#i dont think ive had saucy dreams about men like ever
baby-prophet · 1 year
had a crazy fucked up dream about 3 of my ex/coworkers we'll call them by their initials (D, Y & B) where we plan this whole bank robbery and it was all going to plan until something went wrong when we actually robbed the bank and we had to split up. we agreed to meet at the getaway car but when me & D got there we couldn't find the other two anywhere... so we had to go back and try to find them. we eventually did find Y&B in a tiny closet and it was clear we were interrupting.. something.... B got really really mad at me specifically saying its not what you think.. and he like lunged forward as if he were going to strangle me but just before his hands reached my throat, in a puff of smoke he turned into a bunch of snakes and slithered off. and Y was just like "oh rip..." then we make it back to my car and I'm driving us up this like mountain with the sea on one side. we go around a sharp turn, there's something slick on the road and I lose control of the car. I run off the road into the guard rails. the car is precariously balanced on the edge so we're like holy shit we almost died. we robbed a bank and almost died and here we are. and we are laughing/ relieved until it gets real quiet and I look down and see that I got impaled by the steering wheel. we sit in silence for a moment and then D got out of the car and said well.. good luck with that......... and Y was like im sorry allie and got out too and that was enough to shift the balance and the car went over the cliff and I woke up before I hit the water :(
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