#i feel it’s important for you to know that velquus’ head can spin 360 degrees
nellandvoid · 5 months
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as i’m procrastinating some designs for the main players in diane’s dimension, here are some of her inter-dimensional gaggle of children!
around 6 years into her time as a dimensional traveler, diane set up a rest stop of sorts (that became her home) at the outskirts of the nightmare dimension for anyone who finds themselves suddenly forced out of their home dimension, or in urgent need of supplies
however, whenever a child finds themselves in that position, diane takes it upon herself to watch after and take care of them, even refusing to take bounties unless absolutely necessary, until they are old enough to decide for themselves if they want to stay or leave - these three are the ones who choose to stay
furthest left is Hg80, from a dimension where people are made out of elements from the periodic table (diane’s nickname for them is hattie)
in the middle is charlie simmons, an outcast from the finger dimension after being born with syndactyly (hence why he wears gloves)
and furthest right is velquus caballissi, from a dimension where the most intelligent species are dinosaur-horse-bug-adjacent, and who fell into the nightmare realm just after hatching
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