#i dont wanna go.. we arw two minuted away already
walking-circles · 5 months
donating and returning clothes for more clothes it is an endless cycle
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pantasticuser · 4 years
#emojitober Day 6: 💌💀🥀
(Got this one in on time too! Woooo!! Also a !!⚠️HUGE WARNING!⚠️!! Todays story is a lot of angst and it involves character death, the use of a gun, and grieving! Please dont read if you arw uncomfortable with that! If you do read, i hope you enjoy. Once again the character Tyler belongs to @jalexa-jayjay-alexa , Avery is my character, and Scout and Ellis are doggos. Enjoy 😁)
Hunter let out slow, shallow breaths as he lay on his back in the empty bed. Usually Tyler was there beside him when he woke up. Today, he woke up to an empty space beside him. He couldn’t blame him really. He wouldn’t want to see himself in this state either. He probably had bags under his eyes from the sleepless night he had, pale and shaking from the raging fever, and an ugly bite mark that looked almost black by now ever present on his left forearm. Judging by the clean looking bandages around it, Tyler changed them before he had left.
Tears slipped down his cheeks uncontrollably as he laid there, weak and helpless. There was no way to stop himself from turning. He couldn’t do anything on his own anymore. He had to be isolated from is newfound friends. He was already losing the ability to talk rapidly now. A quiet sob escaped him, followed by a sniffle. He didn’t want to die. He didn’t want to leave Tyler behind. He hadn't even found his parents yet!
As Hunter lay there, emotionally spiraling down into an even worse mental state, Tyler walked into the room with water for Hunter and a wet towel to cool him down. He walked over and sat beside him on the mattress carefully, afraid of even touching him. Almost as if Hunter was made of glass. He set the items down, using the towel to wipe Hunter’s tears away. Seeing Tyler look unhappy to the point that the twinkle in his eyes wasn’t there anymore broke Hunter’s heart.
“Hey baby,” Tyler greeted quietly. He smiled softly at Hunter as he placed the towel on his forehead. “Sorry for disappearing on you, I just needed to get a few things for you.” His voice was hushed. Barely above a whisper. It was evident that he had been crying before entering the room again.  “Thirsty Hun?” after a small nod, he lifted Hunter’s head and tilted the water bottle for him to drink properly. It was the only thing he could offer him that Hunter was able to keep down.
After setting Hunter back down and setting the bottle aside, Tyler sat there. He stared at Hunter with glistening eyes and trembling hands in his lap. After some debating in his head, Tyler slowly leaned down and laid next to Hunter, hugging him loosely. Hunter could feel tears soaking through his shirt along with small shakes of Tyler’s shoulders. 
Minutes passed in silence, neither of them willing to break the tension. Eventually, Hunter managed to turn his head towards Tyler to look at him properly. Tyler was currently hugging his good arm, head laid on Hunter’s shoulder. “...I love you,” Hunter rasped out. He knew he wouldn’t be there to say it the next day, so he might as well get it out now. To let Tyler know that he really meant it. He had hoped his first time saying it would be more romantic, but in this chaotic world of theirs, it was too much to ask for. 
Tyler looked up at him with glassy eyes and reached a hand up to cup Hunter’s cheek gently. Tears trailed down his cheeks again, giving Hunter a watery smile. “I love you too. So so much.” he sniffled as the sound of the door opening was heard. He trembled even more and took a deep breath. “Go to sleep baby. You need to get as much rest as you can.” Hunter knew that this was a lie. One meant to ease his fear. Such a simple sentence had never instilled such fear in Hunter’s heart. But there was no other way. “I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.” Tyler kissed his cheek and ran a hand through Hunter’s hair, waiting for him to fall asleep. 
Hunter stared at Tyler as he let his tiredness overcome him, knowing this would be the last time he would ever see him again. Once Hunter was out, Avery had to pull Tyler away despite his desperate pleas to be there with him. But Avery knew that if Tyler was there for what was about to happen, he would never sleep at night. After much struggling, Tyler turned to them and sobbed against them. Then, a gunshot was heard. Tyler wailed and clung to Avery, falling to the floor with them. It was too much. Too much too soon. He loved that man. And now he was gone, forever.
Tyler was silent the rest of the night. But he was never left alone. Later that day, Hunter was buried. A dingle rose was left on his grave by Tyler.  he stood there, looking down at the disturbed land silently for nearly an hour. Then, Avery came over to his side, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder silently. They understood his pain. They knew it was hard. And that loss hurt so bad it made you want to shrivel up on yourself. But unfortunately, the world that they were stuck living in would not allow that. They dug a hand into their pocket and grabbed the piece of paper in there, holding it out to Tyler. 
Tyler looked at the paper in confusion, slowly taking it from Avery. He looked at them, waiting for an explanation. “It’s from Hunter,” they stated before continuing. “He wanted me to give it to you after he...” They pulled their hand away and cleared their throat quietly. “Just know that he asked me to write this while you were asleep the first night.” They left it at that and let Tyler read it for himself. When Tyler opened the envelope, there were two items in it. One was the paper that had what was most likely Hunter’s final words to him. And the other was a polaroid photograph of Hunter and Tyler smiling happily at the camera with a dog in each men’s arms. 
Tyler swallowed the lump in his throat and put the photo in his pocket. He had to take a deep breath before opening the letter. It read:
Hey baby. So. It happened huh? Well, considering where I am while I'm writing this and thinking about what might happen in the next 48 hours. Tyler, I am so..so sorry. I really tried to fight it for you baby. I tried staying safe for you. But I guess things just happen, even when we don’t want them to. I had so much I wanted to do with you. I had so many plans that I wanted to go through with together with you. I wanted to fix up and apartment for us so we could pretend things were normal for at least a day. I wanted to go star gazing with you without having to fear for our lives at being chased or having to run away from a horde of zombies. I was going to fix up a car for you. Paint it blue just like ii know you like. There were so many firsts that I wanted to share with you. But now I can't do that. And I can't even imagine the pain you must be going through right now. I hope you know that when I..when I die, that I died thinking about how much I love you. I died imagining a life spent with you. Safe and filled with joy and stupid drama that doesn’t cost us our lives. How I wish that I could have had that life with you. Okay, enough excuses. I don’t wanna drag this out any longer and bore you. My point is: I love you Tyler. And I will always love you. Wherever it is that I end up after I'm gone, my love for you will still live on. Now and forever. Looks like you’re waking up now beside me. Guess I'll leave this here now. Remember to take care of Ellis for me. And stay safe for me, won’t ya?
All my love, Hunter <3
Drops of water fell onto the paper. They were tears that made their way down Tyler’s cheeks. He carefully folded the paper back up and held it close to his chest. He sniffled and wiped at the tears but they just kept on falling. Avery gave him a hug, followed by his other friends surrounding him in warmth and comfort. “I love you too Hunter,” he whispered under his breath as he sobbed in the middle of his frined’s group hug. 
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