#i feel like i should tag this as among us sus. in principle
*flops onto couch beside you* why do you tag all the things with among us sus i'm curious
hello!!! *couch therapist voice* i wanted to be funny (as you've probably guessed) but it's more than that! i had already been on tumblr for months before i started making and reblogging posts so i was familiar with individual tagging systems. i decided to start a tag for my original posts and my reblogs because i like organization. desperately trying to think of the most confusing and hilarious only to me tag possible, i stumbled on maybe the vaguest connection between "reblogging post" and "among us sus" possible. basically among us sus = suspicious imposter = person who is not me = reblogging posts. it's unclear whether the person i'm reblogging from is the imposter for showing up on my blog as not me, or if i am for putting the post on my blog without creating it. i really need to revamp my tagging system for organization purposes but also for more chances to be silly..... maybe i can just spontaneously start tagging things with no notice. yeah good plan
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