#i dont want to spam every other character so scott will do
slice-of-magenta · 11 months
Err if ppl want to, I could draw stuff. Im doing a smol art challenge rn (certain color palettes challenge) bc why not. I will continue to choose for myself, but it doesnt hurt to ask if anyone else is interested in asking me. Im open to it (especially if its sciles).
Pick any number from the link below, and a ship (throuples count), or a platonic pair of your choice and I can get to that. When I can. Crack ships like truetree and scott/mute is an immediate yes lol. And honestly? Idk if I can go through everthing but more than one request/ask is okay!<3
( ive been kinda uncomfy with drawing derek, liam, peter and the sheriff recently. I know 😅. But every other character, I can see what i can do. Peter and Scott, I can consider as an exception tho.)
The art challenge link Im using:
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gaysails · 2 years
as I'm rewatching I'm definitely seeing your point about the breakup making sense for max's character lol. right now (s2e3) i am just so bothered by the time wasted w this "vane is in the fort" drama, imo seems like a communication issue btwn flint and eleanor. im remembering why i skipped over parts the first time i watched ahaha... maybe it sets the stage for more things to come? also ofc no obligation to respond, as im gonna continue to have thoughts as i watch and i dont want to spam you 👍
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everything in black sails has consequences welcome to hell. I know the feeling I do tend to skip over certain vane scenes (having put in my time by already watching every single frame of the show like at least 10x each) it's so hard for me to care about his whole deal. flint and eleanor's communication issues are delicious though as always it comes back to how well can one person know another and what happens to make you realize you don't know them nearly as well as you thought... also how over the course of s2 eleanor is another partner who flint gradually loses while he becomes gradually more dependent on the partnership with silver. chef's kiss. once you start peeling the show like an onion the layers never stop.
(re: your last point tbh I don't think max's timing makes much difference in this scenario. it's like mr scott says in 1.08 that the trouble was going to happen anyway with or without the schedule... the relationship between max and eleanor was unequal from the beginning on multiple levels. built on sand one might even say!! if the tragedy could have happened any other way it wouldn't be a tragedy ykwim)
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