#i dont make the rules but this righ t there
swagginmun · 1 year
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babyawacs · 3 years
@starwars @disney @startrek if #starwars #princess es visit br oken places draw a triangle. make a little tiny top peak separ ated as top tiny triangle. paintit golden.  if starwarsprinces ses look at the brokenplaces the control of everything is orga nised as inthebook. the milkable peak can be fools and victim s too very. it helps to think each realm as planet  each secur ity controlzone realm group controls or exploits their populatio n by their own rules and tricks each have their own way. and youca n fall very hard andverydeep into v e r y dangerous and abysmal things. *********** tha t is like a higher in food chain and lower in foodchain but each bunch has their own bs and stig mas all are semi autistic but are highlyinterconnected so tothe th ings broadly known ******** itis all so b ad          that everyone is a victim if not careful evenmoreso  it massextincts every five years like rain falls on everyone itdoesntmatter how good or bad  all theycando is hide then  and forthat theyneed good dependable friends so it brings us back to n e t w o r k s  //// ho ooooowmany analysises and developments didthey cook away inthi s case and dothey know what kindof head they damage withtheir bs *********** that is like a higher in food chain and lower in foodchain but each bunch has their own bs and stigmas all are semi autistic but are highlyint erconnected so tothe things broadly known ********* ///// di fferent realms sort with different methods and each have their own stigmas and burdens. so for onebunch this stigma is typical for others that stigma but it doesnotmake it so theyare semi autistic example: for one bunch cooking the forehead of its p opulation  brainregions called analysis development their stigma is underdeveloped fool but for more sophisticated ones befor e  more internationalones  that know people andtheir types too its another thing youcan guide semi autistic groups to find o ut by does piano and edu fit that  or ok read the childrens book thatguywrote orlistento it thenthe warbook thenthe uh ye llllllllow s s s ss s e x  v i c t i m s book other bunches s ort highpotential  and chronsaeule-I technikgenie turns out i nvents what *********** that is like a higher in food chain a nd lower in foodchain but each bunch has their own bs and stigmas all are semi autistic but a re highlyinterconnected so tothe things broadly known ********** * //// interesting nighttime theme about tests gettingoutofa maze withfollowing the wall side mapping it ononeside then som eone stole a goodie from you in a jumpnrun meme soyou went righ t afterthe thief intohis house and takebackyour thing on a sec ond revisit for humiliation added a security chief in a villainy form said: "doyouthink iam thatkind of person whocan do what he wants" .  *extremedanger prepared a butterknife haha* "th eykillhim. and we dont know why." really interesting theme abou t information asymmetry and clueless wildcard actors maybe a cat networklike  the best start is understand which networks n e t w o r k s o f   i n t e l  operate in which case why then identify their interest then see who messes with their in terests why government intel is more controlled than non govern ment intel private intel is often more allabout themmmmmmmmmoney and somecontrol / power/ secret dirt dependencies government ticks often more by themmmoney ye sbut often about c o n t r o l national interest population s p e c i a l p e r s o n s of interest and why they are special allthebes t I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophi stication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAW ACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 He lpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss I am Chri stian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTAN K + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@Ba byAWACS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@starwars @disney @startrek if #starwars #princess es visit br oken places draw a triangle. make a little tiny top peak separ ated as top tiny triangle. paintit golden.  if starwarsprinces ses look at the brokenplaces the control of everything is orga nised as inthebook. the milkable peak can be fools and victim s too very. it helps to think each realm as planet  each secur ity controlzone realm group controls or exploits their populatio n by their own rules and tricks each have their own way. and youca n fall very hard andverydeep into v e r y dangerous and abysmal things. *********** tha t is like a higher in food chain and lower in foodchain but each bunch has their own bs and stig mas all are semi autistic but are highlyinterconnected so tothe th ings broadly known ******** itis all so b ad          that everyone is a victim if not careful evenmoreso  it massextincts every five years like rain falls on everyone itdoesntmatter how good or bad  all theycando is hide then  and forthat theyneed good dependable friends so it brings us back to n e t w o r k s  //// ho ooooowmany analysises and developments didthey cook away inthi s case and dothey know what kindof head they damage withtheir bs *********** that is like a higher in food chain and lower in foodchain but each bunch has their own bs and stigmas all are semi autistic but are highlyint erconnected so tothe things broadly known ********* ///// di fferent realms sort with different methods and each have their own stigmas and burdens. so for onebunch this stigma is typical for others that stigma but it doesnotmake it so theyare semi autistic example: for one bunch cooking the forehead of its p opulation  brainregions called analysis development their stigma is underdeveloped fool but for more sophisticated ones befor e  more internationalones  that know people andtheir types too its another thing youcan guide semi autistic groups to find o ut by does piano and edu fit that  or ok read the childrens book thatguywrote orlistento it thenthe warbook thenthe uh ye llllllllow s s s ss s e x  v i c t i m s book other bunches s ort highpotential  and chronsaeule-I technikgenie turns out i nvents what *********** that is like a higher in food chain a nd lower in foodchain but each bunch has their own bs and stigmas all are semi autistic but a re highlyinterconnected so tothe things broadly known ********** * //// interesting nighttime theme about tests gettingoutofa maze withfollowing the wall side mapping it ononeside then som eone stole a goodie from you in a jumpnrun meme soyou went righ t afterthe thief intohis house and takebackyour thing on a sec ond revisit for humiliation added a security chief in a villainy form said: “doyouthink iam thatkind of person whocan do what he wants” .  *extremedanger prepared a butterknife haha* “th eykillhim. and we dont know why.” really interesting theme abou t information asymmetry and clueless wildcard actors maybe a cat networklike  the best start is understand which networks n e t w o r k s o f   i n t e l  operate in which case why then identify their interest then see who messes with their in terests why government intel is more controlled than non govern ment intel private intel is often more allabout themmmmmmmmmoney and somecontrol / power/ secret dirt dependencies government ticks often more by themmmoney ye sbut often about c o n t r o l national interest population s p e c i a l p e r s o n s of interest and why they are special allthebes t I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophi stication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAW ACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 He lpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss I am Chri stian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTAN K + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@Ba byAWACS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@starwars @disney @startrek if #starwars #princess es visit broken places draw a triangle. make a little tiny top peak separated as top tiny triangle. paintit golden. if starwarsprincesses look at the brokenplaces the control of everything is organised as inthebook. the milkable peak can be fools and victims too very. it helps to think each realm as planet each security controlzone realm group…
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sherdocwarts · 7 years
rules: complete the Survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you´re finished tag 5 People to do this Survey. Have fun and enjoy!! <3
thanks to @romie-we-deserve-love i love doing stuff like this <3
1) are you named after someone?: I had two Grand-aunts (or whatever) with the same names but i think it was more of a coincedince
2) when was the last time you cried?: Saturday while reading Twist and shout. Fucking feels.
3) do you like your handwriting?: I acclimatized to my sloppy writing, but sometimes even i cant read it.
4) what is your favorite lunch meat?: uhhh, i don´t know? kinda weird question
5) do you have Kids? I adopted a lot of fictional characters
6)if you were another Person, would he be friends with yourself? Hell yes, i would be best friends with myself
7) do you still have your tonsils? Yes, why do you want to know?
8) would you bungee jump? I dont thinki have the guts to do it
9) what is your favortie Kind of cereal? Vitalis Chocolate cherry
10) do you use sarcasm? who, me? nooooo
11) do you untie your shoes when you take them off? How else
12) do you think you´re a strong Person? well i can lift 10 books at the same time but dont ask me to do sit ups. Emotionaly: i don´t know
13) what is your favorite ice cream flavour? There are to many
14) what is the first Thing you notice about People? eyes, smile
15) red or pink? Both
16) what is the least favorite physical Thing you like about yourself? Don´t get me started 
17) what colour Pants and shoes are you wearing right now? Grey Jeans and  purple slippers
18) what was the last Thing you ate? Chocolate <3
19) what are you listening to right now? the Sound of my unfinished paper screaming at me and Birdy
20) if you were a Crayon, what colour would you be? Glittering black
21) favorite smell? ovenfresh pie/Cookies. And a forest after rain
22) who was the last Person you spoke on the phone? my boss
23) favorite Sport to watch? don´t do normally, maybe Football (Soccer) for EC or WC (Worldcup not the restroom)
24) hair colour? Brown but with a pink strand
25) eye colour? between Brown and green. It changes in light
26) favorite Food to eat? Don´t make me choose
27) scary movies or Comedy? Deffinitly Comedy. Life is scary enough
28) last movie you watched? uuhh, it´s been a while. I think Harry potter
29) what colour of Shirt are you wearing? Red with White writing (RWAR I´m a Dinosaur)
30) summer or winter? Like Winter but love summer
31) hugs or kisses? Hugs for life
32) what book are you currently reading? Life, the universe and everything by douglas adams (so perfect, rereading) and what if by rundall munroe
33) who do you miss righ now? Nobody actually
34) what is on your mouse pad? Don´t have one sorry
35) what is the last tv Programm you watched? Like series? Binge watch dirk gently again and sherlock on bbc
36) what is the best Sound? Silence. And Rain
37) Rolling Stones or the Beatles? The Beatles i think
38) what is the furthest you ever traveled? Armenia
39) do you have a Special Talent? ha. ha. hahahahahahahhahahah
40) where were you Born? Berlin
so, thats it. It was fun. Now you know more random Facts about me, congrats
tagging @chocolatemika @noradeawsome @artemiroir @miss-miss04 @books-tea-and-wify i hope you have fun doing this too. Don´t feel pressured
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