#a friend will be visiting tommorow
i-deserve-to-bite · 2 months
Sigh I deserve to hold someone so very close dig my fingers into their shoulders and mush my face into their Chest or Neck I deserve to Hurt Them and Make Them Uncomfortable. Siigh. I would want to be hurt, but Hrm. Vows, sort of, alongside ?? Either way, I couldn't hurt anyone and I would feel Awful if I did. I don't trust myself with that considering how I've hurt people in the past not realizing The Damage I was doing [It May Have Been In Sixth Grade But Yuck I Was Awful Terrible Bad And I Don't Have Many Memories Around That Time]
I think I'd trust others to hurt me rather than I hurt them.
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urfavlarry · 25 days
If you're comfortable with that, maybe female reader getting the stars tattooed on her forearm sh scars? Like the "you drew stars around my scars" line by taylor swift. And some of the stars are just normal stars, some lines and some are stars drew by joost. And also maybe before tattooing them, her asking joost to draw stars on a piece of paper
You drew stars around my scars
Joost Klein x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of sh scars, swearing, some school trauma, back stabbing/fake friends, most likely bad grammar
genre: fluff/hurt comfort
summarry: Joost has never really noticed your sh scars despite being with you for almost half a year. You got used to covering them but you decided it would be a cute idea to get a tattoo on the things that caused you such sorrow in your high school years
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🐦 ɞ˚‧。⋆
Joost kept asking you about what the stars were for all week, following you around and trying to get at least the slightest bit of information out of you. You never gave him a straight answer or you avoided the question completely. Joost was going mad, staying up with his thoughts and questions running through his mind like mathematical equations. What could you possible need him to draw stars for? A week ago you came up to him with your beautiful and sweet smile which lit up his day all the time. He hugged you, kissing you on the nose before letting you speak your mind. “Could you pretty please draw a few stars for me? Different sizes please.” You ask and he raises a brow at your mischief, but did as you told him, drawing you quite a lot of stars, circling the ones he like the most before handing the piece of paper to you. You smiled and kissed his forehead before going off somewhere.
A week later he was home alone while you were off somewhere in another country visiting a friend you haven’t seen for quite some time. Joost would’ve gone with you but he had important plans for the day of the departure which you understood. He texted every day, asking you how your day was and sending you videos or voice messages of him telling you and showing you how his day way and what he did. He missed you dearly but you were coming back tommorow night, which gave him so much energy he couldn’t even sleep from the pure excitement of seeing you again. You on the other hand were nervous. Of course, excitement filled your body from even thinking about going back but it was the first time you would be telling Joost about your high school years. Well it could go many possible ways, but you mostly tried to think about the positive outcomes. Joost wasn’t the type to get angry at someone for this, he’s going to be there for you and you’re confident in that statement.
Around 5:38AM you got to the airport, the plane was supposed to be departing at around 7:40AM. You texted Joost the whole time you were waiting for the plane, saying your goodbyes once you were supposed to board the plane. The hours felt like 15 minutes, getting off you took a uber home so you wouldn’t bother Joost. Once you got there, you walked to your shared apartment and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. Anxiety filled every single part of you, but you tried your best to shake it off, unlocking the door and get greeted with the warmth of the apartment. A quiet curse could be heard in the room and a few crashes, which alarmed you but then again you’re living with Joost Klein, so you weren’t that scared. You walk to the living room/kitchen and see Joost there holding your favourite flowers and what looked like a hand made gift. You smile softly, walking over and hugging him, not letting him go for a few minutes. He looked tired but happy to see you, leaving kisses all over your face.
Spending the day with Joost was all you could’ve asked for, but he still didn’t notice the new tattoo that was on your upper arm. That’s where the scars that haunted you during your high school years were. You hoped he would notice them first because you didn’t have a clue how to even start that conversation. What would you even say? Hey so I hurt myself in highschool and got this tattoo! Cool ain’t it? Of course not! Little did you know that Joost noticed the tattoo, he was just trying to approach the subjest in a not ignorant way. He understood how you felt, life gets really tough and he’s sad to see you went through something so bad you had to go to that for comfort. He decided to run his fingertips along the scars, making you gasp slightly and put your hand on top of his. You look at him, beautiful ocean blue eyes looking at you with nothing but sympathy. “I.. uh, how do I start this..” You say, trying to explain yourself but Joost just brings you into a warm embrace. “You don’t need to explain yourself my love, I’m sorry you had to go through something so horrible to make yourself do this.” He says with comfort but hesitance, choosing his words carefully. It was clear he cared but he had no idea what to even say in this situation. “I think it’s time you know.” You say and he nods, kissing your forehead and grabbing your hands, and interlocking your fingers.
And so you tell him everything, from start to finish. How school overwhelmed you and never finding the right people at school, all of them always stabbing you in the back in some way. You felt like it was a silly reason, something that wasn’t as serious as other peoples problems but he made you push those thought away. “Everyone has their own struggles, none are bigger then the others. They are all the same. It’s something that bothers you and just because someone had a ‘better reason to do it’ , which is totally not true and nobody should say or think, you should never think they aren’t important and don’t need help because the internet says they aren’t valid.” His soft smile was intoxicating, slowly making your frown turn into the smile he so loved.
“Thank you, thank you so much Joost.” You say, tears threatening to fall. They weren’t sad tears, of course not they were the tears of pure relief and joy. He wiped your tears, kissing your cheek and then looks at you with his signature, cute smile. “Live the tattoo.” He says and you giggle, showing it off to him. His eyes light up when he sees the stars he drew, along with other stars. You told him about every single one and who they were from and what they had to do with it and why you even let them draw a star for you. He listened to every single word that came out of your mouth, asking about your silly tales every now and then, which made you even more excited to talk about it. Joost couldn’t stop looking st the tattoo, tracing both the scars and stars, taking multiple pictures and showing them off to both his fans and friends. “So proud of her.” He would say to everyone, which made your heart melt.
That night he made a promise with you. “I promise on our never ending love i’ll always be here whenever you feel down, unworthy, unloved, sad. I’ll always be here no matter the situatuon and promise to listen to your problems.” He says, kissing your soft lips and embraced you for what felt like the 100th time that day. You stayed like that in each others comfort, letting all the bad emotions wash away into the stars of the night sky, miles and miles away.
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🐦 ɞ˚‧。⋆
!! do NOT copy or repost any of my work on other platforms !!
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xomakara · 9 months
Physical Therapy
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SUMMARY |  Haechan sprained his ankle and is staying at the hospital. Being very horny and needy, he asks his pretty nurse for special treatment… PAIRINGS | Haechan/Fem!Reader GENRE |  smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, fingering, public sex, nurse/patient RATING |  Mature LENGTH |  2,366 words AUTHOR’S NOTE |  Fuck, why do I have so many one-shots saved in my computer? Anywho, I hope you enjoy :)
Part 2 here
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“Haechan, you are an idiot.”
“…Shut up.”
“I can’t believe you sprained it.”
“…I said shut up.”
“You are such an attention whore. Now you have to stay in the hospital. How does it feel?”
“Guys! Will you shut up! Geez, it’s not my fault!” Haechan yelled at his friends. Leave it to Haechan to sprain his ankle before tonight’s party.
“Actually it is. You’re the one who wanted to impress that pretty girl.” Renjun said, raising both his brows at him. All because he wanted to show off his dance moves. Which really didn't make sense, since Haechan was a great dancer.
"I thought you were trying to impress that girl?" Chenle asked Renjun as he passed some soup to Haechan. “Weren’t you trying to serenade her in Chinese?”
"What are you talking about?" Renjun rolled his eyes, the others laughing. “I did no such thing.”
"How in the world could you sprain your ankle?!" Mark questioned, fussing over the younger man. "Dude."
"Should I keep you company?" Jisung asked.
“Good news is that my cousin is coming over to visit later! I'll bring you some of her homemade food later, since I know you all love her cooking. Have fun at the hospital.” Jaemin said happily, waving at Haechan before walking with the rest of his friends out of the hospital room.
Haechan gave them a surprise look. “Wait, you guys are going to leave me?!”
“….yes?” Jeno said, not sure if that question was a trick or not.
"We'll visit you tommorow, Haechan." Renjun nodded, reassuring him.
Haechan grumbled and glared at them. He crossed his arms. “Fine, leave me. Some friends you guys are. Can't believe you would leave.”
"Ahw, you'll be fine Haechan." Mark chuckled, patting him on the head. “Some of the nurses here are really pretty, you know?”
“We’ll tell them to take good care of you!” Jeno called out.
"Yeah, you'll be fine!" Jisung exclaimed.
"Recover fast! Haechannie fighting!" Jaemin pumped his fist in a victory pose.
Chenle waved and gave him a small smile. “Bye Haechan! Have fun at the hospital!”
"Guyssss!" Haechan whined, hoping that one of his friends would at least stay with him.
Haechan sighed once his friends left. Now who was going to give him the attention he needed? It wasn’t his fault that he wanted to show off his nice, smooth moves to that pretty girl. He wanted to get a chance to maybe…score something tonight.
Damn it.
There goes his chance of fucking a pretty girl.
He started to watch some TV. The hospital wasn’t that bad since he had a room to himself. The door opened again, and a very pretty woman entered his room. She was wearing a nurse outfit, showing off her generous cleavage. 
She gave him a cute smile.
“Hi there, I'm Na Y/N. I’ll be your nurse for tonight. If you need anything, just press the button.” You said, pointing at the button that was on the dresser. 
Haechan looked at you up and down before giving you a smirk. 
Oh yeah, he definitely loved the hospital now.
“Y/N, huh? Wait… Are you Na Jaemin’s cousin?” He asked, his eyes wide. “You’re the cousin that cooks all those delicious food for Jaemin, huh?”
“Oh, you know Jaemin?” You asked him.
“Yeah, we’re friends.” Haechan nodded. “I’m Haechan. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Oh! The one with the sweet yet unique voice whenever he sings? It’s nice to finally put a face to a name.” You smiled at him. “Was Jaemin here to see you earlier? I just started my shift but a few of the other nurses said they saw a group of very good looking men leave your room.”
“Yep, they left not too long ago.” Haechan replied. “I didn’t know you were a nurse.”
“I normally keep my job a secret.” You chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “They don’t believe I’m a nurse because of my looks.”
Which was often true. People always thought you’de be too dumb to be a nurse. That your face and body could pass more for a model.
You didn’t know how or why, but after fighting with the other nurses, you won. The prize was to take care of the handsome young man in Room 127.
“Really now? That must be tough.” Haechan raised his eyebrow. “Well, I’m sure I’ll be in good hands with you.”
“I’ll get you all taken care of.” You smiled as you turned around, your back facing him. “If you need anything Haechan-ssi, just let me know.”
Haechan watched your ass until it disappeared out the door. Yeah, he was going to have fun.
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“What’s wrong Y/N?” Minhee, your fellow nurse, friend and roommate asked, grabbing an apple from her plate before taking a big bite of it. It was lunchtime, and you were sitting on the table, your face lying on top of it.
“It’s Haechan! He’s such an... ugh! He won’t stop calling me. He’s getting on my nerves.” You were tired and hungry. 
It has been four hours since Haechan came, and you were tired as hell because of him. He made ridiculous requests. 'Oh nurse, can you help me change the channel? Oh nurse, where is the bathroom? Blah blah blah.' 
You were sick of it.
Minhee gave you a sympathetic look. 
Poor you. 
But she didn’t want to take care of Haechan. Plus you did win that bet. You said were going to cockblock her if she ever brought a man home. 
Hell no. 
Minhee was going to get some dick tonight after her shift. “Why don’t you text Jaemin and ask him what will keep Haechan quiet. He should know since they’re friends.”
You groaned, bringing your phone out of your pocket. “I know but still, he needs to stop pressing that damn button.”
“Maybe he wants and loves your attention. He must really like you.” Minhee said, giving you a teasing smile. "You are pretty."
You stuck your tongue out. “Being pretty doesn’t pay the bills.”
“Why don’t you just fuck him or something?” Minhee suggested.
You groaned again, showing her the text you got from your cousin.
Jaemin: Why don’t you fuck him? He’s been dying to get laid lately.
Minhee laughed. “See? No wonder your cousin and I get along so well. Great minds think alike.”
“Ugh…” You let out, your phone vibrated signaling that Haechan was calling you.
“Oh Y/N,” Haechan sang before pressing the button for the 100th time. “I need your assistance again.”
You groaned and entered his room again, not before shutting the door. You didn’t want Seulyong, the head nurse, to hear you screaming at a patient, especially if it’s Haechan. “What now?”
He gave an amused look. “Now what kind of attitude is that? Aren’t nurses supposed to be friendly with their patients?”
“Not if they're being an ass about it.” You muttered under your breath. “Now what do you want Haechan?”
Haechan moved his shoulders. “My shoulders are stiff. Can you massage them for me?”
If you could, you would curse and walk away from him. But since Haechan knew your cousin, you didn’t want Jaemin to complain that you didn’t take care of his friend. You went over to his bed. “Scoot back.”
He did what he was told, smirking at you as you sat on the bed. After a few minutes, Haechan moaned in satisfaction. You were really good with your hands. He felt his muscles being relaxed as you continued to massage his shoulders.
“Better?” You wanted to get over this. As soon as he nodded, you immediately got off the bed.
Before you could leave the room, he grabbed your wrist. “Yes, better. Can you do me another favor?”
You didn’t even reply. You waited for his request while yelling profanities inside your head. 
Damn him.
“I thought I felt a lump on my stomach. I don’t know what that means, but can you check for me?” He sweetly asked. 
Curse him for being so damn hot. 
When the hell did Jaemin hang out with other good looking guys?
You could perfectly hear the other nurses dying and telling you to do it. You waited until Haechan laid down on the bed, lifting up his hospital gown, revealing his perfect, solid abs and boxers to you.
Slowly, you touched his abs as Haechan shivered from your touch. You had to admit, his abs felt so fucking good with your touch. But you didn’t feel a lump at all. “I don’t feel a lump.”
Haechan opened his eyes. He was enjoying this. “Go higher, it’s somewhere around there.”
You went higher, revealing his solid chest. “Nope, don’t feel it.”
“Huh, I must have been imagining things.” He said, giving you an innocent look. 
You glared at him. 
Ugh, sneaky bastard.
“I'll go now.” All you wanted to do was go home and sleep this off. This has been such a tiring experience for you. Before you could leave again, he grabbed your wrist again.
“Wait, stay.”
Fuck, no you weren't going to stay. 
Sure, he was hot but you were so tired.
“Why? My shift is over. I gave you all the attention you need. It’s time for me to go home.”
Haechan frowned a little. The fun hasn’t even started yet. “You can’t leave yet. I need more attention, especially from a sexy, little nurse.”
Before you could protest, Haechan pulled your body on his bed. You couldn’t even react because he captured your lips with his, dominating it. 
It took you a few seconds to realize that you were actually kissing a patient. And your cousin’s friend. 
Fuck it. 
You knew what to do with this situation, like Minhee and Jaemin told you to. You kissed him back, not giving a rat’s ass that you were about to fuck a patient.
Haechan smirked. 
“I see you want my attention.” He said before entering his tongue inside of your mouth.
You just moaned for the cocky bastard. It was better to enjoy the moment than argue with him. Haechan’s lips were incredibly soft, almost pillowy. He deepened the kiss, the hand at the back of your neck bringing you closer. He felt your hand curve around his neck. He moved closer, lured by your response and a small, almost helpless sound you made as you opened your lips. 
Haechan was rubbing all over your body, and playing with your short skirt.
“You are such a bad nurse.” He growled before his right hand went inside your skirt, lightly massaging your clit with his thumb that was being protected by your very thin underwear. “Going around fucking all your patients, huh?”
You arched your back and wrapped your arms around his neck. Dear god. Haechan looked at your exposed neck. Perfect. Leaning you closer, he began attacking your small neck, biting and sucking as hard as he could, making you gasp and clutched his neck even more.
“Haechan,” you moaned in front of his ear, turning him on even more. You could feel his hard member that was covered by his gown and boxers. You began grinding his body with yours, making him moan and wince.
Right now, he wanted to pounce and fuck your brains out right then and there. Instead, he pushed your panties to the side, and added not one, but two fingers inside your now wet pussy, his thumb continuing to massage your clit. “Does that feel good?”
“Oh god, yes…”
He thrusted hard and fast, hitting your g-spot again and again, making you melt and feel good. He moved his fingers to the side, up and down, forcing you to shudder. Haechan bit your bottom lip as he continued to stroke you with his pleasurable fingers.
After a few more strokes, Haechan finally took his fingers out, licking them in front of you. “You are so ready right now, noona.”
"What?" You pouted, slapping his chest in embarrassment. "Who's your noona?!"
Since you were straddling him, Haechan had expertly taken off your skirt and panties. 
How the hell did that happen?
“You are. Noona, can you help a patient out? I’m a very horny person.”
You couldn’t reply because he already thrust up inside of you, slowly. You knew he was teasing you, waiting for your reply.
“Yes, I'll help you out, Haechan-ah!” Haechan slowly hit your g-spot.
“I’m sorry. I can’t hear you.” He said, thrusting a little bit faster. “Damn, your pussy is sucking my cock.” 
He went inside of you again, making you arch, you moaning in pleasure.
“Yes! I'll help you!” You yelled. 
You prayed the other nurses didn’t hear the filth that was going on.
“Fuck, you feel good.” Haechan replied by thrusting inside of you faster now. Each thrust was filling you up with pleasure. Instead of laying down, he sat up in bed, making him go deeper inside your wet pussy. He continued to pound inside of you, making you whimper every time he hit the right spot.
You both came not once, nor twice, but three times. On the fourth fuck, Haechan could feel your walls clenching again.
“Haechan!” You screamed, giving him the satisfaction that he needed as you came for the fourth time. Haechan came as well, arms tightening around you as you continued to spasm in pleasure.
“Another round?” He asked, catching his breath as he gave you a cocky grin.
You lightly pushed off of him and got up. You wanted to, but there was no way you were going to do this for the fifth time. He was a very needy and horny guy. “No, now go to bed or something.”
You put your panties back on. You were about to put on your white skirt until Haechan grabbed it. He leaned towards you. “Tomorrow I need to be satisfied. Will you be here tomorrow to help me, noona?”
You bit your lip, blushing from his comment. 
Why did he have to fuck so damn good?! “Of course, I’ll be here Haechan.”
Satisfied, Haechan gave you back your skirt. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow. After all, you were his nurse.
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riaspeaks · 11 months
I can see you p.b pt 1
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part one of my Paige Bueckers fic that I originally posted on my Wattpad speaking of it go follow @bramseyy if you guys want i'll continue to post them on here but please let me know what you also think this is just kinda a prologue
3rd person narrative flashback and current Instagram
Ivy couldn't believe this no she wouldn't believe it she refused but she was here in the same room as her now ex-girlfriend Paige Bueckers. She pulled on her clothes trying to look busy. Her old stretched-out hoodie from years ago stood out while she was in baggy sweats while everyone else was dressed up for school.
Usually, she would have done the same since it was fairly common for everyone to get dressed up for school, but ever since the breakup she had barely even managed to get out, only doing so because of cheer practice. So here she stood in a crowded room not speaking with the only person she ever wanted to speak to.
She always knew that her spot was next to Paige but now she was here looking for an empty seat in the auditorium. As her eyes nervously surveyed the room she spotted Paige who was already looking at her she quickly broke eye contact and walked up toward the front of the room toward her best friend Riley who waved at her. "What took you so long, it's about to start," Riley said, making room for her to sit next to her on the school's crappy benches.
"I got lost" Ivy said, but it somehow came out as more of a question.
Suddenly the light turned off and everyone shuffled to sit down. Paige had made sure to sit a couple of benches behind Ivy so she could look at her without seeming creepy.Ivy had already come to this realization as she could feel Paige's eyes burning into her back.
She turned to the right and saw that it was Paige looking. She was shocked by the fact that she was shamelessly staring when she had broken up with her in the way that she had but she managed to let out a scoff and a slight eye roll.
It was now Turning into a competition of who could act as if they care less, so she turned around and pretended to listen to whatever the principal was going on about. it took everything in her to not turn around and look but she somehow managed to do so.
Ivy wanted nothing more than for this to be over. It was a cruel twist of fate that made it all break down. She always thought that she would tell their kids the story of them and how the sparks flew instantly.She had no idea what page she was on. All it had taken was a small miscommunication for Paige to break up with the poor girl.
All ivy wanted was Paige back but everyone knew Paige was too stubborn to admit she was wrong even if it caused her to lose the one girl she loved.
Why was she pretending that it was nothing ?
instagram current time
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liked by rileysagerstan, azzinotfudd and others
ivythesong: riley visit !!! soaking up the beach before we move to bum fuck conneticut
view comments...
azzinotfudd:IVY COMING TO UCONN ??? WHEN ????
 -ivythesong: my flight is tommorow !!!
-azzinotfudd:text me right now
rileysagerfan: i cant belive i get my bsf back
-ivythesong: better enjoy it before i find a new one
-rileysagerfan: you would never leave me
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vickyyoon · 5 months
Stepbro Han profile (hcs)
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C/w: stepcest, smut, sub!Han, dom!fem!reader ( and just pure filth)
Paring : stepbro!Han x fem!reader
Step bro han
He was your elder step brother, he loves you and adores you alot as an elder brother but compared to his age he was pretty dumb, naive and such a people pleaser.
He was pretty popular at school, everyone's attention would be drawn to him because of how pretty he was and how talented he was as well but he would always turn this attention to you jk matter what, he loved to show you off.
He took you in dates and happily let you join his friends on hangouts but things only started to change when you notice how he was really under your fingers without your complete control
One night you caught him with your underwear in his room just sniffing it, you couldn't help but smirk because you too had feelings for him and thought his was straight up disgusting but he wasn't really your brother was he?
Ever since then you used him to your advantage.
" what? do you not care about your little sister? I thought you loved me?" you pouted his jaw was aching from eating you out from the past few hours.
" ofcourse I do but what if mom and dad finds us?" he asked you.
" Don't worry about them, they're not coming back until tommorow night." you smirked down on him.
He was almost submissive all the time maybe it was just for you though. Acting so cute whenever youre disappointed or begging almost all the time when it's just the two of you.
He always likes to please you because you give him compliments and praises afterwards, he puts your needs first and would drop everything to come to your need, I mean anything.
Like one time he was in the kitchen helping your mom when you got extremely horny, just by one call he left your mom with all the work in the kitchen kind of surprising her.
He will do anything for you, he'll spend money on whatever you want from him, he loves giving you gifts as well, to you he was the best elder brother you could ever ask for.
He gets pretty sad when you talk or get too close to another guy and you'll probably have to ride him afterwards to make him understand and feel better.
He is shameless around you, if you put a collar on him, he'll gladly accept it, if you ask him to bark he'll do it (no joke 💀) but anything to make you happy <3
" I said keep quiet! Or I'll absolutely stop right here and now!" you whispered into his ear.
You were in the back seat of your parents car while they were driving, your hand wrapped around his aching dick under that blanket on his lap.
" No please! I won't I promise."
He was going to college very soon ND since his college is quiet far he has to live in a near by hostel which meant diatancing for you two.
But he still manages to make time out of his hectic days to call you and always visits you during his weekends sacrificing his hangouts with his friends, because his friends might leave him but you won't, you're his little sister.
He'll always be sure to satisfy your needs when he's back home and spends more time on you than anyone else in the house. He gets very clingy and can't help but sometimes touch you while at dinner
He really misses you alot, not seeing your face twice a day will kill him instantly most of the times you've forced yourself on him but after reaching college he starts to grow alot on you.
He won't let you go out of his sight and gets much more possessive, he takes a hold of your socials and often checks what you like or post. Though he knows you won't date any one but he still makes sure to scare your male friends so that they won't even try to get you.
" it's not fair! It's just a picture of me and my friendy at the beach!" you argued but he wasn't having it.
" you look so naked in that photo, your boy friends will see it!" he said again and again.
And by the time you knew it you were straddling on his lap trying to calm him down.
" they won't lay a finger on me, trust me." you kissed his forehead as he looked at you with tear filled eyes trying to understand you.
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judegossip · 22 days
hi, im the anon that mentioned i had tea on jude. btw im going to mention stuff that happened back in 2021 and 2022 even though it was 3/2 years ago. also, im not going to mention any of the girls names or their insta since this is really private and not much people know about it
so back in 2021 whilst daisy and jude were dating, jude was secretly talking to another girl from birmingham that hes known since he was in secondary. daisy never knew this nor did she know her. ive seen people on here mention that he would like other ggirls pictures whilst them two were dating and yes, its true, jude never took the relationship that seriously it was only in the beginning. daisy came from a wealthy family who had more money than judes family at that time. she was a private school girl and 1 year older than jude, jude always found her attractive and thought she was out of his league. i cant really remember how they started talking but it was back in 2019 and they both ended up dating. now im just gonna skip to the part where he moves to dortmund, so jude moves to germany and obviously it is more harder for them two to see eachother because of long distance, covid restrictions and, her starting uni. now in 2021 thats when jude became a bit weird during the relationship like i said liking ig girls pictures. the girl that jude was secretly talking with was a girl the same age as him, really pretty girl and she was private aswell. when jude would come back to birmingham they would often meet up and yes they both had sex together at her house. the girl felt bad for daisy and would tell jude to just break up with her but he also felt bad and didnt know how to break up with her. the only reason why jude got with daisy was to feel superior amongst his friends, yes he did find her attractive but he was still young and naive and did not take the relationship that serious. the girl from birmingham has never went to dortmund to visit jude only because of his mum who had no idea what was going on
in august 2021, jude invited the girl and 2 of her friends to go out clubbing with him and toby. one of the girls friend posted a video on her private story but in the back you can see jude and the girl hugging, one of the followers from the private story sent the video to daisy. i cant really remember what happened after that but they broke up for nearly 2 weeks and ended up getting back together. i still dont know how they got back together because ive never been told that. now with that girl from birmingham, she completely cut off jude because she felt bad about the entire situation and claimed that she isnt that kind of girl to be with a guy that has a girlfriend ( she still fucked him so i dont get what was the point in telliing people that loollll ) jude found a way to message her and asked her why she blocked him on everywhere. she just told him that she felt bad for daisy and didnt want to do all of that behind her back. he was telling her that he was going to break up with her soon, but she just told him that she didnt want to be with or speak to him again. i think that was the last time theyve ever spoken
now in new years, whilst jude was in dubai he broke up with daisy over the phone, daisy was shocked because it was a bit random and why would he would break up with her over call and not face to face. the reason why they broke up was like i said jude didnt take the relationship seriously, long distance, she was busy with school and, he was busy with football they just never had time for eachother. also the fact that he wanted to explore new options and be able to hook up with other girls without having a girlfriend back home to worry about.
the thing that happened back in 2022 i will come back on here tommorow and talk about all of it since that is a long story aswell
So Jude cheated on daisy aswell whilst he was dating her? Wtf.
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rs-wonderland · 10 months
Hello, here is my order, I see that I forgot to send it ay I would like a bit of anguish that ends in comfort :')), when orphaned mc fem realizes that her mother (the person she loves the most in the world) was actually not as good to her as she remembered now that she has grown, she realized all the negligence that her mother had with her , which leads mc to enter a state of deep sadness, just for pomefiore pls I hope it doesn't sound too harsh qwq have a good day and thanks for creating this blog ^^
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"Whats wrong with Mc?" Epel asks as he comes back to his dorm. Rook and Vil were sitting in the living room as usual having some tea. "What do you mean? Mc seems fine to me." Vil said as he looked at Epel. "I don't know, she was acting strange today. She didn't really talk as much, and didn't want to go with me and Deuce to Sam's tommorow."
Rook and Vil looked at each other and than Rook decited to go and for a visit to Ramshackle dorm.
"I just think both of you are overreacting, there are fine. Probably just tired." Epel said as there were walking into Mc's dorm. "Weren't you do one that was worried most in the first place, Epel?" Vil said roling his eyes at him. "Its better to be safe than sorry my friends." Rook said as they were looking around the dorm.
"Mc! You there?" "Quit yelling so loud Epel!" "What else am i suppost to do?" As they were fighting, Rook walked up stairs to see if Mc was in her room. He stopt when he heard her crying. "Mc?" Rook said softly as he knock on the door. "It's us, Rook, Epel and Vil. We wanted to see if you were alright." After a minute there was no answer. Epel and Vil already walked up stairs.
"Is she there?" Epel asked softly as he stood by Rooks side. "Yes, but the don't want to answer." Vil came closer to the door and knock softly three time. "Mc? Could we come in please? Epel said you look sad, so we came to chek on you." Vil opend the door to find you on your bed, your back turned to face the door. "Go away. Im fine." You said with a sniff. "See, she is fine-" Rook cut off Epel in middle of his sentence. "Mc, whats the problem, why are you so sad?" Vil asked as he moved to sits on the edge of you bed.
"Its nothing, im fine!" You said as you shoot him a glare and then turned around to face them wiping your tears. "Well it doesn't look like your are fine." Epel said, Rook just roled his eyes at him and moved to sit on your bed beside Vil. "You know you can tell us everything, right? We just want to help you."
You looked at the three man staring at you, you know they were worried but- how can you tell them? Like guess what? The woman i thought loved me that i loved more than anything, treated me like shit!
"It-it's just not important, i am just stressed from school and-" "No you are not, we don't have anything for up coming week." Epel cut you off with his sharp words, that's it, you can't think of no more possible excuses. Well maybe there are more, but from the whole situation you couldn't remember none.
"Mc if you don't want to tell us we won't force you but- we are just worried. Did some students made you cry?" Rook asked his tone is lot more calm and relaxed. "If they did, i'm gonna kill them-" Epel's words were cut by Vil's dead glare to him. "No, no one from Night Raven made me cry. Seriousely i am just fine. I was just- remembering stuff from my home..." You said in almost a whisper, yea, remembering everything how it was, and it was not good.
"Sad memories, huh?" Vil said with a soft tone. "Mc what is this?" Epel said holding a broken photo frame in his hands. The one that you broke from anger that you had to your mother, that anger soon after that become unberable sadness and pain.
"Is that your photo with your mother, Mc?" Rook said as he looked at the photo frame Epel was holding. "You looked, happy." Vil turned to look at you, as he said with a soft and calm tone. "Mc dear, is your mother reason that you are crying right now?" The whole room went silent. What now? What now? What now?
"I- i missed judge her, i thought my mother-" you tried to say with tears in your eyes that were falling like a water fall. "I- i loved her, i really did, but- everytime i tried to remember her, now i realize that my love for my mother was one way and-" Epel hugged you tightly. You can swear that Vil let out a small tear, you hugged Epel back looking at the three boys. Rook looked at you in shock cleary not knowing how to react. Vil was no better from him, all tho he still put his hand on yours.
"Mc, i am so sorry to hear that. We had no idea about your mother." Vil said in a claming voice, it sounded like an soft whispered more. Rook moved to sit down beside you, hugging your side, it looked like he wasn't plaing to let go of you anytime sooner. "You know Mc, sometimes..." Vil said with a soft sigh. "Sometimes people we care about are not the one's that would do the same for us, sometimes we have to let does kind of people go. And let bad memories go with them too." Vil moved a lock of hair that was on your face with a gentel smile. Vil let Rook continue the talk. "But at the end, that doesn't mean we have to forget them. Most of the time they help us learn a lot, and teach us not to make the same mistakes again." You sighed, you felt your body weight shift from you, you felt relaxed.
"We love you Mc, no matter what. You don't have to hide these things from us. Bc we are always gonna help you work it out, we can work everything out. Together." Epel finally moved his head to face you and to look at you. It made you smile honestly, you were glad that you have three of them.
Vil joined the hug, all of you were smiling as you felt the warmt of there body's. It relaxed you, it comfored you. "We love you Mc." It was all they said before continuing to nuzzle onto your side. "I love you guys to..." Now you know that no matter what, the boys will be there as your number one supporters.
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insoliver · 7 months
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“Thank you so much, I love it!” Seungmin said opening his birthday present from you, springing off the ground to engulf you in the tightest hug you could bear. “I’m glad you like it minnie” you replied, a smile creeping up on your face. That was the day you gave your best friend his first professional camera, something he’s been wanting since third grade, on his 14th birthday.
Present time
“Minnie. I swear if you take one more photo of me with that stupid camera, I’m gonna throw the burger I’m trying to enjoy right in your face” you said with annoyance in your tone. “Hey! You’re the one who bought it for me, remember?” Seungmin said covering his camera like a mother bird shelters her babies. “Yeah! and I’m about to use that three year warranty before it runs out!” . You exclaimed “To bad, it’s runs out tommorow~” He mocked back with that annoying smirk. Right, the three year warranty ran out on Seungmins birthday tomorrow. “Oh Yeah? I still have today so put that camera down and eat the food I payed for before you are forced to eat a cold grilled cheese.”
On the way home from the burger joint Seungmin suggested you two should to go to the park for some sunset pictures. You agreed because you had nothing better to do. “Look, the sky is turning purple, it’s a mix of purple and blue.” you pointed out. “You’re right!” *snap* Seungmin shot a picture of the late sunset. He then tilts the camera towards you showing you the picture he had just taken. admiring the picture he just taken, you asked “Why don’t you take more pictures like that instead of just using all your storage on stupid off guard pictures of me” he smiled at that, “I actually have some good pictures of you too on here” he said reassuringly.
You had both made it to the park and sat on the little bench on the side of the playground. Nobody was there but you two because of how late it was, nobody let their kids out this late now. “You do?” , you asked, replying to his statement from a second ago. “Yeah, look!” Seungmin replied while powering on his camera, opening the file that was named under (your name)” He handed you the camera showing you how to scroll through the photos, “The right arrow button is how you scroll” He said calmly, almost like a sweet gradeschool teacher. “Thank you but I’m not an idiot, I know how to use a damn camera” “Just making sure” he said defendingly with a smile. You started scrolling through the pictures he took while you guys were hanging out together and you noticed he took so many of these without you knowing.
Pictures of you by the soft pink Sakura tree from when you and his family visited Japan together, then a picture of you feeding the ducks in the lake by his grandparents house, and another one in the Daisy Fields that your biology class took a field trip on. You remember that day so clearly because it’s when you and Seungmin learned about his insane allergies to pollen. You kept on scrolling through the pictures of yourself, admiring how someone could capture such unreal pictures of you. You knew he had a good nick when it came to photography, but when it came to the pictures of you he seemed to take magazine cover worthy pictures. You wanted to return the favor so you told him to pose, you then snapped a picture, “Minnie take your mask all the way of your face, you look like an idiot” “Heyy” he replied back taking of the mask offensively. You then snapped a picture of him, smiling. You blushed at the near sight of the photo. How could someone’s smile be so pretty~ “You have a cute smile Mr Mong Mong” “You know I don’t like it, you don’t have to say it to make me feel better and stop calling me Mr Mong Mong I’m not five anymore.” he retorted. Smiling you replied “No seriously, I really love your smile Seungmin. I don’t know why the thought of you smiling makes you feel upset, but it really suits you, just admit you have a perfect smile.” he smiled and replied with a soft “Thank you, the braces, sort of ruin it, though” “No they make you look cuter.” Both of you giggled at the same time while you handed him his camera back. “How are you able to make me look so magazine worthy with one click?” You said with a small snicker coming out of you “What do you mean?” Seungmin asked back. Before you could ask again, he had the answer to your question. “You always look like that, that’s why I enjoy taking pictures of you” you looked at him with a wierd look, “You’re funny dude” you laughed, but it would turn more into an awkward laugh when you realized he was dead serious. “Oh, you meant it” you whispered. “Thank you Minnie that means a lot.” “No need to thank me it’s just the truth”
You guys sat in a comfortable silence, the once purple and blue sky was now a deep midnight loom. With stars starting to speckle around the blank canvas of a sky. You felt like crying, Seungmin had always been so kind. From helping you with boy trouble, to always reassuring you about your self image. He was such a wonderful friend.
You looked up into the sky, you love the stars and the solar system in general. You could rant on and on about it, and Seungmin was always there to listen and ask questions. You knew his main interest wasn’t the solar system, but he always made you feel that way. You really liked him and secretly loved when he took those stupid pictures of you, there was just so much to admire about him. His adorable braces, His soft lush hair, His chocolate glazed eyes, his soft smile, and the way he treated you and others. That’s what made your heart melt like chocolate in heat every single time.
Your eyes shifted too the stars, they reminded you of him because they are the prettiest thing in your heart and so was he. *snap* you were taken out of your daze when you heard the click of a camera and a short giggle. “You’re so pretty underneath the stars” “I still have time you return that damn thing” “yeah sure” you both turned twords eachother, pausing your stargazing moment and laughed. His lips were prettier than usual, and his eyes were looking right into you. He leaned into you slowly. Soon, both of your eyes were closed and your hands were tangled in his luscious hair. Tongues gliding amongst one another, lips inseparable. With his hand placed on the back of your neck while the other one was keeping his camera out-of-the-way.
The moment ended sooner than it started though, but the aftermath wasn’t awkward, It was comforting. You had just stolen each others first kisses. You guys just sat there, carefull not to break the comforting silence and the soft panting of each others breaths. But silence was soon broken, “Thank you” Seungmin said breathless. “For what?” You questioned. “My camera, I would’ve never been so in love without it”
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akutasoda · 8 months
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chapter ten - coffin dancer
 ↳ vampire!luocha x reader
warnings - gn!reader, fluff?, reference to canon-typical blodd drinking, pining, wc - 1.4k
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the universe was quite vast and you should know, you had visited most of it. you had always decided that becoming a traveller in this vast universe was something that you wanted to do. and from your very first opportunity to leave and travel, you took it with no regrets. moving from one place to anither always had it's ups and downs but no matter what you were content with your choice.
you found it rather enjoyable, visiting random places and experiencing what they have to offer before doing the same on yet another planet. and by now you had managed to far and wide and sure you hadn't travelled all of it - that surely would take most of your life - you always found new things to do in places you had visited before. the only downside to being a wandering traveler was relations.
ever so often you would bond with a particular person in wherever you currently stayed, spending quite a bit of time with them and letting them show you around their home planet before begrudgingly having to depart. sure you would still keep in contact but sometimes travelling certain distances interrupted signals and made relationships strained and hard to maintain. so as painful as it was for you, you made the decision to never get too attached to anyone you met.
and that involved travelling as a single person. most people didn't want to adapt to your choice of living and you understood but sometimes you still wished a companion would show up. someone who was like you and was very willing to travel the galaxy. it was just a small hope that became more and more apparent after leaving behind so many new friends. but it seemed the aeons had taken pity.
luocha also was quite the fan of a wandering travellers lifestyle more specifically the route taken by travelling merchants. he, himself having travelled quite a fair distance in the galaxy. he had adapted this lifestyle for quite a few reasons but two very prominent ones were the fact that it appealed to him and the other due to his kin. the universe was filled with various species and some had more of a negative reputation to them and unfortunately he was apart of that group.
he is still unsure on what his kin could've done to build such stigma but there was nothing to do about it. vampires were often viewed with caution and distrust meaning quite alot of people, if they knew, would choose to stay away from him. so travelling in solidarity was quite the welcome option.
anybody that looked at him wouldn't immediately scream about him being a vampire. the most obvious would clearly be his insistence on carrying that coffin with him anywhere, but that could very quickly be covered up by his role as a travelling merchant. he knew it was quite cliché but he did like it. even his fangs weren't that visible, you would have to be practically in his face to tell. but this had mainly come from him constantly hiding his true origins despite travelling alone.
sometimes, he too would long for someone to travel with but overcame it pretty quickly and brutally. and thus content with his lifestyle. but it seemed that even as a sole traveller his path was meant to cross with another sole traveler. luocha was undoubtedly on the luofu for less than desirable purposes. and you were there revisiting to keep up with a particular good friend. someone you had met with everytime you had visited luofu, and in fact the luofu was somewhere you had visited quite often. afterall you had managed to be classed as a honoured guest by the general himself.
and yet every time you had visited you never recalled seeing a blonde haired man dressed quite like that before. and neither did your friend. obviously you weren't just going to ditch your friend to talk to the rather suspect man but maybe tommorow you may cross paths again. you had plans to visit a few other places on the luofu and yet there he was again. this time you approached him. luocha was initially quite internally startled that you had approached him so blatantly but quickly amused the conversation.
very quickly you found out he was also a traveller, this excited you very much as you rarely crossed paths with such. the conversation carried on longer than either of you guessed it would but that didn't matter as you both enjoyed conversing with the other. so much so that upon departing, the feeling of missing the other was greatly reciprocated, unspoken but still there. you had sparked luocha's intrest in many ways, so much so that he decided to use up most his time in search of you. hoping that you two could have yet another conversation.
you realised how much time you had spent with the man you now knew as luocha, and realised how risky and bold this move could be. call you crazy but you felt a connection with him and recconned he could finally becomea travelling partner that wouldn't up and leave. so with much hesitnce, you proposed the idea of travelling with one another. and to both of your surprise it was met with a quick yes. luocha still had some unfinished business to attend to and you respected that and patiently waited until he was ready.
he wanted to leave in quite the haste but you didn't mind. you both had agreed that worst case scenario you both would depart upon the planet currently staying in. but it seems that wasn't necessary. travelling with the merchant seemed to only strengthen your bond and eventually you weren't just travelling as fellow wanderers but as friends. but even through this whole time, luocha was still harbouring his secret.
he never intended in the first place to tell you, but now was more insistent on it. you were the first person he enjoyed the company off let alone properly travelling with. so he was hesitant it may ruin that. he still couldn't even fully understand why he enjoyed being around you so much. so he let it stay a hidden side to him and he planned to keep that from you as long as possible. but it seemed the aeon's didn't like this.
very soon you noticed a shift in behaviour with your companion. it was light yes, but it was so unlike him. he normally was so calm and composed and now the smallest thing set him off on one. and thenhe would disappear and comeback perfectly fine for a few hours. and it was by pure accident how you found the truth.
it was after a particular outbreak on a new planet that you're concern peaked, so you apologized for your friends actions to the locals and went to go confront him and what truly was going on. and that's how you found him, desperately looking for something within his coffin justt to pull out a bag that you could only guess contained blood before he realised your presence and turned around looking incredibly guilty.
after that instance, luocha felt as if only denying it would make it weirder and so came clean, waiting for the hate and classic stigma his kin faced. just to be met with a simple 'ok'. you had travelled far and wide, met various species and formed your own opinions not blindly believed in rumours and stigma spread around. so why would you truly care that luocha was a vampire? you thought it was pretty neat.
it had felt as if a weight was lifted of his chest, and it seemed to change nothing in your relationship - if anything making it stronger. and so you both continued as normal, however now you had the tendency to tease him about his origin. but throughout all this, luocha started slowly realising just why he felt so attached to you. why he agreed to travel with you as a pair.
he realised that these weren't just feelings of kinship and kindness, but something more. something that admittedly made him think about you constantly. the only downside being he wasn't sure were you stood on him. but if anything he just had to figure out were you stood to take the appropriate steps for the future. wether that be travelling together as friends or as something more. he preferred that option in his opinion.
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houseofbreadpakoda · 10 months
Naatpu - 1
Ponniyin Selvan X Bahubali Crossover.
Vandiyathevan was leaving to Lanka in a day. The orders of the devi herself. His devi. Poonguzhali, well versed with the route to the lankan shore had agreed to take him.
"We'll leave tommorow afternoon" she mumbled biting off a piece of coconut. "Tommorow? What am I supposed to do till then?" Groaned Vandiyathevan. "Well, you're in Chozha Nadu. One can find many things to do around here" she replied walking towards the harbour. "Remember to meet me at the harbour tommorow by noon." Vandiyathevan knew what he was going to do.
Aditha had spoken about a certain Kuntalan princess, who he'd met while returning from his first war. He and a few other soldiers, had halted there for a day. In the short span he'd gotten to be around the princess, he'd developed a liking towards her. "She'd understood me and healed me like no other. I gained a true friend that day."
Someone capable of understanding let alone healing Aditha? Now Vandiyathevan was too intrigued to let go of such an opportunity. The kingdom was four hours away, he'd make it just before sunset if he rode fast enough.
Vandiyathevan had begun to churn stories to convince the princess as to the reasons for his visit. He could say he ran out of water, and although he was fine, his horse was about to faint of thirst. Or rather, that he had fought the Pindari soldiers on his way to the palace and was injured.
He'd now reached the bastions of the palace. He hopped off his horse and introduced himself to the soldiers "I'm Vallavarayan Vandiyathevan, Aditha Karikalan's nanban."
The soldiers face immediately turned sober, "The yuvarani was expecting you" he smiled sending a nod to the other soldiers who opened the gates for him, confusing Vandiyathevan.
The palace was much smaller compared to the others he had seen. A young boy took Semba into the stables, as a daasi led him towards the meeting chambers of the palace. "Yuvarani Devasena will be here in a moment." She informed him. The kingdom was a heavy contrast to thanjai. The walls of the palace were made of marble. Agriculture seemed to be the major occupation. The palace itself looked quite whimsical and fable like.
"At last, we meet!" He heard a voice behind him. In a moment he knew what Aditha had felt. "Made us wait a little too long hmm Vanthiyare? Please do sit!" said Devasena leading him to a settee, seating herself too. There was something so warm about her aura, that made one feel, seen and included. "Karikalar had informed me that you'd be visiting. We've been eagerly waiting for you since then."
"Ilavarase knew I was coming? How- I myself hadn't planned on visiting until today morning".
"He'd informed me, that you were in thanjai and you were likely to come here if you got into any trouble. What he also told me was that he wouldn't be surprised, if you made up an excuse, just to come to Kuntala." said Devasena, a smile now playing on her lips.
Vandiyathevan winced. Aditha knew him too well.
The two had gobbled up a scrumptious meal which compensated for all the running and falling and dancing Vandiyathevan had performed. "Aditha has spoken quite a bit about you" Devasena said drying her hands. "Oh I can say the same! Ilavarase believes you changed him as a person, for the better. He told us that you understood him when nobody else could. Rather, that was what drove me to meet you."
Devasena's smile faltered, her eyes fading into melancholy. "He was so happy. He'd met the love of his life then. One would never guess a man like him to be so extremely mushy when it came to love. Oh and the way he took her name. As if it were a prayer, or a chant rather. Nandhini." Her eyes traced back to Vandiyathevan who looked almost bewildered.
"Nandhini?" He asked gulping slightly. "He hasn't mentioned?" Asked Devasena, a tinge of concern slipping into her voice, "Oh why did I have to bring her up after so many years. He has probably moved on. Must have, if he hasn't mentioned her to anyone. Back then, he wouldn't stop chirping about her for a moment."
"He hasn't." He spoke breaking his silence, "Atleast, I don't think he has. I always wondered what drove him to the insanities he committed. It isn't common for one to think about conquering another kingdom, while still washing the blood off their hands from the war of the previous one." He looked back at her, eyebrows furrowed. "And i don't think she's moved on either."
"Who, Nandhini?" Devasena's gaze grew sharper by the second. "You met Nandhini?" Vandiyathevan nodded. A sharp exhale escaped Devasena's mouth. "Don't mention it to Aditha unless he asks you so himself. And if he does, do not lie." Vandiyathevan understood.
The room fell silent for a moment. "But Karikalan and.......love? To such extents?" Devasena tried to speak, but couldn't utter anything. Things were conveyed, in plain silence.
"Well speaking about love...." sighed Devasena, "How are you doing? Romantically that is."
Vandiyathevan was taken aback and amused all at once. He stared blankly at her, waiting for context, realising immediately that he wasn't going to get any. "I- I'm sorry yuvarani, I don't think I'm following?" Vandiyathevan asked shaking his head.
"Oh please Vanthiyare, I heard you've met Kundavai?"
Vandiyathevan's eyes widened, as a slight blush crept up his face. Is that what it was. Had Aditha tried to-? No. it could not have been.
"Hey, Aditha set you up himself. What are you worried about?"
Vandiyathevan looked around the room uncomfortably, the awkwardness reaching to him. "Yuvarani, I think there has been a slight misunderstanding. I met Kundavai Devi only to spill whatever I had spied and learnt."
Devasena sighed, moving closer to Vandiyathevan. "Vanthiyare, firstly, please call me Devasena. Secondly, why are you in such denial? You clearly like Kundavai. Or, a little more than like i supposee"
"Tsk tsk"
"-I have no feelings towards the Ilavarasi."
"Vallava! Your face is as red as a ruby."
Vandiyathevan stopped, as soon as his eyes caught himself in the mirror across their table. His face had turned into a brighter shade of red, than the ink he had painted his face with for the MaayaKannan Recital. What had he done to himself. Since when had he begun to blush? He slightly smoothened his moustache before turning back to Devasena. She had now propped her chin on her hand, smiling wide at Vandiyathevan.
"But I'm just a soldier. With no land or identity. How could one even dream of such things at my stature?
"Why not? Who hasn't heard of Vallavarayan Vandiyathevan? Aditha Karikalan himself sings his name to every creature he meets. Imagine the stature of a man who rules the sky above him and every piece of land he stands on."
Ah, so it was Yuvarani who'd influenced Ilavarase to speak such words of motivation. The similarity in their thinking and choice of words, surprised Vandiyathevan.
"The thing about love is, it just happens vallava. Before you realise it, you've fallen for them. And they for you. People fall in love with souls, not bodies, and definitely not with statures. Knowing you, you must've already charmed her. And knowing Kundavai..." Vandiyathevan's eyes perched up, "she might as well be thinking about you right now."
Vandiyathevan sank back into his chair, exhaling sharply.
"Cause you're a little too precious."
His gaze met her's.
"The only reason I thought Aditha had moved on is because of how cheerful he was the last time he'd visited. But now that i think about it, i think it was all because of you. He'd gone on and on about you. So much so that Nandhini would be jealous if she were present."
Said Devasena breaking into a fit of laughter as Vandiyathevan joined her too.
"Before you know it you've fallen for them...." Repeated Vandiyathevan. "Who is it?" He asked abruptly, interrupting her thoughts. Devasena fumbled, her eyes blinking vigorously.
"Sounds like you speak with a lot of experience yourself."
Devasena smiled thinking about the love sick fool she'd fallen for. Vandiyathevan grinned jumping back into his element.
"So.....?" He asked bending forward resting one palm on his knee while the other held up his chin, raising an eyebrow, mockingly. Devasena chuckled throwing a pillow at him.
That day, he'd gained a new friend. A true friend.
If Devasena wasn't Devasena i would've made her fall for Vandiyathevan. I'm not kidding.
@whippersnappersbookworm @thereader-radhika @thegleamingmoon @yehsahihai @thelekhikawrites @harinishivaa @celestesinsight @chiyaanvikram @ragkee
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myrushmoreband · 4 months
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The Hug and Pint
£7.70 online at
It will be £10 on the door (so if you want cheaper buy before you go!
Itll be good fun, be there or be square
Lots of love, My Rushmore
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donaviolet · 1 month
ya see that? That shit is Reigen x Komaeda KyoSaya animatic idea thingy.
so, imagine this:
Nagito got a wish to see Sans again, and he did. just... not in the way he wanted. He gets news where he learns Sans got slashed in his stomach due to a... Disagreement. He's been visiting him everyday since. and when it finally comes time, the Stand-Up special where he'll perform; he finds out he's been hanging out with Toriel more than he thought. Why? just.. WHY?? Nagito thought. but then again, he shouldn't be jealous. he just sits there in the audience, occasionally laughing at the jokes ; trying to hide his increasing jealousy. after the show, he walks up to them and tells them that he's happy for them while turning away; his eyes slowly breaking into tears as his soul gem slowly gets more and more dark and muddy. On the way home, he senses a witch and transforms to go fight it. who does he see in the witch field?
That's right, Reigen. God. he REALLY dislikes him. but not to the point of hate, no. he had a sort of fondness for him. Even though Reigen was a Fraud and also slightly Annoying to Nagito, he sort of..enjoyed their time together. He wondered if they could maybe be friends... Heck, maybe even more! Oh, what is he thinking?? there's no way Reigen would ever hang out with a guy like HIM! at least that's what he thought after fighting that witch with him. he felt a slight pain in his chest for some odd reason, turns out it was Kyubey stepping on his newly-purified Soul Gem. Kyubey breaks the news to him in his room, making Komaeda finally fucking snap. he did all that only to turn into a WITCH!? he couldn't believe his ears. he refused to believe his ears. he tries forgetting about it by maybe..doing his homework! yeah, he'll do his homework to take his mind off the truth!! But it didn't work. it didn't work at all. he thought about his wish, how he oh-so wanted to see Sans again, how he missed him, only to learn that he's already got someone. what a joke. he sold his soul in that contract for NOTHING!? how could've he been so STUPID!?
Nagito just... Goes to sleep so he can forget about it all and just go to school tommorow. and yet again, his jealousy gets worse and worse. he's now at a point where you can barely tell what color his soul gem is due to the overwhelming despair consuming him.
he comes back to his room, finding a note near his balcony. It's from Reigen, he wants to hang out if he doesn't mind. he....reluctantly agrees. The next day, he walks over to the café where Reigen told him to meet up. There he was. Him and his stupidly cocky smile. Him and his shiny.. golden orange.. hair...Him and his.. really..soft looking..face.. N-Nevermind. He takes a seat and has a chat with him, talking about whatever's been going on around. He notices Nagito looks a bit distraught. He asks why; kind of feeling the same way considering the fact that he...remembers the reason why he wanted his wish. Oh, turns out the guy he liked ended up with someone else. What a bummer, he feels bad for Nagito and gives him a bit of advice. wait.. Is.. is his soul gem ok? it looks really dark. Nagito just brushes it off as he leaves. he can't fucking take it anymore.
Reigen, still at the café drinking suddenly senses a witch nearby. he stares in shock as he watches Nagito, his GODAMN frenemy turn into a witch before his eyes. He transforms and gets ready to fight. He's not even sure if there's even a shred of him left in there. He just attacks and attacks, while also trying to see if that thing; that fucking witch in front of him was still Nagito. oh shit. ooh fuck. He's messed up. He's about to die. Right before he does, he confesses that.. Nagito isn't really that bad of a guy after all, was he? as he releases his final attack, and his gem shatters.
Oh and um another concept thingy, this time about their Magical Girl forms: don't you notice how they sort of have a thing with superstition?
Well, I feel their magical girl costumes would be based on what kind of superstition they're usually associated with!
Like for example, :
Nagito's could probably be based on luck while Reigen based on evil spirits!
I feel like Nagito's weapon would be a shit ton of like... Hands n stuff like the black hands from the Watashi Wa Enja Desu by HikkieP MV!!
While Reigen could probably make Salt Crystals grow out of the ground and impale people!!
ok enough Reimaeda rambling, hope you enjoyed the magical boy AU or whatevah!!! ヾ(^-^)ノ
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spidersocks15 · 3 months
Don't know where else to write this,i just need to get it off my chest for once. If you read this, you don't need to interact, this is mainly for myself.
It's been a bad day today, one of many and probably many will still follow. Tomorrow may be better,as tommorows tend to be. Now im just done again. Life again seems meaningless. I try my very best to get somewhere in life, to get an education, to then get a job and to hopefully manage it on my own later. I'm now 25, no prior diploma, still at my parents, just trying... but it doesn't feel enough, even if I give it my all. I feel less than everyone else, even if I don't have it as bad as most people. I'm in university, wonder by wonder, trying to get a bachelor's degree. And even tho things go allright, I feel I process so slowly. 3 years has past since I first started, and I'm maybe halfway through it. But I feel I'm getting worse with age. I'm not as smart is I thought I was, not as good as I thought I was, not is functional as I hoped I would be. I live in a country where I don't know the language, don't know the people, and the only lightpoint I have here, is my mother. I would do anything for her, she is basically the only reason I'm still alive and trying. I gave up living for myself long ago, so I now live trying to make her proud, to show that I actually... well I don't know. Am not a waste of life? I like reading how you need to live for yourself and make yourself proud, I know that's not for me. I learned to accept myself and my shortcomings, that's as far as I can take it. My plan is once I get my bachelor's ,to go back to my hometown try to get my life going on there. But I'm actually scared as hell. Scared to not being to function on my own. I dont know if I can live alone, have a job as I never had any (privileged much, I know), just function in general. There are people beside my mom that I love and that would fight for me and help me. I'm allways suprised to think that they exist. I love them dearly and don't want to disappoint them too. They know of my struggles, maybe not that it runs this deep. I'm even suprised that it runs so deep writhing this. I have mostly felt the same like this throughout my life, maybe more optimistic when I was younger, but I just was inexperienced about live then. I am still now, maybe a little wiser or more narcissistic for it. Something is wrong with me, God knows that if many people felt like me,there wouldn't be many people left. I'm not broken, that would indicate I was whole to begin with. I am just me, and that's just fine. I just wish I wouldn't have to feel bad all the time. There is allways this anger,hate,anxiety and God knows what other feelings in the background. I can feel happiness, but its mostly short-lived and gone before I noticed it. I looked for help, been seeing therapist since I was 10. It just doesn't work. That's probably the main reason I study psychology, looking for a way to fix myself. People allways come to me for advice and I am allways so gratefull if I can help them and see them doing better. I can finally be useful. But everytime I try to use the things that I learned on myself, it might get the edges of in the best case. I've been taking antidepressants for 15 years, and if anything, it takes the edge of too. I can't imagine how I would be if I didn't take them, might have ended it all together or I wouldn't leave my house anymore like I did back then. But I don't live it much now either. It's either going to my mom or to my eldery neighbors to play card games. I dont know how to connect with peers, I dont even understand their language. English is an option, and I do have some meaningful connections online,but I guess it isn't the same. I do have 2 friends my own age back in my hometown that I contact regularly. We mostly hang out once a year when I visit them. But even when I used to live there, it was different. I dont know if I don't have the need for social connections or don't know how to make them, I wasjust fine with chatting regularly and hang out every few months. I guess I feel the need more now I'm a bit older and feel isolated. Maybe I'll figure it out if I ever get back to live there.
I know I'm complaining and how pathetic it all sounds. I have some ideas on how to fix me,but i get so exhausted to think about them. Being social in general allready takes so much from me. Can't have 2 big social days without getting burned out. Even if I like it and enjoy every second of it, I can't be socially functional enough without needing a rest of at least a day.
If you read this far (I don't even know why you would) you might think What the hell is wrong with this person? I have no idea myself. What i do have, is an asperger diagnosis, but i feel I can't blame it for everything. I dont want to blame anyone, not society, not the world ,not even sure if i can blame myself for feeling this way.
I'm just doing my best, going on through life. Hoping on better times, that undoubtedly come, they allways do. But another bad day will come too, and they come more frequently than the good ones unfortunately. Killing myself is no option in my mind. It would just shift the problem. The people that Iove (bless them with my whole heart) would blame themselves, that they couldn't stop me or help me. So I go on, living for them and see another day.
I feel better getting this off me now, it will be better. Please,i hope that it didn't depress you if you really got this far. Venting is something I do, now I had to get a whole load off that I couldn't tell someone I know,so this seemed like a good option. You are not alone and things will be better, remember that. A phrase they allways tend to say to broken people, that is still surprisingly true.
Now I'll play some games and watch some videos to get my mind off of things. Tommorow, I'll start studying again,maybe even tonight. Never give up
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undertalesev · 2 years
Papyrus, I've been wondering. If you really are as busy as you say you are with this ambassador job... Where do you find all the time to answer and post on this bolg?
I have visited your friend's blogs too....
You have previously described your brother as "chronically" glued to his phone. And all your friends are posting a lot of answers as well! The home you're living in... it's a home of robots! Everybody's turning into Mettaton! I am guessing it is his brand you have all bought... I smell conspiration.
I am only saying that because it is what a mom would, Papyrus. Toriel will soon realize the nefarious influence of days long spent answering humans online. Although it is very important that they know more about monsters, and that they might all feel more secure behind a screen than in front of all of your handsomely handsome handsomeness. When she finally steps up to confiscate everybody's electronical device, including Mettaton as a whole, in her room's unattainable closet and orders you to play in the garden, don't tell me I didn't warn you!
Don't forget to take a bowl of fresh air, and drag everybody you have responsibilities over with you! Like Alphys, I am guessing her grave case of chronical phone glueing has gotten even more... chronic.
I could also ask Undyne to drag you all in a hike in the forest that Asgore planned for tommorow, but I am afraid it would sound like too much of a threat.
I anonymously care, Papyrus! Undyne has yet to consider phone prices over the funny sound they make when all the components spill out and break!
You'll see! Spending a little bit of time off work with friends and family under the nice, cloudy sky, is cool sometimes!
If you were becoming self-conscious of your pristine hairlessness, don't forget that Undyne is already developping a promising alopecia. Who will be here to show her the way of the bald, when her ponytail inevitably gets cut off during an epic fight?
I know there's Sans, but I have a feeling he wouldn't feel as compassionate as this situation would call for.
Good luck with your job!
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blossomreed · 2 years
Chapter 9 of The Dove and her Rooster [Bradley Bradshaw]
find all the parts here
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The next day Victoria and Bradley went to her parents place to visit them and hang out with her family. What they didn't know is that Pete was there in the morning to talk to his long-time friend and Victoria's father, Tom, he even got some good advice from him.
After lunch they were all sitting in the backyard since it was nice outside, drinking some lemonade. Somehow they got to the theme of work, Victoria and Bradley saying what they could. Tom spoke up, even though he shouldn't but he did.
"I'm proud of you...both of you." he smiled at the couple as they thanked him with Victoria reminding her dad not to speak too much.
They told her family that training was going okay with Bradley pointing out that Victoria was the only one that got a kill on Maverick when they practiced dogfighting and Victoria then points out that for now, Rooster was the only one that hit the target on the mission course. Her family congratulated the two with Gavin saying-
"You are a Kazansky after all, of course you beat him."
Which made everyone either laugh or chuckle. They continued talking and joking around for the rest of the day, they even played some board games together. While Victoria often looked around at everyone making a mental picture to hold onto forever, her mom, Sarah, took some pictures with her camera while Rachel took pictures with her phone, joking with their mom to get with the times. They were all happy and that was the only important thing right now.
When the couple decided to take their leave, Tom stopped his daughter to ask her something. Victoria waited for her dad to get out his phone but he never did, instead he decided to speak.
"Who's the better Kazansky? You or me?"
Victoria playfully rolled her eyes at her dad who found himself all too funny before hugging him.
"I love you too dad." Tom kissed his oldest daughter's head as he said I know before they both let go.
"See you tommorow." she kissed his cheek and went outside, getting into the Bronco where her husband was waiting for her in the driver's seat.
"Everything good?" the brunette man asked his wife, nodding her head and letting out a small yeah as she put her seatbelt on.
Before they knew it Monday came around again and it was time to train but instead of being at TOPGUN or flying the course, Maverick took all the pilots to the beach to play some dogfighting football. The Navy wanted a team? He was going to give them a team.
Each round they would switch from offense to defense and vice versa and as much as it was fun, they were all competitive. Everyone was tackled at least once, if not more. Phoenix got tackled by both Dove and Rooster, the couple also tackled each other with Rooster being tackled by Phoenix and Yale too, Dove tackled Phoenix, Hangman and Payback at some point while she was tackled by both Fanboy and Coyote...All in all, none of them realised how competitive they all were until today. The only couple among the pilots were especially competitive when they were on the opposite teams like right now. They stood across from each other, both balls in between them.
"Y'know sweetheart it's not too late to back out, I'd hate to see you cry." Dove rolled her eyes that were shielded from the sun by her sunglasses, "In your dreams." Rooster chuckled at that.
"Oh in my dreams, you're doing way more than that."
With that, Hondo blew the whistle and Dove quickly grabbed her ball as she started running. No way was she going to let him throw her off. Just as Rooster was approaching her, having passed his ball already and went to grab the ball his wife was running with, Dove quickly passed it to Halo, a fellow female pilot and a WSO who scored before the other team did. The two high fived each other before Dove pulled her sunglasses down to her nose and sent a wink in Rooster's direction then continuing to play.
If everyone's was being honest, they stopped counting a while ago so they didn't know who was winning but they didn't care. They needed this between the stress and pressure.
When Dove witnessed Rooster helping Maverick up and patting him on the shoulder she was more than happy. Maybe she won't have to meddle much for the two men to bury the axe and be on good terms again.
Maverick decided to stop playing as he put his t-shirt back on and sat down in a beach chair, despite the many protests coming from his pilots. Just as he did so Cyclone approached him and the two talked.
"You said to create a team...There's your team."
Maverick gestured to Cyclone towards the pilots playing football and just as they both looked at them, Bob scored which made everyone holler and shout. Rooster picked up Bob onto his shoulders as everyone gathered around them and chanted the WSO's callsign. From outside of her bar, Penny smiled at the scene.
After Rooster put Bob down, they continued to play. After Hondo caught the ball that Hangman threw, all 14 fighter pilots decided to go after the man, who did try to out run them but couldn't because there were too many of them. They all jumped him so to say which resulted in the poor man falling onto the sand with some of them falling on top of him and on top of each other which made everyone laugh, even Maverick and Penny, with the woman taking a few pictures and sending it to Victoria's mother who she was close with.
As the pilots all got up one by one, Dove felt a presence behind her, she turned around, seeing Rooster with a smile on his face which screamed mischief.
"Hi there little lady." Dove started to slowly back away, "What's up, honey?" but before she could countinue further, she bumped into someone's chest. Looking up, she saw Payback behind her who also was up to no good. The two men looked at each other before nodding. To Dove's un fortune, she didn't catch on fast enough to run away, and the two men grabbed her as she screamed no and mercy. Everyone watched the scene unfold, laughing as the two went into the ocean while carrying the blonde by her arms and legs.
"No! Wait! Please don't do this. C'mon Roost, Reubs, be nice and put me down."
Rooster looked at Payback, "What do you think Reuben? Should we put her down?" the black haired man pretended to think for a moment before speaking up.
"Well Brad, if she insists..."
But before Dove could thank them, they threw her into the ocean which resulted in a short-lived scream. When she emerged from the water, she saw them laughing which only resulted in her glaring at the two.
"Honey you did say to put you down but not how."
The only thing Dove said is run as she got up from the ocean. The two men looked at each other before running off with the blonde right behind them. The first one she caught was Payback who she pushed into the ocean but Rooster was a bit harder, so instead she picked up one of the balls and aimed for him with it. It successfully hit him and he fell down, not excepting his wife to do that.
Phoenix approached Dove and high-fived her before shouting to the two men as they both got up, chuckling to themselves about what they did.
"Her callsign may be Dove, but she is ruthless."
With that the two women waved to them before making their way inside Penny's bar where everyone already was. Thankfully Penny had a towel in the back which she gave to the younger woman so she could dry herself off before putting her clothes on. Penny also had some shorts she gave to the girl so she didn't have to stay in her wet ones.
Just as she finished changing, Rooster came in.
"How was your swim?" "I don't know. How's your head?"
The woman smirked at her husband as he put his hands up in mock surrender. He approached his wife as he put his hands on her waist.
"You're were so badass out there and I love you so much." she smiled up at him, "I love you too Rooster. And I have to say that little dance you did after you chest bumped with Coyote...Not bad."
Rooster chuckled as he teased Dove a bit before kissing her. Her hands almost instantly went around his neck but instead of immediately wrapping them around his neck, she decided to trace her hands up his exposed chest and then around his neck.
She was the first one to break the mini makeout session they were having.
"C'mon, they're waiting for us."
Rooster nodded his head as he put his shirt back on and going back out with his wife.
They all had hung out for a bit and had a beer or two before everyone went their separate ways. Dove caught Penny getting on her uncle's bike with him so she sent her a thumbs up which made the older of the two chuckle.
The couple visited her family and hung out with them for about two hours, telling them all about their exciting day. I mean they did promise to visit every day, and they were keeping their promise no matter how tired they were.
When they got home, both went to shower before getting ready for bed. Only they didn't go to sleep right away, instead they decided to have a little fun.
Something about being at the beach and playing football and watching each other between plays did things to both of them, especially to Victoria when her husband decided to take his shirt off.
The next morning when they came in for training, they were met with not only Maverick already in the room but also Cyclone and Warlock. As they all sat down, Maverick stood off to the side and Commander Bates stepped to the front.
"Morning. The uranium enrichment plant that is your target will be operational earlier than expected. It will be delivered in 10 days time...as a result the mission has been moved up, one week."
Everyone looked at each other, sharing the same facial expression before turning their attention back to Warlock who after finishing gave the word to Captain Mitchell.
"We have one week to focus on stage 2. It's the most difficult stage of the mission."
As he was explaining everything, he stopped for a little bit, letting the screen and diagram catch up with his talking before continuing.
"Now here is where we need two consecutive miracles. Miracle number 1 is hitting the uranium plant. Now the single plane will launch the bomb, with the second plane providing a laser lock aim, then the pilot will do a steep climb out. That's Miracle number 1." he stopped talking to let his words sink in, he saw a few worried faces but everyone was trying to mask it. The older man also saw the way Dove held Rooster's hand tightly as they shared a quick glance before looking back up front.
"The second team will deliver the kill shot and destroy the target. That's Miracle number 2."
He continued explaining that the mission is a failure if either team misses and the steep climb out they'll have to face. Just as Maverick finished, Hangman raised his hand. Maverick nodded his head at him, as to tell him to go ahead.
"A steep climb at that speed you're pulling at least 8 G's." He spoke, concern being heard in his voice, "9. Minimum."
Rooster commented that that the stress load of an F/A-18 airframe is 7.5 to which Maverick explained that if they wanted to survive the mission they'll go beyond that even if it means bending their airframe. He then explained how it will feel when pulling 9 Gs in an F/A-18 in a steep climb like the one they will have to face.
"Assuming you avoid crashing into this mountain, you'll climb up straight into enemy radar while losing all of your rear speed...Within seconds you'll be fired upon by enemy SAMs. You all faced sustained Gs before but this...this is gonna take you and your aircraft to a breaking point."
It was quiet in the room, everyone processing the information they were given by the Captain. The silence was broken by Phoenix.
"Sir, is this even achievable?" "The answer to that question will come down to the pilot in the box."
Maverick answered as he looked at all 14 pilots in front of him. Soon enough, they were sent off into different groups to fly the whole mission course. Almost no one successfully finished the mission. Some were too slow, some didn't hit the target and a few had problems sustaining the Gs. Dove was in the group that hit the target but was slow by half a minute.
The last ones up were Phoenix and Bob with Coyote. They were 12 seconds late on the target when Maverick made his presence known, acting as an enemy aircraft. Bob's laser couldn't get a lock so Coyote decided to drop blind, unfortunately, he missed and on top of that the pilot fainted while doing the steep climb. Thankfully, he woke up before he crashed but just as everything seemed okay and they were getting ready to land, they were faced with a bird strike.
Phoenix and Bob's engine caught on fire because the bird flew right into it. Phoenix tried everything she could to save both the engines and the plane but failed. The plane crashed and the two ejected at the last minute.
The two were both admitted to the hospital and after Maverick found out that Phoenix and Bob were going to be okay, he went and let Dove know, who asked him to go tell Rooster since she had to go to the bathroom.
Unknown to the two men who were arguing in the room a few doors down from the bathrooms, as Dove made her way back she was stopped by Vice Admiral Simpson.
"Lieutenant Kazansky, I'm sorry." Dove looked at the man in front of her, confused at first, "What do you mean Vice Admiral?"
Cyclone gave her a look that said it all to her but she didn't register it right away.
The blonde was numb. She didn't feel anything in that moment, and the poor woman didn't know what to say so she just nodded her head. Cyclone gave a small squeeze to the woman's shoulder as he walked away. And just as Dove got the news so did Maverick and Rooster who were getting the news delivered by Warlock.
"Where's my wife?" Rooster asked but before Warlock could answer, Dove appeared in the doorway. Warlock left to give the three some privacy.
Maverick approached her before giving his niece a kiss on the forehead and a tight hug.
"Take your time, okay? I'll go see your mom and siblings. He was so happy to have you as his daughter and proud of you as both a person and a pilot. Never forget that."
As Maverick left, he closed the door behind him to give the couple some privacy, to give two grieving people privacy.
Rooster stepped towards Dove who could only look up at him with tears in her eyes. The man didn't say anything. He only hugged his wife tightly and with that, she broke down. She let out all the tears, the screams, everything that she has been holding in. This, this hurt like hell.
Well, Iceman is offically dead...This chapter was definitely a rollercoaster of emotions since it started so happily and ended up very sad. All I have to say is prepare tissues for the next chapter because it's going to be really sad and if I'm being completly honest, I cried while writing it, like a lot. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story so far and thank you for reading! Bye! <3
P.S. I'm so proud of the gif above, I litreally had to combine multiple gifs for it to turn out like that but then I had to compress it since it was like 20MB and tumblr only let's you post beneath 10MB😭
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Crystal Hearts
Prequel PT3: You and me
2 weeks Later
Your having a big problem as you look at the red crystal hearts you barely manage to get those few months you been living in the human world. It's only two at least.
It was made by doing a little cheating with a skill your cousin teach you out of the blue " hypnosis " as well being an actor like he is.
Through you only use them to gain popularity in a cringe and Clichy school romance you force yourself into to gain shoujo worthy lovey-dovey worth of crystal hearts, but no.
You suffer the consequences because you have to attend school activities to be called the popular kid. Making you mess out many magic lesson with your new found friend.
"I hate this job." You grumble as you clench the bag of noir hearts you get from the consequences of being famous. " [ Purifier] " you mumble as you watch the black crystal turn Blanc or white. You continue to do this till the bag all become bag of full of Blanc.
"I wanna drop out." You remember that you have exams this week. Making you unable to meet up with your new friend even more!
You put the Blanc to the grinder you brought with you from the world of fae and start to turn them into fine sweet powder. " Agh ... Shoujo manga is a lie. It's a bull crap. " You start really regretting what you decided to do a few months back.
You sigh the nth time as you start making sweet to calm yourself down. While you zoon out, you start to make bunch of batches of sweets to the point you snap out of it with bunch of cute bags of candies and sweets on the table.
"Oh crap!" You cannot believe you made bunch of sweets again! Aira would be mad! "Oh wait his not here..." You mumble as you take one pack and start eating.
"Hmm. I Should been studying but like ... What if I'm the stupid cutie to gain crystal Hearts? Ah. But cutie only get into pink color... Those aren't love heart. It's just crush." You start to debate about life choices after eating one pack of sweets.
"Nii-tan won't be back till late. Hmm. I'm all alone, a perfect reason to study." You mumble as you put all the sweets to your space and prepare to leave the apartment. "I should go visit my new friend~ ehehe~" and so the idea of studying went out of your brain as you leave the house.
You arrive in the park and saw no friend of your is there. You sigh dejected that his probably gotten bored for waiting for you for days, since you don't show up for a week or so now.
You look down at your hand and stared at the strings. You could always follow the strings and go to where he is right now. But his probably busy. Dropping off the sweets to secret hidding spot you two have, you left.
"oh! Sweets!" kohaku who just arrived in the park secret hide out saw packs of sweets on container can't help but smile and pick one of it and start to nom.
He look around the place but found no sign of mc. " I miss them..." He felt dejected, he can't just go to where you are either, he don't know where you live.
"I wonder what they even doing those days..." He mumble as he take a seat. " I... " He sigh when he remembers his father have push the matter again and now he only have two weeks left but he cannot catch you at all, you guys keep missing out each other when you two goes to your secret hideout.
His eyes went down to the beautiful strings.
" I'll go look for them tommorow." He smile as he takes the sweets with him to go home
The next few days, kohaku have went and follow the strings and he found himself in such scene.
"I love you! Pls go out with me!"
His eyes widen as he saw someone confessing to you.
"Okii!. Let's go out of the school building then AHAHAH☆ ~('▽^人)"
You giggle as you offer your hand to your school mate who is embarrassed but chuckle at your literal sense of things.
" N-no! I mean in a date..."
'... There not going to accept it right?' he gulp as he realize his intruding in some matter he shouldn't be in. Yet there's a awful feeling in the pit of his stomach, he can't bare to not witness and not know.
"'okii." You stared at the crystal heart that is close to being red. Your eyes sparkle at the thought of having another one after so long.
"Yup! I'm very straight forward person! Ahaha~ come let's go back to class first, then after school. We can go have a date!" You giggle as you grab his hand, your acting have resurface.
Holding your school mate hand, your next target. You left with glee.
' this would make three hearts! Ahaha!'
"..." the person hidding from the bushes come out, his eyes stared dead in the direction where you two went.
"Ah... " He snap out of his as he heard something dripping, he look down at his hand that is clenching too much that his nails start to wound his palm. "What... What am I feeling..." He held his chest, he felt sour feelings that choking him but can't understand it. His too new to such feelings.
"... I'll just snoop around... To understand it.." he mumble as he wipe the blood off his hand in his pants, he then trail behind you, watching you from the shadows.
"I'm not good in arcades. Yua." You quickly says in full honesty to your date, Yua.
"Oh! I'm not good either...? Ahaha." They also confess. The two of you are now looking at the huge marshmallow squishy on the arcade machine. "Through I'm shocked you have something your not good at. You always seems to exile in school."
"Ahaha~ you jest me. I thought I was going to fail the exam, you know!" You quickly humble out. You take out your cute coin pouch and place it to the arcade since your going to use it anyway, it's too tiring to take it out over and over again. putting some coins into the arcade machine. " Do you believe in magic? I can try use magic trick to win! " You joked as you try to move the claw toward a certain Sakura theme marshmallow. Pressing the bottom z, you watch how it don't even budge the damn thing. You repeated it till you only have few cents left.
"Okii, time to use magic!" You were about to throw a punch to the machine.
"Please don't joke around Fairy-san." Yua quickly stops you from trying to cheat to win. You pout.
"But it eat my coins! Ah! I work hard for those coins!" You have to beg, the emperor to transfer some cash, he does so after he made you do a baby shark video wearing a shark custom with a baby cloths on it. You have to swallow your embarrassment and hate for Ei for making you be watch by your friends on live cam.
You swear your were discovered for stealing his pillows from last time and his being petty about it!
"Ahaha. Your so silly sometimes, Fairy-san." Yua mumble as they take out their wallet to try the game themselves as they plan how to get the stuff toy, you look at the glass of the machine, you saw glaring purple eyes peaking from the corner of the arcade before hiding after he realize you notice him.
(Why are you following me?)
You sigh as you finally talk to him, he been following you since earlier. Again.
He don't reply at all.
( Ahaha... Shoot are you mad cause I dont meet up with you for a while? )
You tried to talk to him but he refuse to answer back. You sigh as you look at your date.
(I really shouldn't chat with you since I need to be respectful for my date. So chat with you later!)
You told him before you joined along Yua trial of trying to get the stuff toy. You two chuckle as you once again failed to get it, enough to ask for help from the workers to give a little boost.
"Fairy-san. That's not your real name right?" Yua and you seat in front of the convenience store and eating a popsicle, you two failed to get the stuff toy and become a loser who spend a week amount of allowance to get nothing but brokeness.
"Hmm? Why do you think so?" You smiled as you stare at them. "No one would call their child That. Well maybe some would but you never mentioned a surname either." He pointed out. " Actually... Your actually one of the seven mystery of the school... Well I think that was you, the rumours talks about."
" Oh my... Do tell! I don't know I'll be a seven mystery of something! Ahaha~ how fun!" Your Honestly quite surprised by this.
" Hmm.. well I heard about it from my classmate. They said a certain odd ball come from nowhere. Their name was never told. They claim to be a god ( In CN. Fairy could mean deity = God ) who grant people wishes exchange for their heart and their memories of them. "
They stared at you as you pause. " And? " You don't give a hint of emotion or what's on your mind. "Do you come to and confess such emotion? Do you have a wish if you believe in such rumours?" You chuckle.
"... I don't know. I wanted to see it for myself. I wanna see if you can really grant someone wish, that's why I try to see you in a new light, to try and fall in love with you. "
" Man... It's laughable if you force yourself to fall in love with me, just to see such thing." You give a close eyes smile, not bintjng wbat you truly felt. You felt nothing by such words but laughter's that want to be heard. To laugh at yourself or to them.
Yua:" I have a wish... If I give you my heart would you grant it? "
MC:" I only accept passionate heart. I refuse to accept such force love you have for me."
Yua:" Then why did you accept going on a date with me?"
MC:" It's just a date. Besides I'm one who try to please those who's around me. At least in my way of thoughts, if you want a date and told me. Then we should date."
Yua:" What if I told you I love you and I meant it."
MC:" Do you want me to reply to you the same words? I can do that if it please you."
Yua:"... Your cruel and heartless with your words.... "
" Oh? Ahaha. That's a new one. " You laugh as you finish your popsicle, you stared at the stick before you look at the empty bottle on top of the trash bin.
"The cruel person such as I. Will grant your wish if you truly have passionate heart...." You then throw the popsicle stick and it went to the bottle, going throw it like it's a blade. "But you should be careful what you wish."
Standing up. You look at the sunset.
"You will regret it if you wish a bad one. A wish you'll regret." You stared back at him. " Tell me your wish. I'll accept your force love~" you smiled widely.
"... I--'
They take a deep breath and told you about a story of someone they care about that fallen in a deep sleep because of a depressing matter after falling from the stair case because of an argument... With them.
"... Ya think I'm sort of god?" You chuckle as you joined them to visit that person. You already thinking what to do and what not to do along the way.
You look at the ... Older woman sleeping on the floor with similar feature like yua. "...ah. it's your mom." You point out.
"... Yes." They smile softly and put their flower gift to the vase. "If ... If you can... Please... Please ..." I don't know what I'll do if I lost her... "
"... " You look at the person. " What if I'm a bluff?"
"...." They start to cry when they heard what you said. You sigh, rolling your eyes. You take out something from your pocket but then realized you forget about it. "Ah. I forget my coin pouch from the arcade... " You start to tear up at the idea of having to do such embarrassing thing like dancing Infront of Ei for human coin allowance!
" Ah? Are you serious?" They seems to be looking at a dumb person. They sigh and went to the door. "Ill go get it, I'm pretty fast." And they are off, leaving you alone with their mom.
"... Now then." You look at older woman and reach out to her forehead. Closing your eyes, you use ability to see if she wishes to wake up as well.
Through you wonder why that certain stalker of yours don't fallow you since you enter the hospital.
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