#i am so sure this has been touched on before but i just havent seen it
seiwas · 9 months
do you think aizawa feels conscious about his prosthetic leg sometimes? 🥺
(that, he thinks about the metal—primarily titanium, alloyed with aluminum and copper—and worries that it’s too cold when it touches your skin; that it’s too hard when his knee fits itself into the back of yours)
does he keep his distance because of it? leaves a space between the two of you whenever he can?
will he listen when you tell him that it doesn’t matter, that you don’t care?
(that you like the cold as long as it’s him; that you don’t mind the feel of metal, smooth on the surface and tough against your calf, because it reminds you that he survived)
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staraxiaa · 2 months
porcelain, the afterword:
author's corner/first thoughts.
first and foremost: upon rereading, a scene in this fic holds a lot of similarities to one from dust, diamonds on ao3 by maokitty. (the jealousy scene w the husband where the wall crumbles) especially with the dialogue. i was definitely taking inspiration from that fic while writing the scene, and wanted to make a note of it here. go read it even if ur not into aot pls bc it’s actually life-changing !! i beat my sunflower record btw this was 25k ish words written in less than 20 total writing hours. spread over 1.5 days total. also i think i fucked up the pacing a lot from what id originally planed buuut at least its over. dobby is finally free!!! anyways. the original intent for this fic was a discussion on body imagery, to anyone who has ever struggled with the unrealistic standards of social media and/or felt lesser than themselves because they were not beautiful in a 'typical' manner. but then it ballooned into a monster of its own bc i was like how can i make this hurt. i took my inspiration from porcelain + kintsugi vases... like how can i break this reader before i put her back together. i think that i'd like to touch upon similar topics again one day. as a natural extension of my style and the way i write that 'fits' the childhood theme of this collection, i don't believe i handled these topics the best i could've: a lot of them are simplified to a point that, looking back, makes me go 'eugh' a bit because there's so much depth there that i had to like, tamp down upon as a result of my own inexperience. parts of it were likely believable, and parts of it likely weren't - whether because of my youth, or because i was afraid of approaching these topics from the 'wrong' angle. either way, i hope to be able to grow as a writer to the point that i can tackle these themes again to a point where i myself can be sufficiently pleased with the depth i've put into it. that is all. if you've read up to here, thank you. i'm not really expecting this one to do nearly as well as sunflowers - the content is heavier, it's not nearly as light, and shouto is just less of a popular character overall. but this is very likely my magnum opus so far in terms of how much thought has been put into the work, so it means a lot to me even if you do not interact, and simply read up til this point. thank you. your support truly means a lot. will also update again as i think of things
unwritten scenes, headcanons, thought process
another angst scene. at the todoroki forgiveness dinner table, katsuki and izuku are probably there. i havent watched this scene i just know it exists. (was gonna go find it just for research). enji hits shouto with the 'you can marry whoever you'd like' thing majig. shouto's like, cool i didnt give a shit anyways i was gonna marry her. with or without your permission. and THEN i hit you with the akshually... she's engaged... to be honest, a lot more scenes where it was just mother and daughter. i really wanted the point to hit home that, the mother is always intending to do good in the only ways she knows how - it's not discussed thoroughly, and she's obviously a negative influence when it matters most, which is why reader cuts her off at the end. i am a firm believer that not all parenting is good parenting, even when it comes from a good place, and to me it's like when you hurt someone - it doesn't matter your intention, because that should always come secondary to the fact that you hurt them in some way. sorry. i'm not sure if cutting completely out of the life like that was necessary, but i think that in real life, sometimes it is. something to think abt / regret abt this piece ig lots more on the brother. he was not seen a lot, and i cba to include more about him cuz tbh he's only really relevant for like... 2 scenes but basically the tl;dr is that. he also feels the same pressure. it's just offscreen. (he's a man, he's his father's heir, but he sees the impact this family has upon you). i honestly think he's pookie and hold him dear to my heart but he was really just there to get the plot moving... so.... sorry guys. i didnt even bother to give him a name. BUT hes definitely a very complex character i just didnt write it..... i just needed to add a little happiness to the dysfunctional family ok the husband. okay. so. i originally wrote him in with the intention of being someone to hate, entirely and utterly, with the whole of my heart. but i absolutely hate writing in characters that don't have at least some depth/some complexity, so here goes: he was definitely in love, i think, though i'm not sure i would call it that. there was a grooming aspect to it, an age gap difference (he attended all your recitals/performances when you were underage, had his eye on you), was twice your age. i think i wrote it in a way where it could definitely be interpreted as a form of love, as twisted and fucked up as it was⏤ in the way you think of ownership, that a pretty woman is nothing more than a flower to give the sun to, to water when you'd like. but you're not. you're more than that, you need more than food and water and a roof over your head, more than pretty jewels. you just couldn't love him, and i think that's the part that fucked with him the most. the husband was always supposed to die. i toyed with different versions of this⏤ if you should be the one to kill him, a final 'hurrah' when you finally find your courage. but i thought this wasn't very in line with the reader characterization, so i didn't include this. it's ok though u guys are always #1 bosses in my heart. i hope its clear though that the reader didnt love him at any point bc i dont like him enough as a character to give him that. sorry. he was also supposed to be a mafia man... did i make that clear... but both him and the father were like. i hate these characters. the father especially (he has 0 characterization he's only plot relevant bc he has to be). wipe them both from ur minds pls xx in terms of the baby: i actually know nothing about motherhood. this is only what i've done from the best of my imagination. if it isn't accurate at all i apologize.
i did not know tumblr had a max characters per block. i yap a lot huh. anyways on to cute shouto moments <3 i really considered the idea of like. sex scenes. nothing graphic, but tl;dr with shouto when you cry, he stops immediately. this would be near the end, when you're learning to live again, but it's like, you're so moved because no one has ever done it like this for you before, and he's just worried that he's done something wrong, and it's sad but it's like. you don't know if you can ever handle touch again, but bc you're married, you think it's your duty, and you also love him, so you want to try. you guys love each other so much i could sob. i didnt add this just bc i didnt think this was the fic i wanted to start nsfw with, and bc i dont think i could do the intimacy i wanted justice. also tbh i debated on including more thoughts of shouto during the relationship with the husband but i think, while the mc would definitely think of him, she would try her best to be a good wife. i think this is textbook of abusive relationships (i tried to portray that in the way that the husband speaks and turns the fault onto mc when he hits her) where naturally, they abuse you despite you already doing the best you can, and make you feel lesser for it. i.e. she hasn't thought about shouto the whole while, hasn't done anything, doesn't intend on it, and he still blames her for the way she feels. DID I EMPHASIZE THAT HE PICKS UP EVERY CALL EVEN THO U DONT TEXT HIM ANYMORE JUST IN CASE bc shouto todoroki the man that you are... the man i wrote you as... im never marrying idgaf i write my own standards too high i also jus wanna say guys... the way u pull him out of his shell... and then its his turn to pull him out of urs.... i am a SUCKER for stories that come full circle watch me write it into mermaid au anyways im so excited!!!!! in another world, shouto is the one to catch you. somehow he's in your penthouse apartment. the man's holding a knife to your throat (??) or it's your husband trying to save his own skin. in some variations you walk off the edge yourself, in some variations your husband pushes you, in some variations it's the man. i thought this fit better. either way in all of them he was supposed to dive off the fucking building after u but i also thought: he can't be there himself but he makes sure ur taken care of anyways. sort of fitting the characterization i had for him, i think. i rlly considered a kiss scene too but it'd be sort of natural. like stepping into someone's warmth and feeling entirely comfortable in it, knowing it's what you want and knowing it's also what he wants. at the end. but i didn't add it. wouldve been sweet but unnecessary bc i think this would be further down the line and would require a separate scene. once again i scoot free of my kiss-writing responsibilities ! ! ! more on this, though, i think i really like writing about how simple intimacy can be. i do not believe you need to be physically affectionate with someone to love them, though you certainly can be, and i hope this was reflected in the way i portrayed both shouto and reader. in my dreams we are shouto's sugar babies and just vibe for the rest of our lives. and that is all. the smallest things the reader does make him so happy like. slowly. you guys are already holding hands, so a kiss on the cheek would make him the happiest man on earth. oh here's a bonus scene: at some point he takes you out to see the fireworks. the two of you are sitting, you're tucked snugly into his side, you're watching the fireworks, but when you turn, he's watching you. it's so stupidly romantic. you probably ask him what he's looking at and hes just like 'you'. you flush a little. he kisses the top of your head, grinning like the little shit he is.
i also think it'd take a length of time to get married, so you guys probably do kiss sometime before then. no clue about the scene. but canonically (aka in my head) you guys are just having a normal conversation. like Normal Normal. nothing fancy. and all of a sudden you just lean in and kiss him on the corner of his lips. he touches it, and you can see the shock on his face. dunno if you lie and say 'something there i was just getting it for you' bc im a sucker for that but he only leans a little closer and asks you to do it again. i'd like to think man is patient even tho he desperately wants to (like to the point it's painful to watch) so you have to tell him straight up it's okay to do anything, when you're ready: i.e. initiate kisses and anything else later down the line. once he gets the green light though there's no stopping (he will immediately if u ever tell him) like in my head this man has been basically touch starved all his life and he YEARNS. everyone say thank you to the anon who prompted these scenes btw notes on reader: i think what i wanted to explore with this piece was the way that your parents, the environment you grow up in, the role models you have can shape how you grow a lot. but that does not mean you need to stay that way forever. and that even if you do, you are not necessarily 'weak' or any lesser. reader never actually stood up for herself until the very end, but she was strong in her own way. she tried her best to be a good wife, even when she practically hated her husband. she persevered, she tried her best to love her child. things were bleak, but she pulled through; she kept on living, she kept on breathing. and that was enough. she was enough! <33 i also don't know if this reader was a very believable one. a lot of what i explored here was an extension of some of my own experiences, but like. i simply have not experienced a lot of it personally, unlike with my other pieces, and not at all to the same depth. i hope that there are people out there that can resonate with her and her experiences, but like not in a fucked up way. i simply hope that this story can make someone out there feel seen/heard, even if it's just a little. also putting this here to say, i tried to write reader in a way where it made her thoughts read off as like. ingrained into her? but that the way she thinks is not supposed to be normalized. please love yourselves. just wanted to make that clear djsklsfjd
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dollgirlvoid · 7 days
Letter home
Dear Cosette, Sorry for not writing, I've been really busy with moving in on the carrier, and doing the first couple of jobs. welp, time to come clean. I kinda lied about my job, I told you and mom that i would be working communications on a doll carrier, far away from any actual combat. Mom got really worried, and told me just to stay the hell away from the front. well, theres no way to put this lightly. While i am far away from the front, and i doubt im going to see combat, I think I have a much more dangerous job. My job is to be a grease monkey for the dolls. I service their airframes, mostly. Thats my primary job. Hitting 40+ gees is challenging for the airframe, and they need a lot of maintainance. Its kinda like servicing dads truck, but much wetter. Thats not the most dangerous part though. the most dangerous part is the landings. The landings are where you have to deal with the doll. The dolls are the sweetest things on the planet, they are usually careful, quiet, and cuddly. We have 2 on the carrier, the crew nicknamed them Mica and Kat. They are rarely seen without their handler, outside of sorties. However, when they get back from a sortie, after just landing, they are considered highly dangerous and volitile. Adrenaline and various combat drugs are still coursing through their veins, and they cant really tell friend from foe at that point in the mission, they are just too exhausted. We have to carry transievers hooked into the IFF to mark ourselves as friendlies, but there is only so much the IFF can do. the longer the sortie, the more dangerous the doll. we have to carry these 10 cm thick ballistic shields on approach. To be honest, I dont think the ballistic shields will protect us against the dolls, but Ive put enough trust in them already, I can trust them some more. The handler stands alone, unprotected, making sure the doll can see her face. we are behind her to the sides, hunkered against the ballistic shields. the handler goes up to the doll, and calms it down and distracts it, while we put down the shields, and begin pulling the weapon systems off the airframe. Thats my job. I dont envy the guys who are tasked to work with the handler to extract the doll itself. During landing, nobody is allowed to touch the doll except the handler, except for one unlucky shmuck who is tasked with pulling the plug on the spinal jack with the handlers assistance. Everyone has to prepare for the spine pull. we grab the ballistic shields, and plant ourselves 10 meters away, in case things go bad. In most cases, things go fine, but i have seen many veteran grease monkeys with some seriously fucked up faces and bodies from botched spine pulls. I havent seen a bad one yet, but i know its only a matter of time. My turn is coming up next week though, and im terrified. After the spine pull, the doll is slowly extracted from the frame, before being carried off by the handler. During this step, we need to hook the frame up to the portable organ system. The airframes dont actually have their own organs, they just piggyback off the portable organ system, the doll, or the shipwide organ system. We finish dismantling the frame and bring it back to the hangar, before we rest for the night, assuming the landing was in the evening. Please, dont tell mom any of this. If the dolls dont kill me, mom will. Just say I'm working comms on a doll carrier, far away from any combat. Josephine P.S. tell Harvey hes a bitch for me P.P.S. your a bitch too
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
heyhey! You said you had a request but couldn’t see it and in case it was mine here i am once again humbling asking you to feed my delusions. I am the same person who asked for the one with the fake dating trope and the one where reader spawns into the lobby :))
But i am here now going for a more angsty route! >:) Granted, this is more of an OC x Alastor but im describing it more generic for the populace BUT HERE GOES
right before “Cover me” reader kept silently glancing over at Alastor which was on the dance floor, subconsciously making him approach her. He goes of course they have a (Important for later) conversation like “I havent seen you around here. Are you new around town?” “Just moved in actually~” “Well, Id love to give you a tour someday, the names Alastor” and he kisses her hand “Ah a charmer, ill have to be careful around you” (OR A MORE ELEGANT CONVERSATION THEN THAT I SUCK AT DIALOGUE) then theres the knife and gun scene and the team up
And then they get together after about a year or two and I dont wanna say theyre legally married but eventually use wife and husband terms because its more fancy and gives them more respect in eyes of others but they have been together for around 5 years at this point.
but then the events of 1925 happen where readers twin brother dies because some bastards set fire to his house and Reader has an argument with Alastor before eventually going alone to avenge her brother (theyre like “theres too many, youll die” “so be it!”)
Reader kills them all (duh) but because it was January and extremely cold she eventually gets hypothermia and during the delusions it gives she stumbles and gets impaled on an abandoned rusty fence spike and dies :3
Alastor find her and gives her a proper burial and 8 years later in 1933 while visiting readers grave he gets shot canonically
But these 8 years gave reader enoigh time in hell to establish her own dominance and due to the life she lived and the death of hypothermia- she gets turned into a sort of blizzard demon. Around 180 cm with black limbs, white fluffy hair and fluffy ears and a white tail as a sinner form and for the demon form im thinking of the faceless Room Guardians by Anyaboz on Instagram (incredible artist btw) with ice powers like summoning weapons and ice spikes and ice touches and moving freely (like Kindred’s wolf in League) in her blizzard. Taking over half the pentagram like this-
Until 1933 when Alastor pops up in hell, does his demon business and eventually wants to check out these frozen parts and goes into a bar very similar to the one they met and sees reader at the table and then THEY HAVE THE EXACT SAME CONVERSATION THEY HAD WHEN THEY FIRST MET (maybe with the knife and gun scene too hehe) and theyre both like “i forgive you” or smth idk maybe they just have a silent agreement- either way.
After they met the blizzard stops and no one knows why or who did it :>, readers identity as the blizzard demon remaining a secret
BTW I LOVE YOU FOR MAKING MY DREAMS COME TRUE- if you want more i have a ton of ideas because brain rot- (also lil side note i kind of imagine reader as albino because it would fit my ocs lore a bit more- but keeping it basic would fit everyones ideas of their own reader so! do what you please you already made my day better by reading my ideas come to life :3))
yes!! i did see yours and it is currently in third place for requests i need to fill so ill probably get it done by this weekend, early next week at the latest. it’s just taking me a bit because i’m in midterms rn and also i want to make sure i get in all the details :) i think it might’ve been a request for alastor’s mom reader x lucifer?? i recall getting one about that but can’t seem to find it anywhere. long story short,, your request is in progress and i will post it as soon as i have the time to finish it up :)
UPDATE: This piece has officially been posted as of Friday February 23rd, 2024.
Frostbite (Alastor x Reader)
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whumpshaped · 11 months
gonna be honest life has been wild so i havent been able to pay much attention to ur new works but what i HAVE seen is delicious, good job.
Anyway. uh. Helle(? the vamp.) what drew u to this pathetic little wet cat of a man, specifically? was it just the fact that he was scared of you? was it something abt how he was dressed?
i hope life is wild in a neutral to positive way and not a very negative one
"Oh, it was a combination..." Helle sighs, dreamy and nostalgic. "He stood out to me because of his silver hair, in a crowd of boring mortals that all looked the same to me. On top of that he was alone, which made it pretty easy to pick out his scent, as opposed to the people in groups. And he smelled absolutely amazing. I am not exaggerating when I say my mouth was watering before I even got close enough to touch him.
"And then I got to actually meet him, and he was even better than I ever anticipated. He was so scared, it was extremely amusing. And it was clear from the first moment that he would be a joy to train without magic, which definitely cannot be said for all humans. I wanted to have him immediately! But then... then I realised it would be better to prolong the hunt. And he was begging so prettily for me to let him go, I could simply not say no to him.
"With regard to your question about clothing..." A smile tugs at the corners of their mouth as they relive that night. "Yes, I suppose the low cut shirt did not help his case. But do not let me discourage anyone from wearing those. Please, go right ahead. I am sure the vampires in your area do not mind one bit."
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xiaoluclair · 1 year
hello okay i've seen you reblog 4433 posts so this is my invite for you to go fully incoherent rambling about why you love 4433 pretty please?
okay so i sure as hell ain't a vet but i Am intrigued invested enamored hopelessly sinking and it goes like This:
ONE. racer4racer ruthless4ruthless champion4champion. yall heard lewis talk about booing?? it just fuels me 💪💪. yall heard max? i'll just take my trophy home and they can have a nice evening ☺️. the objective energies are a SPECTRUM apart. but then you look a little deeper and Yeah, that's. thats a champion there and champion there.
alexa play monza 2021 silverstone 2021 jeddah 2021 interlagos 2022. in other words: racing other people?? yeah, fine. Can Do, no Problemo. racing each other? explosion Noises.
i.e. u know the phrase Opposites Attract? well. Yeah . onto
TWO. Opposites! e.g. Agendas (for lack of a better word.) max will kneel, will speak when spoken to. but give that kid the choice and he aint sayin a word. he is there to Race and have Laffs why u askin me about my political stance on cheese 🙄😒. lewis on the other more vocal hand Will Speak Out. prbly maybe it traces back to their childhoods, but im not getting into that Particular thing bc its too heavy for this and im not about to make it into a joke, So. yeah, the way they view their own Purpose within fame, the way max Wouldnt bc he thinks hes too small, insignificant in worldwide change, doesnt believe he can do Much for those larger social issues, then lewis doing so many things bc he might not alter the globe singlehandedly but he wants to be part of that smth Bigger. and no that is Not me saying max doesnt have a heart or doesnt want to help bc we've seen him raise donations and be Kind and condemn people for their shitiness. i just think, Opposites.
keeping with the seriousness: yall ever seen max wear smth not white and jeaned other than his racesuit and swim trunks?? MAYBE i can give him the singular fucking bowtie. lewis? ur catchin him suckin of the w14 before u catch him in that shit (Affectionate).
and to their hearts: both of them, who race to win, to be the fastest, to take home the trophy, to feed that fire as it burns on the track, to make their fathers proud. and then: lewis, who lives with faith, who races with God, who want to break records. max, who lives against superstition, who races with gut, who wants to rest. so Yeah. Opposites.
THREE. i realize i havent actually touched much on their actual Dynamic HEE, so like. theyre fukin . miscroscope-worthy. in that they should be Studied. intently. i Cant with the whole, the whole Thing they have like. yeah no theyre not Best Buds or anythin but they Have been amicable. acquaintances. Rivals. and there is no fucking way im feeling Nuthin about two men racing with the Sole Focus of beating the other. first, thats 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈YYY!!! second, that is Everything. who tf is feeling what either of them are feeling going into abu dhabi 21. who Else is putting down his visor knowing its Make or Break. who else is sinking into their cockpit pulling up at the starting line exhaling into their helmet as they watch the lights go out knowing its Now. its there, for Me or Him. its pinned in the center of Us right in the middle, could tip either way. who else, if not each other???? who ELSE I ASK!! also when tf did it happen before that two f1 title rivals went into the final race on equal points??? once?? idk but the Point is, theres two fuckin people (or close to) in the entire World who've been There, only one person who knows how you couldve truly Felt in ur Soul, hands on the steering wheel foot on the gas, has felt it too and hes sitting to ur left, takin a fuckin selfie of u both like sum social media Diva. smfh.
FOUR! they Actually get along???? like ik to some poople theyre tryna Kill each other 25/8 but dawg i think about tom sharing that lil story abt max asking lewis about his hair all the fucking Time its so Unhealthy i need More. n less often but still deserves Stage Time: lewis saying This Guy, this Fucking guy, and max calling him out on it right there on the podium. lewis showing max shit on his phone, makin him goddamn Giggle. the two of them just Joking Around, idk i think its Sweet. that they Can be okay, yknow, even with all the head to head (head 👀) shit they drove each other to in 21.
FIVE: the misc things! i.e. theyre no1s theyve both fucking Dominated the field. who else has on the current grid, i hear? No Fucking one. only Them. i.e. i think there is so much Potential. ik theyre so Different almost polar arctic antarctic north south but it warms my heart sm when theyre together Because of that. i.e. ik this post doesnt read quite so Shippy as it couldve but idk they make me feel More than that in a way bc theyre just so. Apart. and when they come together, it feels Monumental. plus the absolute Dawg the Cunt the 🧎🧎🧎 they can fit into a single photo:
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Yeah .
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raz-writes-the-thing · 3 months
Well, you don't just feel like I enjoy your writing for your style and not only the character, that is very much what is actually going on. I never asked to be put on any tag list bc I have notifs turned on for everything you post anyway and therefore am informed that new writing from you has dropped without need for a tag. You are actually the only tumblr writer I do this with. Because sure yea I will occasionally go into the tags of specific xcharacters when the mood strikes me, which is how I found your blog in the first place, but I rarely click through into the authors' blog, let alone read their fics for characters I'm unfamiliar with. Your style of writing, your imagination for scenes, your ability to capture emotion, your consistent ability to steer clear of tropes that make me cringe and the more generalised personal touch you bring to your writing have all enchanted me and are the reason why I keep reading all your work, even if I've never heard of the character before and in some cases have never even heard of the fandom altogether before, + even if the reader character is the sub and therefore I have 0 interest in identifying with them lol. Maybe I wasn't clear enough about this before but yea your style is very much the thing for me here. (well okay possibly I also one more motivating factor to keep notifs turned on from you which is I kinda hope you might one day do something with the prompt or the character match-up request I sent you, but dw I'm in no rush and uninclined to leave either way) - 🌒
uh, excuse me- how did this get lost? when was this submitted? im? hello? i am so sorry that i haven't gotten to this before- i genuinely did not know this ask existed.
the fact that there are at least one of you out there (theres at least one more, ive seen it in their tags when they reblog) who read everything i post bc they have notifs on is insane (in a good way). enjoying my writing enough to read everything is so,,, its such a warm fuzzy feeling in my chest. its how you know people really actually enjoy your writing for the simple credit of your writing and not just because you write for a character they like-
im also very glad to hear that im able to steer clear of cringe for you. im not sure how thats possible but i sure am glad i can hahaha. i think i just avoid what makes me cringe for the most part.
im also sorry i havent gotten to your requests yet. theyre buried in my inbox somewhere. atm ive been very burnt out and stressed with work so ive not had any motivation really to touch my blog. i will attempt to find them and start on at least one thing for you this weekend. im working on it though! i have a couple wips too, so, eyes peeled!
but yes, thank you so so so so so much for this ask <3 you've really made my day and i am so grateful to have you as one of my beloved readers <3 <3 <3
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celestie0 · 3 months
WOW ITALY THAT'S EXCITING! I’ve always wanted to visit Europe (or anywhere outside Asia) but I haven’t gotten the chance yet 😭💔 ESPECIALLY ITALY. I NEED TO EAT AT LEAST ONE PLATE OF PASTA IN ITALY BEFORE I DIE 👹
but oh my gosh it does suck to travel around when you aren’t feeling your best :((( I hope you’re feeling a lot better now, ellie! get lots of rest and drink plenty of water !! (not me lecturing the med student LMAO)
as for me, I’m doing good! I’ve been lazing around, enjoying my last few weeks of freedom before uni starts. I’ve also been self-studying pre-calc ! I took AP stats back in high school because the uni I was originally aiming for allowed students to take stats instead of calc so I never properly studied pre-calc and calc 😭 (I was homeschooled btw so my subjects were pretty flexible) but plans changed and I decided to enroll in a different uni that required to take both stats and calc for the course I’m taking soooo 💔😭
but on a happier note, I’m meeting up with a close friend I haven’t seen since her family moved to Australia about 10 years ago !! her flight is in a couple of weeks and I’m sooo soo excited wbdjssj!! we’re gonna gossip about lame irl boys and gush about hot fictional men for sure 🤫
that’s all from me for now! I hope you’re enjoying your vacation so far! 💖
- 🫶 anon
HIII darling omg i’m so sorry this took me a while to respond to things were a lil hectic over here 😭😭😭
HAHAH no fr the pasta here is magnificent and the pizza too. literally the most random spots on the side of the road have like the best pizza i’ve ever eaten in my life. it almost makes the travel nausea n dehydration n chronic exhaustion worth it 🤣🤣 (i am such a delicate person)
thanks my love!! gosh idk i’ve just been STRUGGLINGGG out here like my body really struggles when it’s been taken out of its ecosystem n i am feeling the effects 🥲😅 buuuuut we’re flying back home today n tomorrow so :”) im gonna be happy to be home, except i leave for roadtrip right after buuuut at least it’ll be in the states where there is iced coffee n central air conditioning. BUT I STILL LOVED ITALY SM I DONT WANT TO SOUND LIKE I WASNT SO HAPPY N GRATEFUL TO GET TO TRAVEL HERE 💗💗💗
yesss my love enjoy that freedom!! hope you’ve been indulging in hobbies that may have escaped you when busy <3 ik that’s what i used to do when i had breaks from school lol. ALSO SAME I TOOK AP STATS IN HS TOO EYYY also noooo omg that sucks but it’s ok bb!! soon enough it’ll be over n you never have to look at calculus ever again 😭 it’s so good that you’re pre studying for it tho i think that’ll really help you for sure!!
AW OMG FRIEND REUNION THATS SO SWEET i hope you two have the best time!! seeing ppl you havent seen in forever is soooo crazy but sm fun cuz it’s like wow sm has changed but sm has stayed the same too n it’s like wow. especially chidlhood friends!! have u guys kept in touch over the years or is this sort of out of the blue meet up after being apart for a while?
thaaaank youu darling i am typing this ask out while suffering from a mild tummy ache so tysm for the sweet words that have distracfed me temporarily from the pain 🤣 much love from me!!
- ellie 💕
0 notes
the-kipsabian · 1 year
So. What I think about you. It’ll take some telling to get there. Might get a bit sappy but here goes nothing.
So I’m a pretty new fan of wrestling, less than a year of proper watching still. It was a bit of a spontaneous thing, a friend made watching another sport would post things, and eventually I decided to take a peek and see what all the fuss was about. And in the end, I really enjoyed what I saw. I could get into that, but it’s not exactly important to where I’m going with this.
I don’t remember exactly when I first saw Kip. It was after his feud with OC, but still close to new years. And I thought, geez this guy is neat. Had no idea what was going on with any of his past work, I just liked the way he moved, I guess. So I thought, let me dig a little deeper into this. Eventually I ended up at your blog, and let me tell you, you were a hell of a resource to this baby fan. I’ve always been a bit nervous about following new people (had some bad experiences in the past I’m not eager to repeat) so I think I sort of lurked a while before I actually hit that follow, probably by accident honestly.
So then was Kip and Penny’s trip to Japan, and this is where I got introduced to Chris Brookes, who I’m not sure I even have words for how fond I am of him now. So I very much attribute that to you, and I’m pretty thankful for the introduction to an absolute bastard giraffe man who I adore.
Eventually I got a bit more settled into my new interest, started posting a bit on tumblr, reblogging gifs and the like. And then, just like how I got into wrestling, another fairly distant mutual joked about being interested in what they were seeing. So we talked a bit, I recommended some of what got me interested, and I think in the end that got me a new friend. In a way, I can wrap that back around to you, too.
I see that you struggle a lot. Sometimes it’s with writing, or art. You still make cool things, and I’m pretty awed by that. I’m looking forward to what you’ll make next. I doodled a rabbit on the back of a shopping list today, for the first time in months. It felt like a little victory. I wonder sometimes if your writing, your art, feels like that too. I’ll still celebrate it as if it is.
I’m not really sure how to end this. I guess I just want to say, we aren’t exactly friends, or at least, I don’t feel I can claim that we are right now. But I do think about you, and root for you. And in myriad little ways, you’ve changed my life. That feels a little strange to write, but it’s not untrue. I suppose no one can really know what impact we have on anyone else. At any rate, I hope you’re doing well, I saw you were sick this week.
first of all: CHICKEN ANON YOURE BACK HELLO!! its been a while i hope youre doing well! 💜
legit when i read this first thing in the morning, i fucking cried. just.. theres a lot to unpack here, i try not to ramble but this. something like this is literally why ive been keeping on posting everything i do despite occasionally feeling like theres no point to sharing anything. ive always been telling myself that i first do it for myself, and then share it in case theres someone somewhere down the line that might be looking for this content later
and to hear that there is even one (1) person literally like this out there, using my blog and the content i put out to familiarize themselves with my blorbo, im... like oh my god 💜💜
im really glad it has helped you make friends too 💜 and while i dont know who you are, i would consider us friends no matter what tho, especially after hearing this. so glad things like this have helped you to get more into the community, thats amazing! and to touch up on the art thing, yeah its hard at times to pick things up again after a long while of not doing anything - i literally wrote a drabble last night after not writing anything for a week and i havent even seen my drawing tablet in like two months now lmao - but im so happy to hear about your grocery list rabbit!! little doodles here and there are definitely better than nothing, especially if you enjoy doing them!
youre so precious anon, i hope youre having a good day. im still slightly sick, getting better now thankfully so i should be fully operational the next few days and oooooh when that happens its all over you fuckers when i get back to writing (this is affectionate i swear LMAO)
thank you, i love you 💜
0 notes
selamat-linting · 1 year
i cant believe im saying this, but i actually enjoy playing re2 (remake). i havent played an actual video game in years so i think i'll probably fiddle around with a bit, watch some hurt/dying scenes, and stop touching the game after a week because i couldnt play. but i really really like it! not just for leon. one thing i like most is the atmosphere.
its been a long time since i got properly jumpscared, maybe in 2020 when i watched i am sophie, so this is a welcome surprise. i like getting scared actually, i just find it hard to be spooked or surprised in most situations. i love it when the zombies suddenly grab you from behind, i love it when they ambush right after you turn back from a door, i love it when i enter a dark hallway and shine a flashlight only to find a zombie that has been standing completely still and so close to me without noticing suddenly comes alive. i love it when im in a room exploring and the steady thumping suddenly erupts into a sound of breaking glass and a zombie stumbled in to fight me. i love it when dead bodies are dangling off the ceiling. i love it when i have to dread going up the stairs because a zombie would throw itself at the window nearby and you can never tell how long will the wooden boards would hold up.
and especially, that creepy thing with no skin. with all the brains and organs out in the open. its sooo scary. the terror i felt when i set up the c4 and the noises just came at me. i actually forgot that room actually has those creatures roaming around and i only remember AFTER i set up the bomb! i instantly ran to the corner near the door to shield myself from the blast, make sure none of those fuckers are creeping up at me from behind, and have close access to the exit just in case i have to bail. well, apparently those unholy perversion of human flesh decided to jump at me from the open ceiling! awesome! i love it when leon frantically stab at the creature and wasted half of our shotgun ammos just to make sure its dead! not a good decision in hindsight but we were spooked! the immersion of this game is top notch! it was sooo satisfying to get all of the puzzles. ALL OF THE PUZZLES.
have i told you how much i like the puzzles? i purposely try to not read any game walkthrough and blindly feel the museum / police station so i can fully explore the place on my own terms and it was just. so much fun. guys this is just like homestuck! aksnksxnzns anyways! ugh. it took a lot of backtracking and getting lost but i do adore the feeling of being confused amidst a sea of gore. it get me to look at things a lot closer because i dont know which one are relevant game clues and which ones are just props. it feels so satisfying when i solved things on my own and its just. SO PRETTY. the visuals! not to be a horror freak but the art and sfx are just sooo beautiful. the blood splatters are exquisitely done, the corpses, the zombies, the body mutations, its so gory. i wish i can kneel on one of the downed policemen so i can take in the details of their gored neck! i kinda want to poke at it lol. and the environment art for the museums are beautiful too. but if i have to see this irl i would wonder what kind of budget mismanagement that happens in the city to repurpose a fucking cultural center to be a police office.
right now, im trapped in the parking lot. before that, i went to the hidden pathway under the giant sculpture. i was disappointed at first at the lack of sprawling rooms. there was only a bunch of handgun ammos and some herbs and some construction items barring the way. now where should i go next? and then, that giant mutated zombie came. FUCK.
look, that was the best but also the most horrifying parts i've seen yet. i only have a grenade, a handgun, and a shotgun with exactly five bullets. i ran circles trying to find an exit but i was trapped! and everything got foggier and foggier and i cant see clearly let alone open a fucking map to get my bearings! and everytime i got caught my health dropped from fine to critical! what the fuck! the scene was gruesome too! but i didnt die tho. just so you know. i did finish off that thing with two grenades and a handgun. this game is so fun. im excited to explore everything! and i cant wait to see more of ada. the first thing we see of her is saving us from a rabid dog! that is so cool. i like how she told leon off to stop minding her business. she looks cute but she is so cool and awesome... *sigh*
and other than that... haha. i have to admit leon is cute. i feel bad making him run when his health is in caution because he sound ragged and tired. i like the tiny details in his idle animations and, lets just say im a little bit flustered sometimes. i cant wait to get off work so i can play this game again!
anyway, anybody knows good nsfw resident evil fanartists? so far i only find @/IOHMzgd on twitter.
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yengyangyo · 3 years
berry | k.s.w
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pairings: kim sunwoo x female reader
genre: college au, friends to lovers
summary: you are in denial that you have a crush on your own friend, kim sunwoo until he made you confess your feelings.
word count: 1.9k
note: i wrote this on sunwoo's birthday. its quite late to post it cs i kept on postponing it sksksk but yea this was inspired by sunwoo's berry. enjoy reading! xo
you had sunwoo on your mind for days that you are lacking of sleep. it doesnt sit quite right for you to have this 'romantic' feelings for your bestfriend. meanwhile, sunwoo is not helping you to clear up your mind at all. he's just always there beside you no matter what.
he'd wait at the bus stop just to go to class together with you in the morning even when you're running late. lunch time together is a must unless one of you had other plans. both of you are just stuck together anywhere you go.
so for once, you thought it'd be a good plan to avoid him today. you woke up early that morning to get to class and you texted sunwoo that you had a discussion with your groupmates. this went on for a few days, you were making excuses everyday but sunwoo believed you.
until he couldnt take it anymore.
you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket and you saw sunwoo on the caller id. you were hesitating to pick it up until you felt someone grabbing your wrist from the back, turning you around.
"found ya!"
sunwoo appeared in front of you with the brightest smile. you couldn't help but to feel happy and welcomed by him that you started smiling unknowingly. you get back to your senses seconds later and avoided his eyes.
sunwoo knew something was wrong when he saw your expression fell. he glanced at your phone that kept ringing. he ended the call and your phone went off too.
"why arent you answering my calls? are you still busy?"
you couldnt stand seeing sunwoo looking all gloomy and upset. you felt bad for ignoring him so you tried making up excuses again.
"oh yea i was about to pick it up. sorry,"
sunwoo pouted and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. he's using his favourite perfume again today, you noticed. that scent happened to be your fav of him too. you felt weak and wanting to crawl into a hole or something.
"im craving chicken today. how about chicken and beer for dinner tonight?"
sunwoo turned his head at you, waiting for an answer. you looked up at him and his face was only inches away from you. you looked away, flustered. he had always been this way but only now you noticed how you felt about him which made it more awkward to be this close to him.
"i dont know, sunwoo. i'll have to check with my groupmates," you said, pretending to check your phone for your nonexistent messages.
"its friday come on. i havent hang out with you for days already," sunwoo whined and that made you laugh.
"alright but i get to choose where to eat,"
you chose the chicken restaurant near your neighbourhood where you both are regular customers there. the place was crowded with youngsters like the both of you, drunken with beer and chicken.
you were also getting tipsy from drinking. the first 30 minutes of the dinner went normal. asking how each other had been doing with the college life.
sunwoo sighed and rested his chin on his right palm. his eyes falters on you, searching for something. you looked away, feeling a bit burdened and transparent, because sunwoo knew you werent acting yourself these days.
"hey," he called you but you didnt answer and still avoiding the eye contact.
"hey look at me,"
you were startled at the warmth on both of your cheeks. sunwoo was cupping your cheeks to make you look at him straight in the eyes. you didnt know if this warmth was from his hand or from you blushing.
"what's wrong?" he asked. now his hand moved to yours, holding it tight. "you're avoiding me these days. do you think i didnt notice?"
silence fell between you two, just staring at each other. the guilt creeping up inside you and you didn't know where to start.
its the smallest gesture from him that create butterflies in your stomach.
that one time he opened the water bottle for you when he saw you struggling and saying that you're such a baby. his laughter filled the room when you frowned at the remark. you know how much he loves annoying you and in the end he always made you laugh too.
on rainy days, he'd always share the umbrella with you and keeping you close to him so you wouldnt get drenched. sometimes he'd gently rub your arm so you wouldn't get too cold.
sometimes he'd call you names like how boyfriend and girlfriend do, jokingly. though, you somewhat enjoyed it and played along. pretending to cringe but actually was flattered by him.
at this moment, your hand in his, eyes boring into each other, you just want to scream at him how much you love him.
you smiled in defeat and pulled back your hand.
"there were just so many thoughts going on my mind lately, sunwoo. im so sorry,"
he didn't question you any further and he nodded his head.
"whatever it is youre thinking, i just want you to know i'm always here for you,"
you smiled, this time sincerely at him.
"you always are sunwoo. i appreciate that,"
he smirked, "after all, i am the best that you got,"
you rolled your eyes and gave him your disgusted face.
"so are you gonna tell me what's bugging you?"
"i think i like someone. he's just always running round in my mind these days,"
you didnt know where the courage came from to blurt out that out of your mouth. sunwoo who was halfway shoving a piece of chicken in his mouth, stopped. he put it down and looked at you, doubting himself if he heard that right.
"i couldnt stop thinking about him. that pretty much explains that i like him right? or is it just my mind playing games with me?"
you swore you saw his face fell for a second but he went back to the usual sunwoo after that.
"does he know about your feelings?"
you shrugged, "nah. im still trying to find out what i really feel about him. should i tell him?"
sunwoo didnt say anything and chugged down his beer until its empty.
"yea why not," he answered simply. "he must be really lucky to have you,"
you laughed, "i havent done anything yet. there's a possibility that he'd reject me too anyway,"
its funny how you talk about this like its some stranger to sunwoo when you are talking about him. you felt light hearted a bit after letting that out.
"who'd reject you?" sunwoo said while playing with that piece of chicken, not looking at you anymore. "you're pretty and fun,"
you raised an eyebrow, wondering if you heard that right. he was still poking the chicken with his fork, eyes hazy and lips pouting.
"so you're not gonna tell me who is this guy you have a crush on?"
"you'll find out soon,"
sunwoo offered to walk you home though you kindly told him he didn't have to. he insisted and now you are walking beside him. he was suddenly quiet after the conversation you had with him.
"is that why you're avoiding me? because you have a crush on this guy?"
he asked, hands in his pockets, eyes looking forward. you looked at him, feeling a bit weirded out by his cold tone.
"no... okay maybe? i dont know. i just needed some time to myself,"
sunwoo fell quiet again for the rest of the walk home. when you reached the front gate of your house, you looked back at sunwoo. he looked like he was upset. you walked up to him and pat his side.
"hey thanks for walking me home. i'll tell you everything when i'm ready okay?"
sunwoo didnt say anything and you turned around to get out of that awkward moment.
"no i'll tell you everything right now okay? hear me out,"
you stopped in your tracks and facing him in confusion. he was pacing around, his hands are restless in his pockets.
"before you confess to him i guess i have to make a move on you first," sunwoo said, this time he raised his voice. "this is why people are saying we should always tell what we feel before we regret it and i dont want to regret it but i think im too late,"
you are worried at him. he looked like he was about to break down right in front of you. you wanted to comfort him but you didnt get what he's trying to say.
"sunwoo, i dont understand. what is it?"
sunwoo stopped pacing around and stopped directly in front of you. you swore you saw his eyes tearing up and you wanted to cry too. you thought, the alcohol has made both of you emotional.
"i like you,"
you both felt like the world is weighing down. it was as if the time has stopped for you two. you were staring at each other in disbelief.
"i know you like someone else and i shouldve told you sooner. i kept on putting back my feelings behind," sunwoo halted, gasping for air. "im too late now but i have to tell you this,"
"i dont care who he is. but i want you to know that you deserve of love. you kept on telling yourself you dont deserve anyone. you know how badly i want to tell you that im here? i want to love you," sunwoo was practically shouting at this point. he sighed, "shit im already am in love with you,"
at those words, your tears came streaming down like crazy. you've never seen him cry but tonight he looked beautiful even when he's crying. you lurched forward and wrapped your arms around him. he buried his face in your neck and you felt his warm tears on your skin.
"im sorry. i just wanted to let that out after keeping it for so long. this is the worst timing huh?" he murmured under his breath.
you shook your head and laughed. you let go of the hug first and cupped his face in your hands. teary eyes staring at each other.
"sunwoo its you,"
"i love you too,"
you closed the distance between the two of you, kissing him for the first time. that caught him off guard but then smiled in the kiss. it was sloppy but sunwoo is for sure leading you well at this. you both craved for this for a long time already. you were still crying of relief and touched by his confession.
"you should've told me before i start crying like an idiot," sunwoo looked down at you, smiling with his swollen eyes.
you laughed at him and you snuggled more into his embrace not wanting to let go too soon. you realized how much you miss him after those dreading days of ignoring him. he rested his chin on your head while gently patting you.
"im sorry ive been ignoring and denying my feelings for you,"
"its okay. thank god we actually like each other though," you both laughed at the same time and you havent felt this happy and giddy before.
"so i can actually call you my baby now?" sunwoo asked smirking at you playfully, knowing how much you hated it before.
"that's still cringy but sure, babe,"
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Consequenses // Thomas Raggi
words // 1590
warnings // smut ahead hehe and not even a full smut, just a snippet honestly
pairing // Thomas Raggi x F!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. ok please let me know on the taglist link if you have asked me to tag you and i havent right now... I lost some of the user names so yeah im so sorry 🥺
request // yes
summary // Reader has been breaking Thomas’ rules by teasing him for days. Thomas eventually is fed up and shows Reader what happens when you disobey.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @bidet-and-legolas @atremendousstrawberrycollection @otaculo @selenophiliaxx
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Music, throbbing lights and booze was the way Thomas and his partner decided to spend his weekend off. An average gathering made to feel like a party amongst the closest friends of the band and everyone’s partners. Of course the guitarist couldn’t resist bringing his lover along. He had not seen her in a while, traveling around and working on new music had made the relationship hard for the two of them, things only becoming harder when they started being unsatisfied with their more intimate relationship. The longing did not help much, instead it brought anger and anxiety, both resulting in ruining both of their moods.
The suggestion came from Y/N in the afternoon after Thomas took a break. They were sitting on the couch watching some tv show neither cared for, slowly trying to relax and potentially do more than sitting on the couch. The thought had occurred a few days ago, while the man was still not there, when his lover was maybe watching a bit of an erotic movie. “Maybe we should… switch,” was all she said. No explanation, no details, nothing.
Not much convincing was needed so here they were. Y/N being dominant was finding it a little hard to just sit there and listen. Thus the dom turned into a brat, choosing to tease the man during their first night together.
It was rather simple to get Thomas all riled up this fine night. They happened to have a small fight before the party (a disagreement over minimal things truly) so they were both in a very tense mood while at the party. Thomas was on the one side of the yard, talking with some of his friends, while Y/N was on the other, revealing clothing and lingerie (with certain movements it was visible to the man - and anyone else that paid attention, but not many did). The man was unable to take his eyes off his partner. See, she knew that the result would be pretty good.
“Keep this up and the result will not be very nice for you, amore,” he whispered in her ear when he finally approached her. His hand right above her ass, face too close for comfort.
“I am not sure I want to stop,” said Y/N, an evil smirk decorating her face. Her hips moved side to side, making sure the man could see. Back on her plotting she was.
At first things went smoothly: a bit of seductive dancing, a bit of drinking… The casual. But soon that would change as well. Ethan was sitting on a pool chair, joking about Y/N’s dancing, having a playful back and forth with each other until Y/N sat on his lap. It was nothing unusual for the two, it had happened plenty of times before, but both Thomas and her knew that this time was different.
By now Thomas is fuming. If he was in a cartoon his face would have gone comically red, smoke coming out his face in an exaggerated way. The cigarette and drink in his hand did little to help restrain him. For that, he downed the rest of his drink in an instant, smashing his cigarette on an ashtray and moving to his friends and partner. “Sorry to cut your fun short,” he smiled, trying to keep it together, “but me and Y/N need to go. Honestly, I’m feeling very tired,” he finished, taking Y/N’s hand in his and pulling her up and towards him.
Their friends did not say much, but rather voiced their goodbyes allowing the pair to leave the party.
Getting in the car was now the easy task, but one of them was dreading it. She knew that this would be so fun, but she was undeniably afraid of what could potentially happen that night. “What do you think you have been doing, dolcezza?” He all but growled, roughly turning her face towards his with his hand.
“Me? Nothing. I was just trying to have fun with my friends.” Oh, the innocent act. If Thomas wasn’t hot and bothered (more of the later) already, he certainly was now.
“I don't think so, baby. I think you have been very very naughty. I think you need a punishment.” His tone was playful but his eyes told a different story. Y/N was in for a long night, and they were still in the car. Thomas’ hands had already begun to travel all around his lover, faces dangerously close. And like that the vigorous kissing started.
“You shouldn't have acted like that tonight, amore,” he commented before he started driving back to their shared apartment. The ride was quiet but the tension and anticipation was loud as hell.
Patience was out the window the moment Y/N opened the door to their home. Thomas pushed her to the wall, attacking her neck with kisses. “I warned you enough times, my love, now it’s time for actions,” he commented, hand slowly traveling up to her neck, lightly squeezing, blocking the blood flow lightly making her lightheaded but so much more desperate for him. “Turn around and put your hands on the wall - just like that, good girl! Now, ass perked up.”
She was very well aware of what was about to happen and saying that she did not want it would be a lie. She was rather used to serving spankings to the man whenever he disrespected her - rather lenient - rules, taking such an adrenaline rush every time, but oh did she get a rush now, too. Thomas was getting more and more confident by the minute, Y/N getting rather aroused from it.
Thus she obeyed his demands, pushing her ass back, all there for him to do what he wanted. Thomas quickly got to work moving up her tiny little skirt to have her exposed to his will. Her ass looked amazing in that white lace thong she wore, making the man undeniably hard. “You know what you’re doing, don’t you? You planned for this to happen-” slap, “you knew I would not be able to hold back, didn’t you, puppy?” slap. “Answer me!”
“Yes, daddy,” Y/N responded very timidly, slightly flinching every time he struck her cheeks.
“Good, good. Now count for me, and you will thank me for each slap.”
“One. Thank you, daddy,” she began with his rhythm getting quicker and his force bigger by each slap of his palm. They reached around twenty five before Thomas decided on his next move. He said nothing but roughly turned Y/N around, pulling her towards their shared bedroom, lightly. After closing the door behind him - more out of habit than any actual practical reason- he pushed her to the bed, legs automatically falling open as he stared with lust in his eyes.
“Just sit there and do nothing,” he ordered, “no touching, or there will be consequences.” He did not go far after that, he only undressed and picked up the condoms and the lube, just making sure that she was entirely ready (not that he truly needed it at the moment - just a safety precaution) and knelt in front of his lover.
“Mhm,” he moaned, “you are looking delicious, but I’m not sure you can handle it. Maybe we should do this anoth-”
“No, no! Please, I can handle it! I can handle anything! Please, please!” she exclaimed, or more so whined, making Thomas smirk like a cheshire cat and proceeding with his actions.
“Anything, you say? Hm, we’ll see about that.” Oh boy was she about to regret those words.
His tongue started to tease her immediately as he finished his sentence. It was small short licks and little pecks on her clit, featherly but was agonizing in this case. The pace was slow, timid, really, all in an attempt to show his love in the most painful way possible. Her eyes were shut tightly, mouth hung open releasing heavenly (or rather sinful) noises - a pleasing confirmation of Thomas’ plan working perfectly. Y/N’s back was arched up as her head hung behind, chest bouncing in the attempt to gain more pleasure by Thomas.
“Thommy, please,” she whined, earning a slap on her thigh.
“You are being ungrateful, amore. I shouldn’t be giving you any pleasure at all. You’ll take what you can.” The lack of contact for the few seconds he spoke was enough to cause another fit of whines, but his breath on her heat made far worse ‘damage’.
He wasted no time moving up and away from his disheveled lover, moving to the dresser. Y/N simply sat there, mouth falling open, but this time due to confusion. It was clear that frustration had already started to pick up. Thomas on the other hand was enjoying the situation fully, finding it rather entertaining how he could make her melt so easily.
“Thommy. Come back,” she uttered in her usual dominating tone. Nothing. “Thomas, come back here-”
“What did you just say to me, puppy?” If he was pissed before, now he was livid, and it was clear as day. If this were some weird cartoon his eyes would’ve glowed red - a thought that did not help Y/N’s pleasurable fear. His hand had swiftly reached Y/N’s neck, not tightening up, yet making his stance threatening. “I think you have forgotten how things are going on around here, my love. You are not on the lead right now. I am. And you will pay for that.”
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buckysgoldenheart · 3 years
Angel in the Dark
Demon!August Walker x Reader
Summary: After a one-night stand, or what you thought would be one, a demon drags you to his world and forces you to grow wings like he has so you would have to stay with him, unable to permanently return to Earth.
Notes: (So this is like a one-shot that is little snippets/summary of something I might turn into a multi-chaptered fic. I’m not sure if I’m going to do that yet or if anyone would even like this idea, but if it seems a bit choppy, this is why.) I know its been an age and a half since i posted anything, but college, ya know? Also to those who have made requests, I have started all of them and they are to be posted next. I just started this fic a long time ago. I havent written anything for a while so it might actually kinda suck. 
Warnings: Implied smut, kinda. Unhealthy attachment on August’s end. If I make this chaptered then there would be actual smut. I think cursing. Eventual Stockholm syndrome if continued.
Words: 1713
 Angel in the Dark
You didn’t believe in fate, not really. You didn’t believe your life was predestined or anyone else’s to play with. It was yours alone, to make choices, good or bad. Only you decided when you did things and where you did them. And no one would have ever been able to convince you otherwise, until you met him.
Seeing him in that club, kissing him before you knew his name, now you couldn’t help but feel was in some way a trick, manipulated in his favor. That maybe bumping into him, quite literally, was his orchestration. Maybe whether you spoke to him or not, he had his sights set on you, and a one-night stand was never going to just get to be a one-night stand.
It was all too simple. Meeting you and not taking advantage, kissing you but following your lead, sleeping with you like you meant something to him. It didn’t add up. You could sense the kind of man he was; dominating and possessive. Too dominating and possessive to be as gentle with you as he had been. And all of it fell into a perfect line for what you now realized he wanted from you: not just sex, but more; nothing less than your life. But admitting all of that to yourself was entertaining the possibility that you were stalked like prey and any training at staying away from bad men had been a useless waste of time.
It was the third day, third of eight. August promised the pain would subside as the days passed, but so far he was proving to be a liar, not to your surprise. Every few hours, the wings ripped your skin wider to accommodate their size as they grew from the inside of your body pushing out. At three days, they were now the span of a couple feet, shining an opalescent white in the glare of the sun.
As you laid on your stomach, frozen in place against the mattress, wings bloodied and draped across your back with your eyes closed tight, you tried to understand the depth of the pain; how it was able to hurt the way it did. The feeling couldn’t compare to anything Earth may dare to offer. So different, so unnatural in its entirety, and indescribably excruciating. It was merciless, not letting you escape, not letting you find the will to walk without your bones threatening to crack. You could barely speak for fear fire would thrust itself up from your lungs and incinerate your throat. It was all-consuming, swallowing your body whole instead of localizing where the skin of your back had shredded open.
“Just a few more days,” August said, and you flinched at his voice. Every time he spoke it was a shock he was still there beside you, with his massive, black wings hanging over the back of the chair he sat in. Those monstrosities weren’t attached to his muscled back when you met him; nowhere in sight when he was in your bed.
August dabbed at your broken and bleeding skin with a cool cloth, eliciting little whimpers passed your chapped lips. “I know it hurts, Angel.”
“Don’t—" You forced out despite the heat in your throat, acid on your tongue, waves of nausea you knew would follow. “…C-Call me that.”
He sighed and continued to wipe the blood from your naked body. “I wish you wouldn’t say that. When the time is up, you’ll feel so much better about this, about me, and you’ll see how beautiful they are. You’re already so gorgeous, the wings will only add to your beauty.”
“I di-didn’t want--
“Don’t talk, Angel,” he said. “I know how you’re feeling about this right now, but humans are not allowed to live in this world. I had to do this so you can stay.”
You screamed as the wings tore your skin open a few more centimeters, and August quickly scooted his chair closer to brush the hair from your face.
He softly shushed you the way one might soothe a kitten, before leaning down and placing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. “It’s ok. I’m not going to leave your side.”
You would have slapped at him, pushed him away with all your might if you had the strength, but your lungs were tightening, body burning as if it had been licked by the sun. You were dying, slowly morphing into a horrid creature from fantasies, leaving behind any trace of humanity. In your veins you could feel something coursing and altering your DNA. You knew you still looked like you, for the most part, but you weren’t you, not anymore. All because you met a man who got attached and wouldn’t let you go. All because he couldn’t remain in your world and decided with certainty that if he couldn’t be in yours, he would drag you to his. A place some believed in and some didn’t, a place no one could prove the existence of, now your iron cage.
It was five more nights of torture before you felt like you could really breathe again, and even then, the oxygen was just as foreign as the pain you had trudged through, and you found little comfort in it fully filling your lungs.
“You’re awake.”
His smooth voice drew your eyes away from the scenery out the bedroom window; the first glimpse of true, heavenly beauty you’d seen since he brought you here. But you weren’t convinced it wasn’t an illusion crafted by his devilish fingers for your comfort. Much like his own beauty, a trick tempting you to call off your desire to leave this world and go home. You tried your best to ignore how perfect he looked; the curls of his hair, the scruff of his jaw, the black wings you first saw the night you met him when they had suddenly appeared only after you’d slept together.
“And you’re standing already. I hoped to come help you, but you’re clearly much stronger than I was after I had to grow my own wings.”
Your eyes flashed in anger before your tore them away from his, back to the rolling hills overlapping one another outside your window. The breeze rustling your hair, the chirp of the birds, the glisten of the sun off the small lake dotted in the landscape, distracted you from August’s approach. You stilled at his breath hitting the back of your neck, but when he slipped his rough fingers through the layers of your shimmering feathers you couldn’t contain the shiver that shot through your body. His own black ones ruffled when his skin touched his creation.
“So beautiful,” he whispered.
“I’m glad you’re proud of your work.”
August let out a puff of air, a weak laugh. “My work? Angel, this was all you. I knew they would be beautiful if they were going to be a part of you, but you really outdid yourself.”
Twisting your body fast, you met him chest to chest, your eyes burning with a heat to match the devil. “I outdid myself? You forced this on me. You injected me with that—that poison without my permission.”
“And you survived. Not many can say the same. You’ve come out stronger.” Fingers trailed through your feathers again and you ignored the heat it sent to your core.
“I’ve come out of this wanting to kill you more than I did before,” You said, shifting the wing back and away from his reach.
Without a moment to pass, August gently grasped your chin between his thumb and index finger as his gaze landed on your lips. “That will fade with time,” he whispered, then inched his face closer. You shoved him away just before his lips could meet yours, and August stumbled back with a chuckle. “Certainly stronger.”
“I’m not going to let you kiss me,” you snapped.
“Not today, it would seem.”
“Not ever again!” Somehow the words felt wrong, each one more sour than the last. Wrong, as if your lips called to his and a portion of your mind was so disappointed at the fight you were going to force it through by trying to keep yourself away from him. But it was a small portion, and the rest of you was much stronger.
“We will see, Angel,” He crossed his arms. “You and I have eternity. One day you will wake up and realize I am all you have, I am all you want, and this memory will be lost. All you will know is me and my touch and our world.”
As he spoke, his eyes held a gentle sincerity that you wished wasn’t there. You wished the blue of them wasn’t so calm and casual and certain of the way he was feeling. Shaking your head, you matched his stance. “You’re a monster,” you said. “You really are, and here I thought I’d seen the worst of monsters, but clearly not.”
August slowly stepped back into your space again, catching you off guard with a flush to your cheeks as he loomed over you. But you kept his stare, even with your back against the wall, wings spread against the stone. “You may breathe your sweet words all you’d like, Angel, but it changes nothing,” He said, running a knuckle down your cheek. “If I am a monster, I am your monster, and I’m not going anywhere.” Smiling, his eyes glanced at your lips again. “Luckily for me…neither are you.”
@agniavateira​ @tumblnewby @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @summersong69​ @starlite13​ @mstgsmy​ @purplelove75​ @defffcc​ @the-soot-sprite​ @kissthatlifeaway​ @atomicpaperhairdouniversity​ @aquariuslavenderhoney​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @the-problem-of-leisure​ @amberlokabrenna​ @a-dlv​ @writing-about-current-obsessions​ @weallhaveadestiny​ @coffeebreathy​ @madbaddic7ed​ @petitefirecracker10​ 
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[SUMMARY: Rick's daughter Melody cant help her curiosity about the man locked up in the prison cell. Being kept secrets from her father, she takes it upon herself to get to know Negan and one day sneaks into the cell to find him asleep with morning wood.]
Negan and Melody
Rick never really allowed you anywhere near Negan. Hell, you never even saw Negan yourself up close and personal. Although you were twenty, your father still treated you like the little five year old girl he used to carry on his shoulders. It was frustrating at times, he always wanted to keep secrets from you about what was going on in the group and he always said it was to protect you. The only times you ever saw Negan he was tied up being led into the prison cell. Truth was, you didnt know what he had done that was so bad. Your father seemed to keep everything from you that involved anything serious. You looked out the window and saw Daryl pass Eugene the keys for cell, each night someone was on guard. Looking to the right you saw your dad heading your way and quickly pulled down the blinds. After you were told Glenn had died in an accident on a run a few months ago many things changed. Maggie left, everyone seemed more distant and it left you confused.
"Get ready for bed, Melody," your dad spoke low as he entered the house making you sigh.
"I'm not tired dad."
"Mel, it's getting late-"
"And is there something we need to be ready for in the morning?" You responded with sarcasm looking back out the window.
"Besides...you never told me what that guy Negan did."
"I told you that's not up for discussion," he insisted making you roll your eyes.
"Is anything up for discussion? Whatever, I'm sure what he did wasnt that bad if hes being kept alive." You got up from the chair and walked past your father as he looked down with a straight face. There was no way he could tell you the truth of what Negan had done. Your father tried to protect you the best he could and losing people was enough, he didnt want to leave you with images in your head.
Waiting to be sure that your father was in his room you quietly snuck out of yours. Your curiosity ate at you and you were tired of your father treating you like a little girl. Making sure you werent heard, you stepped outside and walked towards where Negan was held captive. Eugene was heading back to the cell with a tray of food for Negan. You knew itd be easy to get around Eugene regardless of what your father instilled in his mind. Creating casual conversation with Eugene and some jokes to break the ice you offered to take Negan his lunch. Right away he made a face filled with doubt.
"I dont know about that, Melody..I'm in charge of his cell-"
"Yeah but you're in charge of the entrance. Who's going to watch while you are distracted handing him the food?" Eugene raised an eyebrow in thought, he felt like you had a point.
"Alright but your dad cant know about this, he'll kill me. So dont take too long."
"Dont worry I got it," you assured him before taking hold of the tray of food and the keys from his hand.
You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, you were nervous yet so curious to know the man that was hidden from you. Unlocking the door you walked down a dark hallway before reaching the cell.
"Well its about time one of you fuckers remembered to feed me," you froze at the sound of Negans voice before stepping out of the dark hall and into the light, revealing yourself. Negan looked up as he leaned against the wall not expecting to see a young attractive woman before him.
"Well excuse my French, where the fuck did your pretty little self come from?" Negan looked you up and down observing your skin tight jeans and crop shirt. Right from the jump you found this man to be very intimidating, taking a deep breath you stepped closer to his cell and bit your bottom lip nervously.
"Um...my name is Melody.. I came to bring you your meal," Negan slowly stepped closer to the bars with a smirk on his face and looked down at the tray in your hands.
"I see that...so you're gonna put that down for me, sweetheart?" He spoke slowly with an enticing voice.
"Oh..um, yes" you smiled before slowly bending down not noticing Negan tilt his head eyeing the curve of your ass as you slid the tray beneath the bars.
"Very nice.." he murmured low to himself before you got back up. Your eyes met his and you suddenly didnt move, his eyes were alluring and inviting all at once. Nervously clearing your throat you backed away brushing your hair back.
"I gotta ask, princess. What's a fine young woman like you doing alone with me here in my prison cell?"
"I wanted to see who you were...I'm not allowed to know things so-"
"So you're telling me no one knows you're here?" He raised a brow getting closer, although this man was behind the bars you still found yourself feeling nervous.
"No...everyone treats me like a little girl. I'm twenty years old and I'm tired of people covering up things for me," you explained.
"Shit, you are very young."
"Not too young where I cant be told what the hell you did to be in here, cant be all that bad if you're still alive."
Negan raised his brows sliding his tongue behind his lower lip.
"Oh no sweetheart, I'm no good." He spoke in a low voice.
"So let me guess, you're going to treat me like a little girl too and not tell me why?" Negan couldnt help himself but chuckle making you cross your arms.
"What's so funny?"
"Ohh...princess, if I was out of this cell right now I'd gladly show you how much of a grown woman I think you are."
"What?" You asked a little shocked not expecting him to express himself the way he did. You were quickly learning Negan had an unfiltered mouth.
"Dont mind me," Negan shook his head with a sigh.
"Its been a while and I'm just fucking frustrated."
"Its been a while since what?" You asked making him slightly lean back with a frown on his face.
"You really are innocent huh," you rolled your eyes.
"Listen, if you're going to say it just say it-"
"Its been a while since I've had some pussy." Negan blurt out making you stumble over your words.
"Oh-um...-" Negan grinned raising his brows at your reaction.
"Oh yes," he laughed as you nervously licked your lips.
"Shit..." he suddenly turned serious.
"How long has it been for you? Or wait let me guess, you haven't even had your cherry popped yet." Negan moved closer to the bars to get a closer look at you.
"Actually, I'm not a virgin but it's been a few years since I lost my virginity to this jackass. I havent slept with someone since."
"So you've gone a few years with out any relief?"
"Well um-obviously I've had relief-"
"Oh..so you like touching yourself," he bit his bottom lip in excitement.
"-But yes, it's been years since I've had sex and I'm okay with it, I dont need it." You couldnt believe you were even explaining this to him.
"Hm. Looks like whoever was hitting it wasnt hitting it right, shit I'd always have you coming back for more." You rolled your eyes holding back a smile, you kind of liked the attention he was giving you.
"Are you always this vulgar, Negan?"
"Only when I'm horny," he teased making you shake your head.
"Shit, do you blame me princess? You're the first woman that's spoken to me like I wasnt a damn monster. Plus I love some dirty talk." Negan had to admit the company was refreshing for him. You sighed with a smile and looked down at his food.
"Well, I guess I'll leave you to your food. I'll come by when I can again...if you want me to." Negan smiled sliding his tongue between his teeth.
"Oh I definitely do." You couldnt believe this man was flirting with you but you had to admit to yourself it was a fun interaction.
"Your secrets safe with me, Melody." Negan winked before you quietly left and locked the door shut.
That night you lay in bed smiling to yourself thinking of your very flirtatious talk with Negan. Your dad hadn't suspected a thing and you knew the next morning he would go on a run. It would be a perfect time to see Negan again. You were the first person in a long time to not make him feel like a monster and he was the first person who made you feel like a grown woman. Distracted by his flirtatious ways you didnt focus on the reason of him being held in a cell and Negan had no idea you were Rick Grimes only daughter.
The next morning just as suspected your father left on a run with Daryl and Michonne. The person on guard today was one of the men that you knew wasnt the biggest fan of your father. Of course you were to use this to your greatest advantage. Setting up a tray of breakfast with extra fruit you had grown in your garden you made your way to Negan. Unlocking the door, excitedly you walked down the hall to find Negan asleep with his back facing you as you set down his tray of food.
"Good morning, Negan." You spoke softly making him open his eyes. He groaned with a stretch and turned flat to his back making you gasp.
"What the fuck is your problem?" Negan looked at you confused before noticing exactly where your eyes were. The imprint of Negans very hard cock was practically bulging out of his pants.
"Ah shit-"he muttered to himself adjusting his pants.
"Sorry, sweetheart must've been having a nice little dream." He chuckled as he noticed you wouldnt stop staring at it.
"What, never seen some morning wood before?" He teased as he stood up.
"I mean, of course I just didnt expect to see you..I mean for you to be that way right now." You responded nervously as he made his way close to the bars of the cell.
"Right now?" He laughed.
"Oh princess, you have no idea how horny I am. How much I'd kill for the feel of sweet pussy...shit for a woman to just relieve me." The two of you were face to face now, only the bars separating you from each other.
"You know what I was dreaming about, princess?" Negan spoke as he noticed you would not stop looking down at his crotch area.
"I dreamt about you riding my cock." His voice was raspy, his words making you look up in shock.
"What?" You whispered.
"You left me last night thinking about things I wanted to do to you and this is the outcome." He motioned towards his erection.
"Why dont you touch it for me...just once." He spoke low, your lips parted at his request. Your heart was racing, it was arousing how much this man wanted you. Looking back at the door behind you making sure it was locked you looked back at Negan and nodded.
"Just once." You agreed making him grin.
"Atta girl."
Negan watched as you hesitatingly moved your hand in between the bars and began to slowly rub his crotch. A deep noise escaped his lips the first moment you touched him, his breathing was heavy as you moved your hand up and down.
"Oh my...-" you whispered feeling how rock solid he was.
"Oh, Melody.." he whispered as he closed his eyes. You could tell he obviously wanted more, you could tell how much he needed it. Without saying a word you began to unzip his pants and instantly his cock sprung out. It was thick and hot, you could feel him throbbing in your hand. The man was aching for some kind of relief, he was about ready to explode.
Spitting on your hand you began to move along his shaft. Negan moaned holding onto the bars as he watched you jerk him off. He could tell you were getting turned on as you began to breathe quickly. Negan reached through the bars and grabbed your throat applying pressure making you moan as you began to move your hand faster.
"Fuck baby, I dont think I can hold it-" he held his breath and grunted struggling to not let himself cum just yet.
"Hold on just a little bit more, I want you to cum hard." You whispered as he frowned holding on to the bar tightly, his knuckles turning white. It had been too long since he had been touched, too long since he had ejaculated and Negan had an intense rush. His other hand quickly sliding down your neck and pulling your v neck shirt down revealing your breast.
"Touch me, Negan. Do what you want." You whispered as your hand moved faster. Your words making his jaw clench as he squeezed your breast and let out a very loud and deep groan, loads of cum spilled out of him falling to ground.
"Yes.." you whispered loving the sight of him giving in.
"Dont stop-" he struggled to speak as he continued to cum all over your hand. He panted as you began to slow down before he let go of your breast and leaned against the bars. Releasing his cock from your hand you stepped back and looked at him from head to toe. His eyes were closed as he leaned his head on the bars, his cock twitching as you noticed all his cum on the concrete floor.
"Wow.." you whispered making him open his eyes. Grabbing a rag you had on you, you cleaned up your hand then handed it to him before he closed his pants. Negan cleared his throat before looking back up at you with a smirk.
"I guess I owe you one," he chuckled still trying to catch his breath making you laugh as you fixed your top.
"Glad I could be of help," you joked before the two of you locked eyes. The smiling fading from his face now.
"Seriously, it's been nice having you here."
Negan liked the sexual connection the two of you had, he also liked how you naturally conversed with him. You didnt treat him like an animal, you treated him like a human being. Negan knew he had messed up in life but he knew there was nothing he could do to change the past. All he could do was not repeat the same mistakes. What he did know was that he now knew for sure that he did not want you knowing his real reason behind being locked inside. He knew youd never look at him the same way again.
"Its been nice for me too. I havent really had conversation with anyone in my group." You sighed crossing your arms.
"After my friend Glenn died things changed." You whispered making Negans face change at the mention of Glenn's name. He looked away feeling a knot of guilt in the pit of his stomach.
"Everyone started acting different. I miss the way things were." You continued as you looked to the side and thought back of some memories.
"I think you should get going, Princess." Negan spoke low, his words making you look back at him confused.
"Wh-what? I thought we could talk-"
"Listen, I'm not your fucking therapist. Now get going." Negan snapped just wanting you to leave, his guilt eating up at him he felt like utter shit.
"So what jerking you off is all you needed so I'm good to go now?"
Negan remained silent, his head down not being able to look you in the eye.
"You know I know we dont know each other and you dont give a shit about me, but I thought we had an understanding that we both needed someone to talk to and not talk to them like something they're not." You snapped as he carefully listened to your words.
"That's the problem, sweetheart. They're not treating me like something I'm not. You are." His words left you speechless, what the hell did he mean by that?
"I told you I was no fucking good. Now get out of here." Negan turned his back to you, you couldnt believe what he was saying or what the hell even made him say these things.
"Screw you." Negan heard the crack in your voice before you stormed out and slammed the door shut. Negan sighed knowing he didnt want to hurt your feelings, hell he didnt even want you to leave. Angrily you walked back to your room and slammed the door shut, you felt so stupid you could scream. You swore you'd never see Negan again nor let your father ever find out of what had just happened.
Part 2? Trying to think of where I can go from here. Feel free to send in any ideas if you have. Xx
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idvimagine · 2 years
Anonymous question;  I havent seen any fics about them but Im really fixated on Paranormal detective x Golden Ratio Edluca rn. would it be ok^^?
continued from here
ຽ( ⊗‸⊗)<Hm. Alright, I can do something with that since you asked so nicely.
He’s been hanging around here so much. Day after day he is loitering around with those weird rods that he has thinking it will truly lead him to the answers he is trying to find. I find this humorous. I still don’t entirely understand what he is looking for either since it’s nothing to do with alchemy, but to each their own, right? I only wish he wouldn’t keep loitering around. It scared off the others that were studying here with me, but there is little I can do. Even when I tried to scare him off, he didn't run. At this point, he is familiar enough with me that he always calls me –
“Goldie! Are you around here?”
I grimace at the nickname. I am incredibly unfond of it but no matter what I say he insists on calling me it. I could simply pretend to not be here, but he’ll then only start searching through the area for me instead because he knows I don’t go far.
Just as I thought, He is starting to head towards the entrance of the building so I simply leaped from the ledge I had hidden at and landed in front of him. The plant life around me sprang to life around my feet as I did so.
“I have told you to stop calling me that. Perhaps if you called upon me correctly I’d be more inclined to appear before you.” I spoke coldly towards him but he just smiled at me stupidly. This always irritated me.
“And yet you showed up!” He seemed proud of this fact but I just tried to ignore it. “Anyways, I was looking for you”
Clearly. I think the annoyance on my features was becoming evident by how he looked at me. He wasn’t a stupid man, far from it, in fact. He was clever and intelligent, but he also had a one-track mind and usually pushed ahead if he felt he had a goal close at hand.
“Do you think you could show me deeper into your facility? I won’t touch anything unless you let me, but I’m sure the thing I’m looking for is deeper inside” He didn’t even seem to doubt that I’ll allow him inside, which ticked me off a bit.
It ticked me off because he was right. True company is sparse here. Many who come here are only in search of teaching or to try and best me. A bunch of insulting folks.
“It is my home. I have told you this” I couldn’t think of a better retort to try and seem annoyed. At this point, I don’t know if I am annoyed with him or myself. Maybe it’s a mixture of both but he quickly looked sheepish at me.
“Sorry, sorry! Can you let me into your home to look around a bit?” There was still that same level of expectation of a positive answer and I almost wanted to answer no purely to wipe the look off of his face, but I can’t.
“Fine. Do not touch anything regardless of what you may think it is.” I said this sternly and he seemed to understand as he nodded along with me. I think he understands the dangers enough at this point that I don’t need to lecture him further on the topic.
The outside of the observatory is rundown and broken looking, hidden away deep in a forest so that humans leave it alone and do not come here. I am still unsure how or why he found this place, but he had yet to see the deepest parts of it since it is my own private quarters and where I teach those I trust.
As we step further inside, the plants grow around my feet and wither just as quickly as I step and he seems to be taking note of this.
“Hey, Goldie,” I already begin to sigh because of the nickname “Is there a reason plants seem to grow around you?”
I suppose it’s a good enough question, though it’s complicated alchemy that I have infused into my body. I do not know how to explain it to someone who has no knowledge of the topic at hand.
“In the simplest of terms… I can instill life in things by touching them. However if my touch leaves I take that life with me unless I put it there intentionally.” I don’t elaborate further, thinking that is a perfect explanation for someone not in the know of the intricacies and complexities of alchemy. He is also plenty smart, so I am sure he can figure out anything else on his own.
We reach the back of the observatory and he still seems focused on the plants that are sprouting so it gives me the chance to move the mechanism that allows me to hide the entrance to my home. With a quick few actions, two walls pull in on themselves before opening to reveal a staircase.
“Follow me”
It’s a simple command that he seems to have heard as we both head inside the stairwell and the door closes behind us quickly, casting us into darkness.
“Um,” He begins “Is it supposed to be dark?”
Another “good enough” question from him.
“Yes, it’s supposed to be dark because I have memorized the tunnels and locations of everything. It’s supposed to prevent others from sneaking around”
I can tell he is thinking of things to say back but I simply grab his hand to lead him through the stairs and twists and turns before there is a light that appears at the end of a specific tunnel. This is my bedroom.
Entering into it I let go of his hand now and he begins looking around and taking in the visuals. My room is an organized mess. My bed has scrolls and books scattered on it. The bookcases are stuffed with various things that are stacked to the ceiling; Scrolls, books, artifacts, full and empty bottles, and a few other miscellaneous items. My desk has various things taped to the wall and many open books and scrolls laying on it with paperweights holding them all down, and in the far corner, there are various plants in various phases of growth.
“You’ve got a really nice room here.” He said as he looked around with a smile on his face before looking back at me. He approached with a hand on his chin, seeming to inspect me now.
“What is it?” I question plainly, fully expecting some unimportant answer or question that is easy and quick to answer
“Did you know you leave glowing gold dust when you walk? It lit up the tunnel a bit if you looked hard enough”
I was taken aback by this statement and he only pushed closer, my heart skipped a beat and my eyes went wide as his face was now inches from my own.
“Do you mind?!” I sputtered but he didn’t move. He seems to be inspecting me for some reason and I was getting annoyed with it more and more by the second.
“Ya know, you have a real pretty face~,” He said this so casually before he moved away now, looking around the room once again, moving towards my potted plants and ignoring me now as my face became a bit hot and that previous annoyance came back very intensely.
I really can't wrap my mind around him at all.
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Sinful Sunday
AN: Alright everyone, here it is this week, and I just gotta say that they all are VERY sinful this week so go crazy lol. I do have a taglist for this now, so if you want added just let me know! (Also ik this is super early, but it is almost 3 am and I stayed up late writing these, and skipped a THOT and I just wanna wake up to validation)
Sinful Sunday Masterlist
Pairings: Captain Rex x Reader, Commander Wolffe x Reader, Boba Fett x Reader, SUB!Din Djarin x Reader
Rex was finally home on leave after months of being away on missions and leading men into dangerous battles. After being separated for so long it was hard to believe that you were actually cuddled up to him with his chest to your back watching a movie in your living room. The movie that was playing had been some movie that released while Rex had been away and he had specifically requested to watch, saying he thought it looked good. But here you were, neither of you paying attention to the movie, at all. It had started innocently, Rex just running his hand along your hip and thigh as he actually watched the movie. But it was very obvious that the touches didn't stay innocent long no matter how much he tried to fake it. Soon his hand started moving its path more towards your inner thigh, then higher up your inner thigh, high enough that with each pass he brushed softly against your clothed core. It wasn't until Rex was working his hand into your sweats and panties that you grabbed his hand and groaned out, "You wanted to watch this." Rex replied almost immediately, and in a whispered, almost needy, tone right in your ear, "Sorry darling, but I just can't help myself, I havent seen you in so long." And with that he pushed his hand out of your grip and slid his fingers right through you wet lips, brushing over your clit making you whine, and shoving his fingers as deep as possible into you, drawing out a gasp of his name from your lips. Rex only took enough time to groan about how wet and warm you were before he started fingering you like his life depended on it. As always Rex knew where to hit inside of you to bring you the most pleasure, and as he did he kissed and sucked on your neck. As Rex's fingers sped up you couldn't help but to grind down against his palm and when your clit was pressed into his palm you couldn't stop the shout that passed you lips, and you could feel the smirk that spread across Rex's face when you did. You felt yourself get closer and closer to your peak, and as Rex felt you start to tighten on his fingers he made sure that with every grind of your hips your were rubbing your clit on his palm. It took you no time at all to reach down and grab his hand over your clothes as you moaned out his name and came explosively all over his hand. When you finally caught your breath, you looked over your shoulder to look Rex in the eyes, only to find them blown wide in lust and him growling, "I hope you're ready, because I am far from done with you, darling."
Moderb!Captain Rex x Reader
So this THOT bloomed from the idea of Modern AU Captain Rex, who is still a captain in the army so you rarely get to see him because he is active duty.....
The first time the two of you actually had sex you had been surprised when Wolffe had buried his teeth into you shoulder as he came. You hadn't brought it up after, especially considering he hadn't broken any skin and only left teeth marks and a decent bruise that you would run your fingers over in the coming days while he was away on a mission. After that the bites and nips started happening more often, and you couldn't help but enjoy the feeling and the colorful marks he left for you that reminded you of him while he was gone. Neither of you brought it up, but it was obvious that both of you enjoyed it.
Commander Wolffe x Reader
Okay so another clone boi is getting a THOT this week and it is the sexy and grumpy Wolffe and his biting kink that he soooo has and I refuse to believe otherwise......
It wasn't until after a particularly long mission that when he was getting ready to go down on you, you gently pulled his hair to pull him away from you. And while avoiding eye contact you mumbled out asking him to bite and leave marks all over your thighs, and well, Wolffe didn't need to be told twice. Immediately feeling list flow through his veins Wolffe praised whatever deity was out there for giving him the perfect significant other, and went to town. Wolffe liked and gave soft nips to one thigh first before kissing a spot by your inner thigh and following it quickly with his teeth. He repeated that action two more times on that thigh before switching to the other one and starting the whole process over again. By the time wilffe was finished both of your thighs were covered in marks that were already bruising and you were a squirming mess. Wolffe, running out of patience and just wanting to fuck you silly and leave a few more marks an your shoulders, stood quickly and slammed into you with a grunt.
You were honestly kind of suprised that you managed to get Boba to sit on the edge of the bed and agree to him letting you pleasure him for once. But now, as you kneeled between his thighs, with his thick cock standing tall in front of your face you wondered where you should even begin. And what was making it worse was that Boba was watching your every move intently. You gingerly reached out and wrapped a hand around the base of his cock, noting that your fingers didn't even wrap around completely because he was so thick, and then you leaned forward and gave the head a small kitten lick that dragged a small grunt from Boba. Feeling a bit more confident you wrapped your lips entirely around the tip and sucked and ran your tongue around it and over his slit, which is what cause Boba to tangle his fingers in your hair and pull slightly, grumbling about no teasing. Smirking, you pull back and spit in your palm before wrapping your hand around his base again and start moving your hand up and down at a nice steady pace. Then you smile up at him before leaning back down and swallowing as much of his cock down your thoat as possible, which wasn't as much as you would have liked. Boba cursed, and you could feel his hips twitch wanting to thrust up bjt he held back. Then you went to work bobbing your head and pumping your hand in time, while curving your tongue along the under side of his cock. You stayed at this pace, occasionally pulling off for air, before plunging him down your throat again. At some point you look up to meet his gaze at the same time you cup his balls and that's when you saw his resolve break. With a curse Boba's hand in you hair tighten more than you thought possible and he apologized quietly before lifting his hips to start fucking your mouth and throat. It didn't take long at all before you felt his cock twitch and balls tight, before he pulled out so his head was the only thing still in your mouth and he spilled everything, completely filling your mouth and some dribbling out with the spit trailing your chin and neck.
Boba Fett x Reader
And because my head is full of THOTS for Boba, here is a tiny THOT that is literally just giving Boba some head....
You weren't sure how you got into this situation entirely, but maker you were so turned on by this turn of events. The original plan had been to only put the strap on and give Din everything he had ever given you and more. But the second you put the strap on this time, you instantly went into a power trip, and from the way you had Din on his knees licking and sucking on the plastic cock you were currently sporting, well you think it would be safe to say that he too was enjoying the turn of events. Gripping onto his hair you tsked at him and made him look you in the eyes, "Oh, pretty boy, if you are gonna suck my cock, you're gonna have to do it right. Open up for me." The second he did you groaned at his obedience and you cooed out good boy, before slowly starting to slide the dildo into his mouth, you gave him a few shallow thrusts,  before slowly and steadily pushing the entire thing down his throat, which him only gagging once. You groaned and gripped his hair telling him, "Kriff, you're such a good boy, why don't you suck this cock for a minute and then I'll fuck you like I promised." As you spoke you saw his own cock twitch between his thighs before he started bobbing slowly on the strap. Like you promised, it only took about a minute before you got impatient and pulled him off and you leaned down to kiss his forehead and told him to climb onto the bed and lay down.
Din Djarin x Reader
Haha, did I hear more Sub!Din? No, well too bad, here's some filthy Din getting pegged.....
You quickly followed and kneeled between his thighs, throwing one leg over your shoulder and keeping the other on you hip as you pressed into Din slowly and watched his eyes close and forehead wrinkle up in pleasure. Once you were fully inside you praised him for taking you so well and rewarded him by pumping his weeping cock a few times, which resulted in a long groan and a choked, "please!" Abliging him you started giving small harsh thrusts, circling you hips, and trying to find the spot that made him moan your name so sweetly. The second you hit his prostate you knew because he did just that and you drilled into him while smirking and watching the flush flow across his face, ears, neck, and chest. The sight was beautiful and hot and you told him just that, which pulled a whine from him as he turned his head and buried it in the pillow. You spent alot of time at this pace and angle praising him and pouring as much pleasure into Din as possible, but then he brokenly whimpered out your name and a "please...moOore." Smiling you lean down to his ear and say, "Only because you asked so nicely, pretty boy." And you pulled almost completely out of him before slamming back in, and you grabbed his angrily red cock and started pumping it in time with your thrusts. Din didn't stand a chance to hold out much longer and after a handful of quick thrusts and pumps he was cumming all over you hand with a shout as you continued to rail into his prostate to drag out his pleasure. When you were satisfied that you couldn't give him anymore, you gently laid down his legs on the bed, and slowly and carefully pulled out of him, before standing up intent on cleaning him up so the two of you could cuddle peacefully.
Taglist: @ollovaemisc @googiebeankat @shellyc9 @vikingqueen28 @altarsw @rosegoldarti @groovinomicon @jessaminejaylinnreaper @randomfangir12718 @moodsare @virgil-nonbinary @embonbon @meabravo @joculatrices @evensisacaption @saveatruckrideoptimusprime @hayley-the-comet @blackmarketmummy @callme-eds @fuckyeahbeskar (crossed out names are ones I couldn't tag, sorry!)
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