#i feel like lilith unfortunately has to listen to eve rant and vent a lot
edenpoise · 6 months
why are you doing all of this ? - also from lilith, for the revengeful wrath verse. c: hello!
⁽ @gctchell ⁾ ― : meme. from here .
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E . ― IT WAS ALMOST LAUGHABLE HOW A SIMPLE QUESTION COULD INVOKE SUCH FESTERING EMBERS. as if she didn't know, as if she wasn't a direct cause towards her own undoing. eve could barely settle her expression from morphing to portray those inner feelings. no. she was better than that. BLACKENED eyes stared down at the once proud figure- the ( first woman ) hellish queen that stepped the line of being pitiful &. pathetic. " you're ignorance knows no bounds, lilith. "
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her voice betrays her expression. a disgust leaking from the tone as chains rattled and looped- tendrils of blacken threads tightened their VICIOUS hold. it kept the powerful monarch from resistance. it kept eve in control. just they way she liked it. the way it should ALWAYS be, of all people within this wretched world ... she deserved it the most. had she not suffered for CENTURIES- ? watching the consequences that clung to her sins. the constant belittle within the time of history. everything heaving on her shoulders- had she not earned this right alone to finally get what she d e s e r v e s? it was long overdue ... and simply enough ... lilith was simply a key in this all. eve would bend- fingers hooking underneath the sharp chin of the elder woman, eyes blazing as they locked together, " but that's not you're fault ... my true HATRED doesn't lie with you ... but unfortunately for you- you married a man that ruined me. " a otherworldly being who's words brought temptation into a peaceful garden where it was never meant to be. for consequences to weigh so heavily. for years she had blamed herself, but why continue such actions when truly- how could she N O T blame the one responsible for introducing her to such possibilities? he had to know the consequences, what would happen to her- to her f a m i l y.
did lilith have to suffer the sight of her children fighting?? did lilith have to witness the fruits of her labour fall to ruin and rot?? DID LILITH HAVE TO WATCH HER ELDEST CHILD MURDER THEIR SIBLING- eve takes a breath, eyes closed for a moment before she straightened herself. she managed to bring the looming smile back to her lips, her eyes flickering with satisfaction. she was close to her goal now, lilith was with her- lucifer was suffering. soon heaven shall follow with that ruin- the path of right and wrong would become so blurred one could barely tell what the line was. and eve shall once again obtain that peaceful place in the light. " i'm doing what i need to. simple as that. "
it was a swift turn on her heel- the once dim gem upon her neck gleamed a faint g l o w. her skin turning a pale purple- her hair curling and draping further to her feet. a blonde hue taking over the colors of auburn. eve turns towards lilith, the woman's own visage staring back at her with her eased smile,
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" it's my turn to find my happiness. "
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