#i dont want the school year to end grrrrrr
velvetbow39 · 4 months
the passage of time<<<<<<<<<<
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penarito · 5 years
By lord blackburn
It all started in the dismal streets of new york circa-2020 ,things are pretty crappy ,more people have become more "attached" to technology and as a result have become more savage then Neanderthals. The idea of love ,truth and tolerance have become nothing more novelties.things are pretty bad ,and they're about to get worse With out brake.
The scene transitions to a dumpy apartment
Where two 20 something year olds conversing about their futures.
Milo:that has to be the dumbest thing i have ever heard you say in the in the history of our friendship.
Ivan:what? Blunt.co is. The best idea i Ever had, blunt .co is my future Blunt.co is the future ,just you wait.
(Milo glares disaprovingly)
Ivan:okay smart ass whats your big plan where do you see yourself in a couple of years.
(Milo hesitates)
Milo: if we're being i just want a job that i dont hate , meet some one special and see where my goes on from there.
Ivan: your serious?
Ivan:wow that's pretty... .. Corny!
Milo:shut the hell up and get dressed you're going to make us late for work.
(Cut to Dale's donuts)
Milo and ivan make it to work where they meet up with their fellow disgruntled co worker and frenemy and ivan's ex linda khan.
Milo and ivan :hi linda
Linda: what took you two mutants so long to get here.
Milo:the 2 train stopped in the middle of the tracks.
Linda:thats not my problem your suppoed to come here by 8:00 , isn't that possible ?
Ivan :clearly "khonny" your supposed to be a proffessional manager not proffessional cunt'isnt that possible?.
Linda:what your damn mouth before i send you to the unemployment line you ginger nightmare.
Ivan: why dont you calm the fuck down and lay off my bespectacled chum and i for once.besides we're lucky we made it here at 7:57 if at all.
Linda:in the real world we don't survive on luck we survive on effort. It's adapt or die.
Ivan:you need your meds.
Linda :shut up! And fucking stop Calling me khonny we're not together anymore it's mrs.khan to you got it. Linda:oh yeah almost forgot.
Ivan:your meds?
Linda:no! We have a new member to the dale donuts family ,she's a friend of mines from high school. Maker her feel welcome and ivan don't try to stick. Your tiny little mushroom in her please ,she's been through enough disappointment.
Ivan:it was small because of your frigid cunt...khonny.
Linda:grrrrrr get to work.
Milo:yes ms khan
Ivan: dude dont give her undiserved respect.
New member walks in to introduce herself to milo and ivan.
Ivan:well hello whats your name mamacita.
Ruz:it says so on my name tag just like it says ivan on yours.
Ivan:what this ? Ivan is just a nick name my real name is the love of your life.
Ruz:you mean as an never going to be?
(Milo chuckles)
Ruz:and what's your story. Spec's
Milo:oh uh. Well my name Is milo as you can see here (heh heh) and um i...
Ruz:i meant where are you from.
Milo:oh.(heh heh)of course thats what you meant (heh) i was born here in Manhattan.and you?
Ruz:puerto rico ,carolina to be exact. I know it's not as well known as san juan but it was home.
Milo:no no i think it's pretty unique i could use some uniqueness i mean we could use some uniqueness on the ream (cough).
Ruz:gracias, precioso .
Milo:uh your welcome, senora.
Ivan:customers ahoy!
As the three. Workers fratically serve customers a dreadful message comes across the news.
News anchor:warning this is a pandemic there have been multiple reports of people turning into deformed hermunculi due to an unknown virus. Dubbed spore the virus seems to travel through bodily fuctions and bites turning the person. Into a cannabalistic husk of sores with no free will.please lock your doors hold your loved ones this is not a drill.
End of scene 1
Scene 2
3 months. Later ivan and milo are riding the 1 train to work shooting the breeze
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hiraethstill · 5 years
ahh yup i remember this recap, parallels between firsties and senpais
hm as much as i said i had qualms about yui kinda overlooking other catchers, i also don't like that furuya is just brushing yui aside because "i only pitch to miyuki"
he's gonna have to work with these catchers after miyuki's gone, and it's gonna be a whole lot harder if he hasn't worked with them before
basically still putting himself before the team
also yui's shocked face when furuya says he wants to be "comfortable" when he pitches, as if yui isn't comfortable to pitch too
man this hurts
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i too dont like to be brushed aside yui
sawamura's so impressed with asada! for already being able to throw a solid curveball!!!!
and i am too tbh like man he cultivated that in middle school??? damn son
lookit kuramochi being studious lmao
i love how sawamura tells kuramochi where they're going, like he knows kuramochi cares in case something happens to them
and kuramochi looks pretty fond like he's glad to see asada is doing better
wow harucchi that is one hell of a look
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mayhaps i have... Feelings...
omg miyuki and koushuu u constipated fucks
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he's so cute, him and asada playing catch is so cute, im gonna die
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ohh.... oHHH
yui sounds a lot like ryousuke right there
obligatory TAKUUUUUUU
lmao koushuu also with the aura
i think someone mentioned this but koushuu's eyes are as flat as chris's...
"use baseball to communicate" lmao that's gay
cries softly in portuguese WE NEED MORE NORI AND ONO BATTERY
we also need more zono harucchi friendship tbh
mmm the first year catchers right there as furuya and sawamura fight over miyuki,,,,, yikes,,,,,,
damn... i know furuya's the ace but that hurt a bit, miyuki
ah well, at least miyuki's thinking about the team/next game
god i feel so fucking bad for yui...
oh but this is interesting, he's not about to miss out and grabs at every opportunity
"just to watch" damn furuya that's cold
hmm i need more interaction between miyuki and yui tbh
jegus... sawamura's face... my heart shattered into a million pieces
GOD im just i love the eijun fanclub
damn even ochiai's like "okay furuya's being selfish rn"
okay wait
"beneficial to be fully absorbed" ?????
what universe do you live in
mm i see yui recognizing he has a ways to go but this is not how he shouldve come to that realization imo
LMAO "you're making sure he hears you"
oho??? koushuu stepping up?
and taku's face omg priceless (kuki's too)
sawamura this is pretty gay
HYAHAHA koushuu's immediately all "that's not your words huh"
huh the way sakurai's voice got all deep there, very nice on my throat
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LMAO i love sawamura's faces
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my absolute fucking SONS
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me the fuck too eijun
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thank you for saying that miyuki
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omg i just noticed this the fuck does miyuki's room just straight up eat protein
also definitely liking koushuu's aura here
room 5 cuties & catchu borru!
really gotta reference hongou & attacc me huh
taku's uwoohh sound im cRY
koushuu stepping UP
firsties = 1 brain cell
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fkarandomthoughts · 2 years
SO over the course of the week or so, ive decided to end floozy era and start my de-hypersexualization era. yknow inwas gonna start reading more and just go back to having a schedule like fall of 2021. i also realized that i dont need a man at this stage in my life, and having one would probably cause unnecessary stress/drama.
this one girl from tiktok explained it so well. like entering a new relationships makes you vulnerable and being in a relationship can bring both good and bad, which is why you have to be okay with entertaining both when being in a relationship.
and today i realized "hmph, im not ready for ANY of that."
these feelings got spurred by Tristan (guy i matched with on tinder and who ive been talking to for a few weeks). he said he wanted things to just be friends with benefits but idk where the line is between that and us dating. and idk we havent met yet but he feels too close and attached to me. he wants to do all these things with me, and im not even sure if i like the guy yet !!!
and like i was saying before, these uneasy feelings are bound to grow when or if i add him to my life this year at school.
and like i knowww after the whole thing with D, i said i was only pursuing true love and an actual relationship. and how hookup with strangers was not my thing but now here this thing with this guy named Christian who i ALSO met on tinder and we're supposed to be meeting up this friday for a dick appointment
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gsmatthews95 · 6 years
the animal house
Hola all.
I'm very sorry about the black out I havent been in a blogging mood recently for some reason. but today, with half an hour till our bus to Macedonia I thought I can't continue this and be a whole country behind, that, would have been a large mountain to climb. I am also sorry I have just remembered I forgot to post my Kosovo blog, I Was too bust having fun and that. Worry not I am back and unsure of whether I will post one or two blogs and if I do 2 how will I split them up. Life's unanswered questions.
So our start in Albania was eventful, shockingly because of the buses. You may have noticed the running theme here guys, the buses are crap meaning I got my wish for more adventure but it has meant they've been more expensive and tiring than wed hoped to be honest. But yes, we were at the terminal having speed walked cause we were late in time for the bus. We asked where it left from and were pointed to a corner outside the station... OK, so an international bus is leaving from that corner? Sure. We got there and another man was waiting for the same bus, this helped our nerves. Then he came to speak to us to tell us the bus wasn't coming into the city but was leaving from a restaurant out of town and we had to share a taxi there, cheers for that. Oo i be just realised I wrote about this in the last piece. Oops sorry. Ok moving on.
So Tirana is the Albanian capital city. Not the most exciting place in the world but it had a good feel to it with some pretty buildings, a big Pyongyang esque square and a rich history of empires and communism. One thing that must be noted about Tirana is its abundance of bus stations... It has 3 or 4 just to add to the confusion, amazing, wicked, falaminderit. But yes. Our first stop in Tirana, get George a tattoo yay. I've wanted one for ages and having finally found a design and place for it, it was just a matter of getting the tat. 50 dollars? Fine. And now a few weeks later its not infected, its peeled and looks sick. Everyone meet wei ling my new panda. The next day we were up for an early free walking tour, which was banging followed by a trip to the biggest of Hoxha's communist rule. Side note: he was so paranoid of soviet and us nuclear attacks over a few years he made (I think) 188,000 bunkers, put of an intended 370,000 (I think) to prepare for war with both the us and the soviets. The irony is that the president didn't even know Albania existed, lol. The one we visited tho was huge and never used. At times it was 5 stories underground and even had a huge meeting room/theatre. I stress, it, and none of the others, were used. Wow. On The day we planned to leave for berat we planned a day trip to kruja, the stronghold and home of our great Albanian hero skanderbeu the liberator and saviour of the Albanian people. This was cute. It was a town in the mountains with a pretty old town with cobbled streets and stores and a big omnipotent looking castle. We had a nice lunch up there and wandered the walls before heading back for our bus. This is when the next bus saga began.
This one ranks high in our list of bus grievances second the one in Kosovo and one ahead of the one we're in as I write... So we got back and walked to our hostel, 30 mins. We got our stuff and walked to the station with our bags in the rain. Remember there are three bus stations. We walked to the one we thought was it. Oh no its the one just along this road on the left by the big statue. Ok we can do that. This was maybe another km. We are tired and demotivated. As we get to the station we see a bus to beret leaving around the roundabout. We dont panic, there'll be another we're not in a rush. We ask a guy who works there... That was the last bus, great. So we have to get a bus towards fier and get off at a roundabout to get a taxi. As the sun was setting. Then when we got to beret the street name had changed so the one we gave people was the new one and everyone only knew the old ones so we couldn't find the apartment. This was until a nice man made it his mission to get us there so he called the number five times rill he picked and and the host picked us up. This was a very long day.
Beret however, was a pretty old ottoman city. Another UNESCO site (again) god were getting bored of these now just get me a beach and a city. He he he. Speaking of which we've seen two  more since lol. OK yeah so there's lots of white ottoman houses up the hills with big windows, very photogenic and pretty. There was also a big castle on the hill over the town. This was big, not just a castle but now there are restaurants and hostels up there too along with a mosque and church. Much more than we anticipated. Good exercise, good views and some good history, good cricket. (That was for you dad). Berat was nice but we were done with towns so it was on to the coast and one of our favorite little spits on the trip, vuno....
So I've now decided how to split this piece. I was going to put this in the second one and Split them between cities and beaches but having had such an action packed day yesterday I think I may ramble a bit too much so putting vuno in this piece may be preferable for both my brain and your sanity. I hope y'all agree with me, much love. So vuno. This was a funny stop, wed heard about it from a girl in Montenegro who recommended it to us a a hostel that was converted from a school in a tiny old town near the sea. Cool, the clincher tho was when she said there were animals just wandering around all the time. Score, result, as two big animal lovers vuno was placed on our itinerary immediately. So getting there wasn't easy, shock another bus situation. This one was long and hot. Firstly there was the intracity bus, simple. Then the minibus thru the mountains which was long, over two hours. The driver was also the most sane driver we've ever seen, he drove so carefully and slowly it was refreshing although it did mean the journey was super long. Bring back my crazy drivers please. So we were in vlore. Fine, one more bus and we're there. Only issue, there was no bus station. WHAT?! Omg. Yep we were dropped on the street and told to go to a street corner. We went there and spoke to three taxi drivers who told us we needed a three euro taxi, shock. Not having that thanks. So we spoke to a bus driver who told us to go stand by the road 50m away and hail down a bus that passes. Lord Almighty. Ok. Oh yeah by the way it was like 30 plus degrees. We waited then I asked another woman in a bus company shop and she says there is one leaving from outside her shop in 20 minutes... Convenient... We also only have half the money she asked for and she accepts it. We were very suspicious. Waiting in the road again but this time with a ticket the stakes were high.... We jumped at every bus that came until finally we got it. Easy. We got on and calmed down knowing the worst was done. How wrong we were. This journey, supposed to take an hour by car, took three hours and was unbearably hot. Urgh. It was a big one. But we made it to vuno and when walked to the hostel went a windy way to find a shop. There was no shop. We ended up walking down a narrow downhill path, thru rubble and rocks and eventually thru a construction site as some workers had to let us thru their underground piping operation. Safe to say we felt we deserved a beach day the next day. So the skholla hostel was nice, well done up and had all the amenities apart from, when we first arrived although it got fixed, running water... We were camping so it was also very cheap. The next day we went to a buff beach near by. It was an hour and a half walk to get there thru olive groves, over little farmers walls and down a cliff. It was very nice and provided some exercise before an inevitable day of beach lounging, eating food and swimming. Tick tick tick. A lush day on a lush beach with barely any people because it was getting to late in august. The only problem... The walk home... Up hill... We also manager to get lost... It was very hot and sweaty and we missed our trail sign, grrrrrr. Luckily we had the maps app and we ran into some shepherds who pointed us right. This also led us thru a scenic... Bee farm... The randomness of this trip never fails to disappoint hahahaha. A good day nonetheless. The other day and a half we spent at another beach near by that we could hitchhike to. Again very nice but more busy because its easily accessible and closer to the big town himare. As eluded to earlier the true attraction of the hostel was the wandering animals. Firstly the house cat was an aggressive scavenger, literally eating off your plate and would even come back after he'd been thrown away. Next came the "stray dogs" its hard to say if there stray tho or just have very lax owners. They were all starved of love and affection tho. Lucky they came to the right place, two affection craving humans here, form an orderly line please while we pet all of you in turn. Ok next. We showered them with love and they loved it. I miss Rowland 😞. Next came the heard of goats that fame straight thru the hostel every day. I say thru the hostel the hostel in built on one aide of the road and campsite is on the other. This is the main road to vuno town.. It was wide enough for one Car... But somehow seemed to have constant traffic running thru it, bazar really. The goat heard tho was hilarious, many if them equipped with bells so their imminent arrival was anticipated they would all trot thru, maybe 100 of them, grazing around our tent climbing down walls and generally just chilling, they were jokes and their procession was generally a highlight of our day. Lastly was the wandering mules. Lol. Mules. Run you mule. There were three but apparently there were up to 15 that just wandered freely all day erday. They arrived as we were all eating dinner, how convenient... And as I was trying to chow down on my pasta I had two mule heads, one on each shoulder, also trying to get a bite. They were very persistent, they're big and strong so it was a tricky one to stop them from getting at my food. We pushed them. They didn't budge. We clapped. They flinched. Them eventually our Peruvian friend got them away and then it was just the cat to contend with. An eventful dinner time at the animal house but all very funny and enjoyable.I'll leave y'all here and write the next chapter of our tale in half an hour or so, my head needs a wee rest, as does my stomach. This bus is like a furnace and is weaving round mountains, bleurgh.Falaminderit, ciao. G.
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gsmatthews95 · 6 years
Buda buda Budapest we are NOT on a drinking fest
So I dont wanna brag or anything but I am writing this piece at 11:30 after a lon hot day on a bus after a deceptively stressful start to the bus journey. God knows what's in store for the rest of it... But let's rewind, I'll finish on this little tale after I start at the beginning. So we have been in Hungary for the past four days. More specifically Budapest. Shock. Tourists going to Hungary and only visiting Budapest. Hmmm who would do that..? Sorry a slight lack of inventiveness on our behalf. But no, there is a reason we all visit buda and pest, they're sick. What? Buda and pest. I thought it was just Budapest. Ok. A little history lesson for y'all. Budapest used to be two towns, buda and pest, on either side of the river. They merged though and made Budapest. Nice eh? Pretty cute I think. So Budapest. I've been her before woooo. Back in the day before I had a beard and long hair. When I was 17. Yes I know I still look 17 but I swear I'm not. On that note I looked about 15 on that trip. I may look back at photos actually that may be funny, although, being only boys on the trip I reckon I won't have many photos. One of the great things about girls. They photo document life. Actually that's also one of their worst features. Too much camera. So our stay here started poorly. Pur hostel was a fake. Or at least we think it was. It wasn't in the building it says it was and no one had heard of it.... Hmmm. Some mice backpackers pointed Us to a new one though and we made it. Bad start. Annoying start. Whatever, we survived. This day was long. Little sleep in the bus followed by lits of heat meant we were drained. We took a nap in the park next to the river. Yep. Took full advantage of Budapest's culture. Budapest is another lush city. Gorgeous buildings. Not too busy. Everyone's friendly and lots to do. We liked it. Only issue, its a wee bit touristy. People are always selling and asking for money. I HAVEN'T GOT ENOUGH TO GIVE YOU ANYTHING, I'M SORRY. there's a lot to see in the city. A citadel, parliament, more churches, a monument, a palace, in short lots. And I am here wondering do y'all give a s**t about that stuff and my adoring description of it all? Answer probe not. And I may not be a mind reader but I reckon I know exactly what you are all thinking. HOW MUCH DID BEERS COST? Ah I'm glad you asked Karen. They were more expensive than Poland waaaaaaa. I had To go to Aldo, urgh. But seriously Budapest is lush. Having forgotten everything from my school trip 6? Years ago it was a new city. We even saw a (slightly underwhelming) cave church especially if you've been to coober pedy (amirite dad??) He he he. We made one drastic mistake than I will take the blame for. Our decision to go on a "hike"/walk on the hottest most humid day. Urgh. It was tough and tiring but we made it. The longest sight seeing day and it was boiling. Urgh. But beautiful nevertheless. However spirits were low and tensions were high. Oh side note, the palace. You can wander round the grounds and I think go inside. A PERFECT example of exactly what should happen at Buckingham palace (amirite Hannah). A tourist attraction better and more interesting than merely looking at it through metal gates and last armed gates. The ability to feel and experience the history and not feel like a peasant with a class so low they cannot be within 100m of " her majesty" oh god. I can't believe I just wrote that even or it was sarcastic. Its a joke. Get jezza in power. Actually make him king. Then he'd rescind the monarchy and make it a republic. Knight jezza I agree. The monarchy is archaic and undemocratic, anyone who disagrees please fb message me for a chat. Xoxo. So I have evaded a crucial activity we undertook during our stay at this lovely city. Please keep me focussed guys. Don't let me rant especially about the monarchy I won't stop. Side note 2: I have realised my three most passionate subjects for discussion are: the abolition of the monarchy, the legalisation of drugs and my dislike of social media. Call me if you want I debate. I love these topics. Anyhow. My next point. A trip undertaken yesterday. Very enjoyable. A day at the Turkish baths. Oh yeah. Yeah baybey. It was lolz. Bathing in different pools, different temperatures, different sizes, different depths, different currents, different weird creepy old people and different overly excited annoying kids. All lots of fun though. I felt relaxed afterwards. Like proper zen. There was also a sauna and steam room. We sweated put all our regrets and mistakes. Slash beer. A true cleansing. Post bathe new skin new me kind of vibes. At the end I even did a wee bit of skin therapy. 2 mins cold pool then 30 secs warm pool and again. Good for the pores. My body is a temple I know. It was jokes but sadly we picked the one day that wasn't only not hot, it was actively cold, great. Cheers god. I went to loads if churches and this is what you give me? Grrrrrr. I'll surrender 9 fattened calves to Gain your favour again pleaseeeeee. Lol. Sorry calves. No worries. So on to this bus journey. It started (the stress) 2 hours ago. We leave the hostel. Stroll to the train stop. Tickets pre bought nothing can stop us. Its closed. What? Ye its closed. We panic. Bus leaves in 35 mins. Ok fine still time. But the next stop is too far to walk especially with no guarantee it'll be open. Dilemma. Do we risk it? No silly. Taxi. Owww I hate taxis. So expensive. Looking at the metre is also so stressful. You're money just ticking away we make it, 5 euros worse off grrrrr. We find the bus with 5 mins to spare easay. I go to put the bags in the bus. A man there. 1 euro per bag he says. Um no. F off. I've bought my ticket and have no more cash. He takes my bags out and rips off the label. Hmm. He means business. I call his bluff, he just wants pocket money. We chat to some people they've all paid. Ah. We check the ticket, 1 euro fee on arrival for under bus luggage. Ah awkward. We scramble for two euros. 60c short. Eek. Two guys in front offer help, legends. They have 50c. We all search desperately for the illusive 10c it evades us. What'll happen? No big bag? No bus? Deportation from the country? Prison sentence? Death penalty? Your guess is as good as ours. I dont know the Hungarian justice system well especially with gringos. But no. An angel sent by god arrived. In form of a backpacker who beard our strife. She perked up and offered her 10c. I virtually fainted with relief. A true moment of heroism and solidarity amongst tourists. I strutted to the man handed the money with a smirk. His look was passive I may as well have not been there. But we're here. On the bus and on our way to Belgrade. Woo Serbia, new country for the list, exciting. Anyhow 40 mins later its now 12:10 and bed time for George. Sleep tight everyone. G.
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