   ☆  ◞  PARK CHAEYOUNG. DEMIGIRL. SHE/THEY.  ◟  wait, wasn’t that RYAN KIM? they’re a/n TWENTY TWO year old SOPHMORE, hailing from STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK. i heard they’ve chosen to study MATHEMATICS AND STATS MAJOR while living at KAPPA THETA XI . word around campus is that they’re LOYAL & GOOFY but also quite OBLIVIOUS & LONGWINDED. if you happen to see them walking to class with their earbuds in, they’re probably listening to LOTTERY by KALI UCHIS. ( PINTEREST )
gifted kids who kind of became fuck ups later in life make some noise!! yeah if you were a casual friend of ryan’s you probably wouldnt know it, that they are actually insanely smart. its only in books really, they’re super oblivious to anything in the real world yeah its definitely gotten them walked over in the passed. it wouldnt be hard to use them since they mean well and get attached to people a little bit too easy. stupid himbo
theyre part of the earth club even though they accidently killed their plants in the past from over watering them, its kind of sad honestly that they want to have a green thumb so badly but they literally wilt around them. yeah they definitely are a little bit of a vsco girl - hydroflask that they definitely stole and a metal straw that folds out of their hemp backpack.
theyre very honest about if they like you are not while theyre nice and friendly if they dont like you or theyre mad at you they will not hold their tongue and they do not care if you like them. honestly they do have a very couldn’t care less attitude towards a lot of things. theyre just not affraid to speak their mind no matter the situation.
yup stealing, ryan comes from a upperclass family so this probably started when they were younger and their parents would withold their allowance but it kind of turned into a really bad habit. theyve gotten into a lot of trouble for it like actual cops once but they batted their pretty eyes and got away with nothing but community service. they sneak into concerts, movies, dine and dash resturants constantly and no walmart or target or convenience store is safe from their sticky fingers. yes this includes test answers ;)
theyre a middle child and it defintiely shows, their dumbass chaotic nature was definitely born out of being neglected and forgotten about. living in a shadow wasnt the greatest for them and then not even getting the attention of being a baby for long by their mom and dad. they play it off as just being goofy and playful most of the time but they get up to some serious trouble all the time.
ryan is longwinded by far - they could talk forever it makes it easy for them to be an advocate for what they love which they do all the time. whether it be from the campy 80s horror movies that they love or art that they love to do. yes it can get annoying does this enby ever take a breath? it truly doesnt seem like they do. sometimes you may just want to ask them to stop talking just to get a bit of peace and quiet.
theyre president of kappa theta xi and they do take that a bit seriously they didnt think they would at first really they only joined it because their mother was an alumni to the house but all the way down to the 68% classiness they embody the house. yes their room is a wreck and on the weekends they’re known to get messy and maybe tping and graffiting one of the fraternities when theyre drunk but thats all part of the experience.
ryan is on a few sports teams as well, soccer and lacrosse they were never too much of a sports kid growing up but they used to go to soccer camp as a teen and honestly that was one of the first times their ass made out with a girl so it holds a special place in their gay sentimental heart and lacrosse was something that they picked up along the way from knowing some of those on the team.
theyre demi girl and and have no super preference between their pronouns as long as you are not refering to them as a woman or girl or feminizing them that is fine with them. they are very secure in their gender identity and while they definitely align with being femme sometimes they refuse to be seen as such. family doesnt know and they never have intention of telling them as they were raised in a very religious and catholic home but ryan is so friendly and open they are easy to share their story with and usually starts it off by saying gender is a myth created by the church to stop you from eating the communion wafers.
they pretty much drink only black coffee energy drinks and on mondays those are usually spiked in the morning yes that means theyre not paying attention in morning stat classes but is that really that big of a deal? to them no even though its made their grades slip in the past but so does them staying up all night trying to solve cold cases and listening to ghost story podcasts.
theyre entire wardrobe is only black jeans and platform boots and shirts with the ugliest prints on them. yes they are pretty much a gay goth dad on vacation that is their ideal aesthetic. during the colder months its worn denim jackets on top of that and call it a day.
terrible for speaking first and thinking later they joke constantly about things like eating dirt that their fish brain is pleased. theyre a bit strange but they try to make it come across as endearing as possible. the things they say arent always jokes some of it is very real. this also goes for impulsive decisions like doing someones stick and poke tattoo at a party or wanting to go bungee jumping.
they come across cocky and narcissistic at times, saying that they are a god and cant be killed theyve convinced themselves that theyre pretty much untouchable. sometimes being up your own ass is not always a good thing but truly who is going to clock them? some one might have too.
exes ( any gender ) though ryan is mostly into coochie they have and are not against dating c*ck owners. ryan is the type to be infatuated fast and then get bored and get over it just as quickly so i would say theyve been a serial dater in that respect. this probably doesnt always happen so we could definitely say your muse broke up with them.
childhood friends for the new york area theyve lived in multiple different boroughs of new yorks mostly manhattan and staten island from moving here and there. so definitely could have known them when they were younger.
camp friends. they went to soccer camp where they had their first kiss with a girl and math camp where they got lost in the woods and bible camp where they definitely ate a page of the bible LMDSLMSDLDSLM so that would be fun.
party friends they definitely party a lot ryan is known to get a little bit too wild and do stupid shit and really needs someone to make sure they dont hurt themselves. this also goes for not just party but they dont sleep a lot so this could go for someone who goes out to get food with them at like three am and hang out at a park eating it
siblings!! they have two siblings an older and a younger and i would suuuuuuuper love them please!
someone who they tutor and have just stolen answer to exams for them they dont always ask for payment but they do ask for ious.
snuck them into a concert with them and maybe they drank when they were too young and ended up almost in trouble with the cops because they got caught. or just generally they dine and dash together or movie hop or go and do dumb shit together.
crushes they can be mutual or one sided i really dont mind. like i said before ryan kind of gets crushes really easily so i super dont mind who is on either side of the crush.
they stole your muses bike and they caught them LSMDLSMDLMDSLM
they stayed up one night and tried to fully solve a cold case even went to the library so late that they got kicked out. it was a long night full of energy drinks and crazy theories. they still do this sometimes now.
pen pals theyve written letters to each other all the time and still do even now. sometimes ryan send them really weird things like paper dolls but theyre equations for them to hang up on their walls or just little letters that say sweet things in them.
honestly anything works your muse could even hate them because they think ryan is kind of annoying or fake because they have a tendency to be overly nice and friendly to everyone.
tinder date/ set ups that either led to something or didnt
good friend who hacked their instagram one night and started responding to dms just funny doesnt have to been anything crude. they do it to each other some nights like just hang out
hookups. good or bad. one night stand or on going.
or anything im down for brainstorming!! :D
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