#i feeeeeel sooooo emotional abt this 😭😭😭 and ill never write it bc aizawa is tough BUT I love him 🥺 deeply and dearly
seiwas · 6 months
do you think aizawa feels conscious about his prosthetic leg sometimes? 🥺
(that, he thinks about the metal—primarily titanium, alloyed with aluminum and copper—and worries that it’s too cold when it touches your skin; that it’s too hard when his knee fits itself into the back of yours)
does he keep his distance because of it? leaves a space between the two of you whenever he can?
will he listen when you tell him that it doesn’t matter, that you don’t care?
(that you like the cold as long as it’s him; that you don’t mind the feel of metal, smooth on the surface and tough against your calf, because it reminds you that he survived)
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