#i feel like i've linked shitty first drafts on a different ask game specifically an ask you sent
igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
19 !!! 37 !!!! 14 !!!!
!!!!! hi jess!!! thanks for stopping by with questions *and* exclamation marks how fun!!!
19. first line of a wip you're working on? ohhoho okay technically legally i'm not working on this bc i told myself i wouldn't until i've finished some other things but also the first page of this fic dropped into my head the other day so here ya go:
Ashton had known he was going to die for love since he was seven years old.
37. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you? so i have never read the book this selection is from, but my mom has and she passed it along to me when i was in high school and it shaped the way i write rather dramatically and that is anne lamott on shitty first drafts. now, admittedly, the end of her first paragraph has been thoroughly debunked for me since i started getting involved in the 5sos fanfic world since apparently several of the writers here write brilliant first drafts and i don't hate them so. it was, i will admit, a revelation that dealt a healthy blow to both my ego and my confidence but! i have (mostly) moved on. but basically the thing about this passage that helped me the most is that most writers, out there in the original fiction world (and still i would guess the majority of the fic world) write really terrible first drafts, just truly awful ones! but that's okay bc you (general you of everyone except those who don't do multiple drafts) pick yourself up and use that shitty first draft to write a better second draft and you keep going until you've got a piece of work you can stand behind and be proud of. and the shittiness of your first draft or the amount of drafts it takes for you to get to the final one is not a mark of how good or bad a writer you are, the only thing that shows that is the final draft and how you refused to let yourself get knocked down, refused to settle for less than whatever you reached in the final version. the selection says a bunch of other good things so here's a free pdf of it i found on google.
14. what’s the most research you ever put into a book? okay so full disclosure i absolutely hate research and will do almost everything i can to avoid doing it (if you're ever wondering why something is vague in a fic it's bc i cba to look into what it'd actually be in detail lol) i did do a fair amount of research for if i bleed you'll be the last to know for the whole stitching up (i also got into an in-depth conversation with my brother about the way a bullet wound works and what sort of gun would produce the kind of injury i wanted) so maybe that? i have done a lot of research cumulatively for tis the damn fic and i do anticipate doing a lot more once i reach certain plot points so at the end of it all that may be the one i research the most for but also i may just lean heavily on being vague about certain things lol
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