#i enjoy this discussion as long as people are not being nasty to developers. we're good otherwise!
thefirstknife · 2 years
I feel like the descriptions of the other supers is willfully oversimplified given we're talking about the fantasy end of things. Hunters have a bow that lays traps, that's pretty Hunter to me. The other part of the Hunter identity has always been Cowboy, so a six shooter, especially one with a fan fire animation, absolutely fulfills that. Warlocks, i'll give on because their identity is more elaborate in ways that can't totally be shown in game, however I'd still argue they get at least close enough for the Wizard part, summoning raw energy rather than filtering it through tools like the other two classes do. Titans already have something that, even if not Literally laying out plans ahead of time, makes you feel like that "front line tactician" in the form of Bannershield and Ward of Dawn. Sunbreaker is still a roaming super and yet feels more interesting than punch-supers if only for the simple fact that you have a weapon that elevates the brutalism from Hulk to Warrior, especially in its Burning Maul alternate. It's really less the effect in gameplay, and more the presentation, and even then I think a different presentation can in turn inspire more fun gameplay.
True, I definitely oversimplified, but I also feel like people are oversimplifying Titan supers a lot. Your breakdown is much better and shows that there's plenty of different fantasies baked into the class.
I'm pretty sure Fists is still here only because it's a remnant of the ancient days of Destiny and just kinda stayed here with barely any updates on how it works. And that is the only mindless punch super that has nothing else going for it. All other Titan supers are different. You'd think with how people are treating it, it's as if 90% Titan supers are just different colour punches.
I think the simplification is coming just from the visual idea of having an element on your fists and using a button to make punching motions, but that ignores everything else that Behemoth and Berserker are doing. Also I guess the major issue is because Behemoth and Berserker released so close together with no alternatives that we're used to with Light subclasses. I feel like viewing it in that superficial way and ignoring the effects in gameplay for purely presentation is counterproductive. If we do that, then my oversimplification of other classes would also stand. But when you think about it, it really doesn't.
Weapon-based super is also not a Titan fantasy primarily; it's a Hunter one. All Hunter supers are based on pulling weapons out of the element (gun, bow, staff, knives, kamas and now rope dart). Titan has a hammer and maybe shield sometimes in some circumstances. Titan is definitely half tool/half energy class with a high emphasis on melee combat and a lot of abilities that give benefits for melee. Naturally, supers will follow that and we see it with strand gameplay with how seemlessly it blends the melee charges into a super for maximum movement and battlefield control.
But as I said, I would definitely love to see more. There are a lot of activities where I am really not encouraged to go in with a close range build, which I think is more of an issue with the activity and enemy design than anything else. Because I genuinely enjoy the close range builds on Titan and the gameplay loop of it. Being able to feel like I'm leading the charge and to be indestructible in combat is the reason I hop on my Titan. Unfortunately, with a lot of bosses floating in the air out of reach, various buffs and debuffs in raids which make it impossible to move, stomp mechanics, map sizes and other stuff, it can be really tough to take that type of a build into anything but strikes.
I really hope that the mobility and damage resistance + crowd control on strand will mitigate some of these issues. I feel like a lot of the disappointment is built on the idea that close range builds are simply not "meta" and the idea that they will be useless. Titan mains don't want to be forced to switch off the newest toy because it's not good in a GM or raid while the other two are enjoying theirs. That's one thing I am in full agreement with everyone who is upset, because we know how the game plays and thinking that you won't be able to use strand outside of messing around in Dares of Eternity can be a bummer before the thing is even out. So hopefully the utility side of strand will be helpful.
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