#i dont love the doodle but it was fun regardless sooo WOOHOO
linkito · 28 days
ok listen. listen. i need this. i love this.
kiss prompt #22 in a rush of adrenaline. (scariannnn)
“Scar!” Grian exclaims, rushing toward his soulmate with newfound urgency.
The death was already wholly destabilizing, made worse by feeling every ounce of pain and panic Scar was experiencing while being unceremoniously torn apart by zombies, but to make matters even more terrible, Scar hadn’t slept in the same bed as him to respawn. 
Of course he didn’t. 
They hadn’t shared a bed at all since this whole game began, even though they had before, almost as if the soulbound only served to drag them apart.
That meant that after the agonizing experience of a shared death, the two of them woke up separated. Grian has no idea where his partner was, left alone with their pursuers, who luckily decided to show an ounce of mercy as he picked up their scattered supplies with trembling hands. 
But as soon as he spotted Scar on the horizon, he dropped everything and ran, heart pounding in his throat from lingering fear and the ever-growing anxiety that maybe Scar wouldn’t return at all.
Which leads to him calling out his soulmate’s name in desperation, leaping to meet him the moment he sees Scar open his arms in a slightly reserved offering. His eyes are downcast, pointed ears drooped in shame, but Grian barely registers it before he’s flapping his wings with what little strength he can muster in their clipped state and practically tackling Scar. 
Scar stumbles backward a few steps with a slight yelp, momentarily startled, but then more pleasantly surprised than anything to find his partner cling to his chest, hands gripping tight to any bunching of fabric he can find.
“G?” Scar asks, voice almost timid, and Grian finds that he doesn’t like that tone at all.
It doesn’t belong. It isn’t right.
He grabs Scar’s face and kisses it right off of him, leaving his soulmate absolutely reeling to catch up with the rush of adrenaline Grian is experiencing right now.
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It’s rushed and awkward, lips pressed together a little too hard. And though it takes a second, Scar snaps out of his stupor, grabbing hold of Grian’s cheek as he leans in further, returning the kiss much more softly, but with an equal amount of fervor--
And then Grian is immediately pulling away, as if the mere concept of Scar actually returning the affection was not something he had accounted for, causing him to recoil as his face flushes red, eyes quickly averting Scar’s gaze.
Suddenly, he’s terrified once again.
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