#i feel like i forgot how to draw x.x
layalu · 1 year
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trying to figure out her shapes...
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Wanna One In San Jose Fan Account~
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So, now that it's after the concert, and I'm feeling all sorts of things, here's my highlights/what I remember from the concert! I’ll split this itno parts. So I put the stuff about the boys and the concert first (since that’s probably what ppl are interested in, lol), and then things from the rest of my day like lining up, meeting mutuals, getting freebies, giving out freebies, etc. ^^
Also note: I’m leaving this concert even more confused as to the order of Ong, Daniel, and Jisung in my biases, like it’s all a mess now OTL
Read more under the cut cuz this is long!
Concert Highlights
So security was kind of strict about video. Like I know a lot are floating around, but they stopped ppl from taking pics and filming a lot. I was unlucky because I was maybe like one row from the front, but the security guard stood right in front of me and always looking in my direction so I couldn’t pull out my phone... or I was too chicken, so I wasn’t able to take any video or pics. ;; Sorry ;;
I’m also... short, so it was hard to see at times unfortunately ;;
I was situated near the bridge tothe extended stage on the left side. I had started off with maybe 4 rows of ppl in front of me, but eventually found myself only one row from the bridge to the extended stage section o.o I got to see the boys walking by a lot. 
Speaking of, the boys spent more time on the extended stage than I thought. Jihoon, Daehwi, Jinyoung, and sometimes Woojin, Jaehwan and Guanlin spent a lot of time on the left side. I believe Minhyun was too but on the actual extended stage (?)
Additionally, Jisung usually walked by, but never stood on the left side. However, he would always wave and look at those as he waved and ah... Jisung in person is just... I can’t... he just... he’s got this really kind aura and I’m a mess >< He looked in my direction a couple times, maybe we made eye contact, I’m not sure, but his visuals in person are no joke. All of them are like this, in my opinion though ><
On the topic of Jisung... you guys... DJ Jisung... it was not something I knew I needed, and after this concert, I can’t let it go ;; Jisung looked like he was having soooo much fun DJing and not only that, he looked good doing it. I have lots to say about DJ Jisung, but I’ll keep it brief here. 
I guess since I started with Jisung, I’ll just do fan accounts for each of the boys from here. 
Sungwoon I didn’t get to see often, but my goodness, they were doing aegyo and they had him do puppy aegyo and it was so cute! ;A; 
Also Sungwoon’s vocals are no joke. For  영원+1, his voice was oh so good live >< 
I didn’t get to see Minhyun a lot ;; Most of what I heard from him was from Kim (thank goodness he saw her!) But from what I did see when I was looking around during ments and during ‘갖고 싶’ was that he was looking around at everyone, like looking at all of the fans. He really scanned the audience, it was kind of amazing ><
Also, unsurprising of Minhyun, those visuals in real life are stunning o.o Oh and dat dance solo.... my goodness x.x
Ong ;; So I didn’t get to see Ong often because he spent most of his time on the right side of the stage or, for ments, in the front and to the left, which I was not near. So I don’t have much to say unfortunately. ;; 
But what I can say, is that he really was interacting with all of the fans ;; if they made a heart towards him, he would make it back. If he saw a sign, he would wave. He’s really the sweetest.
Also Ong is super handsome. Like super, super handsome. Idk how he’s expecting me to function from now on, cuz I won’t be able to OTL 
He’s also a bit of a mess in all the right ways though. Like when he forgot to run back to the extended stage for the rest of ‘ 나야나’. He’s adorable, a man after my heart ><
Jaehwannnnnn! Those vocals are AMAZING! They had him singing the beginning of ‘너의 이름을’ without a backtrack and wow, just wow. I can still hear it, it’s so good ><
He was on the left side briefly and was super adorable ;;
So. Daniel. Idk if I can write this without sounding like a mess >< Unfortunately for me, he was also on the right side a lot. So I didn’t get to see him much until the end.
The white confetti at end was INTENSE! I legit thought I almost swallowed some x.x But that was when Daniel walked by and my heart probably stopped momentarily. He was making hearts and what not in my area and it was all so much that I don’t even remember if I made a heart back (I think I did) He just... he’s just...wow o///o
Also somehow, during most of the concert, Daniel’s position was in such a way where, from my vantage point, everyone’s heads framed him so that I could see him clearly ;A; He was probably the one I saw performing the most cuz he was the only one I could see. Daniel’s stage presence is no joke.
I could talk about Daniel’s visuals but I would be a puddle by the end so I won’t ><” I will say that he has a very cool and chill presence to himself. I was a little surprised, but in a good way ^^
Jihoon is a soft child, can I adopt him?! He’s trying so hard to be manlier but it’s making him cuter and it’s so adorable. You know what else is adorable? The bullet below.
I believe that it was during "Always" Jihoon was right in front of me, and I decided to do "내 마음 속에 저장". He was looking directly at me, saw it, and stopped for a second. Maybe he was thinking if he should do it back after promising he wouldn't anymore? Whatever it was his expression was cute xD After a second he finally waved at me >< It was adorable af, like my heart couldn't handle >///< (I AM BOLDING THIS BECAUSE IT WAS SO FREAKING CUTE)
Woojin was also super sweet ;A; He was waving to a lot of fans on the left side and he really looked like he was having fun ;;
Oh and the 2Park dance solo was sooooo good. All of the dance solos were good tbh >< I just can’t comment much cuz it was hard to see ;;
Baejinnnnn ;A; omg... I call him my son a lot, and tbh, after seeing him in person, I feel even prouder of him ;; he spent a lot of time on my side of the stage and was in front of me a couple of times. He was waving to everyone and I think we made eye contact a couple of times. Jinyoung... he really has a very gentle look in his eyes and a gentle aura overall ;; the sweestest boy. ;;
This being said, he was also smack dab right in front of me during the ‘보여’ and... okay Jinyoung, okay O.O He did really well >< Idk what else to say. He’s like my kid ><
Daehwi was so sweet ;A; he spoke in English I believe for the entirety of the concert. >< he also would crouch down and interact with fans ;; Such a sweet boy ;;
Guanlin!!! you guys... that blond hair actually looks really good. I’m always concerned with blond hair, but he looked great! And his dance solo was also nice! ;; He also spoke in english a lot ^^
Equally Important Highlights 
I arrived at about 11am and it wasn't too bad for most lines. The longest line by that time was VIP. I then proceeded to hand out my freebie chibis (thank you everyone that picked one up!) which ended up drawing a larger crowd than expected (sorry staff of the event center! ;;) It was a lot of fun meeting everyone! ya'll were so adorable and hearing ppl call my art cute is... idk how to handle it. I wasn't used to those types of compliments ;;
Also I was so excited to hear people asking for all of the members equally. Like oftentimes it feels like certain members have more fans, but hearing ppl ask for all of them, I... I feel so happy ;;
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Thanks to Kim for taking a pic of these for me, cuz your girl goofed and didn’t do it before the concert and they were gone in like 30 mins ><”
Speaking of... I met Kim @nothingwithoutwannaone​, and she is the sweetest. We headed out for some lunch the following day cuz why not XD I had so much fun chilling with you ;; Let me know if you’re ever in the LA area!
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I also got to meet @hopesdreamsandalatte and @maybe-spring and they were sooooo cute ;A; I felt like a big sister (which, most probably don’t know, but I’m the baby of my family) so I really wanted to take care of them. They were so full of energy tho, and by that time I was kind of running low on it from being outside for almost 8 hours at that point. So thank you, the both of you for giving me energy again. ^^
I ended up getting a handful of freebies, some of which I ended up in line for accidentally. Like  was standing there and all of a sudden a line would form. My freebie luck was strangely good.. mostly for Ong freebies XD I also got to meet the site masters for WeddingDate and PickOngUp. They were so nice ;;  I also bought a banner from HereToday ;; I unfortunately did not get anything for Daniel because they all went pretty fast ><
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Everything on the left was freebies. The items on the right are the slogan pack I bought ^^
So in the end, I had a ton of fun and met a ton of cool people. Wanna One is the group that’s gotten me back into KPop, so thank you to everyone for making the concert a lot of fun! ^^
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arishamod · 7 years
Arisha’s 3rd Fan Meeting Experience
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As many of you have seen from my updates, I finally had the chance to see Arisha live at her Fan Meeting, which happened on 16 July 2017. Here is a small report of what I could remember and my spaghetti on everything that happened!
More under the cut~
(Warning a lot of spaghetti/random fanboying happened while I was typing out this post...)
Day 1 & 2
Let’s start with the trip~ I flew from Singapore to Japan on a 7 hours Singapore Airlines Flight. Rather enjoyable flight since it was SIA and I was with my Dia neso : >.
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On day 2 I did a little shopping in Akiba on the second day, buying UOs and Mari nesos for the SG squad :3 Kinda regretted after someone showed me how easy it was to get them from crane games... But meh I’m not paying for most of the nesos anyway :3
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Arisha 3rd Fan Meet
I woke up and saw a tweet about fans queuing at at 7am and i knew i wont be able to secure Arisha Merchandise ):. So i went out with the rest who were in Tokyo on that day at Akiba. We went around looking at merchandise at Kbooks.
After having lunch, Fotc, Nozoheh and Astrobunny (from the /r/ll discord) went to the Sega cafe while i went back to my hotel first since i have forgotten my money that i left aside for the merchandise in my hotel (and since the venue was really nearby too). I went down to the venue early at 4pm for the sales of the goods and it was crowded AF. 
Flower stands:
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Here are the merchandise i managed to grab:
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I waited a while for Fotc (who was my plus 1) and we went in together and i was really, REALLY EXCITED. THE KIND OF EXCITEMENT WHICH MAKES YOU WANT TO THROW (or maybe it was just me being super nervous meeting my #1 favourite). Once the lights deemed and Arisha started announcing her fan meeting was about to begin, everyone went crazy!
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When she came on stage, my heart skipped so many beats x.x SHE WAS IN A PINK DRESS AND HAD BRAIDS THAT ENDED IN TWINTAILS OMGOSH! She immediately started singing “Natsu Matsuri” ( 夏祭り ) and we started going along with the chants and waving our Kingblades. Some of them even broke UOs the moment she came out (which i regret not bringing TT) Her voice was so good omgosh and the song was sang really well.
She then ended the song and introduced the MC for the day, Maeda-san. He was pretty good, since he was able to lead the conversation and did everything a MC did. They chatted a little, welcomed everyone and moved on to the second song.
(This is how Maeda-san looked like btw)
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Holy sheets the second song! I saw it from the song lists that were leaked from tweets from the first session and already knew what it was. I changed my Kingblade to yellow and followed the calls to “Busters Ready Go!”. It really brought back memories and Arisha's take on the song was so good! Not biased at all! She sang it with some rock in her voice and the chances of that is so rare outside of her fan meets. It was really enjoyable!
Next was sailor moon's " Moonlight Densetsu ". This song really brought about the 90′s vibes LOL. Now that I am thinking about it, the two songs were significant since she mentioned that she started dancing and performing by pursuing two of her favorite shows, the sentai series and sailor moon series. I didn’t know the calls to this song very well (since i never saw it when i was young as my mom never let me near it and the song came out before I was born ) but i knew some of it while researching on Arisha. After that they had a skit segment for Arisha (sad face coz no Q&A). She was to pick out from 4 boxes and perform a small skit based on it. (Imagine the skit segments in Aqours’ Niconama). First box was the theme, second box was the location, the third box was the person, and the last box was what she was doing. There were funny scenes like -Preparing for dance with a male partner while eating leftover food. (She perform the skit where she was dancing and eating at the same time and it was hilarious) -Eating an entire cake at a hospital and getting caught by her Senpai (i forgot the name of the senpai... sorry!)  I either couldn’t remember the rest or i was not able to catch what they were saying. (Sorry im still not great at listening to japanese especially when they were sometimes talking at super speeds for the segment) The segment was fun because she was showing off her acting skills omgosh i almost fainted x.x After that she performed “Seikan Hikou”( 星間飛行 ). I recognised it from Macross but didn’t really know the calls, but it was a pretty fun song to wota to ^^. Once again her voice is really good omgosh the highs (even though her lows are much nicer :x)
She then performed "Platinum”.( プラチナ ). Cardcaptor Sakura! This feels so much like my age group :x (thinking of it we are pretty close in age maybe we can get married)
After the songs there was a present chuusen. Basically it is like a lucky draw where they gave out signed version of her merchandise. She would pull out a number and if it matched your ticket number you can redeem it after the show. 
The highlight of this portion was Arisha encouraging people to shout "YAY" if they got it. (Imagine the same yay she did at Kanshasai Gu~rinpa segment). Someone went "YATTA" and the MC, Maeda-san told him it was YAY and everyone laughed when he was asked to YAY instead LOL. After that she perform her "last" song, “Touch” (タッチ)  and ended the performance. But those in the second session knew about the song list anyway so we chanted for an encore. 
She came back for an encore!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. She was in this skirt and her Arisha Happi over her shirt (im sure this picture came from the 1st session though cause her hair...)
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The last two songs she performed was still the most lit. “ Cruel Angel's Thesis”   (残酷な天使のテーゼ ) from Evangelion was so hyped and her voice was so amazing! She did her own version though :x
The last song she did was “Lion” (ライオン)   and omgosh even though her voice waver at some parts, her take on the song and her energy while singing it was soooooo good. The best way to end it off! After that we had post encore MC and she ended it off with group photo taking. She took pictures with 3 different part of the crowd. Each separated by pillars at the venue. She really is the dorky Arisha that I love cause she keeps YAYYYYY-ing with all of us 
Some random thoughts from the fan meet:
-i was kinda salty cause the venue was an open area except for this three pillars in the middle that blocked the view of those at the back. I was one of the few that had moments where i could not see Arisha TT -The site did mention that there was a female sitting area and males were in the standing area.  There were seats on the second floor that were exclusively female only. When Arisha point or waved at the center portion of the crowd you could actually hear them fangirling from the second level. Arisha talked about the girl only area and then they started to fangirl again. The funny thing is that the guys on the first floor felt left out were imitating them and screaming in high pitch voices together with the girls. The MC picked up on it everyone laughed about it.
-Someone collapsed or something happened to them (it was on the other side of the venue so i couldn’t see what happened) during the skit segment and they handled it so professionally, letting the staff take over, taking the opportunity to remind everyone to stay hydrated cause of the weather, and continued on. -When we were taking photos at the end, Arisha took a photo with each section of the crowd from the stage. At the start everyone was cheering for Maeda-san to join them. He reluctantly accepted and Arisha proposed that they take a picture without him, and one together with him. At one point of time after taking a group picture with the center audience, everyone was shouting for Maeda-san to come in and were patronising him. Arisha stood up and reminded everyone that this was her event not Maeda's and everyone laughed. She got jealous in my opinion omgosh so cute
And yeah that is the end of whatever the hell i could remember from the event! (well... I blanked out a lot cause I couldn’t believe Arisha was in front and her beauty and her voice and ane’fglkasdpgd)
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xladymalice · 7 years
Frequently asked Questions & Answers
Most frequently asked Questions & Answers
Since I heard that some of you are mobile users only, I decided to copy this into an ordinary post. But I might not edit this one all that much…
So yeah, I hope it helps you cookies :)
- - -  I do not take requests. I sometimes react to suggestions, but don’t expect me do draw it - - -
How can I call you? Mali… Mali is fine. Some go by “M'lady”, but I prefer Mali :)
Can I call you senpai? Please no… that’s just wrong.
Pronouns? She/her
When is your birthday? 8th April
Where are you from? Germany.
What languages do you speak? German, english and russian (only speaking and some reading) Oh yeah, I can read a little bit french :D
Where do you work? I won’t talk about private stuff :) So please accept that.
Private stuff? Nop, I won’t answer them, if I don’t want to.
I’d like to talk to you but I am so shy…. Don’t be. I always try to respond everyone who writes me. Sometimes I need time for that…. sometimes I reply at once. It really doesn’t matter, but I do reply and I am always kind :)
What tools do you use? Mouse and my Wacom Intous Pen -graphic tablet. I also draw a lot of traditional stuff. Pen and Paper ftw.
Programs? Photoshop Elements 7(yes.), Clip Studio Paint, Sai, Manga Studio Debut 4.0
You’re so talented! I’m not… honestly. I’ve been drawing for 10 years now, it’s all practise. And I stopped drawing alot… losing motivation and strength for it.
Arts School? Arts profession? Nop, all self-taught. No arts profession here.
You’re being rude… I’m sassy, I’m rude and I’m honest. Deal with it.
How did you learn to draw??
Do you stream? Sometimes…. rarely… Here
Swapfell Dawn is my AU and my take on on the term “Swapfell” and has nothing to do with it’s original creator Kkhopangg(KH) or Fellswap.
The comics I’m doing use the base of my AU. They are different to the popular versions and their story and personality belong to me. I was inspired by other artists on their design, but I developed them all alone.
Do you have a masterlist for Swapfell Dawn/Sympathy? Yes, but it’s only available for PC users… I am too lazy to make an extra post that I have to update too… sorry.
My Swapfells are inspired by yours! Credit always the person with the original idea. I also stated that KH had the original idea. But I didn’t know them back then and just started a story with the term “Swapfell = A Swap that fell”
I love the swapfells because of you! You are the Creator of Swapfell for me! I feel very, very honored about this statement, but it’s wrong in some way. The first idea was given by KH and I don’t want to take their title. And I don’t want people to force to take it. But I am very happy that I could make this AU interesting for you. Since that Swapfell/Fellswap debate I am even more determined to call my Swapfells “Sfd!sans aka. Black” and “sfd!papyrus aka Pup”. They belong to the Swapfell Dawn universe that splits from the mainstream line, so I won’t disturb the peace there. Of couse you can see it as your headcanon for Swapfell, I will feel more than honored. After all there was no real plot for them so far and this is just my take on…. Mweh
I want to hug your sfbros! This is a hugfree zone. Please stop sending me asks about that.
I want to hug you! I’m spiky, get the fck away from me. I am picky about hugs D:
Hugs? Never.
I want to hug you/Black/Pup! These asks will be ignored. You can go and hug stripper Jerry.
Can I create my own stories with your Swapfell Dawn boys?
No. Because I am still working on Dawn and I don’t want others to use my idea for them in their stories. If it’s about fanart/fanfictions for my story then it’s okay. But don’t make your own thing with them.
My Swapfell Dawn bois are known as “Black” and “Pup”. Pup calls his Sans “M'lord, sire, lord or Sans”… Black calls him “Mutt, Pap, Papy (special cases), Papyrus or other creative names to degrade him”
Suggestions and HCs for the SFD bois? You can write me about them, but don’t expect me to adapt them :)
You didn’t answer my ask Sorry… sometimes I delay answering stuff and I get honestly a ton more asks than I would’ve dared to imagine…. I love you all but shit… please don’t be mad if I take my time or don’t answer at all…. x.x
That music fits your Sfd!Bois! Feel free to send me stuff! I always listen to it, but I didn’t come to answer the previous suggestions… ahh.. so lazy me…
Is Sympathy on hold? Yes and no…. I will draw it when I feel like it.
Will Sympathy be continued at all? At some later point yes. I won’t stop that project.
When do you update your comics? That depends on my free time and mood. It’s always different. Sometimes I just need breaks….
There are different designs for your SFD!Bois… I change them from time to time. Sometimes depending on what I display and if it happened before or after Sympathy. Sympathy influences the final design of the Swapfell Dawn bois.
Can I call your AU still Swapfell? Yes, but since it’s my Au with MY story, MY design and MY interpretation, I’ve decided to give it an extra name so people won’t get confused about it anymore. I’m not using the design of others anymore.
Do not repost my art/comics without my permission. Do not sell/edit/whatever my art. If you want to have prints, then you can purchase the art and I’ll send you a higher resolution.
Can I use your art as icon? As BG on my Phone/PC…. Yes, but please to credit me. And I don’t mind if you use my stuff as background for your devices! What an honor!
I want to translate your comics…. First write me and get permission. I will talk about this with you.
My art/idea was inspired by yours… Credit me then. Because it’s rude and unfair to state it was your idea all alone. This involves character design, such as using my Swapfell bois as reference.
Can I draw SFD!Sans/SFD!Papyrus/SFD!Muffet/SFD!….? Can I write a fanfiction about them? Yes, sure! I don’t know why you want to do fanart for me, but jfc just do it! I am always happy to see my bois/my AU figures drawn in your style! Why would I not allow it? I love them and if you love them too, then it’s even better! And yes, you can also write fanfictions about my story, my pictures or whatever! Many talented writers already gifted me fantastic short fanfictions! I’ll be more than eager to read them! But sometimes I don’t have that much time, so please don’t be disappointed D:
Just please credit that you used my design/my AU there :D Less confusion for others and respect for me. Please don’t pretend it’s your design/idea, that’s what I wouldn’t like to see. And please don’t forget it’s your creation, so it’s not part of my AU unless I state that it’s an addition for it.
I drew fanart for you! I wrote a fanfiction for you! Just pm me, tag me or whatever, so I can see it. I usually always review stuff I get and comment on it. But don’t expect me to reblog it. It’s my decision after all. And please make sure that people don’t think that your fanfiction or art is part of the actual story, if you do art of it more often :) I tag stuff that belongs to the AUs I am working on.
Can I cosplay your Swapfells? YES!? Just credit my stuff and SHOW ME JFC
Requests? No.
I want a commission! Take a look at my commission page!
I want to support you! Comments, Reblogs, Pms…. I take it all.
I am also a huge fan of reading tags. They are sooooo cool at times.
You can also support me with Hot Chocolate <3</p>
Translation List:
French Translation by @yskmoscanyaoifr
Russian Translator  by forgot their tumblr.. fck xD PM ME Who else did I forget?
How to react if you see my stuff stolen/reuploaded/sold…. First off: Just pm and link me. I will check if I know that guy, talk to them…and if they ignore me then I’ll try to report them or something.  I guess I have to learn to deal with this too. It’s just sad to see how they don’t respect work of others. I mean this happens to every artists. Don’t panic… i I just want people to be honest and some are not…
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