#i even forgot that they were making turkish dub for this show (which i think is horrible bc i checked the dub trailer) but i'm happy anyway
bartzabell · 11 months
hiya, another have-to-watch-at-3am-in-the-morning" person here. have you noticed the lack of promotion for go2 on primetr's social medias? they only posted the first official promo poster on instagram followed by 2 stories. I hear some other non English speaking countries' prime socials are more active than ours when it comes to Good Omens, which makes me think the official Good Omens Prime socials are not queerbaiting at all, since a big chunk of prime's audience in our country is conservative at best and everything-phobic at worst - thus minimalizing the promotion of a beloved adaptation. what are your thoughts on this?
OHHH you might be onto something, because in here promoting a queer show could backfire for them (like you know they NEVER celebrate pride month in middle eastern socials) I didn't know about the instagram stories bc i don't use it but interesting...
But you're right, other non-english speaking socials were pushing hard for the ship (like when i think Brazil one said ''admit it's not platonic anymore'' or something similar) but from ours... Cricket noises.
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dangermousie · 4 years
I just discovered your blog and I love it! I love your writing and just the variety of things you watch!! Question, how did you start getting into shows/movies from so many diff countries?? I'm asking bc I've mostly only watched American shows & recently kdramas
Awwww, thanks!
Sort of a multiple parts answer.
Despite this tumblr being in English, I am not a native English speaker (English is my third language actually.) I grew up in the USSR even though I live in the US now. The reason that matters is because Ukrainian/Russian TV unlike American TV buys and shows a lot of foreign shows/movies that they dub. I’ve noticed that unless you seek it out on netflix or similar, America is not big on foreign stuff except for a few British things and some prestige movies clamoring for Oscars, probably because American output is so huge they don’t need to fill the space with other stuff (and I am old enough to remember pre-streaming era in which case, if your local video store had more than three foreign titles, it was fancy.)
And Russian and Ukrainian TV buys all sorts of shows - it’s not “we are fancy and high brow,” it’s a wide gamut of stuff of all types. So while I was a kid even, I saw Italian, French, British, German, Turkish, Chinese, Mongolian, American shows and movies, Latin American telenovelas, as well as imports from other Eastern European countries and similar. I mean, some of my fond childhood memories are going to a neighboring movie theater to watch Bollywood movies.  
So I was used to watching stuff from a lot of countries already, from childhood. You throw in the fact that I love period things with serious unironic nobility, romance and angst which a lot of countries make a hell of a lot more of than America, that I hang out on a bunch of Russian sites/boards that have shows with sub/dub, and the fact that I prefer subtitles because I can watch on 2x with my short attention span, and you got someone who will watch stuff from anywhere. I mean, sometime I troll big aggregator Russian site rutracker’s various boards literally looking for anything that looks period.
If you want to know how I got into types of foreign things I watch the most of.
* Indian movies. I watched them as a kid and sort of forgot about them when we immigrated, But then they had a festival, I saw some, remembered how much I loved them and that was it. It also led me to Tamil, Telugu and Malayam movies.
* Russian things - well...heeeeee.
* Dramas. A friend of mine got me into anime and that led me to get into manga. At one point, I was obsessed with the manga MARS. I went to look to see if there were any anime versions. There weren’t but there was a Taiwanese live action. I decided to check it out and OH HOLY GOD THIS WAS BEYOND MADE FOR ME. I then went looking for Boys Over Flowers live adaptation and watched the Japanese version as my n2 drama and Taiwanese one as my n3. So for a little while I only watched Taiwanese and Japanese dramas (I got into drama fandom in the dark ages of 2006 when those ruled the roost, anyway.) I forgot why I decided to branch out into kdramas, but my first one was Full House, the smash hit with Sng Hye Kyo and Rain. It’s probably horribly dated by now and I haven’t rewatched it but I adored it to bits - the angst, the higher production values, the fact that I adored the heroine even tho I am usually hero-centric. I was a goner. Then I checked out some Hong Kong dramas because Nic Tse was super hot. Heh. I got into Mainland dramas with Return of Condor Heroes 2006 and went !!!! How is something so my aesthetic and everything I want in a story?! Honestly, out of all types of shows from anywhere, I still don’t love anything as much as I do a well-made period/fantasy-period cdrama. And that was it.
* Turkish shows - I saw a gifset of Kivanc Tatlitug on tumblr, I think. Hormones activated and off to the Russian aggregator I went...
OK, like most people, I love talking about myself, but I am gonna stop :)
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