#i doubt she rlly misses or cares abiut me
npdlangley · 11 months
im a bitter person but oh well i guess
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fiish69bones · 5 years
Wayward son headcannon ramble
Its almost 4 am and I'm dying but I gotta. Just get this out. I'm so sorry for any grammar errors or anything that doesn't make sense.
Penelope is Aromantic. Fuck me. Let me live in my delusions. Anyways. Like. Here's why I think so-
A big point about wayward son in the beginning- was her relationship with Micah. In which that it went right over her head. As Micah puts it. And how she admits she agrees with. He was just a checkmark off the list. That dating is just a part of life. And since she had a boyfriend. That's all that was needed. Never even knowing that there is more to a relationship. She does care about Micah. As a friend- a distant one at that. As she mentions she was fine being apart. She was oblivious to his needs in the relationship. Even when told about them. As if she didn't understand them at all despite that. Its played off making her seem very selfish and self centered. But in my opinion. I found it just a misunderstanding one in herself.
When Micah broke up with her. She was. Expectedly destroyed. N a lot of ppl can use that like against this headcanon sure. But she wasn't heart broken bc of the loss of the relationship. She was gonna miss Micah yeah. But she seemed so broken up over the fact that it shook herself and knowing who she herself is. Focusing on herself after the breakup. Like. "I really am like that" kinda thing. It shakes her so much that throughout the rest of the book she is full of so much doubt on who she is. Never even catching on to how this breakup might even be the route of that. A focus on penny in wayward son is that she doesn't know who she is anymore. Despite alwaysknowing. Alwayshaving a plan. And always being unstoppable. Now she's confused and feels failure is inevitable. Her whole identity stirred. And started by that catalyst. And I feel like that supports my headcannon. Bc its not loneliness or missing Micah or even relationships at all thats on her mind. Its her own identity.
She seems to almost forget abiut Micah. Pushing him back in her mind for more important issues. Seemingly quick to move on. Which makes sense to me as she wasn't emotionally resolved to spend her life with him. Only logically. And with sheppard. Someone in the book who did obviously have chemistry with Penelope (I'm not that blind) she didn't seem at all interested. She grew a bond with him. But smth that looks more like friendship. Never even once thinking of him romantically throughout the book. Despite his obvious flirting with her that flies right over her head dismissed to be just his curious nature.
I know it won't. But goddamn in book 3. I rlly hope there's like. Some part where Penelope realizes that she might be aro.. Probs cause angst between her and Sheppard.. But in the end accepts bc they're friends and he's Gonna support her. And just hhh good platonic friendships.
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