#i dont wanna go fully into it cuz its like. a stupid argument that i dont wanna waste time thinking abt but i still vividly remember
gemharvest · 6 months
I have absolutely no beef (lol) with vegans but sometimes I still think about this person who I got in an argument with who was genuinely trying to convince people that humans are herbivores... Hello..
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terraliensvent · 2 months
ok mod, im gonna be /gen. im mostly against terras but i read all the asks and i think its weird how you automatically say any criticism ones are “meatriding” “braindead” and “white knighting”. some of them make alot of sense 2 me, mainly abt the assets cuz even if it was for a species, it was for their own species so its not like they ever expected 2 be banned. any artist has the right to request their art taken down even if their annoying on th unless it was for money, which it wasnt. yall using words like “vandalism” and “literally disgusting” abt this comes off reactionary. not everyone criticizing how yall talk ab this is here to defend coy/civ, im def not i think their annoying af. but if u wanna be fair u gotta hear out others points without assuming and insulting them. i lowkey agree with anon who said some anons r obsessed bc of this
heres the thing, its got a lot to do with wording to me.
if you want to be the guy who says “errrmmmm….yeah you guys are a little obsessed its just furry pngs” or the guy who says “uhm civ and coy put BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS into terras and now theyre being thrown out and discarded in the rain!” thats whiteknighting to me. youre not engaging or making any sort of argument.
additionally, with the assets whiteknight, i call it “whiteknighting” because they refuse to look at the evidence in front of their face. cal said that they would redo all the assets that coy wanted removed, however they also said that its not something that can be done at the drop of a hat. whiteknights are acting like cal and staff turned up their noses sneering “you cant make me” thats literally not at all what happened you guys just refuse to read
for your last point, nobody has said anything about “wording.” its someone who, again, refuses to actually engage with an argument and just spout nonsense. but if were talking about wording, yes i would consider going in to the site and making unapproved changes, possibly causing issues for others but not having care whether it does or not, yeah i would consider that vandalism. i would also consider coy’s history of doing petty, immature shit with little to no concern for the consequences of their actions “disgusting.”
im not gonna tone police myself on my blog, ive said before that i will use hyperbole for humor, but when its time to be fully serious ill tone it down. i think that part of the reason coy especially has been able to scoot by any and all criticism is because people are SO intent on handling them with kids gloves, when theyve shown to be incredibly vindictive, even talking shit about a community they themself cultivated but then acting like they had no part to play in it
i answer all asks here, however if someone just barges in being stupid im gonna handle it like theyre stupid. when people actually have something to say, i am willing to entertain it. im willing to agree with people and change my mind and ill post opinions i dont necessarily totally agree with, but the catch is you actually have to say something instead of burying your head in the sand about counter arguments. (also ive never called anyone braindead as far as i remember but i think were getting into semantics)
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im gonna start putting this at the bottom of all my posts just so you guys know im not saying i think coy should be sentenced to the firey pits of hell for all eternity, just that theyre shitty and immature and refuse to learn from their mistakes
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vicemail-vicemail · 8 years
reasons to like heath: a summary
just a few actual canon facts i wanna point out to all the haters cuz im gettin pretty tired of my fav either being forgotten about or called. extremely rude things (not talkin about anyone specific here, except maybe that no one really. includes him in anything. but i mean have you s e en the ancient fandom on dA/ffnet its awful)
- heath is? actually very intelligent. an argument ive seen used is that he cant speak english/whatever language is spoken in almia and therefore must be stupid, and laughably so. but ?? fluency in a language =/= intelligence. his plan to LET kate/kellyn take the yellow gem and force them to trade it for keith, unlike his coworkers’ plots, actually worked. it was well thought out and well executed. if he really was stupid he would have done the same thing ice and lavana did, and perhaps an even soddier job. so y'all can quit the “ice is way smarter than heath” thing just cause blueboy did extra homework and heath is foreign
- despite being a villain he? isnt a total jerk? he isnt as shallow and conceited as lavana acts toward the player, he doesnt make fun of them like ice- hes. a decent guy just trying to do his job. he doesnt want to humiliate anyone (and i personally dont think he would have harmed keith while keeping hostage either. while people are. certainly welcome to interpret that plot point however they want i dislike the idea of heath purposefully hurting anyone; it just adds to the negative stigma around him in the fandom).
- he is INCREDIBLY loyal. while his loyalty is certainly in the wrong place (its possible he wasnt fully aware of blakes plan anyway, what with not understanding his language well, and he may not have been told the end goal if it would cost his loyalty), you have to admire that he didnt turn and run like a coward upon defeat, unlike ice and lavana who were only concerned about themselves and not whether their absence would cost their team the goal. heath, meanwhile, went to check on his boss to make sure he was okay, to help in any way he could even though he failed. (blake proceeded to get angry at him for failing of course, not seeing how brave he was being by showing his face and just how much he wanted to make up for that loss.) he ONLY bailed after it became clear blake and darkrai were getting out of control- blake had shoved wheeler into the dark void WILLINGLY, the player that had proven so powerful and bested heath and his coworkers so many times was LOSING, unable to fix the nightmare his boss was unleashing…thats scary stuff
- and speaking of darkrai heath was . you know, There when everything happened, i know lots of people like to forget that. all the player’s trauma from being in that void? you can bet heath would have nightmares about it too. just think about what he saw. what he heard. thats just as terrifying as being subject to it himself and if you think he wouldnt have been scarred for life after all of that go ahead and think again. hes really a very deep character if you actually give him some thought
- also probably has a crush on the player what a dork??? remember his level in the incredible machine? when he was talking to his rhyperior (which he called cute btw. a giant rock rhino is cute to this man. he loves his pokemon hes so good i love??him) he comments “i am hearing someone coming in…” and mentions that they dont smell like a member of dim sun. like. what even. youre saying i smell good? ok, valid compliment but Where would he get the idea to compliment your Smell???? he must be very flustered by seeing the player and also has an exceptionally keen sense of smell dyou think he would wear ridiculously expensive kalosian cologne to impress people i bet he does your fav would never
- tumblr in general, not necessarily the ranger fandom, loves to complain about the lack of fat/poc/immigrant characters positively portrayed in media. lemme just introduce you to my lord and savior heath, a nonwhite fat man who is very obviously Not from almia, like. im honestly ? surprised this guy doesnt have more fans? actually, im not, because ice is a conventionally attractive white male “bad boy” and listen im so salty about this
TLDR; heath is Good and deserves more love than what he gets. this has been a psa, please love your local heath today
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