#i dont want to make a seahorse oc until they make a seahorse character
dogtoling · 2 years
My favourite game is make an OC and sit here and wait for Splat to make them non-canon!
I'm joking of course, but sometimes it can be hard to make non-inkfish OCs for that exact reason. Fear that they may become obsolete compared to canon.
My friend had this problem when he made a Nautilus in splat1, only for Ink Theory to kind of send his concept of a nautilus out the window with splat2.
That said, if canon proves you wrong? At least you had fun in the mean time!
This is like the Biggest Pain in splatoon but I mostly keep running into this with the game's lack of extremely crucial worldbuilding. Sure, you can fill in gaps in the game's world by just coming up with stuff, but if you start relying on the shit that you came up with TOO MUCH and building the whole world on top of that, and then canon DOES come out like 10 years later and completely contradicts it.... needless to say it is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING (yes this is vagueposting about the lack of octarian lore.)
About the nautilus thing, when it comes to species you can run into annoying stuff like that, BUT on the other hand different variations of the same creature can coexist in Splatoon so you can quite literally opt to ignore stuff half the time. For example there's been at least 3 different species (or at least appearances) of urchins, and on top of those, non-sentient actual urchin-shaped urchins also exist, some anemones just don't have eyes at all, sapient sea slugs come in legless AND legged forms plus the non-sentient pet sea slugs... there's at least a lot of wiggle room in that regard. And in terms of SPECIFICALLY the nautilus, Splatoon itself has 3 different iterations of them, out of which 2 are canon and aren't anatomically consistent (and the one in the art book looks different still!)
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