#i feel like it doesn't make sense for cxs to get shot and lg to scream like that
elibean · 1 year
ok so people are saying how the pv is misleading us (and it is) bc qj is wearing his bulletproof vest when he shoots cxs, but not in the beginning of the pv; thus, cxs is fine. and like, ofc cxs is fine, they'd never kill off a main character, buuuuut the scene distinctly cuts in the pv after they show him with the vest. there's no guarantee that those scenes take place one after another...
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pollocamis · 1 year
So. Everyone seems to agree that Dive Back in Time is from CXS's POV, but I don't really think so?
Bear with me
(spoilers after the cut)
And THAT's where I think the song is no longer meant to be in CXS's POV. I think it never was tbh, but it was always LG's song. I'm no interpreter (God I wish I was one of the theorists of Tumblr) so I'll just go through a few obvious points in order through the lyrics.
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"Without you, I don't know if I could take this road", "if only I had got it right before". While I think everything screams LG's POV these are the main-sentences in this part. W now know LG really cannot take "this road" (the timeline he was in) without CSX by his side. And the second one shows he's prolly very regretful for letting CXS die. Foreshadowing to it being his fault maybe? Hope not!!!
I'm not talking about the "chase you to the end of the world" lines, bc they're obvious enough. Come on.
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So... haha I hope it's not a surprise I'm a shiguang shipper.
Moving on: these lines are the main reason I thought the song is LG's. While the line "I'm always late to my fate" is kinda CXS coded (he's late to dying bc LG keeps saving him haha get it), the rest just screams LG and his silent love (be it wtv kind of love. Like even if you don't ship it you can't deny he loves him in some way. Would you rip the literal fabric of time and reality for someone you don't love).
"Here's to all the mistakes I never made" is pretty on the nose: he's gone back and fixed the stuff that caused CXS's death node to appear.
Now, the part that made me clarify I'm a shipper: "If it ain't for your misguided taste, I'd turn out so ordinary, fabulously un-addictively bore out my own brain". We all know LG's considered to be the more stoic rational one of the pair, and has probably always been like this. I believe CSX entering his life had such a big effect on him, he actually relaxed in some way or smth. I do not know the words to express this properly in English nor do I have any evidence of this, so I hope it makes enough sense.
Now this doesn't have to mean anything for the ship but I like being delusional.
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I believe he's saying this words to CXS when he's dead. He's probably like "well, I know I told you you shouldn't be messing with time and I'm gonna be a hypocrite but don't feel sorry for me I'm fine with anything as long as you're alive" (hence "I'll love where I'm going now"). " 'Cause I'm about to lose my mind" is simply him going apeshit for CXS's death to the point where he's decided to go back in time. You can't change my mind have you SEEN THE ANGER IN THIS DUDE WHEN CXS GOT SHOT ISTG-
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I know I said I was going in order and then left the chorus for the end but this screenshot has the last chorus so it counts :)
I think this is the main reason ppl believe it's meant to be CXS, and this is probably meant to be deceitful. We didn't know Lu Guang could go back in time after all, so it made it seem like it was CXS's words. Especially with "something secretive hidden inside your mind", which I don't truly have a theory for tehehe. But let's get back on track.
"All the heartaches and the smiles never faded, I know you'll be by my side when we make it" kinda seems like LG's telling that everything is fine after he's gone back, doesn't it? He's rewound CXS's existence, wich got him back to happy times; but he hasn't really moved on. His heart still hurts when he remembers what's gonna happen.
"I know you'll be by my side when we make it" is simply him being hopeful that the whole going-back-in-time plan will work. And maybe foreshadow to a happy ending? (please)
I probably didn't add anything new but I need to rant about this show a little bit 'cus i'm about to lose my mind *wink wink*
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