#i dont want anyone around me tonbe hurt sigh. as much hate lingers with me awfully and love pushes too far into dangerous territory
i-deserve-to-bite · 2 months
Sigh I deserve to hold someone so very close dig my fingers into their shoulders and mush my face into their Chest or Neck I deserve to Hurt Them and Make Them Uncomfortable. Siigh. I would want to be hurt, but Hrm. Vows, sort of, alongside ?? Either way, I couldn't hurt anyone and I would feel Awful if I did. I don't trust myself with that considering how I've hurt people in the past not realizing The Damage I was doing [It May Have Been In Sixth Grade But Yuck I Was Awful Terrible Bad And I Don't Have Many Memories Around That Time]
I think I'd trust others to hurt me rather than I hurt them.
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