pudge-cake · 6 years
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pudge-cake · 6 years
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So I was playing MTG when I realized the commander 2017 curse cards look like the druid Allanon from the Shannara Chronicles going on an epic journey in the flavor text.
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pudge-cake · 8 years
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Hi gang!! Didn’t think I was gonna leave out my Homestucks, would you? I submitted this design for the WeLoveFine Fan Forge! We always need some Fef merchandise, no? 38)
Please vote for it!!
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pudge-cake · 9 years
Song AU’s Part 2:
A few more prompt/ au ideas for fanfics or role plays that have been rattling around in my head. Thought I’d add to the pool since it’s hard press to find new ideas at times. Feel free to use. (Spotify playlist titled AU by Dwinarnith with these songs as well) Cheers!
Sticks and Stones by The Pierces:
A witch becomes enthralled with a person and uses her magic to shift reality around them… changing the time of day, making people change their minds or say things they wouldn’t, changing people into animals, causing cars to break down… basically anything to have encounters with the person the witch is crushing on. The witch’s intentions can be good or more sinister, but either way, they’re obsessed and eventually they perform a binding spell so that the two of them are stuck together forever. Whether they end up platonic, or romantic, or hating each other, they’re bound to share a life of some sort for eternity.
Lake Pontchartrain by Ludo:
This one is great on its own. Three friends, while on a road trip, get lost in the rain of a bad thunderstorm and end up at a possessed lake that’s been trying to lure them in with a radio add and a creepy old man, to eat/kill them. Only the nameless narrator gets out alive, the two friends dying. But by the end you realize, either this is a true story or it’s a lie by a guy who murdered his friends and made up a fantastical story to cover up what happened. Or he’s crazy.
Personally I had a bit of a Welcome to Night Vale take on this where the story part is true, a weird radio add lures a person to the lake that happens to be in Night Vale (or a weird secluded bayou town like Night Vale) and either the radio host or some local of the crazy town saves the person or persons. Of course, said host or local isn’t human either…
Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab:
An angel can be interpreted literally (As in an Angel fell from heaven to fight for a taboo love like a human or demon, to which other angels try to put a stop to and bring them home) or loosely as in a “good guy” (like a superhero fighting for a villain, a soldier on one side of a fight turns against that side to save their lover who is technically an enemy)
My picture was an alien race that humans call the “angels” (because they have wings and pretended to be peaceful and deliver humans from their dying world at first) comes to take over earth. Not for the planet, but for the humans because they need them to survive (be it as hosts for offspring, or to help genetically engineer a cure for a disease affecting the angels, or implant themselves into the humans after which the stolen body sprouts wings). But one member of the angels taking humans falls in love with one of the humans and resolves to save them.
Stitches by Shawn Mendes:
(Disclaimer: I do not support abusive relationships or hurting people. This is purely for fictional writing purposes)
A person is captivated by someone who continues to physically hurt them, and has a romantic relationship with them so long as they let themselves be hurt. (Could be a goddess of suffering, a mad scientist that experiments on them, a demon that torments them and can keep them from dying, etc)
My take on it was one character fell in love with the wrong person who killed them and brought them back to life (reanimated like a zombie, though it doesn’t have to be gross like they’re still a corpse. It could be like they’re a cyborg or wax doll or a Frankenstein’s monster type thing. Maybe Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas) and basically keeps them trapped. If they want to continue living they must agree to be the necromancer’s romantic partner. And honestly part of them loves their captor. It’s a love hate relationship.
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pudge-cake · 9 years
Song AU’s Part 1:
A few prompt/ au ideas for fanfics or role plays that have been rattling around in my head. Thought I’d add to the pool since it’s hard press to find new ideas at times. Feel free to use. (Also I made a playlist of these songs on Spotify by Dwinarnith. Just search AU and look under playlist) Cheers!
Sexy In Latin by Little Man Tate:
Two people are childhood friends who pick on each other and basically have a good time. One of them is sweet on the other (maybe the other is secretly sweet on them too but doesn’t realize their own feelings) and sometime before they graduate and go off to Uni, one of them writes that the other is sexy in Latin on their bedroom wall. They grow up and go to different schools but still keep in touch. One loses their virginity to someone else and the other feels friend-zoned. Somehow they run into each other years later as adults, be it by chance or just visiting their home town, and all the feelings between them bud up tenfold and they hook up.
Between the Bars by Seth Avett and Jessica Lea Mayfield:
A person with a drinking problem and a demon who feeds off of the feelings coming from those trying to drink their problems away. It’s not a healthy symbiotic relationship, but the drinker starts falling for the demon and so keeps drinking to keep seeing their loved demonic. But the demon wants them to stop, even if it means not seeing them again, because if they keep this up… they’re going to kill themselves.
The Run and Go by Twenty One Pilots:
(Though it can be taken at first glance, like a person really did kill someone and is on the run...)
My take is that (Similar to Host by Stephanie Meyer) a being takes over a human host and accidentally kills the host’s consciousness. This being falls for someone who was part of the host’s life and they become a couple. Of course someone finds out that someone else is in the host’s body and the “man hunt” begins as authorities chase the being down to either kill them or experiment on them. What the being is (Alien, Demon, Ghost, A human who had their consciousness switched/ inserted into someone else’s body) is up to your creativity!
Angel in blue jeans by Train:
(Though this song is about a man having a dream about a seemingly unattainable woman only to wake up and figure out that she’s in bed next to him, My AU take on it is as follows…)
A person is a famous outlaw and runs into another person who is a sheriff/ deputy/ bounty hunter. Neither of them know who the other is at the time and when the law person realizes who they’re falling for is a famous outlaw, they run away. The outlaw chases them, not wanting what they have to just be a one night stand. They catch up and have an encounter that ends with the outlaw getting shot (because the law person has a strong sense of duty and tried to subdue the criminal. Maybe a “Don’t make me shoot you, come quietly” thing).
The law person suddenly realizes how strong their feelings for the outlaw are and regret shooting them. So instead of turning them in, they take them home and clean up the bullet wound. The outlaw lost a lot of blood and isn’t very warm, so the law person lies down in bed with them, holding them to share body heat and desperately wanting them to pull through. The outlaw wakes up long after the law person had fallen asleep holding them and isn’t mad about being shot, realizing that the law person cares about them. Might be followed up with the law person nursing the outlaw back to health.
(Could be followed up or supplemented by Devil’s Backbone by The Civil Wars)
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pudge-cake · 9 years
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Procrastination at its finest.
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pudge-cake · 9 years
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Today is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia! Learn more about how you can get involved, including sharing these awesome graphics about why today is so important. 
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pudge-cake · 9 years
A belated reblog and Thank You!!! to my lovely and talented besty Luna~       
( Sry I didn’t have internet in Baltimore <> )
Gosh this is so beautifully detailed I’m flattered you put in the effort. Look at those little orange hairs! *happy noises*
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Happy Birthday to one of the best friends I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing~
Here’s the transparent. :)
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pudge-cake · 10 years
The blackout was such a good idea. Have you ever had secondhand pride from seeing how happy others feel about themselves? It makes me feel so good to see so many people come together and show themselves off.
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pudge-cake · 10 years
Black tumblr: lets have a little day for us where we post some pictures, seems nice.
Black tumblr: ok ;)
*rock stars, beauty queens, supermodels, glamour queens and ancient gods suddenly appear*
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pudge-cake · 10 years
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Because I’m the only black person at my job.
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pudge-cake · 10 years
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A stampede of sheep selfies
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pudge-cake · 10 years
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Took so many selfies and I like them all so I thought that I’d share them with you guys…… Enjoy😩
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pudge-cake · 10 years
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pudge-cake · 10 years
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pudge-cake · 10 years
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Camera roll✨
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pudge-cake · 10 years
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Of course I had to add some disabled/wheeling diva representation for the #Blackout!  
Disabled Black women are motherloving goddesses, & you better respect it!  
I am proudly disabled & black!  ~ Vy
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