#i dont remember much about paranorman tbh
daybreaklynx · 1 year
has anyone made this comparison yet
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it's the first thing I thought when that scene started
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vtori73 · 2 months
You know... my life in high school could have been pretty dramatic if things went just went a tad bit differently.
This guy who was friends with my friend & who had a crush on her in middle school who I ended up becoming acquaintances with in-between this time asked her out (I think) or told her how he felt but she didn't feel the same way/rejected him (i could be wrong tbh, i dont remember much from high school let alone middle school) then going into high school, aka the worst time in my life, I was basically kind of comforted by this guy and ended up developing a crush on him but I had no self esteem whatsoever and was horribly depressed at this time & so both of these feelings combined into making me feel like I was no different/better than this one guy who was creepy/stalker like to these girls (& me actually but that was after this) even though all I did was wait to see the guy I had a crush at the back entrance at the end of the school day and look out for him while I waited for my ride and so I tried my hardest to hide my feelings from him & others so he wouldn't get freaked out by me or get the wrong idea or so other people wouldn't get the wrong idea because I just wanted things to stay the same but ended up moreso self sabotaging what we had going by making him think I was avoiding him (I assume) and so we grew apart but I did still have feelings for him. Then later probably a year or even two afterwards (idk, honestly it's the ADHD thing of being bad with time) I was asked by my friend to accompany her to the movies.
I honestly don't remember too much anymore but I have this faint feeling she at least told me the guy was going to be there but never actually told me why but regardless even though I knew he was there the feelings I had for him kind of ambushed me and made me feel a bit awkward and such but I tried to hide them like I had been and it's not like I ever told anyone about them so it would be weird to just share them now. I still remember the movie though, it was Paranorman, I really enjoyed it despite the awkwardness. Then afterwords... my friend who probably most likely rejected this guy in middle school (it's possible she didn't/he never asked her out but I have feeling something happened, probably a softer version of a rejection or he didn't directly ask her out or something idk) asked him out right then and there and well despite being internally shocked i went along with it giggled happily/excitedly along with her as we left. Then one day I learned he never really responded back to her and well... that was it, time moved on and he got together with someone from our school after that I think junior or senior year (I forgot to add my friend and I did not go to the same high school but me and the guy did). And then we graduated and moved on...
Part of me... part of me can't help but want to talk to this guy, to clear the air but part of me also feels like what's the point in doing so besides the selfish/delusional part of me holding out hope that this guy had a crush on ME back when he was comforting me because that depressed little girl inside me would feel a lot better if that were the case, because a small part of her that held out hope wanted to believe he did but all she could think was terribly, horrible, pessimistic things. But part of me ALSO worries that I really hurt him, regardless but part of me also doesn't want to open that door worried what I might find and end up making an embarrassment of myself by thinking he would have been hurt/upset by someone like me...but maybe one day I'll get a chance to clear the air, I dont care about how it goes tbh & i dont expect or even want forgiveness if i did hurt him I just want to move on, to clear the air and put this stuff that haunts the back on my mind occasionally to rest but its possible i never will get that, not everyone gets closure & maybe it's what I deserve, maybe not who knows I just hope not.
Anyway, going back to what I said at the very beginning... do you see what I mean though? If things had gone a bit differently this could have led to a pretty dramatic high school life, like something you see from a romantic drama!
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